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Fort Mill YMCA Youth Flag Football League

2019 Youth Flag Football Rules and Regulations

U-7, U-9, U-12, & U-15
 A coin toss determines the first possession. Visiting team calls coin toss (visiting team is listed 1st on the
 All possession changes, except interceptions, start on the offense’s 5-yard line.
 In the U9 and U6 division, one coach is allowed on the playing field to help with coaching and teaching.
 Teams stand on opposite side of the field. (*parents should not interfere with the flow of the game)
 Officials are responsible for bringing ball spot disc and blitz line disc the line of scrimmage.

 5-6 years old (U6): Pee-wee
 7-8 years old (U9): Pee-wee
 9-11 years old (U12): Junior
 12-14 years old (U15): Junior

 Teams must field a minimum of four (4) players to start the game.
 If a team has a full roster they are not required to play 5 players if the opposing team has 4. This is up
to the team with the 5 players.
 If a game is unable to start due to lack of players after a 5 minute grace period, the branch will allow
the teams to play a scrimmage but game will not count and/or will end when next schedule game
begins. (Game will count as a forfeited game) No ref will be provided.


 Teams will place players on the sideline opposite of the fans/bleachers. This side of the field will be for
players only. Teams and coaches must remain within the coaches box area marked on the field
 Fans and spectators will only sit on the sideline with the bleachers. Only players will be allowed on the
team side of the field.

 Each player who attends practice should play at LEAST half the game and appear in each half (20 minutes
 ALL players should be included in the flow of the game.
 Coaches are expected to ensure that all players participate throughout the game and are also expected to
ensure that all players sit out at some point during the game. No player should play the entire game.
Unless there are no substitutions on the bench.
 Coaches not playing all players in accordance with the rules will forfeit that game. A second infraction will
result in the coach’s removal from the football program.

 Games are 40 minutes (two – 20 minute halves). The clock is a running clock. Halftime will last 3 minutes
 Games start on time. There will be a 5-minute grace period if any team does not have 5 players to start the
 2- min Warnings: Officials will notify coaches when there are 2 minutes left on each half of the game. Or
whenever a Coach asks.
 Clock will stop under 2 minutes only in the second half on a penalty, 1 or 2 point conversion, timeouts
and/or a player goes out of bounds.
 Each time the official spots the ball, a team has 30 seconds to snap the ball. The officials will indicate the
play clock has started. Each team will receive one warning before a delay-of-game penalty will be enforced
(NO PENALITY will be called on the warning – replay the down).
 Time Outs: Each team will have two (2) 60-second timeouts per half. Time-Outs may be called at any dead
 Overtime (U12) If the score is tied at the end of regulation, teams move directly into overtime.
Another coin toss will take place. Away team calls the toss. Winner chooses offense or defense. Loser
chooses which end zone they want to score in. *High school/college style overtime will take place.
During the 1st overtime period, each team will have 4 plays to score from their opponent’s 12 yard
line. PAT’s, will be the same as regulation. If the score is tied after the 1st OT period, another coin toss
will take place, away team calls again, this period will be Sudden Death first team to score wins.
 Teams will receive 1 timeout per OT period. Second half timeouts that are not used can be used in OT

 The offensive team takes possession of the ball at its 5-yard line and has four (4) plays to cross midfield.
Once a team crosses midfield, they will be awarded a first down, and then they have four (4) plays to score
a touchdown. If the offense fails to score or to cross midfield, the ball changes possession and the new
offensive team takes over at its 5-yard line.
 Once a team goes through the no-run zone, the rules no longer affect them. Example: If team receives a
first down then gets a penalty that backs them up in the no run zone, they WILL NOT have the pass only
option, and they will also be allowed to run.
 Interceptions change the possession and can be advanced at the point of interception. Interceptions are
the only change of possessions that do not start on the 5-yard line.
 If a defensive player intercepts the ball in the end-zone, but fails to get the football out of the end-zone.
The ball will change possession and will be placed on the 5-yard line. The new offensive team then has four
(4) plays to cross midfield and/or score a touchdown.

 Score will be kept in the U15, U12, and U9 divisions. The U15, U12, and U9 will have a playoff concluding
the regular season. The U7 division will not have a playoff concluding the regular season.
 Touchdown: 6 points
 Extra Point: 1 point (played from the 5-yard line)- Pass only
2 points (played from the 12-yard line)
Returned Extra Point (by defense) 1 or 2 points depending on if it’s a 1 or 2 point
 Safety: 2 points (Defensive team receives the ball after safety at 5 their yard line.)
 If a team gets up by 18 points, that team is no longer able to blitz.
 Once a team is up by 25 points the clock will no longer stop for the remainder of the game.

