Izzys Dream Job

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Commesso Dream Job 9 September 2019

Growing up I thought I always wanted to be a nurse and follow in the footsteps of my

grandmother and my mother. I wanted to save lives and work beside her but I later realized that job

wasn’t for me till I decided to look into teaching. The job of a teacher is to do many things besides just

standing up in front of a classroom for 6 hours and grading tests. Teachers need to be able to engage

and grab the attention of the students along with making sure the students stay focused. They also have

the job of knowing the students well enough to know certain things, such as if their having a bad day or

aren’t fully focused all the time. As a teacher, you must have information prepared for each class such as

creating instructional activities that help the students learn. With many schools, they have a school wide

goal, making sure the teachers meet that is very important. I think one of the most important tasks is to

keep the class engaged in the material. Since it is always changing, finding new ideas and projects will

keep the class entertained. (America's Job Exchange, 2019) is to The job requirements to be an

elementary teacher include a college education along with a bachelor’s degree in education. (Teacher

Certification Degrees , 2018)

I think that the education required to become a teacher is accurate based on my opinion. I do

not think that everyone needs to obtain their master’s degree to be a teacher. Some schools require all

teachers to get their masters. In the cases of a University professor, I do think they should have a

master’s degree or even doctorate degree based on where they are teaching and their job description.

With Nichols not having an education program, the routes to get to my job will be more difficult than

others. I am majored in English, therefore I take all the necessary English classes to get my degree. Once

I have taken those classes and graduate with my degree then I will go one to take the Massachusetts

Basic Educational Skills test along with the Multiple Subject Exam (Teachers.org , 2019). After passing

these I will then get my certifications to become a teacher in elementary schools. All of the core classes

will help me as well, in many schools you will have to teach many subjects. The math classes, digital

classes, and others will shape me both as a person and a teacher.

Izzy Commesso Dream Job 9 September 2019

Salary pay can vary from school to school and based on the location that you work. For example,

in Massachusetts the starting pay could be up to 80,000 a year while in Tennessee it could be only

36,000 dollars. My dream job would be to work in Massachusetts so I could range from 40,000 to 85,000

(Startz, 2010). Starting out of college, I would most likely make a the minimum salary of around 40,000

which is a limited amount of money. I would save money to rent or buy an apartment and most likely

have some sort of car lease. Along with those bills is my utilities which will add the cost up a lot more. I

would manage my money so I have time left to do things that make me happy. Some of those would be

time to visit my family, go on some vacations, and buy a dog. Eventually after I work myself up in the

school system, I would start to make more money which would allow me to have more time to do the

things I love. With time, I would be more aware of my money which would make managing it a lot


Izzy Commesso Dream Job 9 September 2019

America's Job Exchange. (2019). Job Summary.
Startz, D. (2010). Profit of Education. Praeger.
Teacher Certification Degrees . (2018).
Teachers.org . (2019).

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