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The Effect of In-Situ Pore Pressure on MEOR Processes
G.E. Jenneman and J.B. Clark,Phillips Petroleum Co.

Copyright 1592. Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPElDOE Eighth Symposium on Enhanced Oil Recovery held in Tulsa. Oklahoma. April 22-24. 1992.

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ABSTRACT of hydrostatic pressure but found to be

absent under atmospheric conditions. The fact
Most laboratory work in MEOR, both in that some of the observed effects could be
screening and in development, is performed demonstrated by simply reducing the gas
under i n s i t u temperatures and in brines headspace suggests that gas solubility could
similar to those of the target reservoir. be an important factor. Gas formation in a
However, the effect of i n s i t u pore pressures core was estimated to account for as much as
in such work is normally ignored. Much of 50% of the permeability decrease observed in
our understanding of the effects of cores run under atmospheric pressure.
hydrostatic pressure on microorganisms comes Therefore the changes observed are of such
from studies of microbial communities at the magnitude as to alter the MEOR process in
ocean floor. Since nearly 90% of the ocean the reservoir from that indicated by
floor has pressures ranging from 10 MPa to laboratory studies not done under pressure.
over 100 MPa, there is a paucity of data
concerning effects on microorganisms at the Our results strongly suggest that all MEOR
lower pressures found in many oil reservoirs. studies pertaining to a known reservoir
should be evaluated under the i n s i t u
In our studies of the indigenous cells from conditions of the reservoir, including
injection brine at the North Burbank Unit, we pressure.
have found that pressures ranging from 0.1
MPa to 8.8 MPa can have a significant effect INTRODUCTION
OTI pH changes, substrate utilization, end
product formation andpermeability reduction. A number of mechanisms have been proposed for
In general, hydrogen ion concentrations and the recovery of residual oil through the
carbohydrate utilization rates increasedwith application of microbially enhanced oil
increasing pressures. Methanol was found to recovery (MEOR). Such mechanisms include: gas
be a significant end-product in the presence repressurization, production of
biosurfactants to reduce interfacial tension,
production of polymers to improve mobility
References and figures at end of paper. and increase sweep efficiency, production of

biogenic acids to dissolve carbonate rock, Therefore the purpose of this paper was to
etc. Without exception, the in s i t u describe how low pressures (i.e. 0.1 - 10.1
application of processes used to accomplish MPa) , such as those found at the North
these mechanisms requires the growth and/or Burbank Unit (Shidler, OK) effect the
metabolism of microorganisms in the rock metabolism of natural assemblages of
matrix. Whether the microorganisms used to microorganisms found in the injection brine.
carry out these functions are indigenous or The impact of these effects is discussed with
added exogenously, they must function regard to current laboratory experimentation
effectively at in s i t u conditions of to be used in implementation of MEOR field
salinity, temperature, and pressure. tests.

