Question Bank Cem711: Sustainable Green Building Design and Eco-Villages

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Q.1 Define Sustainability in construction.

Q.2 a) What are the requirements of good sustainable building?

b) What is the difference between conventional buildings and sustainable buildings?

Q.3 a) Define Building use in context of Sustainability.

b) What are the merits and demerits of sustainable buildings?

Q.4 What is Rain water harvesting, it’s various types and how is it helpful for sustainable

Q.5 Define the following:

a) Neighborhood character

b) Sustainable building materials

c) Warm Roof Designing

d) Sustainable buildings: Opportunities, Challenges, Aims and Visions

e) Importance of Sustainable buildings

f) Site planning principles

Q.6 What are the principles of Sustainable Technology in construction? Explain each.

Q.7 Correlate sustainability and green building technology.

Q.8 Explain grey water management in construction operation.

Q.9 Summarize green building technology in construction.

Q.10 Connect green buildings and its importance in modern world.

Q.11 Extract the key features of green buildings.

Q.12 Describe Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)


Q.1 Extend the basics of Green building.

Q.2 Summarize the term Economics in Green Building Technology

Q.3 What are the criteria for selecting environmentally and economically balanced building

Q.4 Explain green buildings’ smart materials.

Q.5 What are the essential requirements of good green buildings?

Q.6 What are the various impacts of built environment over natural environment in light of
conventional construction practice?

Q.7 Define the following:

a) Built environment

b) Importance of Green buildings

c) Leadership in energy and environmental Design (LEED)

d) Greenhouse gases

e) Site preservation

Q.8 Define the word “Green” and “Sustainable”. Are these words are same in their meanings?

Q.9 What are the benefits of Green Buildings?

Q.10 “A Green Building” is not always “Sustainable”. Reframe the statement.

Q.11 Write five environmental categories under LEED Rating System.

Q.12 Argue Green building technology over conventional technology.


Q.1 What is building rating systems? What are its various features?

Q.2 Discuss different building rating systems and certification.

Q.3 Explain different building rating systems in India.

Q.4 Define IGBC New Building Rating System. Write its unique aspects addressed in rating

Q.5 What is the National Priorities Addressed in the rating system?

Q.6 Define the following:

a) The future of IGBC New Building Rating System.

b) Energy Efficiency

c) Green features categories of IGBC New Building Rating System

Q.7 Define water conservation in building rating system.


Q.1 Define the following:

a) Integrated Design Approach

b) Site preservation

c) Passive Architecture

d) Day lighting and ventilation

e) Waste Water Treatment and Reuse

f) Passive Solar Design

g) Renewable Energy

Q.2 Explain passive solar design in detail

Q.3 What is building envelope and its effects on the building and building design?

Q.4 “The interior of the house personifies the private world; the exterior of it is part of the
outside World” conclude this statement in detail.

Q.5 Discuss Lights and Ventilations. Explain its importance in Green building design.

Q.6 What are the Architecture design features in building design?

Q.7 Define Architecture Planning and its various components.

Q.8 What are the components of Green building design?

Q.9 What are the different types of ventilations in building design?

Q.10 Relate orientation of building in passive solar design.

Q.11 Sketch the orientation and plan for a residential building with proper light, ventilation and
other key features to make it green and sustainable. (Assume plot area, floor area and other
relevant data’s)

Q.12 Sketch and explain the idea behind passive solar building design.

Q.13 What are the pre-design issues in designing a green building?

Q.14 Explain pre-design procedures in constructing a green building.

Q.15 What are the general site analysis features for the construction of buildings as per

Q.16 Summarize the procedures for getting administrative and technical sanctions for
construction practices.

Q.17 Relate outdoor air quality and natural environment in view of sustainable site design.

Q.18 Extend your knowledge in water management system in construction practices.

Q.19 Explain water issues and solutions in construction practices.

Q.20 Extend your knowledge in site materials and equipment for construction.


Q.1 Define HVAC in detail and define all its components.

Q.2 Define the following terms:

a) Indoor Environmental quality

b) Indoor Air quality and its management during construction

c) Water efficient plumbing fixtures

d) CO2 monitoring

e) Low-Emitting Material

Q.3 What is minimum fresh air ventilation and how it is helpful for improving indoor
environmental quality?

Q.4 Define Day lighting and discuss simulation approach and measurement approach.

Q.5 What are the points to be kept in mind for minimizing the indoor and outdoor pollutants?

Q.6 What are low emitting materials? Discuss about the merits and demerits of these
materials with examples.
Q.7 Discuss indoor air quality after construction and before occupancy.

Q.8 Define organic food production with example.

Q.9 Define ecology. How it is helpful for balancing the environmental performance.

Q.10 Discuss about Eco-villages and its evaluation.

Q.11 What are environmental construction guidelines? How it is helpful for improving the
environmental quality.

Q.12 Define the following:

a) Building Commissioning

b) Acoustics in building

c) Building Materials for green rated buildings and their specifications.

d) Community strengthening and practices for evolution of Eco-villages.

e) MEP in construction

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