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AC currents in multiple layers in the
component design
transformer window can increase
copper losses significantly due to the
proximity effect. Traditionally used
Dowell’s curves show that the pheno-
menon starts at copper thickness as
low as 1/5 of the skin depth which is 3D Electromagnetic Simulation Allows Reduction
just 1.7 mm at 60 Hz. Many designs
deviate from assumptions beyond of AC Copper Losses
Dowell’s solution, which leads to sub-
optimal design. Finite Element Analy- 1. Introduction dious and requiring highly skilled and

sis software allows accurate model- inite Element Analysis (FEA) soft- specialised operator to yield sufficiently
ling of high frequency phenomenon ware has been used by electrical accurate and reliable results. In this si-
but is still considered too tedious to engineers for several decades. It is tuation many practicing designers were
use and requires expert operators for a great tool for simulating electromag- forced to resort to simplified methods
accurate results. New generation pro- netic fields in chokes and transformers with results left to chances.
allowing accurate computation of the
ducts like EMS from EMWorks com- spatial distribution of the current, flux FEA vendors have been busy for years
bine powerful simulation capabilities density, associated losses and resulting trying to improve the ease of use, ac-
with easy to use interface appropriate temperature rise as well as the impact on curacy, stability and versatility of their
for hands-on engineers in everyday efficiency of the whole magnetic compo- tools with slow but systematic progress.
use. nent. By manipulating dimensions and Some of them became truly practical
geometrical arrangements we can yield design tools not only for a PhD working
the most compact, efficient and lowest- on a science project but also for hands-
KEYWORDS cost structure. on designers with general knowledge of
magnetic components. Examples for this
Finite Element Analysis, AC copper Unfortunately, commercial 3D FEA soft- article were generated using EMS from
losses, skin effect, proximity effect ware gained reputation as expensive, te- EMWorks.

66 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 2, Issue 1


Recently introduced electromagnetic Finite

Element Analysis software is fast, easy to use
and reliable. It is moving from scientific to en­
gineering realm

Figure 1: The mechanism for AC current crowding towards the surface of a conductor and resul-
ting current density distribution for a single wire.

to an increase of total losses. Resulting depths (25 mm at 60 Hz) will experience

current crowding in a single conductor is copper loss increase only by about 10 %.
most conveniently characterised by skin So it may seem that AC losses are gene-
depth which is defined as a depth below rally not the problem. This, however,
the surface at which the current density applies only to a single wire. When mul-
has fallen to 1/e. Effective resistance of a tiple wires conducting AC current are
wire with AC current is equal to that with located near each other, we can observe
DC current uniformly distributed across accumulation of the eddy current, layer
the skin depth. See Fig. 1. upon layer. This phenomenon is called a
proximity effect and can lead to AC cop-
Skin depth can be calculated according to the per losses rising at an astonishing rate
2. AC copper losses due to the formula: even with the wire diameter significant-
skin and proximity effect ly below the skin depth. Fig. 2 presents
2ρ current density distribution with just few
δ= √ ωμ wires conducting in the same direction.
The nature of AC copper loss challenge in Current density pattern and associated
power transformer design is well known. AC where: δ - skin depth, ρ - resistivity of a copper losses become impossible to de-
currents in windings induce eddy currents. conductor, μ -permeability of a conduc- rive analytically. Outer surface current
These currents create an uneven current dis- tor, ω - angular frequency crowding is much stronger than with the
tribution leading to thermal problems and case of a single wire, while portions of the
the necessity to redesign the transformer. Skin depth for copper at 60 Hz is equal to cross section become “idle” (Wires in Fig.
8.5 mm. It can be calculated that a sing- 1 and 2 carry the same net current and
In general, currents tend to alter their dis- le wire with the diameter equal to 3 skin use the same colour scale).
tribution in a way which minimises the
overall amount of energy extracted from
the source, both real and reactive. Reduc-
tion of the reactive component associated
with the energy stored in the magnetic
Copper losses with AC current may be sur­
field inside the wire pushes the current to- prisingly high. Structures with many layers
wards the surface of the conductor. should be carefully checked against proximi­
Because the conduction losses are pro- ty effect
portional to the square of the current den-
sity, this uneven current distribution leads