 The quarterback cannot run the ball unless he/she is blitzed. The player blitzing must cross the line of
scrimmage before the QB can run.
 The offense may use multiple handoffs.
 “No running zones” are located 5 yards from each end zone and 5 yards on each side of the mid-field the
offensive team is trying to get a 1st down on. Once an offensive team crosses mid-field and receive a first
down, they are no longer in the “No running zone”. This rule is designed to avoid short-yardage, power
running situations. All plays in these zones must be a pass-only play, unless the QB is blitzed.
 Once the ball has been handed off, all defensive players are eligible to rush.
 Spinning is allowed, but players cannot leave their feet to avoid a defensive player (NO diving, jumping,
hurdling etc.).
 The ball is spotted where the ball carrier’s feet are when the flag is pulled, not where the ball is.
 Runners are not allowed to stiff arm or use any other means to physically keep the defender from pulling
their flag.
 If the runner inadvertently loses his/her flag while maintaining possession of the ball, the defender must
use 1 hand to touch the runner in order to ‘de-flag’ him/her.

 QB-center exchange has to change possession completely. Center must release the ball to the QB
completely and cannot receive possession thru a forward handoff of the ball. Once the QB has complete
possession, of the ball, the center is able to receive a forward pass, as long as they are across the line of
 In the U15 division shot-gun snap is the only snap allowed. Ball can be snapped between legs or off to the
 The U12, U9, and U7 division can use underneath snap or shot-gun snap.

 A lateral pass is not a pass that can take place in the no run zone. (cannot be a pitch or a handoff)
 All players are eligible to receive the pass. This includes the quarterback if the ball has been handed off
behind the line scrimmage.
 Quarterback is allowed to pass laterally to a receiver behind the line of scrimmage at any time. (cannot be
a pitch or handoff)
 Players must have at least one foot in bounds when making a catch.

 Quarterbacks has 7 seconds to throw the ball in the U12 and U9 divisions (10 second rule is for U6 division)
 Shovel passes are allowed behind the line of scrimmage.
 The player who takes the handoff/pitch can throw the ball from behind the line of scrimmage.

 Blocking is not allowed, players must be set once ball carrier has crossed the line of scrimmage. Players
must be set like a pick in basketball.
 Players must keep hands to their side or behind their backs during blocking.
 If a ref determines incidental contact was made during the play, no illegal blocking penalty will be called.

 Play is ruled dead when
 Ball carrier’s flag is pulled (or touched with 1 hand when flag falls off)
 Ball carrier steps out of bounds
 Touchdown or safety is scored
 Ball touches the ground
 Note: There are no fumbles. The ball is spotted where the ball hits the ground. (If the ball is fumbled in the
end zone, it will be ruled a safety. The defense will receive 2 points and the possession of the football.)
 Any time the ball is fumbled or touches the ground it is considered down and the play is dead. In all cases
the team that fumbled retains possession at the spot of the fumble.
 If the center/quarterback exchange is not completed the ball will be placed where it hits the ground.
(Unless the ball is fumbled in the end zone, it will be ruled a safety. The defense will receive 2 points and
the possession of the football.)
 In the U6 division the QB is allowed to pick up a botched snap and continue play
 A player is considered down without having their flag pulled if any part of their body touches the ground,
with the exception of their hand.


 All players who rush the passer must be behind the blitz line (7 yards back) when the ball is snapped. You
may rush from wherever you like, but you must be behind the blitz line. No more than 2 players can rush
the QB.
 Players not rushing the QB may defend on the line of scrimmage.
 Once the ball is handed off, the 7-yard rule is no longer in effect and all defenders may go behind the line
of scrimmage. A special marker will designate 7 yards straight ahead from the line of scrimmage.
 The 7-yard rushing rule is in effect at all times, no matter where the ball is spotted on the field (which
includes all 5-yard “No Running Zones”).


 If referees witnesses any acts of tackling, elbowing, cheap shots, blocking, or any unsportsmanlike act, the
game will be stopped and the player will be ejected from the game.
 Trash talking is illegal for players, coaches, parents, and spectators. Officials have the right to determine
offensive language. Trash talk is talk that may be offensive to officials, players, coaches, or spectators. If it
occurs, officials will give one warning. If it continues, the parties involved will be ejected from the game.
(Unsportsmanlike Conduct Penalties will be called)

 The referee will call all penalties. The head coach can either decline or accept penalties.
 Referees will determine incidental contact, which may result from a normal run.
 Only the Head Coach can ask the referee questions about rule clarification and interpretation
 Games cannot end on a defensive penalty, unless the offense declines it.


 In the event a flag guarding penalty is called, the following will take place:
 Whenever flag guarding is called penalty yards are marked off from the line of scrimmage. If the child
scores a touchdown, the touchdown is called back to the line of scrimmage.
 If a player’s flag is tied, an unsportsmanlike penalty will be called.

