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Climate Dynamics

Influence of longer dry seasons in the Southern Amazon

on patterns of water vapor transport over northern South America
and the Caribbean
Jhoana Agudelo1 · Paola A. Arias1   · Sara C. Vieira1 · J. Alejandro Martínez1

Received: 20 December 2017 / Accepted: 28 May 2018

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

Several studies have identified a recent lengthening of the dry season over the southern Amazon during the last three dec-
ades. Some explanations to this lengthening suggest the influence of changes in the regional circulation over the Atlantic
and Pacific oceans, whereas others point to the influence of vegetation changes over the Amazon rainforest. This study aims
to understand the implications of more frequent long dry seasons in this forest on atmospheric moisture transport toward
northern South America and the Caribbean region. Using a semi-Langrangian model for water vapor tracking, results indicate
that longer dry seasons in the southern Amazon relate to reductions of water vapor content over the southern and eastern
Amazon basin, due to significant reductions of evaporation and recycled precipitation rates in these regions, especially dur-
ing the transition from dry to wet conditions in the southern Amazon. On the other hand, longer dry seasons also relate to
enhanced atmospheric moisture content over the Caribbean and northern South America regions, mainly due to increased
contributions of water vapor from oceanic regions and the increase of surface moisture convergence over the equatorial
region. This highlights the importance of understanding the relative role of regional circulation and local surface conditions
on modulating water vapor transport toward continental regions.

Keywords  Water vapor transport · Northern South America · Southern Amazon dry season · Water vapor tracking

1 Introduction represents an important element for the hydro-climatology

of northern South America, because considerable amounts
Climate and eco-hydrological conditions over the Amazon, of moisture that evaporates from the rainforest are trans-
the largest tropical rainforest on the planet (Zou et al. 2016), ported northward by the atmospheric circulation (although
are a matter of increasing interest in the scientific commu- the most of the transport is southward toward La Plata
nity. This tropical rainforest offers multiple benefits and Basin), triggering precipitation over the north of the conti-
ecological services, not only to the region but also to the nent (Yin et al. 2014; Juárez et al. 2007). Nevertheless, the
entire planet, since it plays an important role on the global rapid development of the agricultural frontier of the Ama-
hydrological and energetic balance (Drumond et al. 2014). zon, especially in the Brazilian Cerrado, has increased the
Because of the huge amounts of local evapotranspiration vulnerability of this rainforest and surrounding areas regard-
(between 3 and 4 mm/day) (Fisher et al. 2009; Getirana et al. ing to climate change, according to modeling and observa-
2014; Vinukollu et al. 2011), the Amazon basin constitutes tional studies (Sampaio et al. 2007; Soares-Filho et al. 2006;
an important atmospheric humidity reservoir for the region. Morton et al. 2006). A manifestation of this corresponds to
Several studies have identified that the Amazon climate the strong drought events reported in 2005 and 2010 in this
forest (Davidson et al. 2012; Gatti et al. 2014; Marengo and
* Paola A. Arias Espinoza 2015; Aragao et al. 2018). In this sense, the vulner- ability of the Amazon and the eco-hydrological services pro-
vided by this forest depend on an adequate moisture supply
Grupo de Investigación y Gestión Ambiental (GIGA), (as precipitation or moisture stored in the soil) during its dry
Escuela Ambiental, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad
de Antioquia, Calle 67 #53‑108, Of. 10‑126, Medellín, season and transition to the wet season (Boisier et al. 2015).

