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A Brief Overview of German Verb Tenses and their Usages (Simplified)

Tense name(s) Tense name Time of action Examples in German Meanings in English
in English in German (Formula for creating tense)

Past perfect Plusquam- Remote past (die weitere Vergangenheit). Sie hatte den Kuchen schon gegessen. She had already eaten the cake.
(Pluperfect) perfekt Indicates an action having occured prior to the time of the Er war schon nach Hause gefahren. He had already gone home.
narrative. Typically used with the word schon “already.” Ich hatte den Film schon gesehen. I had already seen the movie.
(Präteritum of auxiliary + Partizip II) Sie hatten mich schon gefragt. They had already asked me.

Present perfet Perfekt Past time (die Vergangenheit). Sie hat den Kuchen gegessen. She ate the cake.
(Conversational past) Completed action. Used for reporting actions having occured Er ist nach Hause gefahren. He went home.
in the past. Typically used in spoken language, also found in Ich habe den Film gesehen. I saw the movie.
letters and journalistic reports. Sie haben mich gefragt. They asked me.
(Präsens of auxiliary + Partizip II)

Preterit Präteritum Past time (die Vergangenheit). Sie aß den Kuchen. She ate the cake.
(Simple past) Completed action. Used for reporting actions having occured Er fuhr nach Hause. He went home.
in the past. Typically used in written language, especially Ich sah den Film. I saw the movie.
fiction writing or a narrative where the events are connected. Sie fragten mich. They asked me.

Present Präsens Present time (die Gegenwart). Sie isst immer Kuchen. She always eats cake.
General truth (no specific time, always true). Er fährt morgen nach Hause. He is going home tomorrow.
Future time (usually with a time element). Ich sehe jede Wochen einen Film. I see a movie every week.
(Präsens) Sie fragen ständig. The constantly ask.

Future Futur Future time (die Zukunft). Sie wird den Kuchen essen. She is going to eat the cake.
Present time when the certainty is in doubt. Er wird wohl jetzt nach Hause fahren. He is probably going home now.
(werden + Infinitiv) Ich werde den Film sehen. I will see the movie.
Sie werden mich wohl fragen. They’ll probably be asking me.

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