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 67

Proximity phenome­
non emerges when AC
currents are conduc­
ted in multiple layers.
It can be liken to eddy
currents accumulat­
ing progressively la­
yer upon layer

Figure 2: Eddy currents accumulating in multiple layers leading to proximity effect and severe
copper losses

This pattern is caused by the fact that the tion as the main winding current and the space and cancelling each other, which
internal group of wires (4 central one) combined current density doubles. brings current distribution back to a more
pushes its current to the boundary of the uniform one.
group, located near the second layer. This This phenomenon leads to a very fast rise
current, in turn, induces additional eddy in copper looses. The total dissipation in Considering how induced currents tend
current in the second layer (12 external layer 2 is five times greater than in layer 1 to accumulate, it can be expected that re-
wires), which adds to its own eddy current. (four times than doubled current density on sidual eddy currents may add up to a sig-
So in layer 3, current density would triple. the opposite side + one on the near side). nificant level even with the wire diameter
The exact nature of this phenomenon may below the skin depth.
be observed with the EMS plot looking at Current crowding and losses will accele-
current density vectors. See Fig. 3. rate if more layers are added. The dissipa- 3. Dowell‘s curves – estima-
tion in the 3rd layer will be 13 times greater ting AC copper losses
The current flowing in one of the central (32+22), in the 4th layer – 25, etc.
wires (the upper one in Fig. 3) induces ad- In 1966 P. Dowell [3] made a small num-
ditional eddy current in the external wire Naturally, the problem is so severe be- ber of simplifying assumptions corres-
(the lower one in Fig. 3) on top of the eddy cause of the wire being very large in dia- ponding to a typical geometry of a core
current created by its own current. Two meter, larger than twice the skin depth. If and winding in a transformer and solved
eddy currents combined are so strong that the conductor layer is thinner, than eddy Maxwell equations for the problem of
the current flows “backwards” near the currents are suppressed. It can be viewed proximity losses. Converting analytical
surface of the external wire. At the bottom as currents flowing in the opposite di- solution to a graphical form created ubi-
side eddy currents flow in the same direc- rection being forced to occupy the same quitous Dowell’s curves shown in Fig. 4.

Dowell’s curves allow

estimating copper
losses with multiple
layers conducting AC
current. They vivid­
ly show exponential
growth of AC losses
when the diameter of
conductor is too large
Figure 3: Current density (J) vectors in two adjacent wires, internal (upper) and external (lower)

68 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 2, Issue 1

Dowell’s curves are
easy to use. All that
is required is skin
depth, conductor di­
mensions and layer

version of the Dowell’s curve with co-

efficient corresponding to the total los-
Figure 4: Dowell’s curves showing the ratio between AC and DC resistance [1] ses of all layers. (Caution is advised as
these two versions look similar!).