 Offside – 5 yards and replay the down. Unless the penalty is declined by the offensive team. (Penalty
marked from line of scrimmage )
 Pass Interference – 10 yards and an automatic first down). Unless the penalty is declined by the
offensive team.(Penalty marked from line of scrimmage)
 Illegal Contact (Holding/pushing.) – 10 yards and replay the down. Unless the penalty is declined by
the offensive team (Penalty marked from line of scrimmage)
 Illegal Flag Pull (before the receiver has the ball) – 5 yards and replay the down. Unless the penalty is
declined by the offensive team (Penalty marked from line of scrimmage)
 Illegal Rushing (starting rush from inside the 7-yard marker) – 5 yards and replay the down. Unless the
penalty is declined by the offensive team (Penalty marked from line of scrimmage)
 Unsportsmanlike Conduct – 10 yards and a loss of down (Penalty marked from line of scrimmage).
Excessive end zone celebrations and tied flags are considered unsportsmanlike conduct. 2
unsportsmanlike conduct penalties will result in player being ejected from the game.

 Illegal Motion (more than one person moving at the snap of the ball, false start, etc. Only one
player is allowed to be in motion at the snap of the ball. Side to Side movement only is allowed. No
player will be allowed to move forward before the ball is snapped. – 5 yards and replay the down
(Penalty marked from line of scrimmage)
 Offensive Pass Interference (illegal pick play, pushing off/away defender) – 10 yards and replay
the down (Penalty marked from line of scrimmage)
 Flag Guarding – 10 yards and replay the down (Penalty marked from line of scrimmage)
 Delay of Game – 5 yards and replay the down (Penalty marked from line of scrimmage)
 Unsportsmanlike Conduct – 10 yards and an automatic first down (Penalty marked from line of
scrimmage). Excessive end zone celebrations and tied flags are considered unsportsmanlike
conduct. 2 unsportsmanlike conduct penalties will result in player being ejected from the game.
 Illegal Contact (Holding, blocking, etc.) – 10 yards and replay the down (Penalty marked from line
of scrimmage)
 Illegal Forward Pass (pass thrown forward pass the line of scrimmage)- 5 yards and replay the
down. (Penalty marked from line of scrimmage)


 All team players MUST have a complete flag belt, which includes two (2) flags 1 on each hip, they must be
the official NFL Flag Belts (same color)
 The Flag belt must be secured at all times. No piece of the belt may hang down except the flags.
 No flag may be hidden or have any items (including clothing, jersey, towels etc.) obstructing the opposing
players from pulling the flag.
 Blocking is not allowed, players must be set once ball carrier has crossed the line of scrimmage. Players
must be set like a pick in basketball.
 Players must keep hands to their side or behind their backs during blocking.
 An Illegal Contact penalty will be called if the referees determine the offensive player made intentional
contact with the defensive player. 10 yards and replay the down.

 No baseball cleats are allowed. Football and soccer cleats only. (NO METAL SPIKES)
 Players may wear a protective mouthpiece. (recommended but no required)
 Official YMCA program uniform should be worn during play
 Official YMCA coaches’ shirts should be worn during games by all coaches.

These are a list of things that should be stressed to all players during practice and game times. We
want everyone to have a safe and happy experience here at the Fort Mill YMCA.

1. Illegally secured flag belts

2. Spiking, kicking, throwing, or not returning the ball to the officials during a dead ball situation
3. Hurdling
4. driving or running into a player
5. Tackling a runner
6. Roughing the passer
7. Illegal contact
8. Tripping
9. Swearing
10. Taunting
11. Fighting
12. Clipping

 Taunting, profanity, and/or any action deemed unsportsmanlike conduct by the officials or staff of the
YMCA will not be tolerated by players, coaches or parents. This violation will result in a technical foul
and/or ejection from the game. Any player, coach, or fan ejected from a game will automatically be
suspended from the next scheduled game.

Playoffs (U15, U12 and U9 Division)

 Teams in this division will participate in a playoff.
 Teams will be placed in their seed brackets by overall team records; tie breaker is points given up. In the case
that that is also a tie, seeding will be determined by points scored. In the event that is a tie, head to head will
determine seeding.

Good sportsmanship is a major part of our program and is expected from players, coaches, parents, and
Let’s keep in mind the YMCA Sports Philosophy
Positive Competition: We believe competition is a positive process when the pursuit of victory is kept in
the right perspective. The right perspective means adults making decisions that put the best interest of the
children above winning the contest. Learning to compete is important for children and learning to cooperate in a
competitive world is an essential lesson in life. Leaning to win is just as important as learning to lose.
*As a coach, help your players set goals that are not about winning or losing. This way, no matter what the score
of the game, your players learn that no matter what the score is, there is value in playing the game.
Fair Play:
** As a coach, set the example of good sportsmanship and reward players and parents for showing respect to all
involved in YMCA Youth Sports. Do not tolerate disrespect by your players or parents
Our Mission:
To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.

The Y: We're for youth development, healthy living and social responsibility.

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