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Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 96: 1–8, 2000.

© 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


The feeding behavior of Trichogramma brassicae: new evidence for

selective ingestion of solid food

Z. X. Wu1 , A. C. Cohen2 & Donald A. Nordlund2,∗

1 Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, P.O. Box 9775, Mississippi State University, Mississippi
State, MS 39762-9775, USA; 2 USDA, REE, ARS, MSA, Biological Control and Mass Rearing Research Unit,
P.O. Box 5367, Mississippi State, MS 39762-5367, USA; ∗ Author for correspondence (Phone: (662) 320-7530;
Fax: (662) 320-7571; E-mail:

Accepted: September 13, 1999

Key words: Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae, extra-oral digestion, parasitoids, entomophagous insects

A descriptive study of the feeding behavior and structures of Trichogramma brassicae Bezdenko (Hymenoptera:
Trichogrammatidae) was conducted. Based on direct observational and biochemical evidence, larvae feed predom-
inantly on particulate materials, starting ca. 25 h post-oviposition. Feeding lasted for ca. 9 h, at 25 ± 1 ◦ C. During
this feeding period the shape of the larvae changed from vermiform to pyriform and then to sacciform, resulting
in a ca. 40-fold increase in body size. Larvae used elaborate feeding behaviors as they pulled solid food particles
to their oral opening, broke small particles from larger ones, and took the particles into the stomodaeum, which
is a powerful pump. In the stomodaeum, peristaltic movement further macerated the particles, which eventually
passed through the cardiac valve into the midgut. As indicated by changes in fluorescently labeled casein, digestive
enzymes aid in the extra-oral chemical digestion of food. The contents of the gut, during and shortly after feeding,
were almost entirely closely packed solid particles. The behavioral activity of feeding larvae centered almost
exclusively on processing and ingesting solid food particles. The rapid larval growth is much more plausibly
explained by their feeding on the highly concentrated nutrients found in solid foods, rather than the extensive
concentration required if dilute liquids were the principal source of nutrients. The implications of these findings
for the development of practical artificial diets are discussed.

Introduction nutritional balance and special chemicals for pupation

(Wu et al., 1982; Nettles, 1990; Nordlund et al., 1997).
Trichogramma spp. are among our most important Despite some success in development of artificial di-
parasitoids for augmentative biological control of lep- ets for Trichogramma spp. high rates of deformities,
idopteran pests. Larval Trichogramma spp. feed on the manifested primarily as distended abdomens, have
contents of a host egg until they accumulate sufficient been reported (Wu et al., 1982; Grenier et al., 1995;
nutrients to become pupae and ultimately adults (Flan- Nordlund et al., 1997).
ders, 1937; Volkoff et al., 1995). Volkoff et al. (1995) Current artificial diets for Trichogramma spp. are
reported that during an 8 h feeding period, the length liquids with diluted components (Wu et al.,1982; Gre-
of Trichogramma cacoeciae Marchal larvae increased nier et al., 1995; Xie et al., 1997). Use of ultracen-
from 164 µm to 333 µm, a ca. 3-fold increase in vol- trifuged chicken egg yolk in the diet increased the
ume. But how Trichogramma spp. larvae ingest food pupation rate (Xie et al., 1997) and yield of adult of
so rapidly and how the mouthpart structures influence Trichogramma spp. (Z. X. Wu, unpubl.). These results
feeding behavior have not been explained fully. prompted questions about the larval feeding process.
Interest in developing artificial diets for Tri- In light of evidence that entomophagous arthropods
chogramma spp. has led many researchers to focus on generally require highly concentrated nutrients avail-

