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General Instructions for Project

1. Submission of Documentation should be done after the project is approved by the

Internal guide.
2. 3 copies of documentation to be submitted to department office after approval by
guide, co-coordinator and HOD.
3. The documentation should consist of a minimum of 30 pages.
4. The color for cover page of project should be white and blue.
5. One blank sheet with chapter number & heading to be inserted before
commencement of each chapter.
6. Document Details:
6.1. One sided
6.2. 1.5 spacing
6.3. Font: Times New Roman(12)
6.4. Matter should be both side justified
6.5. Font sizes

Title 18
Main Headings 16
Side Headings 14
7. In all the papers, starting from the synopsis to bibliography, the title of the project
should appear as header on right top corner with font size of 8 , page no. with font
size 10 should be at right bottom and ‘ECE department, NNRG’ should be at left
bottom with font size 8.
8. Certificate from external guide in the official letter head of his/her firm to be
enclosed after NNRG certificate.
9. VLSI code / program to be listed in Appendix
10. All equations to be numbered 1.1, 1.2…………2.1, 2.2 …….


11. All figures to be numbered Fig. 1.1, Fig. 1.2… Fig.2.1, ………….

S.E vs Frequency at different thicknesses(1-5mil) of conductor with ca(NiTi)x Fe12-2x o19 (5mm)
s h ie ld in g e ffe c tiv e n e s s in d B

Thickness of conductor(copper):
1mil : *
2mil : +
3mil : x
2000 4mil : o
5mil : >




0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2

Frequency in Hz 10
x 10

Fig.1.1: The variation of the Shielding effectiveness as a function of frequency of Ca-NiTi hexa ferrite
composites (Ca(NiTi)xFe12-2xO19) for x=0.4–copper for different thicknesses of copper.
12. All tables to be numbered Table. 1.1, Table.1.2…………….

Table. 1.1: Reflectivity of various metals at different frequencies.

S. No Frequency Reflectivity in dB
in Hz copper aluminium
1 500 2 1
2 600 5 4
3 700 8 7
4 800 10 8

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