Reaction Paper

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"What is the cause of lies?

The real danger is that if we hear enough lies then we no longer recognize
the truth at all" -Valery Legasov

Chernobyl is an american disaster horror film directed by Johan Harris and written by Craig Mazin. The
chernobyl nuclear power station in the Soviet Union, the worst disaster in the history of nuclear power
generation. The station consisted the four reactors, each capable in producing 1000 megawatts of
electric power. Disaster occurred on April 26 1986 when technicians at reactors until attempted a poorly
designed experiment. Workers shut down the reactors power regulating system and they withdrew
most of the control rods from its core while allowing the reactors to continue running at 7% power. At
1:23 am on April 26 the chain reactor is the core went out of control. Several explosion triggered a large
fireball and blew off heavy steel and concrete lid of reactor. The ensuing fire in the graphite reactor core
released large amount of radioactive material into the atmosphere, where it was carried great distances
by air currents. A partial meltdown of the core also curried, and the worst disaster begin. In this story it
doesn't matter who the heroes are all we want to know who is to blame.

This movie is really interested and in every episodes catch your attention and open your mind in what is
truth how our decisions affect in many aspect. I was impress when i watch the film, sometimes i feel
mad, happy, sad and of course it make me think deeply and be focus in every scene. The lack of actions
leads to this catastrophic consequences at the Chernobyl power plan. If i were in the same position
before the accident, i would've make sure that the minimum amount of control rods were being in used
considering the danger of the reactors and their radiation in case of a meltdown. I would also made sure
that the cooling system and equipments were working properly. In contrast to the reaction of the
soviets, I would've acted quickly and expected the worst. And also I didn't sacrifice a lot of lives just to
stop this disaster because i know in every life that ends there someone that suffer because of the
sadness. When Valery Legasco lied on what he already know it affects why this horrible disaster last and
many people died. If he told the truth immediately it possible that in the first place they avoid or stop
this explosion.

Lies can't correct another lies. Lies can't lead us to do right thing but instead lies let us made more
mistakes. People in denying for their mistakes didn't deserve in prison they deserve death. We are in
danger because of our secrets and our lies, as we cover the truth we lie and lie until we cant no longer
remember the truth. Thats how RBMK reactors ecplode "LIES".

The Chernobyl is known as the worst Nuclear Power Plant accident in history,it is located in the North of
the city of Kiev,Ukraine and the incident was catastrophic, which many people affected by the radiation,
radioactive dust and many more.Everyone was shocked by that time,didn't know what to do and they
are panicking,if you were the operator what will you do? what are you going to do inside the Plant? So
here it goes, how did the Chernobyl explosion happen? Are you going to believe that it's an accident or
it's the fault of the operator?

A one operator wants to test the safety system to maintain the outage,at first they won't do it because
it was unsafe but still the other operator want to do it, so hear it is, based on i watched, the nuclear
reactor is the source of the heat and they test the fuel reactor and begin the experiment.And it might
possible that the heat of the fuel rise up or go down,and the result was the nuclear fuel gets hotter and
when the reactivity and the fuel smash together,the operator did not balance the exact heat the
reactivity rise up so,the control rods and the water increase and the temperature got high,and the
reactor 4 was delay and poisoned the cool and starting to loose balance and the reactor started to move
up and down rapidly and the mega watts of the machine increased in 33000,they try to resist the
reactor using the A3-5 control but they can't stop and reactor 4 start explosion and its not yet done it
exploded widely and the pressure inside the coal the radiation came up in the sky,also it said in the final
episode that the safety test had been carried out 3 times before had failed and it was human error, after
that explosion 2 were died inside the plant and their face turned to be black and started to break down
their body and get vomiting because of the impact of radiation. They called help to helicopter to drop
the sand but its not enough and they can't do it quickly because everytime they open the door the fume
came from the plant hitted them. And the other people called them and ask help on how to resolve it
and many days had passed still they are planning to make solution but still the affected area near in the
plant which many people lived there and the government decide to evacuate them because it's too
dangerous to stay there.But did you know that there's a 3 men who sacrificed their lives and go to the
pool where radioactive is there and they do it just to stop the explosion and destroyed all the entire
plant.And also the Soviet government decide to open the criminal case against to the operator and
investigate what is truth happened behind that disaster, and it was a human error he said.

It was sad that it happened quickly without knowing the test will failed,and i think the operator was not
responsible for that,the things inside the plant was too old i think,and as being irresponsible in their job
it exploded widely and many people affected by that,the sky start to changed the color because of the
radioactive or radiotion,the children are being deficient,the radioactive dust harmed the place where
affect in their health,the animals died. Imagine, if this not happened the people where lived in Ukraine
are still happy and living in peaceable place,but now it will no longer to be happy in that place.
We're on dangerous ground right now, because of our secretd and our lies. They're practically what
define us. When the truth offends, we lie and lie until we can no longer remember that it is even there.
Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later the debt is paid.

In April 1986, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident was the result of a faculty soviet reactor
structure together with severe errors carried out by the plant workers. The disaster that occured at
chernobyl changed the way the world views nuclear energy. It caused a lot of damaged to the
surrounding environment as well as to people physical and mental well-being. It not only affected the
immediate area but also many other areas as well. The disaster led too many changes in the country's
communication in regards to emergency preparedness. The disaster also led to many other country's
their views in regards to nuclear energy and its overall uses. This horrible incident shows us many
lessons that should be learned. The main reason that cause the core to actually ruptured was due to a
sudden rise of the temperature in the reactor during the manual removal of control rods in a test which
lead to the instability of the reactors.

The chernobyl is one of the best miniseries I've watched. First that miniseries is based on the true to life
story where affect huge number of people who are living near in nuclear power station. The consistent
oc shocking part in every episode was the best also. I was nervous at the first part where the Chernobyl
nuclear power station exploded because as a Science student I know how huge the problem where done
when the radiation of chemicals contaminated the air, water and the food that they eat. The chemical or
the element Uranium 235 was awesome that contain a lot of neutrons that the called Bullets

Where in a million of atom flock together it can be split to more neutrons that will be added to the
effect of radiation because there are more chemicals now. They do different ways to stop the radiation
into the air. The first one is they recruit person who go to the water tank to spoil out the water and
people who have knowledge about the basement but we all know that is very dangerous and the
proffesors says that "We need three man to go inside the basement but I need your permission to kill
them". The last where I very amaze was the plan to stop the radiation by creating lave in a way of mixing
boron, sand and water. Where stop the different holes where the chemicals came from.

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