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Bld. Pache Protopopescu 62 Telephone: 0730478774

Sector 2, Bucuresti Email:
Postal code: 021414

 Personal Statement:
I am an 18-years-old student at ‘Mihai Viteazul’ National College, one of the best in Bucharest,
where mainly I study Mathematics and IT. I am a hard working person, a successful delegation
student and I have a lot of great innovative ideas.

 Skills and Achievements:

One time, I volunteered at the MUN conference where I had a great learning experience. Here,
I had to greet everybody, assigned them to thir seats and gave them additional information
about the event. I was able to make some pleasant small talks with everyone and in the and, I
received a diploma for the best greeter.
I was babysitting some children from school and suddenly, the building which we were in caught
on fire. I had to think quickly to a solution on how to get out safely of there. After I managed to
guide the children outside, I called the firefighters. I realised I have great problem-solving skills
and I react logically under pressure.
During the last summer, I worked as a salesgirl in a supermarket, where I had to put the products
on the shelves. I organized them as effectively as I could and I received praises from the
customers. That is when I became the employee of the month. I am a very organised and
meticulous person.
In my first year at highschool I decided to run in a marathon for a great cause. Even though I
am not a very athletically gifted person, I managed to make a plan and to train every day for
two months, resulting in me being able to run the whole race. This is how I realised I am a
motivated person when I have to.
 Education and Qualifications:
2016-present: - ‘Mihai Viteazul’ National College;
- Theoretical profile, based on Mathematics and IT;
2019: - MUN delegate;
2018: - exchange experience in Barcelona;
2008-2016: - ICHB.

 Languagen spoken:
1. English: C1 level;
2. French: B2 level.

 Work history:
1. Summer of 2018: - Carrefour (I worked as a salesgirl and I had to place products
on shelves);
2. 2016-now: - babysitting for my neighbours.
 Volunteering work:
1. Sept 2019 - jun 2020: -Coder Dojo Association (organizing free children’s
programming workshop).
2. Sept 2019 – MUN: - conference (greet and assign everybody with their seats);
3. 0ct 2018-may 2019: - Create Yourself association (participation in the “Sa crestem
impreuna” project);

 Interests:
1. Many of my interests revolve around socializing such as volunteer and taking part
in workshops, taking up different coding classes;
2. Active member of an English debate cub.

 References:
1. Can be provided on demand.

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