Shoe Box Pta Tractor Run Etc-2

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St. Michael’s N.S.

– Rackwallace
Monaghan. H18 XY66
Roll No: 16954C
Telephone: 047 85282 email:
Twitter : @rackwallacens

Principal: Mr Séamus Grundy Deputy Principal: Mrs Donna Mone

22 October 2019

Dear Parents,

Trick or Treat: Just to remind you that we are having our Trick or Treat fundraiser for Temple
St. Hospital on Friday of this week. It is hoped that all children will come to school in
costume/fancy dress and we ask for a donation of €2 per child for this very worthy cause.

PTA Meeting: The PTA makes an invaluable contribution to the school and this is greatly
appreciated by the Board of Management.
You will have received notification from the PTA chairperson about the Parent Teacher
Association AGM which takes place on Monday 11th November. As outlined in the letter, the
parents’ nominees for the new Board of Management will be selected at this meeting.
I strongly encourage each family to make an effort to have a least one parent attend the meeting if
at all possible.

Tractor Run: Ardaghey Community Childcare has postponed the tractor run planned for the 10th
November as there is another similar event taking place in the area on that date.

Sacraments: We recently received confirmation of the dates for the sacraments of First Holy
Communion and Confirmation in our parish. Confirmation will take place in St. Macartan’s
Cathedral on Saturday 25th April at 10a.m. and First Holy Communion will take place on Sunday
17th May at 9:30a.m. in St. Michael’s Church, Ardaghey. A date for First Confession has yet to
be arranged.

Team Hope Shoe Box Appeal: We have been approached by Team Hope to participate in this
year’s shoe box appeal. We are still awaiting delivery of the flyers and we will send one out to
each family as soon as we receive them. Please note there is no obligation to participate but
anyone wishing to donate a shoe box should send it into the school by Wednesday 6th November.
Apologies for the short notice but the Team Hope rep just contacted us in the last few days.

Stationery Contribution: Many thanks to families who have sent in their stationery
contribution. Please remember to check your child’s bag/homework folder for a receipt.

‘Mary Poppins’: Congratulations to staff and students from Beech Hill College on their
excellent production of ‘Mary Poppins’ which the pupils from the senior classroom were invited
to attend on Wednesday last.

ScoilMhichil, RathMhicMhalais- Fón 047 85282

Ríomhphost –
Congratulations: Well done to Amy Gillanders - Rang a hAon, James Macklin - Rang a Trí and
Lucy Greenan - Rang a Cúig on receiving the Spiorad na Scoile, Maths Champion and Healthy
Eating certificates respectively for the month of September.

Mid-term Break: The school will be closed all of next week (28th Oct-1st Nov) for the mid-term
break. School will finish at the usual time of 1:40p.m./2:40p.m on Friday 25th October.

Yours sincerely,

Séamus Grundy

ScoilMhichil, RathMhicMhalais- Fón 047 85282

Ríomhphost –

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