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probably more prevalent. In places where crops or arable

land is scarce, however, a tavern may serve fermented goat’s
milk, cactus juice, or even more exotic drinks.
It’s an understatement to say that the tavern is a staple But why stop there? Perhaps a tavern stocks truly
location in the fantasy genre. It’s the perfect place for unusual or rare drinks crafted from unique plants or
the PCs to meet up, conduct business, and wind down even monsters. A tavern along a swampy track may distill
after an adventure. Shady characters abound in taverns a special liquor from ambulatory plant creatures, which
and all manner of activities, legal or otherwise, can take gives it a potent kick. Depending on how prevalent magic
place beneath their smoke-filled ceilings. Unfortunately, is in your campaign, it’s even possible that a tavern has
the tavern’s ubiquity is such that players may treat it an alchemist on staff who dabbles in the creation of
as something of a running joke. Unless you’re willing remarkably strong, tasty, or even dangerous drinks.
to inject some variation into your taverns, the PCs will Drinks could be carbonated or f laming, could have an
continually run into the same staple of surly bartenders, outward effect on imbibers (such as turning a drinker’s
busty barmaids, and drunken patrons itching to get into a hair blue), or could contain mild (or not so mild)
brawl at the drop of a hat. hallucinogenic ingredients.
This chapter looks at ways to add some variety into your
campaign’s taverns, inns, and restaurants, making them Food
into memorable experiences that can liven up the phrase Many taverns, and certainly most inns, offer food
“So, you all meet in a tavern...” to their customers. As with drinks, menus typically
consist of local fare, although more upscale restaurants,
SERVICES particularly those in urban settings, may offer food from
By definition, a tavern is a business where customers can farther away—ranging from mildly unusual dishes from
purchase alcoholic beverages. Sounds simple enough, the barony a few leagues away to exotic dishes from the
right? But just as with modern bars, a fantasy tavern can farthest reaches of the globe. See page 159 in the Pathfinder
be far more than just a place to get a f lagon of ale. Defining RPG Core Rulebook for different types of common meals
what characters can find within a particular tavern goes a and their prices.
long way toward giving the place a unique feel. Offering exotic or bizarre food on a menu is another
great way to make a tavern or inn more memorable. The
Setting and Quality players will quickly forget the tavern that just serves
One of the first aspects to determine is what sort of setting a mutton, but they will probably remember the inn that
tavern presents. Is it small and cramped, with greasy smoke serves poached drake eggs in firebrandy sauce.
obscuring the faces of the patrons? Perhaps it’s enormous,
with vaulted ceilings and multiple fireplaces providing Entertainment
light and f lame for slowly-roasting boars on spits. You Taverns primarily serve local customers, and the best
can also play against stereotype and have a clean and well- way to keep them coming back is to provide some form
appointed country inn in an otherwise destitute area, or of entertainment while they quaff their beer and dine on
a worn and spartan tavern, with merely a bench or two to mutton or quail. While a simple singing minstrel is the
sit upon, in a wealthy part of town. Consider that in some stereotype, a tavern could also host a full band of musicians
places, a tavern may very well be the only entertainment or possibly even a house band.
around, meaning that most of its regular patrons might If the tavern is large enough, it may boast a small stage,
consider it a second home and treat it accordingly. allowing plays or other performances. Given the prevalence
Table 7–32: Unique Tavern Traits table on page 200 can of magic, small-time illusionists can perform their coin
be used to give a tavern, inn, or restaurant some unusual tricks with full visual and auditory displays. Bards can tell
f lavor. Roll 1d3 different traits or simply choose a trait or tales of old or create new stories on the f ly.
two from the list. Remember that tastes in entertainment vary wildly
from place to place. One town’s tavern may boast extremely
Drinks bawdy songs and “performances” that would make even a
The vast majority of taverns serve drinks (whether alcoholic barbarian blush, while other, more conservative areas may
or not) made from local ingredients. In a temperate climate, restrict entertainment to hymns or morality plays. Taverns
wheat, hops, and barley are the most likely ingredients, and inns often serve as convenient sites for prostitution,
and a tavern in such an area probably serves beer and ales. either from among its clientele or as a service of the
If bees are present, mead is another option. In more arid establishment itself. Such services can be either open or
locales, grapes are more likely to grow well, and wine is covert, depending on the tavern’s location.
Bedding the staff and the facilities than those of a watering hole in
With the possible exception of a back bedroom used by a major city that caters to travelers or transients who come
the owner, taverns generally do not provide rooms to their in for a single drink or bit of business and never return.
patrons (the exception being taverns that also tolerate Remember that not every tavern should be the headquarters
prostitution). Inns, of course, make their income by of the local thieves’ guild—farmers, craftsmen, merchants,
providing a place for people to sleep for the night. Even and even nobles all come to taverns just to have a drink or
then, the quality of an inn dictates the privacy and comfort two and fraternize with their fellow citizens.
of its rooms. Poor quality inns offer little more than a spot
on the f loor or possibly a large, straw-filled mattress in Describing Personalities
a communal room with other patrons. Average inns have While every staff member of patron might not need a
individual rooms capable of hosting two people in a single full stat block, it’s a good idea to come up with a list of
shared bed. Superior inns have private rooms, often with personality types and quirks and assign them to the
an adjoining antechamber, sitting room, or balcony. characters that the PCs engage with. Merely adding a
lisp to the bartender or giving the waitress a severe limp
Other Amenities while she hobbles around the tavern with numerous
Taverns and inns serve as the focal points of most full tankards of ale can go a long way toward making a
communities. The front of a tavern may boast a board with tavern memorable.
wanted posters, local decrees, available jobs, or requests
for help, which the PCs might find of interest. The local
sheriff or constable may use the tavern as second base of
operations, deputizing any able-bodied citizens (or the
PCs) as he sees fit.


Once you’ve determined the services of a tavern or inn,
you need to populate it. Usually it’s not necessary to create
game statistics for the staff or patrons. If your players
have a penchant for starting brawls, however, you can
find stat blocks for some common bar staff and customers
in Chapter 9. To determine what staff and patrons are
working at or patronizing a tavern or inn, use the Tavern
random encounter table on page 213 and adjust the numbers
according to the size of the establishment.