The importance of salinity and temperature on

microbial activity has been well documented; MATERIALS AND METHODS
however, the significance of pressure as a
metabolic effector is less understood and Brine Collection: Brine used in these
generally believed not to be significant at experiments was collected as effluent from
hydrostatic pressures under approximately 100 the bottom of a free water knockout tank
atrn (10.1 MPa). Consequently effects of located at the tract 5 tank battery (North
pressures below 100 atrn (10.1 MPa) are Burbank Unit(NBU), Shidler, OK). This brine
assumed to be minimal or non-existent.ZoBell is a composite of produced brine from a
and Hittle (1969) stated that the growth of number of area wells and is representative of
most species of marine, starch-hydrolyzing, the brine being re-injected into nearby
bacteria that they studied were retarded by injectors. Brine was collected in clean,
pressures exceeding 100 atrn (10.1 MPa). Only sterile, oxygen-free, glass bottles via
a few reports ( Johnson and Lewin(1946), rubber or nylon tubing clamped to a 1/4 inch
Marquis and Matsumura(l978) and Heinritz et (63.5 mm) nipple. The nipple was connected to
a1 (1990)) have actually examined the effect a 2.0 inch (50.8 mm) gate valve via a
of pressures at or below 100 atrn (10.1 MPa) bushing. When sampling, the valve was opened
on microbial growth. In these cases the allowing brine to purge the sampling line for
effect of pressure tended to slightly enhance approximately one minute. The tubing was then
bacterial growth rate and in one case either placed inside a two-liter,wide-mouth,
enhanced growth yield above that reported at screw cap bottle (Corning Glass) and filled
1 atrn (100 kPa) . However the majority of to the top or brine was introduced into a 32
research involving life under pressures deals ounce (946 cm3), glass, crown top bottle
with ocean floor communities in the proximity (Texberry Container) via a syringe needle (21
of hydrothermal vents where 90% of the gauge) attached to the end of the hose that
pressures are over 100 atrn (10.1 MPa). was pierced through a butyl rubber septum
Likewise many oil reservoirs have pressures lining the bottle cap. Another syringe needle
in excess of 100 atrn (10.1MPa) but Jenneman was pierced through the septum to serve as a
(1989) reported that 40 - 70% of the vent needle. Bottles were made oxygen-free by
reservoirs they surveyed for applicability to pre-incubating inside an anaerobic glove box
MEOR in California, Oklahoma, and Kansas (Coy Laboratory Products, Inc. , Ann Arbor,
exhibit pressures below 120 atrn (12.2 MPa). MI) for at least 48 hours. Brine samples were
Therefore a significant MEOR potential kept at ambient temperature and transported
resides in reservoirs with pressure below 100 back to the laboratory within three hours of
atrn (10.1 MPa). collection. A typical chemical analysis of
Tract 5 brine is presented in Table 1.
In addition to the paucity of pressure Density values for the brine of 1.08 g/cm3
studies involving microbial activities many (1080 kg/m3) and a charge balance of the ions
of the studies performed deal with effects on suggest that the actual total dissolved
pure cultures of microorganisms. It is well solids are closer to 100 g/L since the
accepted that oil field brines contain standard drying procedures used to dehydrate
complex communities of microorganisms that brine containing high levels of divalent
interact both positively and negatively to metal cations are not usually effective.
each other in response to nutrient input.

Description of barokams: Figure 1 is an connecting to the barokam apparatus. Barokams

