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English 10B Test 1: Short Nonfiction Unit

Part I. Matching (16 pts)

For 1-16, match the term to the letter of its correct definition
1. Analytic Essay ___ a The reuse of a key word or idea for emphasis

2. Rhetorical Devices ___ b Short, catchy phrases

3. Parallelism ___ c Intended to have obvious answers and

designed to have a specific effect

4. Slogans/Saws ___ D A brief work of nonfiction where an author

explores an idea or claim by breaking it into parts

5. Tone ___ E A brief nonfiction essay where the author presents the

experiences that have shaped or inspired his/her thoughts on a topic

6. Persuasive Writing ___ F A writing style used to convince people to take

particular action or position

7. Fact ___ G An author's word choice

8. Repetition ___ H Devices used by essayists in order to get

readers to accept an analysis or interpretation

9. Rhetorical Questions ___ iA series of logically linked ideas that support a

10. Opinion ___ J Statements that express a belief or a viewpoint

that need to be supported by valid reasons

11. Expository Essay ___ K Verbal techniques used to create emphasis

and appeal to emotions

12. Arguments ___ L A brief nonfiction work in which an author

informs by explaining, defining or interpreting an idea

13. Diction ___ M Statements that can be proved to be true

14. Appeals ___ N A reflection of the author's attitude toward a

15. Reflective Essay ___ O A work where an author offers a view of the

meaning or significance of an issue of general interest

16. Interpretive Essay ___ P Similar grammatical structures expressing

related ideas
II. Short Answer (12 pts)
17. What are the four different types of appeals an author can make in analytic/interpretive
writing? (4 pts)

18. What are the defining characteristics of a reflective essay? Essentially, what may an
author do in their reflective process? (3 pts.)

19. What different elements does an author’s perspective encompass? What are some
examples of how an author’s perspective influences which details he/she includes? (5 pts)

III. Essay (22 pts)

On the back of this paper, or on a separate sheet of paper, write a brief, 2-3 paragraph
response answering/addressing one of the following questions:
A) In “Nobel Lecture,” Solzhenitsyn writes that literature can help to end lies and violence in the
world. In an essay, describe how literature can fight violence and lies. Provide at least two
details from the selection to support your response.

B) “In Commemoration: One Million Volumes” is a reflective essay about the role of words and
books in one man’s life. In an essay, reflect on the many ways in which Rudolfo Anaya’s life
changed as a result of the information he absorbed from a lifetime of devotion to books and

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