Unless the business is closed, there is always
at least one person running a tavern or inn
(in most cases the owner of the business).
Beyond that, the tavern needs bartenders,
barmen, or barmaids, and, if it serves
food, at least one cook. Most busy
or popular taverns also employ
one or more bouncers to keep the
patrons in line. Depending on the
size of the tavern, however, a single staff member
could fill one or more of these roles—the owner might
tend the bar and cook if necessary, or a barmaid could
break heads if things get out of hand.

Usually, the quality of a tavern or inn defines the type of
people who patronize it. If a tavern serves as the hub of a
community, its patrons are typically far more respectful of
TAVERN TOOLBOX Table 2: Random Tavern Name Generator
Over the course of a campaign, the PCs might seek solace in a d% First Name Second
blur of inns and taverns. But with a little effort and the help of Name
1–2 Blind Cat
the following charts full of details, the PCs may soon develop 3–4 Three Fire
essential stopping places and favorite watering holes. 5­– 6 King’s with Eight Tails
7­– 8 Black Cow
Unique Tavern Traits 9–10 Fearsome Spectacles
11–12 Yew Burnt Down
1–3 Only opens on public holidays 13–14 Maid Minotaur
4–6 In a former church 15–16 Green Hag
7–9 In a former theater 17–18 Blasted Nightcap
10–12 In a farmhouse 19–20 Broken Ankheg
13–15 In a cellar 21–22 Meg’s Chamber
16–18 Partly ruined 23­–24 Donkey Blind Mice
19–21 Stocks or gallows inside 25–26 Five Ale
22–24 Magical lighting that slowly shifts hues 27–28 Dead Honey
25–27 Full of the owner’s dogs 29–30 Jolly Full Moon
28–30 Previous owner is buried in the cellar 31–32 Brass Moon
31–32 Full of cats 33–34 Buxom Rainbow
33–34 Mounted monster head 35–36 Six Storm Clouds
35–36 Haunted grandfather clock that strikes thirteen 37–38 Pirate’s Pipe
37–38 Recently was partially burnt down 39–40 Carrots Trousers
39–40 Central pit for entertainment 41–42 Burnt Waif
41–42 A fortified keep with its own armory 43–44 Deviant Hat
43–44 Furniture is made from stone 45–46 Thrice Helmet
45–46 Drinks delivered by magical or mechanical means 47–48 Empty Kraken
47–48 In a lighthouse 49–50 Fearsome Giant
49–50 Extremely low ceilings 51–52 Red Cockerel
51–52 Bar is made from a sunken warship 53–54 Yellow Slug
53–54 Stuffed heads and antlers on every wall 55–56 Supine Dryad
55–56 Run by five sisters 57–58 Thirsty Pig
57–58 Haunted 59–60 Fat Rack
59–60 Once run by a succubus 61–62 Thin Iron Maiden
61–62 Holds prayers every day 63–64 Burnt House
63–64 Unusual beverages bubbling behind the bar 65–66 Queen’s Barn
65–66 Assigns seats at random 67–68 Captain’s Church
67–68 Adorned with numerous banners and weapons 69–70 White Well
69–70 Full of small caged animals 71–72 Murdered Manticore
71–72 Collectively owned by the locals 73–74 Large Haystack
73–74 Pentagram is carved on one wall 75–76 Tiny Hill
75–76 Every stranger who arrives must sing to be served 77–78 Round Ferret
77–78 Mummified remains of a local hero are on display 79–80 Hollow Lurcher
79–80 Requires bar tabs signed in blood 81–82 Catapult Lobster
81–82 Has an unusual mascot 83–84 Snail Cliff
83–84 Small, labyrinthine halls and rooms 85–86 Nag’s Tarragon
85–86 Permanent recurring illusion 87–88 Blunt Slippers
87–88 Patrons must spin the wheel to choose their drink 89–90 Outrageous Witch
89–90 Original owner stuffed and mounted above bar 91–92 Quiet Gull
91–92 Home of “endless stew” (kept simmering for 30 years) 93–94 Noisy Caravel
93–94 Fruit growing just outside is free for the plucking 95–96 Boozy Wagon
95–96 Obnoxious patrons get thrown off the balcony 97–98 Magenta Carriage
97–98 Lit with magic lanterns or bioluminescent creatures 99–100 Stork Moose
99–100 Has a tree growing through the taproom

Cost Nightly Cost
1–2 Apple cake 2 cp 1–4 Bath, cold (hot) 2 cp (6 cp)
3–4 Aunt Polly’s pudding 1 sp 5­– 6 Blanket, extra (loan of) 5 cp
5­– 6 Boiled eels 2 sp 7­–8 Camping/caravan pitch (per tent/wagon) 1 sp
7­– 8 Boiled rabbit 1 sp 9–10 Chamber pot (loan of) 2 cp
9–10 Boiled salmon 3 sp 11–12 Chest hire, with very simple lock 2 sp
11–12 Boiled trotters 1 sp 13–14 Chest hire, with average lock 4 sp
13–14 Boiled turnips 5 cp 15–16 Chest hire, with good lock 8 sp
15–16 Bread and butter pudding 3 cp 17–18 Chest hire, with superior lock 15 sp
17–18 Broiled mackerel 3 sp 19–20 Coach house (coach storage) 5 sp
19–20 Clear soup 2 cp 21–22 Cobbling 2% cost
21–22 Crab, whole fresh 3 sp of clothing
23­–24 Crayfish soup 4 cp 23­–24 Companionship 1 gp+
25–26 Fried cow-heel 8 cp 25–26 Feather mattress (loan of) 2 sp
27–28 Fried woodcock with wine sauce 4 sp 27–28 Feather pillow (loan of) 1 sp
29–30 Game pie 5 sp 29–30 Fire in room 5 cp
31–32 Gosling with damson cheese 5 sp 31–32 Guard dog (loan of) 2 sp
33–34 Grouse with gooseberry jam 4 sp 33–34 Guard (1st level warrior) 3 sp
35–36 Haggis 2 sp 35–36 Guide (per day) 3 sp
37–38 Hare soup 6 cp 37–38 Hot water, bucket/pan (loan of) 3 cp
39–40 Hashed mutton 1 sp 39–40 Ironing (per item) 2 cp
41–42 Hotch potch 1 sp 41–42 Lamp (loan of) 1 cp
43–44 Jugged hare 3 sp 43–44 Massage 1 sp
45–46 Lamb cutlets 3 sp 45–46 Meals in room 1 sp