illustration of a barokam. A barokam is a were then brought up to 45 C before
term used to describe a pressure vessel as pressurizing to the test pressure. In the
suggested by C. E. ZoBell ( Marquis, 1976). process of pressurizing, a small amount of
A maximum of six barokams were run at any the barokam contents was pumped through the
given time. Barokams were made from one inch outlet to remove any remaining free gas in
(254 nun) NPT 316 stainless steel(SS) tees the sampling lines, as well as to set the
connected on one end via 1/4 inch (63.5 mm) metering valve at the desired resistance.
SS tubing to a 100 cm3 SS accumulator (Welker
Engineering) containing a piston and on the Headspace experiments: Glass serum bottles
other end connected via 1/16 inch (15.9 mm) (120 em3, Bellco) were acid cleaned and
SS tubing to a metering valve or a back- rinsed with deionized water. Bottles and
pressure regulator. A pressure tolerant pH butyl rubber stoppers were then sterilized by
probe (see pH measurement) was inserted into autoclaving for 15 minutes at 112 C. After
the remaining opening of the tee. cooling, the bottles were placed in an
anaerobic glove box and preincubated for 48
All barokams were housed inside an oven for hours before using. Bottles were filled with
temperature control and pressurized by means 100 cm3 of unfiltered brine and nutrients
of an hydraulic hand pump (Model 87-6-5,High leaving approximately 20 cm3 of headspace.
Pressure Equipment Co . , Erie, PA) connected Bottles were stoppered and crimp sealed with
to the back side of the barokam accumulators aluminum caps and then placed in a 45 C
(Figure 2). All hydraulic lines were filled incubator housed inside the glove box.
with oxygen-free water housed inside an
anaerobic glove box. When sampling, the pH measurement: Hydrogen ion concentration
contents of the barokams were extruded by (pH) was performed using pressure tolerant pH
pressurizing the accumulator piston until the probes (TBI-Bailey Controls, Carson City,
system pressure exceeded the setting of the NV). Each barokam pH probe was connected to
back pressure regulator or until the system a pH Vision Datalogger (Model 6091, Jenco or
pressure exceeded the resistance created by Markson Electronics) which recorded pH every
the metering valve needed to hold the desired one to three hours to a thermal printer.
test pressure.
Anaerobic glove box: Two types of gloves
Preparation and filling of barokams: All boxes were used in these experiments: either
parts of the barokam, except O-rings and a Coy chamber (Ann Arbor, MI) or a Forma
piston, were soaked in a 10% solution of HC1 Scientific Anaerobic System, Model 1024.
and then rinsed with deionized water. The Anaerobic gas used in both chambers was
parts of barokam were then sterilized by comprised of 10% hydrogen, 5% carbon dioxide,
autoclaving at 121 C for 15 minutes. The and the balance nitrogen.
barokams were then allowed to cool before
being placed in an anaerobic glove box. The Nutrients and inoculum: Nutrients used in
barokams were pre-incubated in the glove box microbial growth experiments consisted of a
for at least 48 hours to remove residual phosphorus source in the form of a phosphate
oxygen. pH probes were not sterilized after compound and a carbon source in the form of
acid cleaning but were calibrated with pH 7.0 a starch hydrolysate.
and then taken inside the glove box the day The microbial inoculum (i.e . indigenous
of use. microorganisms) c o n s i s t e d o f u n f i l t e r e d T r a c t
5 brine. Brine was collected as described
Barokams were filled while inside the glove above. In all cases the inoculum was used
box with brine and nutrients. Filling was within two days of collection. While not in
performed in a manner to avoid introducing or use the inoculum was stored inside an
leaving free gas trapped in the barokams. anaerobic glove box at room temperature.
Once filled, the barokams were removed from
the glove box and fittings tightened with a Carbohydrate analyses : The analysis of the
wrench before being placed in the oven and starch hydrolysate was performed by adding

