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Arthur Vincent E.

Ballesteros 1E2
Painting #1


Date visited: October 13, 2019

Mother and Child is painted by Joe Cristobal. This painting is

found in Silahis Center inside Intramuros. The medium used to
paint this art is oil paint on canvas with a size of 22” x 26”. They
used realism in this painting because of its realistic details. The
painting doesn’t show any unnatural or supernatural objects in
the art. This shows a mother holding her baby with a dark
background. It looks like they are in a dark room with a small
window where the light comes from. The mother is looking at her
baby with joy and love while the baby is gazing blankly.

I think the message here is how mothers love their children. No

matter how hard life is, mothers will never fail to take care and
love their children. The light represents hope for the both of
them and the darkness represents the obstacles or
inconveniences that exist in this world. The way that the woman
holds her child exhibits genuine love and care. This painting tells
us to love our mothers because they would do anything and
everything for us to give us the best life they can offer and to be
comfortable and happy.

Painting #2


Date visited: October 13, 2019

The Flight of Sarimanok is painted by Jun Alfon. This painting is

also being displayed in Silahis Center. It was painted using
acrylic on canvas with the size of 36” x 48”. The style used in
this painting is post modernism. The painting used unnatural
color and painterly brushstrokes. The artist utilized the use of
color in order to evoke emotions. The colors and strokes of the
painting define the post impressionism style. The chicken holding
a fish that is being showed in the painting is called ‘Sarimanok’.
This is a legendary bird of the Maranao people from Mindanao.
Sari means cloth and manok means chicken. The sarimanok
symbolizes good fortune. The painting’s background is a pattern
of blue and red wave strokes. The blue strokes symbolize the sky
while the red strokes symbolize the ‘good fortune’.

The painting reminds us the story of the sarimanok. It tells us

about how love can affect one’s character. This is a story about
Raja Indarapatra and the Maranao moon goddess. Every Friday
they come down to earth but Raja used the sarimanok as means
of transportation to join the goddess in her realm.

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