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Ika Puspita Dewi

Biochemistry is the study of
the chemical processes
occurring in living matter.

The branch of science
concerned with the chemical
and physicochemical
processes that occur within
living organisms.
Biochemistry is the science
concerned with the molecules
present in living organisms,
individual chemical reactions and
their enzyme catalysts, and the
expression and regulation of each
metabolic process.

Because life depends on
biochemical reactions,
biochemistry has become the
basic language of all biologic
• Health depends on a harmonious
balance of biochemical reactions
occurring in the body, and disease
reflects abnormalities in biomolecules,
biochemical reactions, or biochemical
Biochemistry – causes of diseases and in designing
appropriate therapy
– biochemical laboratory tests also
represent an integral component of
diagnosis and monitoring of
Struktur makromolekul

Makromolekul Lemak

Apa yang Mikromolekul Vitamin dan mineral

Gangguan nutrisi → anemia &

Genetik → dipelajari di biologi sel

dan bioteknologi
Apa yang dipelajari?

• Struktur
• Fungsi
• Metabolisme
• Gangguan → Most & Perhaps
All Diseases Have a
Biochemical Basis
Kelas A: Senin, Kelas C : Rabu,
10.40, R 3A 07.00, R 4A

Kelas A Kelas C

Kelas B

Kelas B : Kamis,
14.20, R 4B

Ika Puspita Fransiska

Dewi Maria C

Dwi Koko Indah

Pratoko Purnamasary
Jadwal No
Kls A Kls B Kls C
Materi Dosen

Kuliah 1 26 Agt 29 Agt 28 Agt Pendahuluan Ika PD

2 2 Sept 5 Sept 4 Sept Struktur KH Dwi Koko

3 9 Sept 12 Sept 11 Sept Metabolisme KH

4 16 Sept 19 Sept 18 Sept Metabolisme KH


5 23 Sept 26 Sept 25 Sept Fosforilasi


6 30 Sept 3 Okt 2 Okt Struktur protein

7 7 Okt 10 Okt 9 Okt Struktur lemak Dwi Koko

dan asam nukleat
14 - 18 Oktober 2019 UTS
Jadwal No Kls A Kls B Kls C Materi Dosen

8 21 Okt 24 Okt 23 Okt Metabolisme dan

Kuliah sintesis asam amino
Ika PD

9 28 Okt 31 Okt 30 Okt Enzim

10 4 Nov 7 Nov 6 Nov Metabolisme lemak

11 11 Nov 14 Nov 13 Nov Metabolisme lemak

Indah PS

12 18 Nov 21 Nov 20 Nov Vitamin dan mineral

13 25 Nov 28 Nov 27 Nov Gangguan nutrisi

Ika PD

9 - 20 Desember 2019 UAS


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