able only in solid food (Cohen, 1995, 1998), we were larvae and egg contents, which helped retain the shape
further prompted to examine the feeding behavior of of the host egg particles and facilitated observation
Trichogramma spp. of the feeding behavior. This procedure allowed ob-
servations for more than 1 h without desiccation of
the material. For observations of extra-oral digestion
Materials and methods of proteins, we added fluorescently labeled BODIPY
casein (EnzCheck E-6639, Molecular Probes, Inc. Eu-
Insects. T. brassicae were obtained from Beneficial gene, OR). The labeled casein, which adhered to the
Insectary (Oak Run, CA) and reared in Helicoverpa H. zea egg yolk granules, created particles that were
zea (Boddie) eggs at the Biological Control and Mass too large for ingestion (i.e., >2–5 µm). After larvae
Rearing Research Unit, at 23 ± 2 ◦ C with a L14:D10 had fed for ca. 5 min, the complex of yolk pro-
photoregime. Rearing methods were similar to those teins and labeled casein particles were examined using
described by Nordlund et al. (1997), for in vivo reared fluorescence microscopy at 570 nm.
insects. The H. zea eggs were irradiated at 25 K rad
(Cs-137 source) at 2–24 h of age to prevent further
embryonic development. Trichogramma larvae of a Results
specific age were obtained by allowing females to
oviposit on the host eggs for 1 h. Parasitoid devel- Larval development. Larval development proceeded
opment and all feeding observations were at 25 ± through three stages: vermiform, pyriform, and sacci-
1 ◦ C. form (Clausen, 1940) (Table 1, Figure 1). No molting
was observed during larvae development. The first-
Larval development. Larval growth was observed molt cuticle (embryo exuvium) remained attached
from immediately after hatch to formation of the pre- to the posterior extremity of the developing larva.
pupae. The structure of the digestive system, as it per- Changes in shape were related primarily to inges-
tains to feeding behavior, was observed and recorded tion of large quantities of food. At ca. 28 h post-
with video recordings, micrographs, and drawings. oviposition, ingested particles had moved to the poste-
For determination of size and growth, 10 samples of rior end of the midgut causing the larvae to take on a
each larval stage were killed with boiling water and pyriform shape. Ingested particles accumulated in the
measured with an ocular micrometer and with Image- anterior of the midgut during the 3–5 h after the onset
Pro Plus1 software (Media Cybernetics, Silver Spring, of the pyriform stage, causing the larvae to become
MD). sacciform at ca. 34 h, post-oviposition. During the
sacciform stage, the midgut, which occupied most of
Activity of the larval digestive system and feeding the body, was filled with food particles.
observation. Observations were focused on the ac- No cephalization or segmentation was observed.
tive feeding phase. Observations were made using an However, the cephalic region was evident because
inverted stage microscope (Olympus IX 70, Tokyo, of the conspicuous feeding apparatus, which occu-
Japan); a video recording system, which consisted pied almost 13 of the body length at the vermiform
of an Olympus OLY-750 video camera and a Sony stage. The connection between the midgut and the
SVO-9500MD videocassette recorder (Montvale, NJ); hindgut was occluded in the period 25–60 h post-
a fluorescence microscope (Olympus BX-60, Tokyo, oviposition. After about 60 h, post-oviposition, the
Japan), and an image analysis system (Image-Pro larval bodies became whiter, indicating that the larvae
Plus). All feeding stages were observed for at least had digested the food and used the nutrients to proceed
8 h, and video recordings were made for at least with development. Some organs began to appear in
1 h of constant feeding activity. Feeding was investi- the cephalic region. After development to the prepu-
gated by allowing larvae to feed on host egg contents. pal stage, several whitish, round bodies, presumably
Parasitized H. zea eggs were dissected in a drop of Ri- urate (Flanders, 1937; Dahlan & Gordh, 1996), were
naldini salt solution on a depression microscope slide evident, scattered over the surface of the midgut at 65–
with fine tipped forceps. One or two drops of Ri- 110 h post-oviposition, suggesting that metabolism
naldini salt solution were added slowly to cover the and excretion had occurred.
1 Mention of a commercial or proprietary product does not constitute
endorsement by the USDA.

Figure 1. Photomicrographs of vermiform (A), pyriform (B), and sacciform (C) larvae of Trichogramma brassicae. The dark material present
in the midgut indicates ingestion of solid food particles.

Figure 2. Generalized diagrammatic view of a Trichogramma brassicae larva, showing major internal and external features.
Table 1. Time table of the development of Trichogramma brassicae larval feeding at 25±1 ◦ C, indicating
the time of the beginning of each stage, and average size of each stage of development (±S.D. in µm)

Agea Developmental Stage Length Width Volume

(µm) (µm) (µm3 × 105 )

17.0–18.0 Stomodaeum and midgut formation 145 ± 10.7 61.9 ± 9.9 2.9
in the parasitoid egg
25.0–26.0 Early vermiform larvae 149.5 ± 6.0 73.5 ± 2.1 4.3
26.0–26.5 Mid- vermiform larvae 284.5 ± 70.8 93.8 ± 9.6 13.2
26.5–27.0 Late-vermiform larvae 388.8 ± 84.6 130.6 ± 22.5 34.5
28.0–31.0 Pyriform larvae 410.2 ± 35.8 159.1 ± 45.9 54.9
34.0–46.0 Sacciform larvae 479.2 ± 31.3 275.8 ± 31.3 191.5
66.0–68.0 Prepupae – – –

a Hours post oviposition.

