Proposal For Kim Video Collection Salemi

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Kim’s Video

Collection In response to the generous Public Offer

of New York by Yongman Kim, the City of Salemi, Sicily,

is pleased to offer a new home to this
preeminent film collection.
The following proposal provides a detailed

in Salemi, Sicily. explanation of our current plans for how

to ensure the success of this project.

The former Matrice Cathedral, today earthquake memorial.

Over the past two decades, Mr. Yongman Kim has amassed
an incredibly diverse and totally unique collection of films from
around the world, which he has made available to the general
public for rent, via his iconic New York City outlet, Kim’s Video,
which today counts over 200,000 cinephiles among its member-
ship. Indeed, it is directly thanks to the support of these
film lovers that Kim’s Video collection has grown to include
its nearly 55,000 titles. However, new technologies have
changed renting habits, and in late 2008, this St. Mark’s
Place landmark will definitively close its doors.
As a sign of dedication and thanks to all members of Kim’s
Video, Mr. Kim has issued a public offer, seeking a new home
for the continued use of this important movie archive. The offer
specifically requires that sufficient space be available for the
collection to remain totally intact, and that members of Kim’s
Video will continue to have access to the films in the future.
In response to this public offer, the City of Salemi hereby
proposes not only to host the collection in accordance with
these terms, but also to give it new life, by ensuring con-
tinued growth of this cultural treasure.
To this end, space for the ‘Kim’s Video Collection of New York’
has been secured in the recently restored Museo Civico, which
can accommodate the archive on three interconnected floors.
The facilities also include additional rooms for on-site screen-
ing, as well a large courtyard for open-air projections, which

Kim’s Video allow multiple opportunities to showcase the richness of this


Collection Furthermore, a limited number of sleeping quarters are re-

served for use by visiting Kim’s members, to ensure a hospitable
welcome at the collection’s new home.

of New York As part of the City of Salemi’s commitment to Cinema, rela-

tionships with a wide variety of International Film Festivals will

in Salemi, Sicily. ensure both as wide a possible audience for these films, as
well as the perpetual growth of the archive.
The former Jesuit College building,
now Museo Civico.

Salemi, Sicily.
Salemi is a historical town of Western Sicily founded
during the 4th century b.C. on the Sican urban site of
Halyciae, on the Mount of Roses. The name ‘Salemi’
comes from the Arabic ‘Salem’ and the Hebrew
‘Shalom’, both meaning ‘peace’ and ‘health’. The town
is known for having been the first capital of Italy, where
Giuseppe Garibaldi put up the three-colored flag for
the very first time, in 1860.
Over the past millennia, Salemi has developed a unique
multicultural history, being conquered and ruled in turn
by many mediterranean civilitations, such as the Cartha-
ginians, the Phoenicians, the Greeks, the Romans, the
the 1968 earthquake
Arabs and the Normans. The urban layout of Salemi is In more recent times, Salemi is known
itself an evidence of its multiethnic past, with its Arabian for the severe earthquake which
quarter–the Rabato–and the Jewish one–the Giudecca, devastated its historical center and
with the majestic Arabian-Norman Castle overlooking the entire Valley of Belice during the
the town. night of January 14, 1968.
After the earthquake, a new residen-
tial area was built around the Mount
of Roses in order to house the main
part of Salemi citizens, who had to
abandon the historical center.

The Museo Civico main entrance

in via Francesco d’Aguirre.
progetto What began as a devastating tragedy has become
today a unique opportunity for both the town and
Terremoto its lovers and visitors. Salemi is now undergoing a
radical process of renovation led by its newly
elected Mayor Vittorio Sgarbi and his Council.
Mayor Sgarbi and Alderman to Creativity Oliviero
Toscani have developed an experimental project
called Progetto Terremoto (literally ‘Project Earth-
quake’) that focuses on bringing new energy to
the historical center of Salemi, and especially on
reconstructing the remaining earthquake-damaged
buildings that have not yet been renovated.
Progetto Terremoto includes an innovative initiative
called ‘Homes for 1 Euro,’ through which the City of
Salemi plans to sell these historic buildings to the
public–each for the symbolic price of 1 Euro–on
condition the new owners renovate the structures
according to rigorous criteria established by the
team of Council appointed architects .