0.1 cm3 or less of sample containing Tract 5 oil on the opposite side of the pistons. The
brine to 0.1 cm3 of acetate buffer (0.1 M pistons would then drive the solutions
( .001 kmol/m3) acetate, pH 4.8 - 5 .O) and 0.1 through 1/16" (15.9 mm) ID SS tubing then
cm3 of 0.2 M (.002 kmol/m3) KC1. This was through a manifold and into an epoxied core
brought up to 0.5 cm3 with deionized water housed within a SS core holder (annulus) . The
and .005 cm3 of amyloglucosidase (10 g/L, pump oil used to drive the pistons was
Boehringer Mannheim). This solution was degassed with nitrogen that was passed
incubated at 45 C for at least 3 hours. At through a heated copper oven in order to
the end of this incubation the hydrolysate remove trace amounts of oxygen. It had been
was assayed for glucose using a glucose previously established that oxygen in the
oxidase kit(Sigma Chemical Co, St. Louis, MO) pump oil could diffuse from the inside walls
and the absorbance at 450 nm read with a of the accumulator and into the nutrients or
Bausch and Lomb Spectronic 21 brine. Oxygen would case precipitation of
spectrophotometer. Quantitation was iron in the brine and is toxic to certain
determined from standard curve analysis anaerobic bacteria contained in the brine.
generated with a standard solution of the The annulus of the core holder was filled
starch hydrolysate. Precision and accuracy of with water and pressurized above the
this method was typically between 5 and 10 injection pressure by means of a hand
percent. operated hydraulic pump. The core holder was
mounted in a forced draft oven held at 45 C.
Fatty acid analysis: Fatty acid analysis for Validyne differential pressure transducers
acetate, formate, propionate, butyrate, etc. (P1 - P4) were mounted along the length of
was performed using quantitative ion the core to monitor changes in resistance
chromatography. Samples were pre-filtered factor. These pressures were digitized and
with OnGuard-Ag filters (Dionex) to remove logged by a computerized data acquisition
chloride. Chromatography of acids was system. At the outlet end of the core the
performed using a Dionex Ion Chromatograph stream passed through a pressure tolerant pH
(Model 4500i) equipped with a Dionex Ion-Pac probe (TBI-Bailey Controls, Carson City, NV)
ICE-AS1 ion exclusion column and a and then through a backpressure regulator set
conductivity detector. Identification of for 500 psig (3.45 MPa). From here the
acids was performed by comparison to effluent would pass through another on-line
retention times for authentic standards. pH probe at atmospheric pressure and then
Detection limit was 0.5 ppm. through a gas trap which consisted of a test
tube filled with acidified, oxygen-free water
Fatty alcohol analysis: Fatty alcohols to reduce carbon dioxide solubility. The
analysis for methanol, ethanol, acetone, effluent stream was then collected by a
isopropanol, n-propanol, n-butanol, fraction collector or batched into a flask.
isobutanol, sec-butanolandtert-butanolwere
analysed by gas chromatography (Hewlett Cores:The core used in this study was cut
Packard GC, Model HP5880) and detected using form preserved Burbank cores. The core was
a flame ionization detector. Separation of cut transversely across a larger core (3.5
alcohols was performed on a Carbowax 1500 inch (88.9 mm) diameter) and then cleaned by
packed column. Limit of detection was solvent extraction in a Soxhlet extractor
approximately .001 g/L with a relative using toluene and methanol. The core was
percent standard deviation of 5. fitted with Ryton endplates and then coated
Identification of alcohols was by comparison with epoxy (Dexter Epoxy-Patch). Holes at
of retention times to authentic standards. approximately 0.5, 1.5, and 2.5 inches (12.7,
38.1, and 63.5 mm) from the inlet face of the
Description of coreflood apparatus:The core- core were drilled into the epoxied rock with
flood apparatus used in all experiments is an 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) masonry bit to a depth
depicted in Figure 3. A Ruska positive of 1/4 inch (6.4 mm). Stainless steel unions
displacement pump was used to inject fluids (1/16 inch (1.6 mm), Swagelok) were then
to drive pistons enclosed in stainless steel epoxied into these holes and fitted with
accumulators containing either nutrients, stainless steel tubing (1/16 inch (1.6 mm) ,
unfiltered brine, filtered brine, or crude ID). These taps, designated RF1 through RF4,