Structure of the feeding apparatus. In vermiform lar- structures (Figures 2 and 4). The mandibles remained
vae, the transparency of the body wall made it possible ca. 27 µm long, throughout development.
to observe structures, the feeding course, and the mus-
cle arrangement in the larvae. The oral opening of Food ingestion. Larvae started ingestion after hatch-
all larval stages was 10–12 µm in diameter and was ing and fed slowly for the first 10 min after which they
located slightly ventral to the anterior extremity of began to actively ingest food. The stomodaeum dilated
the vermiform larvae (Figure 2). It appeared to be and constricted 40–58 times per minute, and the larvae
a fixed opening with a fine, margin of integument. fed continuously. Food could be seen being pumped
Figure 2 shows diagrammatically the morphology of back and forth, in the stomodaeum, until the parti-
the feeding apparatus. It summarizes observations of cles became small enough to pass through the cardiac
several larva, showing the oral opening, the roof of valve into the midgut (Figures 3 and 4). The larvae be-
the stomodaeum, dorsal and ventral dilator muscles of came elongated at ca. 30 min posthatch, then fed more
the stomodaeum, mandibles, salivary glands, salivary rapidly as they entered the principal feeding stage. The
ducts, midgut, and the empty hindgut. These structures cells of the midgut and body wall became thin and
were described by Jarjees et al. (1998), except for our elongated as the gut became distended, until the larvae
use of the term ‘stomodaeum’ instead of ‘pharynx’. reached the sacciform stage. During active feeding,
When the oral opening was viewed, from the anterior, the larvae were very mobile, bending and stretching
a valve could be seen to open and close. The valve, their bodies. Larvae completed active feeding ca. 34 h
when closed, appeared to seal the anterior end of the post-oviposition, during the sacciform stage. Food
stomodaeum. particles retained their original shape within the cen-
The stomodaeum was somewhat oval with 4 dorsal ter of the midgut, indicating that little in gut digestion
dilator muscles and 1 ventral dilator muscle, which had taken place up to this point. However, peristaltic
appeared to stabilize and slightly depress the floor waves passing the full length of the gut continued to
of the stomodaeum (Figure 2). The lateral walls of mix the contents. At ca. 36 h post-oviposition, only the
the stomodaeum were thin and transparent, while the stomodaeum was active with slow movements (10–30
roof was thick and opaque. The roof formed a press per min) of the roof of the stomodaeum.
and bears the attachment of dorsal dilator muscles. Two types of yolk solids were visible in the host
Depression of the roof of the stomodaeum occurs in egg, under our observation conditions: smaller parti-
an anterior to posterior peristaltic wave (permitted by cles (spherical) with diameters of 1–10 µm and larger
the sequential relaxation and contraction of the dor- particles, many of which were amorphous, exceeding
sal dilator muscles). Sacciform larvae had the same 50 µm in diameter. Ingestion of smaller particles re-
mouth structure as the vermiform and pyriform larvae, quired less than 20 sec from the oral opening, through
though the position was shifted somewhat posteri- the stomodaeum and cardiac valve into the midgut.
orly of the anterior extremity on the ventral surface. Ingestion of larger particles (Figure 3) required from
The mandibles were simple, slightly curved, unjointed 5–30 min. Once a particle came into contact with the

Figure 3. A photomicrograph of the cephalic region of a Trichogramma brassicae vermiform larva (ca. 27 h post-oviposition), with small food
particles visible in the stomodaeum.