47–48 Leg of mutton 4 sp 47–48 Mirror (loan of) 1 sp
49–50 Marrow dumplings 8 cp 49–50 Paddock (per horse) 5 cp
51–52 Meat pie 1 sp 51–52 Private room for meetings (per hour) 5 sp+
53–54 Mutton pudding 1 sp 53–54 Room, common 2 sp
55–56 Oxtail soup 8 cp 55–56 Room, shared 5 sp
57–58 Oyster soup 2 sp 57–58 Room, private 1 gp
59–60 Pie 1 sp 59–60 Room, private, with very simple lock 15 sp
61–62 Potted partridge 4 sp 61–62 Room, private, with average lock 2 gp
63–64 Ptarmigan 5 sp 63–64 Room, private, with good lock 4 gp
65–66 Rissoles of game 4 sp 65–66 Room, private, with superior lock 8 gp
67–68 Roast fowl 6 sp 67–68 Sewing kit (loan of) 1 sp
69–70 Roast goose with apple sauce 7 sp 69–70 Sleeping space, floor, away from fire 1 cp
71–72 Roast landrail 4 sp 71–72 Sleeping space, floor, next to fire 5 cp
73–74 Roast ribs of beef 3 sp 73–74 Soap (loan of) 1 sp
75–76 Roast suckling pig 1 gp 75–76 Stabling, self-service 1 sp
77–78 Rumpsteak and mushrooms 5 sp 77–78 Stabling, part livery (grooming, feeding) 2 sp
79–80 Sausages 1 sp 79–80 Stabling, full livery 5 sp
81–82 Simmered gurnet 3 sp 81–82 Suite, small (with good lock, fire) 4 gp
83–84 Skate in caper sauce 3 sp 83–84 Suite, average (as above but bigger) 8 gp
85–86 Stew 5 cp 85–86 Suite, good (as above but with superior lock) 16 gp
87–88 Stewed kidneys 4 sp 87–88 Suite, luxurious (as above but with servants) 32 gp+
89–90 Stewed pigeons 2 sp 89–90 Tailoring (per item) 2% cost
91–92 Trout 3 sp of clothing
93–94 Turbot with truffles 2 gp 91–92 Warming pan (loan of) 5 cp
95–96 Veal cutlets 1 gp 93–94 Washing (per item) 3 cp
97–98 Vegetable broth 3 cp 95–98 Washstand with cold water (hot water) 3 cp (7 cp)
99–100 Whole local cheese 1 gp 99–100 Writing set (loan of) 2 sp
TABLE 5; Tavern Encounters d120
1. Tonight is the 10th annual Dragonfire Drinking contest! The person who can stomach the most Dragonfire Ale (very, VERY hot)
will win the grand prize!
2. A group in the back corner of the tavern are arm wrestling.
3. An elven bard is playing on stage tonight and asking for requests.
4. A travelling gnome from a far away land has made a deal with the tavern, and is selling exotic and strange drinks in a wooden
stand they have set up in the corner of the room.
5. It is the monthly wild magic surge brew drinking contest. If you can get the most down, you win. You may lose your hair and
grow an extra arm but hey, the prize is 30 gp.
6. Local criminals hangout in this tavern. They try to sell drugs. One criminal pours red dust in the drinks of the guest while they
are not watching.
7. The tavern is known for gambling. One guy is on a big winning streak and pays drinks for everybody. Nobody knows yet that
he plays with loaded dice.
8. Some tables are flipped over. In the middle of the room is a young goblin girl on the ground surrounded by a few people. Her
water just broke. She is about to receive twins. Nobody knows what to do.
9. The owner of the tavern is an old lady. She owns about 5d20 cats. She cant serve you drinks or food right now because she has
to feed her cats first.
10. There is a cow in the middle of the tavern. Everybody is wasted and nobody knows how the cow got there or who owns the
11. The ‘bartender’ is handing out free drinks and food. The owner is looked into the storage room.
12. A 10-year old girl is running the tavern. Everybody is afraid of her.
13. A elf sitting alone seems to be muttering to themselves but is actually describing the comings and goings of the tavern to a
sentient weapon on their lap.
14. Two separate people are drinking alone. Neither seems at all suspicious on their own, but together they happen to be watching
every single patron, as well as every entrance/exit.
15. A soldier is dressed in plainclothes, watching a deal going on at another table. The disguise is not fooling anyone.
16. It’s the annual ‘Food Frenzy’. For two silver pieces (one of which goes to the house, the other to the pot), participants compete
to eat the most meatballs in 10 minutes. There are six heats, and a then final. The winner of the gets the pot.
17. It’s the annual Ferret-legging Endurance competition. In the sport of ferret-legging, competitors tie their trousers at the ankles
before placing two ferrets inside and securely fastening their belts to prevent the ferrets from escaping. Each competitor then
stands in front of the judges for as long as he can. Competitors cannot be drunk or drugged, nor can the ferrets be sedated. In
addition, competitors are not allowed to wear underwear beneath their trousers which must allow the ferrets free access from
one leg to the other and the ferrets must have a full set of teeth that must not have been filed or otherwise blunted. The winner
is the person who lasts the longest.
18. In the annual Bonny Beard Competition, the most elaborately styled beard, as judged by the patrons, nets the winner a night
of free drinks. The losers have to shave their beards off.
19. The Annual Greased Piglet Game requires that a 15x15ft pen is set up in the tavern. Participants pay a small fee to compete to
catch a lard greased piglet in the quickest time. The winner keeps the piglet.