were used to record differential pressures one at 750 psig (5.17 MPa) , in terms of the
across their respective sections of the core difference between pH measured at ambient
(i.e. RF1, inlet face to 0.5 inches (12.7 conditions (i.e. atmospheric pressure) and
mm) ; RF2 0.5 inches (12.7 mm) to 1.5 inches that measured at the test pressure. This
(38.1 mm) , etc. ) . The core was placed in a difference should reflect the importance of
water filled accumulator (annulus) equipped increased solubility of biogenic C02 on the
with a pass through fitting that would allow observed lowering of pH since this pH
the passage of 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) tubing. The difference should only reflect the re-
annulus was pressurized such that it' s equilibration of the gas (i.e. C02) in
pressure was greater than the injection solution with the atmosphere. A value greater
pressure (approx. 500 psig (3.45 MPa)) being than 1.0 should indicate that there is an
used. After checking for leaks the core was effect of C02 on pH and the greater this
vacuum saturated with filtered Tract 5 brine value the greater the effect. A positive
and the effective permeability to brine effect is noticed throughout the time period
determined. The core was then injected with measured. However the magnitude of the effect
clean NBU crude oil and flooded to immobile varies with incubation time and the effect is
water saturation. Afterwards the core was greater under pressure than at headspace
flooded with brine to residual oil saturation limiting conditions (i.e. 0 MPa).
and the permeability determined.
Carbohydrate Utilization Rates
The resistance factor (RF) is defined as the
permeability to brine after waterflooding to In Figure 6 microbial utilization rates for
residual oil saturation divided by the 2.0 g/L of the starch hydrolysate are
pernieability to brine after nutrient displayed as a ratio of the effective
injection. concentration divided by the initial
concentration vs headspace (HS) and
RESULTS increasing hydrostatic pressure. The solid
bars represent the means and standard errors
of these instantaneous rates calculated at 8
or 9 days from at least four replicates. The
Results of headspace samples are presented as samples are representative of at least two
the mean and standard error of the mean for sampling times from the same sample source.
four replicates sampled on the same day from The exceptions to this are the values at 1100
a single source (Figure 4). At 0 psig, 500 psig (7.58 MPa) and 1300 psig (8.96 MPa)
psig, and 1000 psig (0, 3.45, and 6.89 MPa) which are single sample points taken during
the mean and standard errors are for sample the same sampling time. The asterisk above
sizes of 8,4, and 4 samples, respectively. the results at 1000 psig (8.96 MPa) indicate
These samples were taken on at least two that this mean value was found to be
sample times but from the same sample source. significantly different from the headspace
Additional samples not shown include results sample at the .05 level. Tests of
from barokams at 50, 150, 700, 750, 900, significance between the mean of the
1100, and 1300 psig (.34, 1.03, 4.83, 6.21, headspace sample and other means were not
7.58, and 8.96). The results of pH kinetics found to be significant. Statistical
for these barokams were similar to those significance was determined using the
displayed in Figure 4 for barokams at 0 and independent t-test for unequal sample sizes
1000 psig (6.80 MPa). In all cases the same as performed by Sigmaplot V 4.0 (Scientific
concentrations of starch hydrolysate and Graph System, Jandel Scientific, Corte
phosphate were used. The results indicate Madera, CA).
that the lag time until pH decline is shorter
in those cases where headspace is minimized Figure 7 compares the utilization rates at
and that the rate and magnitude of the pH 1.0 g/L of the starch hydrolysate for samples
drop is greater with increasing pressure. run with headspace and those at 500 psig
(3.45 MPa) of static pressure. These values
Figure 5 compares the pH results of two represent the means and standard errors of
barokams, one at no hydrostatic pressure and instantaneous rates measured after 10 or 11