Because AC losses go up so rapidly

Horizontal axis corresponds to the on the position of the wire in the layer with the increased number of lay-
ratio between the thickness of the stack. Curve m=1 shows a coefficient ers, not only can the additional wire
copper layer and the skin depth. 0.1 for the first layer counting from the thickness become useless, but the
corresponds to the copper layer thick- core up: curve m=2 for the second, etc., losses can also actually go up! This
ness equal to 1/10 of the skin depth, see Fig. 5. can be derived from Fig. 4. For ex-
where proximity losses are complete- ample, let us assume we have 3 lay-
ly suppressed. 10 corresponds to the Curves with a fractional number per- ers of copper with the thickness of
copper layer 10 times thicker than the tain to a situation where adjacent lay- 0.5 skin depth. From Fig. 4 we can
skin depth, where proximity losses are ers conduct the current in the opposite read that the resistance will be ap-
in full strength. (If round wire is used, direction, for example on the bound- proximately 1.1 times higher than for
the diameter for the calculation of the ary between primary and secondary. DC. If we double the wire diameter,
ratio should be multiplied by 0.83). M=0.5 shows losses with a single layer its DC resistance drops 4 times but
sandwiched between two layers con- AC loss coefficient shoots up to 3. As
Vertical axis corresponds to the ratio ducting current in the opposite direc- a result, our effective AC resistance
of the losses with AC current to those tion, etc. will be ¼ . 3 = 0.75 of the DC case.
with the DC current (where skin and But if we quadruple the wire diame-
proximity effect are absent and cur- Using this form of Dowell’s curve, one ter, then using Dowell’s curve, we can
rent density is uniform). must remember that copper losses will calculate: 1/16 . 20 = 1.25 more losses
be different for each layer and the los- than for DC. With greater number of
Individual curves correspond to the ses for all layers have to be combined. layers AC copper losses rise even fas-
increase of the resistance depending Alternatively, one may use another ter, as can be seen from Fig. 4.

Figure 5: Stack order number “m” from Dowell’s curves for the case of a transformer with wires arranged in 3 layers.

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 69

Depending on the number of layers, the AC current are higher comparing with a density drops. When the wire thickness is
optimal conductor thickness variation is AC losses in a single wire with the diameter increased too much, the losses start to rise
nicely shown in another version of Dowell’s equal to a skin depth. Losses on the left are again. It is where the proximity phenome-
curves shown in Fig. 6. high because copper layer is thin. They are non starts to dominate. Far to the right, the
also identical for all layers because proxi- losses become constant as the eddy cur-
Curves in Fig. 6 are derived from the same mity losses are completely suppressed. As rents have all the space they need to fully
analytical formulas. The vertical axis now we move to the right initially, the losses go develop and any extra copper is just inert.
shows how many times copper losses with down because with more copper current
The optimal layer thickness depends on its
position in the stack: for m=0.5 (primary –
secondary sandwich) the optimal thickness
is equal to 3 skin depths, while for m=15 it
is only 0.3 (2.5mm for 60 Hz).

It should also be noted that using several

strands of smaller wire instead of one thi-

Dowell’s curves are

only an approxima­
tion. In some trans­
formers this approxi­
mation may be quite
Figure 6: Dowell’s curves showing the ratio between AC and DC copper losses [1]

70 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 2, Issue 1

cker one does not help at all. It can only
make things worse (which can also be pro- Electromagnetic Finite Element Analysis soft­
ven in FEA simulation). Eddy currents will
be present in the bunch as if it was a single
ware can simulate complex patterns of AC
wire. The only way to equalise current dis- currents in practical structures. Accuracy is
tribution is to use a Litz wire. It is a special
type of a multi-strand wire with the wea-
much higher than with Dowell’s curves
ving technique forcing the magnetic field
to cancel out, which supresses the eddy
current. But even then one should be care-
ful as improper sizing of the Litz wire may
lead to increased losses as well.
1. Interaction between the windings of dif- for 20 kHz switching power supply. It is a
ferent phases bit extreme example but vividly shows how
the actual current distribution can become
4. Finite element analysis 2. Interaction with the eddy currents in the very complex due to proximity effect.
assets core
Armed with the Dowell curves we can de- Fig. 7 shows completely different proximity
sign a transformer with minimal AC losses 3. Non-negligible and varying distance effects in cross section in the plane X and
but practical application is more compli- from the layers to the core plane Y as well as on the surface. The win-
cated than it seems. For example, different dings inside the window close to the core
number of primary and secondary turns 4. Additional losses in the wires in the ext- tend to have the lowest losses, while the
leads to the fractional number of layers in reme locations of the layer windings in the middle are exposed to the
the Dowell scheme. The thickness of indi- flux fringing from the central core gap and
vidual layers, depending on their proximi- 5. Current crowding due to passing from experience the highest losses.
ty situation, should also be varied in such one layer to another
a way that we hit the minimum from Fig. The Dowell’s curves are a very useful tool
6. For windings carrying both AC and DC, 6. Current crowding in the winding termi- but assumptions behind the model fre-
the optimal thickness is increased. The nations quently oversimplify the impact of the ac-
presence of higher harmonics, in turn, re- tual transformer geometry. This method
quires additional reduction of the copper 7. Current crowding on the inner side of can result in suboptimal design with sig-
thickness (skin depth goes down with the the wire wound around the core nificant AC losses. Using new generation
frequency). of 3D Finite Element Analysis software we
8. Flux fringing from the gaps in the core can achieve much higher accuracy because
Moreover, in practical transformer geome- all features of the geometry are incorpora-
try assumptions behind the Dowell’s model The impact of these factors can be seen ted. Results are presented in the convenient
are frequently not accurate leading to signi- from the simulation of a current distribu- form of 3D plots, losses in all conductors,
ficant errors. The most important are: tion in a planar winding of a transformer self-inductance, coupling, etc.

