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Syntax Assignment | Rezhi Effendi/17010106056/ Class B

Due of Submission: 3, Oct 2019


1. What do you think about standard English?

2. What are the characteristics of English?
3. After trying to answer two above questions, please watch the following video then summary in a
paragraph about the main point of the video.


1. English standard is the language used when someone speaks formal or writing and English
standard is also be referred to as correct English, it follows grammatical rules.
2. characteristic of standard english is english which is used according to grammar, correct
spelling, is used to communicate like at school, professional work places, and etc. for
Non-Standard English: I played good.
Standard English: I played well.
3. The video talk about standard English and vernacular words. Standard English is spoken and
written in classes in high school, college, graduate school, and in professional work places.
While vernacular English are ways of speaking English that are formed by different social
groups of English speakers. There are three vernacular English are Appalachian vernacular
English or country English, African-American Vernacular English or Ebonics, and Tex-Mex
Vernacular (mix of English and Spanish words). Vernacular English always work well in
situations are taking with friends, singing or rapping in music, dialogue by characters in
stories/movie, texting/snapchatting/social media, and etc. But in this case high school is a
place where there are errors in speaking and writing. Mr. Stephens has notice the students’
writing that wrong like; Sorta, coulda, could of, woulda, would of, wanna, and etc.

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