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3 Field Experiences

Engage in appropriate field experiences to synthesize and apply the content and professional
knowledge, skills, and dispositions identified in these standards.

For this artifact, I chose one of my more involved field experience logs. This log outlines the work that
went into creating my shared vision paper during my educational leadership course. It includes the dates
for all of the activities that went into the creation of that artifact as well as a focused reflection outlining
the skills needed to complete the experiences.

This artifact demonstrates my mastery of this standard because it is a report on my ability to engage in a
field experience that I can use to synthesize and apply the content and professional knowledge, skills,
and dispositions identified in these standards. Each of the standards included in the artifact are directly
connected to the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to create a shared vision and then take the
vision to the next step of implementation and finally further reflection.

The work that went into creating this artifact helped me to be able to connect the standards to the work
that I was doing. This ultimately helped me to identify where my strengths and weaknesses are and
make adjustments as needed. Including the reflection element helps me to recognize ways that I can
improve when I complete similar activities in the future.

The work that went into the assignment that this artifact pertains to can ultimately benefit the school as
a whole because before completing this, there really wasn’t much of a vision at all for the school. After
the assignment was completed, I was able to review it with my administrators to help get everyone on
the same page in terms of where we are going with instructional technology and professional learning.
The impact can be assessed through observations of a more focused initiative when it comes to
professional learning in the building.

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