20. A crossbow bolt crashes through the window and strikes a merchant who came to the city from far away.
21. You hear an explosion from across the tavern. The blast knocked out a male gnome for 1d6 minutes. Once the gnome wakes
up he starts madly raving, saying things like ‘I was so close!’ and ‘that was my last chance.’ and ‘it’s too late now.’
22. A ventriloquist starts performing. The puppet looks very old and is wearing clothes that were quite fashionable about a century
ago. The performance satirizes current events and culture and has the whole tavern laughing, but if you are observant for
about half an hour, whenever the ventriloquist suggests wrapping up the performance the puppet dismisses his concerns. The
show goes on for three hours until the puppet is finally satisfied, at which point the ventriloquist is extremely tired and looks
23. It’s a only milk tavern, including milk derivatives.
24. Off in the corner a group is gathering around an intense card game. At the table are a wise cracking dwarf, an elf who invented
‘poker face’, and a burly half goblin about to lose all him gold.
25. An old, friendly sea-hag offers a free sample of stew, with more to come if the taster guesses the secret ingredient. The stew
gives a positive magical boon on a DC15 CON save and a negative effect on a failure.
26. As the party walks in they hear a Bard who is recounting there recent adventures as if he was there for all of them. (This is good
for a low renown party as it adds an air of mystery).
27. An old man can be overheard telling a ragtag group of mixed races about a dungeon. After some discussion, and a handshake,
he hands them a map.
28. An old man challenges you to a game of wizard’s chess. The wooden pieces are enchanted, gesturing and shouting as they
fight, though you can’t make out what they say. It is fascinating to watch. The man promises who can win from him will win
the chess set, though if you lose, it will not be easy to stop playing. He offers no further explanation. (If you lose, you become a
chess piece, trapped in the game).
29. A puritan priest comes in and berates the patrons for their behavior, preaching a path of holiness and purity. The old innkeeper
tells him ‘Yer aff yer heid, ya wee bawface!’ and proceeds to flash her boobs at him. The priest flees in horror, muttering
protective chants.
30. It’s ‘Bear Night’. There are mounted bear heads on the wall, bear furs on the chairs and your drinks are served in bear-
decorated goblets. After a while you begin to notice the bar is packed exclusively with hairy middle aged men, who are
all acting rather familiar with each other…
31. There’s a haggis eating competition. Winner gets free whisky till sunrise.
32. A scruffy looking man slips something into a drink before returning to the woman at his table.
33. It’s a busy night and the bar is packed. Suddenly everyone turns around as several squealing greased pigs are released into the
tavern. They have numbers painted on their backs. The staff begins chasing them to much hilarity of the patrons. After a while,
they have caught the pigs numbered 1, 2 and 4 but there is no sign of number 3.
34. All the windows of the Inn slam open as the candle light dims, only to be undone a few moments later. Then a small girl stands
and shouts her apologies for the disturbance.
35. Knife throwing competition! D20+DEX: 1-10 miss the target. 10-14 outer ring. 14-18 middle ring. 18-19 inner ring. 20 bull's-eye.
3 throws each. PCs can play each other or NPCs for gold / rewards etc.
36. It’s a two for one special night and the tavern is packed, making easy targets for thieves and pickpockets.
37. A drunken goblin starts taunting the innkeeper, who’s cut him off.
38. The tavern has a black board on one of the walls, with the names of each person present, and current bets. It’s a deadpool, in
which people bet on your death.
39. There’s a discussion going on at the bar. One of the customers seems to be underage, and the bartender won’t get them a
drink, unless he sees something that confirms they’re old enough to drink. The customer has a way to prove that, but made a
bet with the other customers, giving 10 gp to each one that gets it right, and takes 10gp from each who gets it wrong.
40. A group of exquisitely dressed people walk into the tavern, judging people’s outfits, generally in a negative way.
41. A portal opens in the middle of the tavern. A man wearing bedclothes comes out of it, orders a drink, and leaves through
the portal, that closes behind him. If the players ask anyone, they will just say he shows up sometimes.
42. The tavern’s owner runs into the tavern, saying they won at gambling, and will get everyone free drinks.
43. A fight breaks out, between two big strong men. The bartender sighs, and gives each a free drink, separating them.
44. The customers are all looking over their shoulders, with small smiles on their faces, and seem ready to… do something.
Suddenly, someone screams ‘FOOD FIGHT!’ and everyone starts throwing food at each other. In the end, the owner gets
pissed, and makes everyone clean up the mess.
45. The tavern is hosting a weekly poker tournament. If the players win, they get gold and gossip possibly leading to a quest.
46. A man in a dark trench coat is skulking in the back, selling contraband to anyone who asks.
47. A man in a dark trench coat is skulking in the back, selling contraband to anyone who asks. However, he is part of a sting, and
the local guard snatches up the buyers on their way out of the tavern.
48. Someone playing the knife-fingers stabbing game accidentally stabs their own hand, possibly cutting off a finger.
49. One of the patrons has gathered a sizable crowd with their exotic pet and its tricks.
50. The local militia captain busts down the door and grabs the innkeeper, placing him under arrest for an unknown reason.
51. Two drunken wizards come to blows over a perceived slight. Parts of the tavern catch fire or are otherwise affected by magical
52. A shadowy figure enters and orders a drink. The only problem is, there seem to be a mass of tentacles where feet should be.
53. This tavern exists in multiple dimensions, it has at least 20 different doors which connect to the outside world, but as you
guessed, different ones. The owner is a mad wizard with the longest and most unkempt beard youve ever seen. Over each of
the entries, there is a sign to where it leads. One of the doors is barred and kept shut at all times, the sign reads: dont open,
dead inside.
54. Tonight’s the local Battle of the Bards, where the prize pool includes a set of fine platinum strings.
55. The first batch of beer from the halfling brewery in the next town is very lively. A bit too lively. A tide of hoppy foam bursts from
the barrel and up into the bar, showing no signs of slowing down.
56. After a few drinks, you could swear all the patrons in the bar have the exact same face. You shake your head. Must be the wine.
57. The barkeep here has a very literal approach to lock-ins. Sure, you can drink past closing time—as long as you didn’t want to
leave again, ever.