days for at least 5 replicates. At least two Materials and Methods section. This core plug
sampling times from a single sample source was then placed in the coreflood apparatus
were used. The mean value at 500 psig (3.45 depicted in Figure 3. This core was drilled
MPa) was found to be significantly different from a larger core taken from injection Well
(P<.05) from rates determined for headspace 41828 at the North Burbank Unit, operated by
samples. The same statistical methods were Phillips Petroleum Company. The absolute
used as for the samples containing 2.0 g/L of permeability of the core to nitrogen gas is
carbohydrate. 435mD and the effective permeability to brine
is 396mD. The core has an effective porosity
of 26% and a pore volume of 9.8 cc. At
residual oil saturation the effective
Low molecular weight alcohols and fatty acids permeability to brine is 236mD.
in additions to methane, hydrogen and carbon
dioxide comprise the major fraction of The core was started out with no back
extracellular metabolic end-products formed pressure (i.e. zero pore pressure) and at a
through anaerobic fermentation of temperature of 45 C. The core was inoculated
carbohydrate feedstocks. Table 2 lists the with approximately 50 pore volumes of
effect of headspace and hydrostatic pressure unfilteredTract 5 injectionbrine containing
on the production of the non-gaseous end- about 100,000 cells/cm3. After inoculation
products. The values represent means (S.E.) the core was injected with growth supporting
of six replicates at headspace conditions, nutrients (i.e 2.0 g/L of the starch
six replicates under no pressure (i.e. 0 hydrolysate and 4.68 mM (4.68 X 10 E-05
MPa) , and six replicates between the range of kmol/m3) phosphorus (as inorganic phosphate)
750 - 1000 psig (5.17 - 6.89 MPa) . All ratios at a flow rate of 2.57cm3/h (2.57 X 10 E-05
reflect instantaneous measuremenrs and were m3/h). Resistance Factors (RF) were recorded
normalized for the amount of carbohydrate at specified distances (RFl,RF2,RF3,andRF4)
utilized at this time (i.e. 14-15 days). No across the length of the core and
significant differences were observed for instantaneous readings plotted every four
ratios of ethanol, formate, or acetate under hours as shown in Figure 9. After
the various conditions. However, there was a approximately three days (PV = 130) of
20 to 35 fold increase in the amount of nutrient injection the RFs across the entire
methanol in headspace limited samples and in
samples at 750 - 1000 psig (5.17 - 6.89 #Pa)
over the amount found in headspace containing
core began to fluctuate slightly. By the
tenth day (PV 150) the RFs were oscillating
wildly across the core (Figure 9). Pressure
samples. fluctuations across the front end of the core
(i.e. RF1) were not that variable either due
In a barokarn experiment conducted for a to the increased pressure at the face of the
longer time period (i,e. 21 days) it was core and the absence of a free gas phase.
found that increasing hydrostatic pressure This general behavior continued for the next
favored increasing amounts of ethanol per nine to ten days at which time the pore
carbohydrate utilized while acetate per pressure of the core was raised to 500 psig
carbohydrate utilized decreased (Figure 8). (3.45 MPa) . Very quickly the pressures
The greater than sign (">") above the bar stopped oscillating and became steady. It
indicates that the actual value is greater took approximately 5 cm3 of brine to compress
than this but due to a limitation in the gas in the core to bring it to a pore
sensitivity of the carbohydrate assay the pressure of 500 psig (3.45 MPa). Therefore as
actual value could not be determined. The much as 50% of the pore volume of the core
less than sign ("<") conversely indicates could be accounted for as free gas.
that the actual values are less than
indicated. DISCUSSION

Core Flood Experiment Effect on vlj

A 2.5 X 7.4 cm core plug was drilled, It is a well established fact that the
cleaned, and epoxied as instructed in the hydrogen ion concentration has a significant

