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closing, so this class is the only chance I have to

Student Academic complete my homework.”

Assistance If a student is busy with sports or work, they will, in

many cases, not have any time to study for an
By: Nick Gamache assessment the next day. Many students have to juggle
studying with their outside life and will often sacrifice
sleep, which is one of the most important things for a
student to get. In fact, “according to a policy statement
from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in
2014: ​A National Sleep Foundation panel concluded
last year that adolescents need eight to 10 hours of
sleep a night, yet nearly two-thirds of 17-year-olds
report sleeping less than seven hours a night”. ​When
students are in this class, they can devote the whole
period to studying if they need to. “I can finally sleep at
night,'' says NSHS senior, Nathan Masi. NSHS also plans
on implementing a tutor system that students can
Along with many other changes to NSHS this year, the utilize! With this system, students can get the extra
class “Student Academic Assistance” was added to the help that they need at school, without the hassle of
roster. NSHS now provides its students with a class finding and paying an after school tutor. They may also
period where they have flexibility in how they choose feel more willing to seek help from a peer than they
to utilize their time. This class provides students with would an adult.
the opportunity of getting work done at school, which
they otherwise would not have had time to complete. Every student needs a break in the day. When students
Students can also collaborate in the library or take an go from class to class, their brain starts to get tired and
online class. they don’t perform as well. This is especially true when
they have multiple assessments in a row. With this
Everyone knows how stressful high school be, and class, students can have a mental break from one
assessment, and prepare for the next. Seniors can also
depending on people’s classes that they take, they can
end up with hours of homework every night. NSHS use this class to get field work done for Senior Project,
senior, Lonán Kennedy, says, “I get my homework if the period happens to fall at the beginning or the
done more often” and this has led to higher grades. end of the day.
With this class, students have a decent chunk of time
to get some homework done at school. Students Personally, I am grateful to be given the opportunity to
involved with any sports, especially the ones that meet select Student Academic Assistance on my schedule. I,
frequently, have had a difficult time participating in along with many other students, have been able to
sports and getting all their work done in the past. take advantage of the countless benefits this class
Many students also have jobs, which also take a large provides. Whether it's studying or doing work, this
portion of a student’s day after school. These students class provides me with just the time that I was
are now able to take Honors and AP classes, and still previously craving. I believe this year will be the best
manage to get all their homework done, which this year of high school just because of the time this class
class allows them to do. NSHS Senior, Audrey Issa, provides me. Thank you NSHS administration for this
stated, “I come to school and work after school until class, and I hope that students in years to come will
also be able to reap the benefits of this class.

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