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RRL | Hagilap

Republic Act 9165

Republic Act 9165 otherwise known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 provides
guidelines to further control the proliferation of illegal drug activities in the country.

Under this act, the Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) still remains as the policy-making and strategy-
formulating body in planning and formulation of policies and program on drug prevention and control
(Elemia, 2016).

Article 9, Section 77 of the law states that the DDB “shall develop and adopt a comprehensive,
integrated, unified and balanced national drug abuse prevention and control strategy (Elemia, 2016).

The law also created the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), which serves as the implementing
arm of the DDB, and is automatically part of its 17 members.

Memorandum Circular No. 98-227

To further strengthen RA 9165 and to support the campaign against drugs, Department of Interior and
Local Government (DILG) issued Memorandum Circular No.98-227 which mandate the creation of
Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Councils (BADAC) at all levels of local government units and provided its
duties and functions (Manarpis, 2012).

BADAC Policy
The BADAC, as a specially created office, is an adequate facility which take the lead in the prevention and
control of drug abuse in the city and suburbs. It serves as a repository of statistical data, information and
reports on drug users, abusers and pushers coming from other law enforcement units, the barangays,
other LGUs and NGOs.

BADAC Composition

BADACs are led by the Barangay Captain (Punong Barangay) and the Barangay Chairman of the Peace
and Order Council. The additional membership of BADACs varies somewhat according to each LGU, but is
generally comprised of local government executives, NGOs, and religious representatives. Reporting to
the BADAC leadership are the Operations and Advocacy committees, each with their respective duties
(Lischin, 2018).

BADAC Operations Commitee

The Operations Committee is responsible for compiling reports of “users, pusher, financiers, and/or
protectors of the illegal drug trade,” to be sent to the Municipal and City ADACs, in addition to the PNP.
Prior to anti-drug operations, the Operations Committee is responsible for briefing PNP and Philippine
Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) authorities, conducting administrative searches of suspects’ premises,
witnessing PNP/PDEA operations, preserving evidence, and reporting after-action reports of drug-
clearing operations to ADACs and DILG field offices (Lischin, 2018).

BADAC Advocacy Commitee

The Advocacy committee is responsible for maintaining relations between the BADAC, PNP/PDEA, and
the community by such methods as organizing an award/commendation system for citizens reporting
drug suspects, and organizing livelihood programs for former addicts and pushers (Lischin, 2018).

Elemia, C. (2016, August 31). The dangers of the Dangerous Drugs Act. Retrieved from

Lischin, L. (2018, April 14). Duterte’s Drug War: The Local Government Dimension. Retrieved from

Manarpis, L. (2012, July 12). Unified Actions Against Illegal Drugs and Other Substances: Revitalizing the
Anti-Drug Abuse Councils. Retrieved from https://www.scribd.com/doc/99888596/DILG-Presentation-

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