Figure 7: Practical arrangement of a planar transformer showing various deviations from Dowell’s model and their impact on the current distribution.

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 71

Figure 8: Results of thermal and electromagnetic simulations performed simultaneously

Additional option is the possibility of mulated overnight on a single processor References

thermal and electromagnetic analysis per- portable BOX workstation. This should
formed simultaneously. Core and copper be enough even for complex structures [1] R.W. Erickson and D. Maksimovic,
losses are automatically used to generate with strong proximity effects. Such com- Fundamentals of Power Electronics,
a 3D temperature distribution, giving us plex models are necessary only for final Kluver Academic Publishers 2001
immediate insight into the hot spots in- verification and “global” results. Optimi- [2] Marian Kazimierczuk from Wright
side the structure before we run hardware sation of the details is usually performed State University, High-Frequency Mag-
measurements. defining fine mesh only in selected areas. netic Components, Willey 2014
“Selective” simulations with several hund- [3] Dowell, P.L “Effects of eddy currents
The basic thermal simulator is not a CFD red thousands of elements zap through in in transformer windings”, IET 1996
(Computational Fluid Dynamics) type of few minutes. [4] 3D magnetic simulation project with
software so we cannot check the impact parameterised model of the transformer
of the airflow or circulating cooling fluid. convenient for experiments with the pro-
The most practical approach is to assume Conclusion ximity effect is available for download
a uniform thermal flux density on the from
object surface corresponding to the ty- Proximity losses in transformer windings
pical cooling conditions. For example, 10 can be estimated with limited accuracy
W/K.m2 can be used as a typical cooling using analytical formulas and Dowell’s cur-
from the surface located in still air. ves. New generation, easy to use Finite Ele-
ment Analysis software allows much high-
Thermal simulation allows pinpointing er accuracy allowing design modifications Author
trouble spots. High temperature of the reducing AC copper losses. FEA takes into Peter Markowski
central windings is caused by the flux account 3D geometrical features of the ma- has been invol-
fringing from the core gap. Temperature gnetic component and complex behaviour ved with power
rise needed to remove the heat through of multilayer windings with AC current. conversion design
the insulator or the core is also simulated. since graduating
EMS project with parameterised model in 1990 with an
Fig. 7 was generated with fine mesh across of the transformer convenient for experi- advanced degree
the whole structure to observe all details ments with the proximity effect is availa- in power electronics. For most of
of the proximity effects in the windings. ble for download from www.envelopepo- his career he worked for Emerson,
Model with 18 million elements was si- formerly Artesyn and Computer
Products as a product designer and
advanced technology engineer. This
year he started the consulting busi-
FEA software allows simultaneous simulation ness Envelope Power LLC offering
complete power supply design and
of electromagnetic power losses and resul­ 3D electromagnetic simulation. Peter
ting temperature distribution. It is a great is the author of 16 U.S. patents and
quick check on potential thermal issues several applications encompassing
various aspects of the power conver-
sion engineering.

72 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 2, Issue 1

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