oral opening, it was partially sucked in and then forced Discussion

out of the opening in a constant back and forth move-
ment. This process was repeated 2–5 times, until a To avoid controversy concerning the number of instars
portion of the particle broke off and was retained in in Trichogramma larvae (Clausen, 1940; Dahlan &
the stomodaeum where it was forced back and forth, Gordh, 1996; Flanders, 1937; Hagen, 1964; Volkoff
again by peristalsis and anti-peristalsis. A strong neg- et al., 1995), we used shape to describe the devel-
ative pressure is generated in the stomodaeum, which opmental stages. In fact, as only one instar was ob-
is 49.5 ± 0.5µm long and 27.5 ± 0.5µm wide, wider served, the shape is a more reasonable developmental
than the oral opening (Figure 2). The negative pressure description than instar.
in the stomodaeum, amplified by the difference in di- We found that the most active feeding occurred
ameters described, helped to break-up large particles. during the vermiform larval stage, starting 25 h post-
Evidently, the peristaltic action generated a cavitation oviposition. The rate of feeding decreased in the pyri-
force that was important in mechanical disruption of form and sacciform stages. We described the feeding
particles, which were simultaneously being attacked apparatus of T. brassicae in general terms, because the
by the chemical action of proteolytic enzymes. After structures were so highly modified that it is difficult
larvae fed for ca. 5 min on the casein that was labeled to ascribe them to the categories listed by Snodgrass
with quenched fluorescent material, bright red fluo- (1935). For example, we found no evidence of a ten-
rescence was observed (indicating un-quenching and torium, maxillae, labium, or most other mouthparts
proteolysis) both outside the oral opening and within that are considered primitive and part of the standard
the stomodaeum (Figure 5). This fluorescence is com- array of feeding structures. As Snodgrass (1935) dis-
pelling evidence of extra-oral digestion by T. brassicae cussed, larval hymenopterans, especially parasitoids,
larvae. The particles in the stomodaeum were further are highly modified and simplified compared to their
disintegrated by the roof of the stomodaeum exerting free-living counterparts. Indeed, direct observation of
a positive pressure against them. The cardiac valve is feeding clearly indicated the simple nature of the life
narrower than the oral opening and provides a second of a Trichogramma larva. They live in a milieu of
barrier, restricting the size of particles that enter the food, and either undertake simple ingestion of mate-
midgut. Nearly all of the contents of the midgut are rials small enough to be ingested or mechanically and
solid particles that are up against one-another, leaving chemically attack larger particles until these are small
very little room for aqueous liquid between them. enough to pass through the oral opening, stomodaeum,
and cardiac valve into the midgut.

Figure 4. Photomicrograph of the cephalic region of a Trichogramma brassicae vermiform larva (ca. 27 h post-oviposition) showing the cardiac
valve between the stomodaeum and the midgut. A mandible is clearly visible, near the oral opening.

Figure 5. Photomicrograph of Trichogramma brassicae larvae feeding on fluorescently labeled casein mixed with host egg material. The bright
halo around the larvae is a red fluorescence emanating from the partially hydrolyzed BIODIPY casein. The bright spot in the stomodaeum of
the lower larva indicates ingestion of the hydrolyzed casein. The field was illuminated with 570 nm light.

We found mandibles, an oral opening, and a sto- size implies a very rapid and efficient nutrient inges-
modaeum with a valve. This anterior valve may be a tion mechanism. Considering the fact that the gut of
labrum, based on its position at the anterior of the sto- Trichogramma larvae is a blind sack, it is most likely
modaeum, and the fact that it is closed from the dorsal that these larvae must ingest strictly or predominantly
side. The stomodaeum was the most prominent and ‘solid’ food, because it is impossible for necessary
important structure involved in the ingestion process. nutrients to be sufficiently concentrated in liquids (Co-
The T. brassicae larvae studied here underwent an hen, 1998). The contention of predominantly ‘solid’
impressive 40-fold increase in volume during the ca. feeding is further supported by continuous observation
9 h feeding period. This remarkably fast increase in of the feeding/swallowing process, where only ‘solid’

particles were observed to be ingested. We consider diet and morphology and histology of their feeding
the materials as "solids" because they have a definite apparatus deserves further attention.
and consistent shape and a particulate appearance.
The most important discovery in this study is that
T. brassicae feed extensively on such solid materials. Acknowledgements
Jarjees et al. (1998) described ingestion of particulate
materials in T. australicum ranging from 3.5–14 µm We thank Drs. C. Collison, P. D. Greany, M. R. Strand,
in diameter. The findings that T. brassicae larvae S. N. Thompson, and S. B. Vinson for reviewing an
use ‘solid’ food is directly applicable to development initial draft of this manuscript. We also appreciate the
of artificial diets for Trichogramma spp. For exam- assistance of Ms. Ethel Griffin for maintaining the
ple, it now seems important that artificial diets for Trichogramma colony, and Ms. Brenda Woods, for
Trichogramma spp. should contain high concentra- providing H. zea eggs. Mr. Joe MacGown (Depart-
tions of particles, forming a nutritional suspension. ment of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Mississippi
Zhong (1992) reported that ‘dregs’ (apparently solid State University) prepared Figure 2. Approved for
particles) enhanced development of Trichogramma on publication as Journal Article No. J-9543 of the Mis-
artificial diet. Chicken egg yolk is rich in proteins sissippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station,
and lipoproteins, which appear as spheres and gran- Mississippi State University.
ules. Their diameter ranged from 25 nm to 40 µm
(Juneja & Kim, 1997), smaller than H. zea egg yolk References
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