effect on microbial growth and metabolism. (6.21 MPa) is due to CO, production or
The majority of known microorganisms prefer solubility . This is understandable since the
a neutral or slightly alkaline environment barokams were initially equilibrated with the
but growth and survival at extremes of pH atmosphere inside an anaerobic glove box
(i.e. < 1.0 or > 10.0) are known (Langworthy which contains 5.0% GO,. Within a couple of
(1978)). The pH of a medium not only effects days this CO, effect is lessened possibly due
the rate and extent of microbial growth but to microbial fixation of this gas. However,
effects the types of metabolites formed. A as the pH as measured under pressure begins
good example of this is the effect of pH on to drop (Days 3 to 5), the pH difference
the production of acids and solvents (e.g. begins to increase again which can be
ethanol, acetone) by Clostridium explained as oxidative decarboxylation of the
acetylbutylicum where a drop in pH shifts the carbohydrate by the fermentative bacteria.
production of end-products from acids to The magnitude of this effect is greater under
solvents (Gottwald and Gottschalk (1985)). pressure presumably due to increased
Therefore pH buffers are often used in solubility of CO,. By day 7 or 8 the pH
biological media to control pH. The most effect due to C02 begins to lessen but the
natural buffers known are carbonates which measured pH does not increase; therefore the
are in equilibrium with bicarbonate, carbonic ability of the medium to maintain the low pH
acid, carbon dioxide and water. Carbonates must be due to production of less volatile
are present in many oil reservoirs as either products such as acetic acid. Both acetic
rock matrix or as cementing material (i.e. acid and formic acid were detected as end-
calcite) which act to hold grains of sand products by this stage of the fermentation
together. The effectiveness of carbonates as under all conditions tested. The dependance
buffers relies on the formation of the weak of the pH difference on these fatty acids in
acid H2C03 which in the presence of acid the latter stages of the fermentation could
decomposes to carbon dioxide and water. The explain why the pH curves in Figure 4 begin
CO, escapes to the atmosphere preventing to converge after 7 or 8 days of growth.
accumulation of hydrogen ions. However, the
increased solubility of CO, due to increased Effect on carbohvdrate utilization
hydrostatic pressure or elimination of
headspace acts to increase the acidity of the Rates of carbohydrate utilization at
brine by preventing C02 volatilization and concentrations of 2.0 g/L, measured under
therefore stabilizes the formation of headspace conditions, were significantly
carbonic acid. In Figure 4 the measured lower than rates that were measured at 1000
effect of pressure and headspace on pH psig (6.89 MPa) and greater (Figure 6). At
suggests that hydrogen ion concentrations lower carbohydrate concentrations 1.0 g/L
measured in the presence of a headspace could significant increases in rates were realized
underestimate the actual hydrogen ion at pressures as low as 500 psig (3.45 MPa,
concentration by as much as one pH unit or a Figure 7). In some cases, especially in the
factor of 10. Furthermore, in the absence of presence of headspace, as much as 10 days
a headspace and pressure the pH more closely elapsed before any significant depletion of
follows pH measured at 500 psig (3.45 MPa) or carbohydrate was realized whereas in other
1000 psig (6.89 MPa) ; however, the results cases utilization began within a couple of
are highly variable possibly due to an days and proceeded slowly. However under
inability to completely eliminate the pressures of 500 psig (3.45 MPa) or greater
headspace in all the barokams. utilization began within 5 days and proceeded
at a more rapid rate almost without
Carbon dioxide as well as acidic end-products exception. The reasons for this increased
(e.g. acetic acid, propionic acid, etc.) of rate of utilization are not known. Possible
bacterial fermentation can both affect pH; explanations for these observations are that
however, the importance of these two pressure selects for a group of
effectors could vary throughout the time microorganisms with a greater ability to
course of the fermentation. Figure 5 suggests utilize the carbohydrate or that pressure
that at time zero much of the pH difference enhances the enzymatic activity of the same
measured at 0 gauge pressure versus 750 psig population of microorganisms. This effect

could take place at the level of the active favorable reduction of acetate to ethanol.
site of the enzyme or at genetic loci This suggests that the hydrogenotrophic
controlling the expression of these enzymes. methanogens responsible for reducing these
Pressures in excess of 1000 psig are known to hydrogen levels are rate limiting at this
increase biological reaction rates (Cowen stage of the fermentation. No attempt was
(1989), Bernhardt et al. (1988), Yayanos made to isolate these methanogens and no
(1975)); however, effects of this type have attempt was made to measure hydrogen
not been reported for the relatively low concentrations in these barokam experiments.
pressures reported in this study. In fact No reports to our knowledge have been made as
very few reports have even examined to the isolation of hydrogenotrophic
biological effects at low pressures. Another methanogens under the NaCl concentrations
possibility concerns the favorable effect of found in the brine under study.
pressure on increasing gas solubility which
may select for a microbial consortia with an Another observation was the appearance of
increased ability to utilize the significant methanol concentrations produced
carbohydrate. Samuelov et al. recently found when headspace was limited and pressure
that increased C02 concentrations increased increased. Methanol is not considered to be
the growth rate and decreased the growth lag a major end-product of . anaerobic
phase of the glucose fermenting anaerobe fermentations although it is considered a
Anaerobiospirillum succiniciproducens. Also good substrate for methanogenic bacteria in
increased hydrogen concentrations are known hypersaline environments. However, Schink and
to favor hydrogen consuming (1.e. Zeikus (1980) reported the production of
hydrogenotrophs) bacteria such as methanogens methanol formed from the methoxyl groups of
and mixotrophs. Hydrogenotrophs can act pectin under fermentative conditions. It is
synergistically with hydrogen producing possible that the starch hydrolysate used in
bacteria (i.e. proton-reducing bacteria) in this study contains some methoxylated uronic
order to allow a more thermodynamically acids as impurities. Perhaps an increase in
favorable fermentation of carbohydrates to pressure favors the expression or activity of
occur (Schink (1988)). the methylesterase responsible for methanol
production, however, no attempts were made to
measure this activity.

