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On non judicial stamp paper as

applicable in the state

Declaration of Borrower

Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited

Mr./Mrs./Ms.______________________S/o/D/o/W/o __________________ & Mr./Mrs.

_________________________ S/o/D/o/W/o _________________ hereinafter referred to as
(“Borrowers”) (which expression shall unless the context otherwise requires, include his heirs,
executors, administrators), do hereby declare and confirm to Housing Development Finance
Corporation Limited (HDFC) by way of this declaration as under :

·0 I/We have sought for housing loan of Rs.____________/- (Rupees

__________________Only) from HDFC in order to purchase/construct the property
fter referred to as “Said Property”), of which a photographic image duly identifying the
said Property ( alongwith the Borrower/s) is attached herewith as an integral part of this

·1 I/we am / are aware of the terms of the Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS)
under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana–urban mission (PMAY), the details of
which have been duly explained to me/us. I/ We shall forthwith inform HDFC
upon completion of the construction of the Property for which the loan is availed
in terms of the stipulations laid down under the said Scheme.

·2 I/We declare that ( select / tick as may be applicable):

·3 The annual income of our family :

·4 has not exceeded INR 6,00,000/- - for EWS and LIG category;
·5 is between INR 6,00,000/- to INR 12,00,000/- -for MIG I
category; or
·6 is between INR 12,00,000/- to INR 18,00,000/- - for MIG II

·7 The carpet area of the Said Property does not exceed :

·8 60sq.mts for EWS and LIG category;
·9 90 sq.mts for MIG I category; or
·10 110 sq.mts for MIG II category
(select as may be applicable)

·11 The Said Property is owned/co-owned by a woman/women

·12 I/We declare that:

·13 The Said Property is the first property of the family & the family doesn’t
own any pucca house in their name as of date.

·14 My/Our religion is ( please tick )

Hindu (01), Muslim (02), Christian (03), Sikh (04), Jainism (05), Buddhism (06),
Zoroastrianism (07), Others (08)
·15 The head of the family1 is __________
·16 The details of the family are as follows (In case the applicant/co-applicant is
single, details of parents/unmarried siblings to be provided) :

Name of the Family Relationship to Gender DOB Aadhaar/Voter ID Card/Any

Member* the Head of (dd/mm/yy) other unique identification
the Family number or a certificate of
house ownership from
Revenue Authority of
beneficiary’s native district

·17 I/We hereby authorize HDFC, to share all information ( including photographs) and
details submitted by me/us under the Scheme with the Central Nodal Agency (CNA),
National Housing Bank (NHB), or any other agency, institution, authorized by NHB or any
other government authority duly authorised by NHB or Government of India under CLSS
or otherwise. I/we further authorize HDFC to use my/our/ the Property details and/ or
images in any promotional / reference campaign in relation to the PMAY /CLSS or
otherwise that it may deem fit in its sole discretion in any manner whatsoever. I /We
shall also remain accessible to HDFC /NHB for any event related to the PMAY /CLSS or
otherwise as any when required.
·18 I/we further authorize HDFC to receive any amount as it may from NHB or any other
government authority as a part of CLSS.
·19 I/We declare that we are completely aware that discretion to accept or reject the
eligibility to be covered under CLSS is solely of NHB and I/We shall have no claims
against HDFC of any nature whatsoever, if according to NHB the particulars mentioned
hereinabove do not meet the requirements for CLSS.

·20 I/We declare that we have not availed of any benefit/subsidy under any
scheme/guidelines formulated by Government of India under PMAY.

·21 In the eventuality of the loan being classified as a Non Performing Asset (NPA) on
account of my/our non-repayment of the said Loan, which causes HDFC to initiate
appropriate recovery proceeding, or in the event of non construction of the Property in
its entirety within 3 years from the date of disbursement of the first installment of the
Loan, I/We am/are aware and acknowledge that all amount received as subsidy from
Government/CNA/NHB shall also be subject to recovery by HDFC.

·22 I/ we solemnly declare and undertake that what is stated in this Declaration is true and
correct to the best of my/our knowledge and that no material information has been
withheld from HDFC.

Solemnly signed on this ___day of __________, 20____ at __________

Date: ______________

Name of the Borrower__________________Name of the Co-Borrower/Co


Signature of the Borrower ______________Signature of the Borrower/Co



·23 __________________ Name & Address


·24 __________________ Name & Address


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