a new home Built in 1632, the former Jesuit College building is located
right in the historical town center. Since 1986, it hosts the
for Kim’s Video Museo Civico, and houses part of the artistic heritage that
has been recovered after the earthquake.
Collection The museum includes a number of ancient sculptures that
of New York date back to the 14th and 15th century, among which
Francesco Laurana’s marble statue of San Giuliano L’Ospi-
tatore. Its 18th century chapel is a replica of the holy house
of Loreto, (Casa della Madonna).
Thanks to its architectural layout, Mayor Vittorio Sgarbi and
Alderman Oliviero Toscani have identified this former
Jesuit Library as the most suitable location in Salemi to
host the Kim’s Video Collection of New York City.
The library consists of a single open-space that develops
over three levels, interconnected by a single stair. In addi-
tion to the large open-space, the museum includes a wide
courtyard for outdoor projections and several rooms that
can be converted into small-scale movie-theaters.
These purpose-built screening rooms will allow the public–
especially Kim’s members– the opportunity for on-site
viewing of films from the Collection.
Neverending Festival
The town of Salemi is planning to launch the Neverending
Festival, a non-stop public projection of Kim’s Video Col-
lection DVDs in their new home.
Through relationships with film festivals worldwide, the
permanent translation workshop
Collection will serve as a depository of official selections In cooperation with the University of Palermo, Salemi is
from a wide range of projects. Some agreements are now willing to host a permanent workshop that will translate
in place, especially with the Venice Biennale Film Festival and subtitle part of the DVDs in the Collection to make
(below); others will soon be announced. them available to a broader audience.
The Collection will also serve as a resource for programmers
–although DVD/VHS medium is inadequate for most large-
screen projections, contemporary film festivals will have
city of Indipendent Cinema
access to the collection, in order to showcase antecedents Combining such a unique collection with the cultural and
of their current selections. More broadly, the collection can historical heritage of Salemi as well as with its touristic
serve as inspiration for thematic showings of rare titles. beauties and facilities will enable the town to propose itself
to the public as the ‘City of Independent Cinema’ and
Venice Biennale promote an annual Indies Festival and to twin itself with
similar places and projects around the world.
The Biennale Archive in Venice will contribute to the project

. with the following actions, and more:

Provide technical training to staff in Salemi on Collection
on-site accommodation
Management techniques; Part of the Museo Civico building will be converted into a
. Donate a copy of the entire Venice Film Festival Collection boarding space to accommodate Kim’s Video members or
(1,000 titles); students and film lovers willing to visit the town for a full-
. Donate a copy of the Biennale’s custom-built Collection immersion holiday in the Collection.
Management software; Besides this, Salemi will offer a number of holiday pack-
. Cooperate on a new joint-project to explore legal and tech- ages for different budgets, that will be promoted through
nical means for digital film distribution. the new Collection website that will be online by the end
of January.

shooting locations
Thanks to the extremely diverse landscape of the island
(crystal clear waters with high cliffs and sand beaches; hills
and mountains and the Etna volcano; forests and wide

Proposed plains as far as the eye can see) and to the architectural
layout of the town (Arabic, Roman, Jewish and Norman
hystoric buildings blend in the ancient urban layout, next to

use of the stunning Greek, pre-Roman and Roman archeological

sites), together with the modern infrastructures and facilities
of Palermo (international airport 30 mins from Salemi), the

Collection town is planning to launch a new project to promote the

region as an endless studio, especially dedicated to shooting
independent cinema. logistics and transport
A new website for the Kim’s Video Collection of New York Contact has been made with a professional moving company,
in Salemi will be online by the end of January 2009 to which will coordinate the physical move from New York to
ensure continuity of service to its members. Italy. In consultation with Kim’s staff, they will box the films
in such a way to preserve the order which has thus far been
keeping up with meticulously been kept in the Collection. This order will be
re-established once the collection arrives in Italy.
Kim’s Video members
For two decades, the New York film community has sup- name of the Collection
ported Kim’s Video, and as a result, the world is now in a The collection shall forever be known as the ‘Kim’s Video
position to benefit from this important film archive. The Collection of New York’.
City of Salemi recognizes not only the contribution that
Yongman Kim has made to Cinema, but also, the important
role played by all Kim’s members, without whom this inauguration
collection would not have been possible. We hope to main- An official press conference will be held in the first week of
tain a close relationship with the Kim’s Community, both February to inform the Italian and International media
by updating them regularly about the project, and by inviting about the project and inauguration ceremony for the open-
them as honored guests in Salemi. ing of the new home will be held in Spring 2009.
For paid-up Kim’s members, access to the collection will
always be free of charge. Furthermore, Salemi will provide
accomm odations to both Kim’s members and students a final word from
who want to have access to the collection, at minimum
charge (according to availability and booking in advance).
mayor Vittorio Sgarbi
Thanking Yongman Kim for his longtime commitment to
Cinema, and with special appreciation for all Kim’s Video
organizing and managing members that have supported him over the years, we look
the Collection forward to welcoming you all very soon in Salemi,