End-products are important in the development Effect of Dressure on ~ermeabilitv

of MEOR processes since it is the production
of these acids and solvents that may be One mechanism that has been proposed for MEOR
partially responsible for oil displacement. is permeability modification of highly
Therefore conditions controlling their stratified reservoirs which relies on the
production must be evaluated and understood. selective reduction of permeability in the
The major end-products formed from the high permeability strata. This reduction is
fermentation of the starch hydrolysate in achieved through the production of biomass,
these experiments were acetate and ethanol. including polymer and cells, within the pores
No significant differences were observed in of the matrix. Another product of microbial
the production of these compounds after 14 to metabolism, gas, can also have an effect on
15 days when normalized for the amount of permeability. The effective permeability of
carbohydrate consumed (Table 2). However for the rock to brine decreases as the percentage
longer fefmentation periods (i.e. 21 days) pore space occupied by gas increases.
increasing pressure was observed to favor Therefore in the absence of pore pressure
ethanol production vs acetate production biogenically produced gas will occupy more
(Figure 8). This might be expected since and more pore space as the gas saturation of
increasing pressure will favor increased the brine is exceeded. Also the lowering of
hydrogen solubility which inhibits the pH due to biologically praduced acids will
ability of the proton-reducing acetogenic release more gas as COz. This gas unless
bacteria to oxidize low molecular weight compressed by the in situ pore pressure, will
fatty acids causing a diversion of electrons generate resistances to flow that will
to flow to the more thermodynamically overestimate the actual resistance in situ.

The results in Figure 9 demonstrate how a also appreciate the opportunity and support
biogenically produced gas phase effects provided by Phillips Petroleum Co.
resistance factors. As more and more gas is
produced inside the core the differential
pressures fluctuate wildly due to periodic REFERENCES
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Stevens, Sheryl Baughman, and Debbie Walker London, pp. 279-315 (1978).
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Chemical analysis of injection brine from the Effect of pressure on production of end-products
Tract 5 tank battery at the North Burbank Unit -
after 14 15 days incubation at 45 C.

Pressure (g)
ammonium MPa Ethanol Methanol Acetate
nitrite Headspace .22(.06) .002(.0006) .13(.02)
total organic carbon
sodium Values represent averages and standard errors (S.E.)
chloride of the ratios of the concentration of end-products pro-
iron duced divided by the concentration of the carbo-
total dissolved solids hydrate utilized.

To pH Meter
Sampl i n g
\MJ Valve


From Reservoir
Fig. l-Barokam.
0 0
Glove BOX
I locc Syringe
9 Meter

Fig. 2-Barokam apparatus.

n m D
a*,E n r a n

IU Fig. 3-Coreflood apparatus.
A Headspace
D p(g) = 0 kPa
v p(g) = 3.45 MPt
0 p(g) = 6.89 MP(

5 10 15
Time (d)

5 10
Time (d)
Fig. oi p m u n on pH m w u n d undwr anblmt wnditions vs. musund undar p w s u n .
Pressure (g) MPa
Flg. GEffect of pressure on the uWlMion of 2.0 g L starch hydmlyast. alter 8-9 day. at 45%.

Headspace 3.45
Pressure (g) MPa
Rs. 7--Etlecl of pressure on tha utiliution of 1.0 plL atamh hydmlyute after 10-11 day. at 45%.

Pressure (g) MPa

Fig. 8-Elleel of pr-ure on amwnt of end-product formed per carbohydrate u U l W afler 21 days at 45%.


150 200
Pore Volumaa Injected

Fig. 9-The efleel of lnr8u pore prawuw on resistance factorsof a North Burbsnk cow afler mlcmblelplugging.

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