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Student Services

1220 Howard Street

Kalamazoo, MI 49008
(269) 337-0161 / Fax (269) 337-0169
Nkenge A. Bergan
Administrator of Student Services

September 18, 2019

Dear KPS Parents/Guardians,
Kalamazoo Public Schools strives to provide a safe and healthy learning environment for your
child. Over the summer, physical changes were made to the entryways of eight schools (El Sol,
Hillside, Lincoln, Milwood Middle, Northglade, Prairie Ridge, Spring Valley, and Woods Lake).
With these new secured vestibules, visitors are only able to access the main office area, not the
entire school. We were able to make these physical modifications with funds from the passage of
our bond. Next year, secured vestibules will be added to seven additional schools. Edison will
have a secured vestibule when their new building is complete.
To prepare for both natural and human-caused emergencies, every one of our schools has
Emergency Operating Procedures and practices safety drills. Last year the district implemented
ALICE (​A​lert, ​L​ockdown, ​I​nform, ​C​ounter, ​E​vacuate) safety training. The first phase of this
school safety training focused on empowering school staff to make appropriate decisions to
maximize safety.
The next step in this safety lessons is to update the student lockdown procedures using the
ALICE method. Teachers will provide information to students on these new procedures and they
will be educated to actively engage in an age-appropriate manner to stay safe. Phoenix High
School students took part in a pilot training this past spring. All other students in the district will
learn the ALICE method and participate in safety drills during the 2019-20 school year. The
ALICE information has been adjusted for the age and physical abilities of our young people.
Our goal is for all students and staff to be empowered, vigilant, prepared and safe. If you have
any questions, or would prefer your child not take part in this safety lesson, please feel free to
contact your principal or call Student Services at 269-337-0161.

Nkenge A. Bergan Don Webster

Director of Student Services Chief of Campus Safety

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