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Standard 1.

4: Diffusion of Innovations and Change

Research, recommend, and implement strategies for initiating and sustaining technology
innovations and for managing the change process in schools

For this artifact, there was a lot of background work to complete before it was ready to
implement. The context behind this artifact is that my school cluster formed a vertical
technology team to improve and standardize appropriate technology integration. We began this
initiative by selecting two teachers at our school to pilot using a Chromebook in their
classrooms. They were tasked with implementing innovative instructional strategies that utilize
the additional technology. They were given these Chromebooks for the duration of the “pilot”
and they were allowed to keep them after the trial period. Since these teachers were not
particularly tech savvy but they were eager and willing to learn, I was able to put my coaching
skills into action.

This artifact demonstrates my mastery of this standard because I was able to implement a
specific task that would initiate technology innovations the classroom of two teachers at first.
One of the teachers would be considered an early adopter and the other would be considered
early majority. By starting this initiative with only two teachers, we created a buzz in the
building because other teachers were eager to know what they could do to have extra technology
in their room. Implementing this pilot in this way was intentional and strategy I learned about
through my research on successful instructional technology coaches. Furthermore, this artifact
demonstrates my mastery because I was able to conduct coaching sessions for these two pilot
teachers. This artifact includes information from coaching sessions with one of those teachers. I
was able to recommend instructional technologies that would support his instructional
strategies. Participating in the coaching sessions over time allowed me to conduct research on
creative ways to implement limited instructional technology

This artifact was one of my favorite experiences during my time at Kennesaw State
University. I learned how to recognize the characteristics of a good instructional technology
coach while practice my ability to support my colleagues. During this creation of this artifact, I
was able to learn about different innovative instructional technology implementation strategies.
This was important to my development as an instructional technology coach because it required
me to find the best strategy to support the need of a teacher. Ideally, this would be a large portion
of my day as an instructional technology coach.

The work that went into the development of this artifact significantly impacted faculty
development for these teachers. At the end of the pilot they were able to seek creative
approaches to limited instructional technology implementation. Doing this frequently, these
teachers were able to build their repository of strategies that they can use in their classrooms and
that they can share with their teams. The impact of this can be assessed through the observation
of continued use of instructional technology in the classroom of these teachers who now seek
new technology on their own. Additionally, they share the tools and strategies they use with their
teams which expands the impact this experience had on the whole school.

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