In the first instance, it is our intention to maintain the present

organization of the Collection, categorized by Country,
then by Director. In the longer term, we hope to make the
entire catalog available online, to allow selection of films
through a multitude of criteria (writers, producers, actors,
DPs, etc). In the medium term, we plan to transfer the VHS
copies to DVD, in order to ensure their long-term preser-
vation of titles which are otherwise out-of-print.
Born in Ferrara on May 8, 1952, Sgarbi graduated in phylosophy He published a number of books of art history and critics for
and specialized in history of art at the University of Bologna. different publishers and curated many exhibitions, both in Italy
Former Deputy at the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Sgarbi is and abroad.
today Mayor of the city of Salemi and the curator of the most Public awards: Academician of the Accademia Georgica di
prestigious art exhibitions on the Italian territory. Treia and of the Rubiconia Accademia dei Filopatridi, President
Amongst the most qualified critics in art history, he is a famous of the Scientific Committe of the Museo Campano of Capua
histrionic character known for his dialectic and artistic qualities and of the Accademia di Belle Arti of Urbino; member of the
who never leaves the audience or the media indifferent. Commissione per le Attività Culturali of the City Councils of
His presence, be it in a TV program or in editorial or artistic Cremona and Lecce; Art and Architectural Restoration Commis-
context, has the power to heighten the attention of large sioner of the city of Padua and Superintendent for the Enhance-
audiences, to which Sgarbi knows how to address in a direct, ment of the Villa del Casale of Piazza Armerina.

simple, sarcastic and effective way. Sgarbi is Director of the Superintendence to the Historical and
Vittorio Sgarbi has always worked for divulging the concept Artistic Heritage of Venice and won the Flaiano International
of beauty and that of respect for art to broad audiences, awa- TV Award in 2000. He was elected Deputy of the Italian
kening many sleeping consciences in the country known as ‘the Government in 1992 and 2001 and Member of the European

the team cradle of art’; people so used to monuments and statues as to

forget about their obligation to preserve them.
Son of the first photoreporter of the Corriere della Sera,
Parliament in 1999.

Nations, UNCRH, La Repubblica, Arte, MTV, RAI, Mediaset, as

Toscani was born in Milan in 1942. He studied photography well as films that won three Jury Awards in Cannes and Venice
and graphic design at the Kunstgewerbeschule of Zürich Film Festival. Toscani’s projects were exhibited at Venice
between 1961 and 1965. Biennale, in Sao Paulo, at Milan Triennale as well as in the
He is internationally known for being the creative mind behind museums of modern art in Mexico City, Helsinki, Rome, Lausanne,
some of the most famous magazines and brands in the world Frankfurt and in a couple of dozens of museums worldwide.
and corporate image as well as advertising campaigns through Toscani also received a number of awards, such as four Palmes
the years, for Esprit, Chanel, Fiorucci and Prenatal. As a d’Or in Cannes, the Grand Prix of UNESCO, the Grand Prix
fashion photographer, he worked and still does for Elle, Vogue, of Affichage twice as well as a number of awards of the Art
GQ, Harper ‘s Bazaar, Esquire, Stern and many others in their Directors’ Club of New York, Tokyo and Milan.
worldwide editions. Toscani taught visual communication in two universities and
Vittorio Sgarbi (right), Mayor
and Oliviero Toscani (left), From 1982 to 2000, he made United Colors of Benetton wrote three books on communication. From 1999 to 2000 he
Alderman to Creativity. become one of the most widely known brands, creating its has been Creative Director of Talk Miramax in New York and
brand image, identity and communication strategy as well as took part in a number of TV projects.
developing its presence online and creating Playlife, Benetton’s In 2007 he won the new Saatchi&Saatchi Clio Hero Show.
sportswear brand. After over three decades of editorial innovation, advertising,
In 1990, he conceived, created and directed Colors, the first filmmaking and TV, he is now interested in communication
global magazine in the world that soon became a cult maga- creativity applied to the various media and works in his new
zine, followed and copied by all of the vanguards in the world research center on modern communication named La Sterpaia.
of communication. Amongst his most recent projects: consultancy with Region of
In 1993, he invented, founded and directed Fabrica, the inter- Calabria and a few social campaigns dedicated to prevention
national center for arts and research in modern communication, of anorexia and of violence against women; the communication
hosted in a building designed by Japanese architect Tadao project for the centennial of the Inter Football Club, with the
Ando. Under Toscani’s direction, Fabrica produced editorial book ‘Inter! 100 Years of Emotions’ published by Skira.
projects, books, TV programs and exhibitions for the United Toscani lives in Tuscany, produces olive oil and breeds horses.
The transition project for Kim’s Video Collection of New York to Italy has been promoted by Clio,
Fondazione per la Cultura Contemporanea, and managed and produced by the City Council of
Salemi through its Department of Creativity.

the team at the Department of Creativity in Salemi

per la cultura

Franca Pauli, Dario Colombo and Glen Hyman from Fondazione Clio

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