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Learning activity 2

Evidence: The happiness advantage

I will never forget the day I learned to weld and make ornaments to doors and windows, I
wanted to be able to weld doors and windows decorate them well, as a true ornamented
does, It was really annoying because when you are learning a new skill at the beginning it is
difficult, the last thing you want to do is keep learning. I had tried many times before, but in
general I was frustrated or impatient very quickly, since welding metal parts is not easy,
sometimes it damaged them or even made small burns on my skin.

Anyway, I turned to my father and observed: While taking the nozzle of the welding
equipment, explaining step by step, until I finally understood a way to perform the welding
without damaging the part and causing burns on my skin, I felt very happy, I followed the
instructions and did not skip a step. It was difficult; sometimes I felt miserable because I
couldn't do it. In less than a week. I was welding a piece joining it with another to form a
window. It felt so good; it felt, it still does, like magic. I felt super satisfied. I had taught
myself how to do something extraordinary (to me). It always seemed incredible to me how
ornamentals’ design different doors and windows, through pieces of metal and aluminum.
The moral of the story is that to be happy and successful, you need to find something that
motivates you to grow as a person; Something that makes you feel that you can be a little
better every day, obstacles are part of the path to happiness.

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