58. The Tavern menu has a ‘Mystery Special’. When ordered it is a large stack of pancakes covered in various fruit that looks like a
big smiling face. When eaten the player is reminded of their mother/father/paternal guardian.
59. A female drow in common clothes and a big hat (to block the sun) walks into the tavern and an uncomfortable silence ensues.
After it is clear that the drow doesn’t want any trouble the tavern slowly goes back to normal and the drow woman orders a
drink and sits down with a wealthy half elf merchant.
60. A wrestling ring is just behind the tavern. The current champion drinks nearby, and accepts all challengers.
61. An old drow tells stories about his long life in the Underdark. He tells tales of other drow, kuo toa, mind flayers, and even a
purple worm he encountered.
62. The local beastmaster has arranged an animal show. He starts off with a raven, a giant frog, and a blood hawk. He finishes with
a bulette, an owlbear, and a displacer beast. Each animal loves him like a family member.
63. Part of the tavern is under construction after a battle or large fight. Builders are constantly moving planks of wood between
tables and sometimes hitting patrons. Roll improvised weapon attacks vs players AC at various points in the visit.
64. The inn is flooded with people. Survivers of a battle not far off. Some seem to only have superficial wounds while others are not
as lucky. Over the sounds of heavy breathing and mouning the party hears a voice ring out ‘CLERIC!! We need a cleric!’
65. A health inspector busts in and attempts to shut the bar down due to health code violations.
66. Inside the Tavern the party finds about 60 people stuffed inside this small three room tavern all gathered around the bar. The
tavern just recently hired a barmaid to work full time.
67. After several drinks the party realizes that they’re the only non-monster creatures in the tavern.
68. After several minutes inside the tavern the party can hear a thunder storm rolling into the area. The whether gets increasing
worse the longer they stay inside, and after 45 minutes a tree crashes into the side of the tavern.
69. A religious group comes inside to preach about the sin of consuming alcohol.
70. The musicians plating inside the tavern draw in a large enough crowd that the that the bartenders have to start kicking people
who are to drunk.
71. After the party sits down for a drink or two, a group of guards come inside searching for several highway robbers. The robbers
descriptions match those of the party members; so they're handcuffed, dragged to prison, waiting for a trial.
72. The goblin chef near a large fire pit offers the party a sample of the roasting boar he has over a spit.
73. A Tabaxi hunter set up in the corner offers to sell the party wild pheasants and other game birds for the Tavern cook to make.
74. Two Warforged start fighting one another. Watch out for their partner the Gnome pickpocket. She’s the brains of the
75. A fire elemental moves into the hearth!
76. This is a thieve’s guild’s secret hideout in plain sight. Tonight, the corpses of the dead they left beneath the floorboards arise!
77. The tavern keep is a vampire. One of his servants accidentally begins pouring a bottle of his finest blood.
78. A group of overzealous paladins springs a sudden raid on the tavern, breaking casks and arresting people, slamming them into
cage-carts they parked in the back.
79. One of the patrons is a werewolf, and he begins to turn.
80. An ancient legend is (figuratively) brought to life by a traveling team of a bard and an illusion wizard.
81. Once a month the neighboring warlords meet in this tavern to discuss… literature.
82. Tavern is holding bar tending classes once a week to train new staff as well as supply competent labor to the noble houses –
top of the class gets to pick their assignment.
83. Tavern acts as a clearinghouse for counterfeit currency. Next shipment arrives two days from today.
84. A polymorphed frost pixie walks in, orders a drink with no ice, and then he just frosts up their drink whenever. They only
have one drink, but when they finishes their drink, they can be seen switching their form on a whim.
85. The tavern begins a ‘you break it, we hire a bounty hunter to make you pay’ policy today. No one wants to be the first person to
break the rule.
86. That Elven barmaid, that’s been slapped on the ass one to many times, turns out to be a shapeshifter. And she’s just
transformed into a raging ogre.
87. A notorious criminal duo known as the Grimshade Brothers have arrived to the tavern to celebrate which is in the neighboring
village of the city they just robbed. Their known for robbing banks and causing mayhem wherever they go.
88. Two goblins are on stage doing a juggling act. The juggling act involves flaming tgoblinhes, hand axes, and vials of strange
green goo. No one seems concerned.
89. A love potion is accidentally slipped into one of your party’s drinks instead of the beautiful lady at the next table….
90. It is a roast night. Have the players take turns roasting either each other’s characters, or the DM.
91. A talent agent is holding auditions for the midwinter festival play. Bonus points for singing and dancing!
92. After 1d6 drinks gravity seems to hold no sway over the bar patrons. Everyone starts to float and the regular drinks keep
drinking on the ceiling as if this is a normal occurrence.
93. Book signing for the new release ‘Quest for Annihilation : How Adventuring is Destroying Our Moral Fabric’
94. The drunk mage in the corner is passed out and talking in his sleep. Roll for wild magic effect.
95. The tavern is about to run out of ale. Your party is discretely asked to procure some more within 1d4 hours to avoid a riot.
96. A member of your party is mistaken for a local celebrity. People are constantly asking for autographs etc for the whole night.
97. It’s the owners birthday! Reduced drink prices and free cake!
98. You stumble into the middle of a wake, complete with the body of the deceased on ice next to the bar. Bonus points if that’s
the ice used in the drinks!
99. The owner makes it very clear he want's no trouble in his bar. Will not serve adventurers if they don’t relinquish their
100. The barkeep leaves a single coin with a tiny dragon at your table, he says ‘be sure to spend him quick, he likes to travel’
the dragon is friendly but will not separate from the coin.
101. A gambler wins another game of chance and boasts loudly to his opponents that none can best him or her.
102. The general store owner sits alone in a dark corner, sobbing into her/his ale.
103. The bartender takes a break to meet with a cloaked figure seated near the door.
104. A group of workmen start an arm-wrestling contest (best 2/3 Strength(Athletics) rolls).
105. A town guard patrol walks slowly through the bar, scanning the faces of the patrons.
106. A minor noble and his retainers drink quietly in one corner. Nearby a group of armed and cloaked men discuss populist
topics in hushed tones while eyeing the noble and his group.
