Assalamu'Alaikum Wr. WB: Excellency: Mr. Tito Isra' Mir'raj Rahman Hakim As The Erector of EFEC Collaboration 2019

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Excellency : Mr. Ahmad Yahya Surya Winata as the third Deputy of Dean, Economic
and Business Faculty.

Excellency : Mr. Tito Isra’ Mir’raj Rahman Hakim as the erector of EFEC
Collaboration 2019.

Respectable : Mr. Najib Mutammam as the Governor of Economic and Business


Respectable : Mr. Bayu Wicaksono as the President of EFEC 2019.

Respectable : Mr. Mochammad Kriswandi and Mr. Maftukhan as the adjudicators of

speech competition.

Honorable : The entire chief of ORMAWA in Economic and Business Faculty.

Unforgettable : All participants of English Festival, especially the speech competition,

and all committees of EFEC Collaboration 2019 whom I love.

Good Morning ladies and gentleman, my name is Alif Rizal Luthfir Rahman, and
my name is Ega Feprilia Qur’ani. It is a wonderful and precious chance for us to be
your Master and Miss of Ceremony in this beautiful morning on Saturday, 12th of
October 2019 in the series of English Festival Events: “Speech Competition”.

First of all, let’s say Thanks to Allah SWT, who has been giving us guidance,
happiness, healthy, and mercy, so we can attend and participate in this event without
any obstacles. May Sholawat and salam always be given to our prophet Muhammad
SAW, the last messenger and his family, the best figure of this universe, the person who
was able to guide us from Jahiliyah era to the lightness, namely Islam.

On this special morning, we have several agendas, so allow me to read the several
sequences of our agenda:

1. The first agenda is the opening

2. The second agenda is Reciting the Holy Qur’an
3. The third agenda is Singing the National Anthem and Mars UTM
4. The fourth agenda is the speeches
5. The last agenda is closing and prayer.

1. Well ladies and gentleman, to take advantage of the time, let’s start this
agenda by reciting "Basmallah" together.
2. Ladies and gentlemen, now we step on to the following agenda, which is
reciting the holy Qur’an, who will be recited by our brother, Mr. Ivansha
Dhani Ferdiawan. To Mr. Ivansha Dhani Ferdiawan, time is yours. (Wait
until finish) Thank you very much to Mr. Ivansha Dhani Ferdiawan who has
recited the Holy Qur’an for us, May Allah Always gives us Guidance and
help. Amen.
3. Ladies and gentleman, now we move to the third agenda. The third agenda
is singing the National Anthem, Indonesia Raya and Mars UTM, who will
be led by our sister, Mrs. Dewi Rohmatul Umma. To Mrs. Dewi Rohmatul
Umma, the floor is yours. (Wait until the Kapellmeister is on her position)
the audience please stand up (Wait until the song is over) the audience
please sit down. Thank you very much for Mrs. Dewi Rohmatul Umma.
4. - Ladies and gentleman, now let’s keep on to the next agenda, which is
Speeches. The first speech will be delivered by the Project Officer of
English Festival 2019. To Mr. Ahmad Ma’ruf Hidayat, please time is yours.
(Wait until finish) Thank you very much to Mr. Ahmad Ma’ruf Hidayat for
the speech.

- The second speech will be delivered by the President of EFEC 2019. To

Mr. Bayu Wicaksono, please time is yours. (Wait until finish) Thank you
very much to Mr. Bayu Wicaksono for the speech.

- Now the third speech will be delivered by the Governor of Economic and
Business faculty. To Mr. Najib Mutammam, please time is yours. (Wait
until finish) Thank you very much to Mr. Najib Mutammam for the speech.

- And the last Speech will be delivered by Mr. Ahmad Yahya Surya Winata
as the third deputy of dean. To Mr. Ahmad Yahya Surya Winata, please time
is yours. (Wait until finish) Thank you very much to Mr. Ahmad Yahya
Surya Winata for the speech, may it useful especially for all of us.

5. Well ladies and gentleman, now we reach the last agenda as the final agenda,
which is closing and praying by Mr. Ivansha Dhani Ferdiawan. To Mr.
Ivansha Dhani Ferdiawan, please time is yours. (Wait until finish)

Ladies and gentleman, after we finished the agenda one by one, now let’s
close this agenda by reciting Hamdallah together.

Finally, from the deepest of our heart as the master and miss of ceremony, we do
apologize for our mistakes in presenting this event. Thank you very much for your
kind attention and...


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