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Reading Grammar Vocabulary Unit 1 1ºESO 10/10/2019


VOCABULARY and GRAMMAR (50 points)

1 Circle the word that doesn’t belong. (5 points)

1. sister  grandfather  father  brother
2. marker  pen  notebook  pencil
3. tall  good-looking  short  medium height
4. honest  generous  nice  lazy
5. feet  mouth  nose  ears

2 Write the opposites of the words below. (5 points)

1. young ……………………
2. beautiful ……………………
3. dark ……………………
4. strong ……………………
5. narrow ……………………

3 Complete the sentences. Write one word in each gap. (5 points)

1. The first month of the year is …………………… .
2. Twenty-five + sixteen = …………………… .
3. The day after Friday is …………………… .
4. That cat isn’t thin. It’s …………………… .
5. I’ve got pens, pencils and a rubber in my ………… ………… .

3 Complete the sentences with a suitable adjective. (5 points)

1. Models are usually g … … … – … … … … … … … .
2. Claire isn’t frightened of many things. She is b … … … … .
3. My book is very l … … … . It’s got 572 pages!
4. Bob is popular because he’s friendly and e … … … – … … … … … .
5. A circle is r … … … … .

4 Choose the correct answer. (8 points)

1. I’ve got a new bike. My / I / Our / His new bike is red.
2. Sharon is 12. I / We / He / She is in Year 8.
3. Have you got / You have got / Are you / You are in your room?
4. I is / am / are / have got at school.
Reading Grammar Vocabulary Unit 1 1ºESO 10/10/2019
5. We am / are / has got / have got new schoolbags.
6. This / That / These / Their are my parents, Mr and Mrs Green.
7. The children are / is / has got / have got in the park.

8.Bill is / are / haven’t got / has got a green pen.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of to be or have got. (6 points)
1. We …………………… English three hours a week.
2. …………………… your brothers at home?
3. Janis …………………… curly hair. It’s long and straight.
4. Mr Allen …………………… lazy. He has got two jobs.
5. Hello! My name is Johnny Depp. I …………………… an actor.
6. …………………… the boys …………………… their notebooks?

6 Complete the text. Write one or two words in each space. Choose between: subject
pronouns, verb to be, verb have got. (10 points)
…………………… you …………….. a favourite singer? My favourite singers 2.
…………………… Katy Perry and Rihanna. It’s funny because 3.…………………… are
best friends! I 4.…………………… a photo of Rihanna here, but here’s one of Katy. In 5.
…………………… photo, Katy 6.…………………… black hair, but her natural hair colour 7.
…………………… black. It’s blonde! Rihanna has got different hair colours and styles
and 8.…………………… always looks fantastic! 9.…………………… Rihanna popular
because of her physical appearance? No, she isn’t. She and her friend Katy are both
popular because they 10.…………………… beautiful voices.

7 Write questions with the words below. Use to be or have got. (6 points)
1. your teacher / tall
2. what / day / it / today
3. this exam / pictures
Reading Grammar Vocabulary Unit 1 1ºESO 10/10/2019


READING (20 points)

Read the magazine article.


Do you know the name Dan Castellaneta? How about Homer Simpson? Homer Simpson
is a celebrity and he has got a star on Hollywood Boulevard. Dan Castellaneta hasn’t got a
star and he isn’t very famous, but his voice is famous. Dan is a voice actor. He’s the voice
of Homer Simpson.
The Simpsons is a popular TV programme about an American family. Homer is the father
of the family and he’s got three children – Bart, Lisa and Maggie. Homer isn’t a very good
father. He’s fat, lazy and he isn’t very clever.

Dan Castellaneta is different from Homer in many ways. First of all, he hasn’t got any
children. He’s hard-working and very intelligent. He’s a vegetarian and he isn’t fat. But the
two men are similar, too. They’re both medium height and they haven’t got hair on top of
their heads.
Homer Simpson is a famous celebrity around the world. Dan Castellaneta isn’t famous,
but that’s OK with him because he’s happy to be Homer’s voice. He gets $400,000 for
every episode of The Simpsons.

1 Tick (✓) the correct column in the chart below. (10 points)

Homer Dan Both

1. He isn’t famous.
2. He’s a father.
3. He’s lazy.
4. He’s a vegetarian.
5. He’s medium height.

2 Complete the sentences with information from the text. (10 points)
1. Homer has got a star on Hollywood Boulevard because he’s a ............. .

2. The Simpsons is the name of .................................................................. .

3. Bart, Lisa and Maggie are ....................................................................... .

4. Both Homer and Dan haven’t got ............................................................ .

5. Dan’s salary for every episode of The Simpsons is ................................ .

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