107. A cleric of the god of abstinence enters the bar and begins preaching against the evils of alcohol and calling for all good men
to abandon drinking and vice.
108. A thief slinks quietly from shadow to shadow, stalking someone. Perhaps he is listening in on a conversation.
109. A bard sings popular songs and tells some favorite tales, as patrons request them. Otherwise, she simply plays quietly
and scans the crowd for interest.
110. A knight and her followers loudly enter the tavern to celebrate a recent victory. They buy a round of ale for the house.
111. One gambler accuses another of cheating and a short argument ensues. Friends separate the angry gamblers and one group
leaves the tavern.
112. A group of foreign merchants and caravan guards are getting loud and randy. A barmaid's tray is upset, and drinks fly as she is
thrown to a table by a rowdy drunk. The drunk is quickly restrained by his friends and both the bar owner and the barmaid are
given a platinum each for their troubles.
113. You notice a cloaked figure quietly threatening the bartender and then leaving the tavern.
114. Members of rival trade guilds insult and harass each other all in good fun.
115. A drunken and abusive town guard and his cronies are loudly telling stories and jokes belittling one of the races in the PC's
116. A drunken noble is in the tavern slumming and is making the moves on one of the PC's in the party.
117. A cleric of a god of indulgence enters the tavern and makes his way from table to table offering to bless the patrons' drinks for
a small donation to the church.
118. A group of armed and cloaked figures sitting in the corner talk in hushed tones, while gesturing over a piece of parchment in
the center of their table. One of the figures places a shield over the parchment anytime anyone comes near.
119. A pair of rival bards are having a battle of wits, song, dance, and comedy to the delight of the patrons to determine who the
crowd wants to stay on for the next week.
120. An armored warrior enters the tavern and loudly calls out a name. The warrior hurls her gauntlet at the feet of the person now
standing, then turns and walks out into the street.
1. Guards are arresting an innocent adventurer who has been falsely accused.
2. Guards are chastising a child for petty theft.
3. A group of children run past screaming about an imaginary monster.
4. A group of young artists are performing outside a tavern.
5. Children are standing around a young wizard who is entertaining them with cantrips.
6. Someone shouts incomprehensibly in the distance.
7. Someone stumbles out of a nearby tavern so drunk they double over and vomit on the street.
8. Someone is shouting on a corner about their deity and its principles.
9. A street market is set up selling artisan crafts and local produce.
10. A couple of cats dart past screeching.
11. Singing is wafting out of the window as the characters go by.
12. A young caster is struggling to hold a large stack of scrolls while walking down the street.
13. A character steps in what appears to be a large pile of horse manure.
14. Storm begins rolling over the horizon.
15. A new gold coin in lying on the sidewalk, charmed to weight hundreds of pounds. If a character tries to pick it up, they hear
young children snickering nearby.
16. Someone riding a horse careens down the sidewalk, as someone else attempts to run after it, screaming for the horse thief to
17. A couple walks by, bickering. The husband paid way too much money at a local shop.
18. A merchant tries to con the characters into buying discounted weapons that are actually toys charmed to resemble real
19. A funeral procession weaves through the streets.
20. A flock of birds swoop by, nearly hitting the characters.
21. A baker stands outside their shop offering free samples of their breads and pastries.
22. Another group of adventurers walk by with tattered clothes and wounds, supporting each other and slowly progressing to the
local apothecary. If the characters ask, the adventurers will tell them of a small but challenging dungeon they discovered
23. Shouting can be heard nearby. A customer is accusing a shopkeeper of cheating them.
24. An old woman is gambling on a street corner. The characters can try their luck to earn some extra coins.
25. Recruiters are advertising their artisan guilds.
26. A booth is set up with children gathered around. Animated marionettes are performing a show.
27. A family moving from the wilderness to the city rattles by in a wagon.
28. Someone is locked in stocks in the middle of a square.
29. Tax collectors demand the characters make a payment to the city.
30. An unnaturally large animal runs by, wearing fitted leather armor.
31. A young child recognizes the adventurers and begs for their autographs. And is disappointed when they realize the adventurers
aren’t the group they thought they were.
32. A massive plume of smoke rises in the distance. If they explore, they realize it’s a brush fire on a farm outside the city.
33 Someone runs up to a character and asks them to hold something. They promise to come back and get it, but run off before
the characters can get any more explanation.
34 A child is sitting on the corner crying, saying older kids stole something of theirs and ran down an alley. Is it a ruse to get the
adventurers in an alley or a legitimate issue?
35 A parade honoring a recent victory for the city blocks major roads.
36 It’s a local holiday and the streets are riddled with inebriated townsfolk.
37 A young girl asks the characters to play a game. Her idea of a game is reading their fortunes.
38 A merchant offers a significant discount on their goods.
39 Someone bumps into a character. If they aren’t careful, it results in something of theirs going missing.
40 A riot is breaking out in the town square.
41 A merchant approaches trying to sell bizarre tonics and medicines to the characters.
42 Young aristocrats are stumbling around drunk and making a commotion.
43 A group of tourists walk by who are clearly out of place within the city.
44 A swarm of rats run across the street.
45 A young woman promenades down the street surrounded by large bodyguards.
46 Bells toll from somewhere within the city.
47 Someone is holding a large map up, attempting to find a location. They approach the characters and ask for help, but speak in
an uncommon tongue, only able to use peculiar phrases in common tongue that aren’t quite right.
48 Someone elderly is sitting around, telling a story to children about a local beast. Is it just folklore or is there really something
hiding in the shadows of the city?
49 A beggar asks the characters for food and money.
50 A large raven lands nearby.
51 The players notice a new shop they hadn’t seen before.
52 City guards are laughing and playing games with a group of local children.
53 A group of adventurers walk by dressed as clowns and jesters.
54 Someone runs through the street claiming to have just witnessed a demon in their mirror.
55 A storm rolls in and it begins hailing for a few minutes.
56 A woman dressed in a costume asks the characters how to get to the town hall.
57 A small local offers the characters a bowl of soup for a cheap price.
58 A chicken nearly hits the characters as it falls from a window above them.
59 Someone is standing outside a tavern offering free samples of a new wine.
60 A group of religious townsfolk are screaming about the world ending soon.
61 An unnecessarily massive 16-wheel wagon rolls by loaded with wares.
62 Two bards are competing on opposite sides of the street.
63 Someone falls off a ladder nearby.
64 Two people walk by, arguing about whether cabbage or carrots are more valuable.
65 Someone bumps into a statue, knocking it over and shattering it.
66 An attractive bard walks up to a character and gives them flowers before walking off.
67 Dogs begin barking as the characters pass.
68 A woman strolls by walking a large bear on a leash.
69 A druid walks by with a massive bundle of flowers and a swarm of bees peacefully flying around them.
70 People are standing around the apothecary, begging for help with a curse they got from eating bread a traveling merchant sold
71 Kids are playing on a large pile of hay.
72 An innkeeper is kicking out an adventurer who couldn’t make the next payment.
73 A group of young local are hosting a birthday party for their friend.
74 The sky is still clear, but it begins to rain.
75 An old woman hurries to pick up a skull she drops as she passes by the adventurers.
76 Someone is sitting on the side of the street, babbling and rocking back and forth. If the characters try to figure out more, they
realize the character was recently attacked when they got lost in the wilderness at night.
77 The street fills with smoke. A young caster runs out, apologizing frantically and letting everyone know it’s safe.
78 A passing child drops a sweet treat on the street and begins crying.
79 The adventurers notice someone who strongly resembles a former adversary in the crowd walking through the streets.
80 A cat darts past the characters, pursued closely by a large dog.
81 Two vendors begin fighting over whose turn it is to set up their booth on this section of the street.
82 Someone carrying a massive stack of books trips near the characters, scattering them everywhere.
83 Someone leaps from one roof to another across the street, gliding over the characters’ heads as guards shout and pursue,
trying to keep the thief from escaping.
84 When the characters turn onto the next street, it is unusually crowded.
85 A child walks by, handing out flowers to everyone they pass, including the characters.
86 The characters hear loud chanting and cheering. If they investigate, they find townsfolk playing a popular local sport.
87 The characters walk by a bard and realize she’s singing a song about one of their previous journeys.
88 An eerie looking merchant covered in grime tries to sell edible mushrooms to the players. Some have special effects if
89 A knight is being mocked and driven out of town. If the characters investigate, they learn that the knight is a cleric who serves
a deity the townsfolk believe is a false god.
90 Young townsfolk are wrestling, trying to show off their strength and skills to their friends.
91 A group of children laugh and squeal as they play a game of tag.
92 A cat screeches as a cart runs over its tail.
93 Someone begs the characters for protection. Shortly thereafter, a massive man approaches the characters and informs them he
is looking for a pickpocket.
94 An artist tries to convince the characters to visit their shop to have a portrait painted of them in their gear to commemorate
their camaraderie.
95 The characters see a young child stealing from a street merchant while the vendor is distracted.
96 The wheel busts off a cart passing by the characters and cabbages spill all over the street.
97 A meowing kitten begins following the characters down the street.
98 The more perceptive characters begin to suspect someone has been following them since they arrived in town.
99 The characters hear a commotion coming from somewhere above them. If they investigate, they find two rival groups fighting
on a rooftop.
100 A juggler is performing a complicated routine.


1-2 Two farmers brawling over livestock, foodstuffs or cotton.
3-4 A con woman by the name of Doska is inviting marks to gamble on a cups and balls game. She is highly skilled in sleight of
5-6 A gaggle of ducks, chickens or other fowl scatter across the street, causing havoc. There is a 50% chance a pick pocket takes
advantage of the diversion.
7-8 A noble, Lord Ibrenon, trots by on a white charger. He is terribly arrogant and jostles aside anyone who doesn’t immediately
get out of his way. He remarks that his horse eats better than the PCs before he departs.
9-10 A long haired bard with a handlebar moustache, Artur Excelsior, offers to make a ballad about the party’s exploits (for a
reasonable fee).
11-12 A merchant, Nurac Twobob, is selling an assortment of weapons on a gilded table in the street, watched over by his muscle, Mr
Brick. For the discreet inquirer, he might also have access to more specialized gear, such as hidden sheaths, spring-blade
pommels, caltrops, lockpicks and toe-knife boots.
13-14 The Scorned Goat Tavern is well known for its exciting bar fights, and today is no exception. 5d6 drunken brawlers have spilled
out onto the street, spreading fists, feet and headbutts like wildfire.
15-16 Alchemist Gusterro the Improbable (“Gus”) is hawking fire pots stacked up by the half dozen. Mid way through his sales pitch,
a guard patrol appears at the end of the street. Reynard quickly scoops his pots into a sack and replaces them with
undergarments instead, giving any potential customers a knowing wink.
17-18 At a very inopportune moment, a chamber pot is emptied from the second story of a boarding house. One traveler must make
a Luck (Dex) check or be doused in human excreta.
19-20 A herd of cows gets spooked a thunderclap and is about to stampede.
21-22 A young woman yells “Fire!”, pointing frantically at a nearby building. Billowing smoke is beginning to issue from the ground
floor and cries are heard from the upper window. The nearest well is several blocks distant.
23-24 4d6 guards patrol the street, eyes wary for pickpockets. If it’s a slow day, they might accost any strange or dangerous looking
adventurers, inquiring as to their business, the duration of their stay, boarding house and whether they have any information
they wish to share with the authorities. Impolite or cheeky responses are unlikely to be well received.
25-26 A trio of axemen are selling firewood and kindling. They haven’t noticed that one of the split logs is hiding a tiny fey behind a
hinged knot.
27-28 Oleg Aspoza, a potion maker of some renown and very rarely seen outside his laboratory, is speaking with a noblewoman on
the street. Aspoza is very choosey about his clients. Perhaps this is an opportunity for an introduction.
29-30 A falconer, Ms Ellia, is selling an assortment of hunting birds.
31-32 A funeral procession winds slowly down the street, including pall bearers, priests, and sorrowful relatives.
33-34 3d6 thugs of rival gangs clash over turf lines, stabbing at each other with knives and hatchets. Lingering witnesses, or anyone
who attempts to intervene, is also set upon. Whatever the outcome, the surviving leader, Udan the Slip, does not forget.
35-36 3d6 starving rats skitter from a dark alley, attempting to bite chunks out of a busking street kid by the name of Totha, just 20 ft
distant from the travelers. Totha has a great knowledge of the settlement’s back roads and safe houses.
37-38 2d6 officious clergymen and devour sisters accost the travelers, berating them for their wicked ways of violence and greed.
They threaten curses and eternal hellfire if the party does not recant.
39-40 A shrill scream issues from a nearby ally. Glancing inside, three thugs can be seen beating up an overdressed merchant by the
name of Shuba Sendarran. Shuba is in debt to a local gang for many hundreds of gold pieces, and the gang wants to make an
example of him.
41-42 A 3d6 member performing troupe has gathered a small crowd here. The troupe has knowledge of the local region. There is a
30% chance of pick pockets working the crowd.
43-44 A pidgeon pie seller, Ghirk Galak, is on the corner. Ghirk is a little known street informant.
45-46 An elderly farrier, Ugalos, is mending horse shoes in a half barn. His wife has passed and he has no children, and he wishes to
pass on his lucky shoe to a deserving stranger. If the travelers impress him, he gifts it to them. The shoe is indeed magical, and
restores 1 Luck at a time of the owners choosing once per adventure.
47-48 A magistrate is presiding over an execution in the square. Three middle aged criminals are to be hanged. A small crowd has
gathered. 3d6 guards are in attendance, along with the burly, hooded executioner. There is a 50% chance of a rescue attempt
by related ne’er do wells.
49-50 A pile of dead, plague ridden bodies are stacked in a side alley, covered in sheets. One body has rolled off the pile, an ornate
bracer still clasped to its arm.
51-52 An old crone, Madam Eshorri, is reading the tarot on a rickety table. The woman is in fact a genuine soothsayer and channels
the fates. Any traveler having their fate read has an even chance of either increasing or decreasing their current Luck by 1 point.
53-54 A blood moon (lunar eclipse) occurs, with many folks invoking strange, superstitious rites to ward off evil, such as driving away
any cats, lining their doorways with salt, marking the forehead with blood, carrying obvious silver, and so on. There is a 50%
chance of Lycanthropes hunting in an especially ferocious manner.
55-56 An elderly street dog with a grey snout and one eye takes a liking to one of the travelers, and begins following him or her
around. The dog is actually a canny and ferocious fighter. If befriended, the dog will fight to protect its bipedal friend.
57-58 A miserable, driving rain falls, making the road slippery and riddled with deep puddles.
59-60 A plague of mimes have descended on this street. Their mute performances range from poor to woeful.
61-62 A riot has broken out in this square and adjoining streets. 2d100 furious dock workers or other laborers have taken up arms
against their guild leaders and the town authority that supports them. The riot is reaching a crescendo such that the 5d6
guards will shortly lose control.
63-64 A beautiful man (Aros) or woman (Odea) walks by, drawing the eye of local admirers. He or she is a skilled actor and
65-66 A middle aged merchant named Thelsa is selling books and maps from a covered stall. She is also an excellent forger and
produces false party invitations, letters of introduction, identity documents and so on for discreet clientele.
67-68 6d10 members of three rival parties (barbarian clans, street gangs, religious orders, mercenary companies) have broken into a
massive fisticuff, turning the street to chaos. No-one has drawn steel yet, but things are escalating quickly.
69-70 A whipcord teenager with red hair sprints towards the travelers with a pouch clutched in one hand. 50 ft behind, a portly stall
keeper struggles to keep up, yelling “Thief! Thief!”
71-72 A young man in fine clothing staggers in a cluttered ally and collapses. A pool of blood quickly forms beneath him.
73-74 A skilled hypnotist, Ilal the Mysterious, is performing a show for a small crowd. In addition to his mundane skills, Alal has
recently learnt to cast Charm Person once per day.
75-76 A deafening explosion rocks the surrounding area, causing tables to shudder and clothes lines to snap. A thick plume of smoke
billows from a nearby tower.
77-78 A small monkey has escaped her enclosure and springs from behind a barrel, wriggling into a traveler’s backpack to hide. A
handsome but cruel travelling performer appears moments later at the end of the street, obviously searching for something.
79-80 Two elderly men sit opposite each other playing chess outside an inn. Their glasses are empty and they do not speak, but they
smile as they study the board.
81-82 A fog (50% light, 50% heavy) rolls in off the docks or adjoining land.
83-84 Two horses, carriages or chariots are racing down the street, two young nobles in opposing house colours at the reins.
85-86 A body crashes to the ground in front of the travelers with a horrendous thud! Looking up, 1d3 humanoid shadows can be seen
making a quick getaway across the rooftops.
87-88 A robed merchant has a single glass orb on his table stall. A number of potential customers inquire about the item, but are
quickly turned away. If the travelers inquire, the merchant says “The orb is not for sale, but it is time for me to part with it. The
real question is, are you the one the orb desires?”
89-90 A religious zealot is preaching from atop a wooden stool, inviting passersby to prepare for the end of days, repent, welcome the
Old Ones joyfully, etc.
91-92 A Town Crier is ringing his bell and declaring “The Queen is dead!”
93-94 A procession of 3d6 Priests and other religious officials makes its way down the road, offering blessings and scripture to
interested passersby.
95-96 A diminutive tax collector, bearing the Mayor’s seal, makes a bee line for the travelers and asks to see their Weapons & Armour
97-98 A thin looking tabby cat meows at one of the travelers, moving close to brush against his or her legs if given the chance. Both
of the cat’s ears have been cropped. If befriended, the cat becomes extremely loyal and has excellent hearing, eyesight and
instincts for danger. He is happy to nap during the day and stay up at night, keeping watch for their human.
99-100 A blustering wind is blowing today, knocking light objects off tables and sending leaves and dust whirling across the ground.

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