J. Agudelo et al.

The Amazon basin covers a large region, with tropical lengthening also relates to an alteration of regional circula-
and subtropical areas. There are important differences in the tion patterns, such as the regional Hadley and Walker cells
hydroclimatology within the basin (Espinoza et al. 2009), (Zeng et al. 1996; Badger and Dirmeyer 2016), in associa-
in particular between the northern and southern halves, tion to a thermodynamic response to SST changes in the
including differences in the amplitude and phase of the mean surrounding oceans that induce local conditions to become
annual cycle of precipitation and cloudiness (Marengo 2010; increasingly dryer over the Amazon and enhance water
Arias et al. 2011). One of these differences concerns the vapor transport toward northern South America (Arias et al.
impacts of the South American monsoon system (SAMS), 2015a). In particular, longer dry seasons in the southern
which is more pronounced over the southeastern part of the Amazon (related to shorter American monsoons) are charac-
basin (e.g. Collini et al. 2008). Thus, the southern part of terized by enhanced atmospheric moisture transport and con-
the Amazon basin exhibits a larger seasonal change from a vection over the South American equatorial region, mainly
dry to a wet season, and it is more impacted by the length of during the transition from the North American monsoon
the dry season. The transition from the dry to the wet season system (NAMS) to the SAMS (which occurs during SON),
over the southern Amazon is marked by the activation of induced by stronger Hadley and Walker regional cells. As
the SAMS, largely controlled by large-scale thermodynamic a result, larger convection over the equatorial region during
processes, such as variations of the equatorial sea surface this inter-hemispheric transition between monsoons would
temperature (SST) (e.g., Marengo et al. 2001; Liebmann and inhibit precipitation over the southern Amazon, inducing a
Marengo 2001; Carvalho et al. 2011). In particular, the onset lengthening of its dry season (Arias et al. 2015a).
of the southern Amazon wet season emerges from the contri- In this paper, we explore beyond the dynamical analy-
bution of three main elements: increases of local evapotran- sis of Arias et al. (2015a) and the climatological patterns
spiration, synoptic disturbances such as cold air incursions, of water vapor transport identified by Arias et al. (2015b),
and large-scale moisture transport from surrounding oceans in order to identify water vapor patterns during dry season
(Li and Fu 2004; Fu and Li 2004; Yin et al. 2014). Moreover, events in the southern Amazon. We aim to establish whether
aerosols from biomass burning play an important role on the there has been an increase of water vapor transport toward
wet season onset over the Amazon (e.g., Artaxo et al. 2002; northern South America in association with longer dry sea-
Wright et al. 2017). sons over the southern Amazon rainforest throughout the
Recent studies report a lengthening of the dry season last decades. A semi-Lagrangian model for tracking water
over the southern Amazon during the last few decades, vapor is used to identify the main sources contributing to
consistent with a more frequent occurrence of shorter wet this transport. This paper is divided as follows: data and
seasons in the region, a reduction of precipitation rates, and methodology are presented in Sect. 2, including a brief
an expansion of the savanna ecosystem in this forest (Fu description of the model used to track water vapor over
et al. 2013; Debortoli et al. 2015). This expansion leads to a northern South America and the Caribbean; Sect. 3 presents
loss of soil absorption and carbon reservoir capacity in this our main results; finally, Sect. 4 includes the discussion and
region (Boisier et al. 2015). The strongest changes related main conclusions from this study.
to a lengthening of the dry season in this forest occur during
the dry-to-wet transition season (which occurs from Sep-
tember to November—SON), and are closely associated 2 Data and methodology
with local changes in land cover (Fu and Li 2004; Costa
and Pires 2010). Modeling studies suggest that changes of To analyze the link between the dry season lengthening over
vegetation cover in the Amazon affects energy and water the southern Amazon and atmospheric moisture transport
fluxes. Particularly, Amazon deforestation could be linked toward northern South America, this study focuses on the
to higher temperatures and reduced evapotranspiration and analysis of atmospheric variables and water vapor transport
precipitation in the region, especially during the dry sea- estimates during years with long and short dry seasons in
son (Nobre et al. 1991; Sampaio et al. 2007; Medvigy et al. the southern Amazon (hereafter LDS and SDS, respec-
2011; Lejeune et al. 2015). Moreover, a deforested Amazon tively), according to the classification criterion presented in
could lead to a longer dry season in this region (Costa and Sect. 2.2. To estimate statistical significance in the difference
Pires 2010). of composites of atmospheric moisture transport during LDS
Thus, several studies addressing the recent variations on and SDS cases, we use a bootstrap test (Efron 1979). We
the Amazon dry season and its transition to the wet period perform 1000 iterations with the threshold for a statistical
focus on local surface processes (related to albedo, rough- significance set to 95% and use the bias-corrected and accel-
ness, soil temperature), and large-scale atmospheric dynam- erated percentile method to estimate the confidence interval.
ics (Oyama and Nobre 2003; Sampaio et al. 2007; Salazar We use monthly zonal, meridional, and vertical winds
and Nobre 2010). However, other studies suggest that this (u, v, and w, respectively) from the European Centre for

Influence of longer dry seasons in the Southern Amazon on patterns of water vapor transport over…

Medium-Range Weather Forecast reanalysis (ECMWF) p

[ ]

ERA-Interim (Dee et al. 2011) for the period 1980–2010, at 2𝜋 cos 𝜙
Ψ(𝜙, p) = vIR (𝜙, p) dp, (1)
a spatial resolution of 0.75°. We use ERA-Interim reanalysis g
due to its better representation of the hydrological cycle and
atmospheric moisture transport (Dee et al. 2011; Trenberth where g denotes the acceleration due to gravity. All the cal-
et al. 2011). culations are carried out from monthly mean values obtained
In order to classify the long and short dry seasons we from ERA-Interim reanalysis, from which climatologi-
use the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration cal means are calculated, and seasonal and annual means
(NOAA) Climate Diagnostics Center (CDC) daily precipita- evaluated.
tion gridded data product, version SA24 (CDC-SA24), avail- On the other hand, the regional Walker cell is studied
able from January 1940 to December 2011 with 1-degree from the analysis of vertical cross-sections for regional
horizontal resolution (Liebmann and Allured 2005). This zonal divergent circulation over South America, where the
product has been validated and used in previous studies of divergent zonal wind component and the vertical velocity
the onset of the SAMS (Fu et al. 2013; Yin et al. 2014; Arias are averaged over the 15°S–5°S and equator-10°N latitudinal
et al. 2015a). We also use three other precipitation products belts, for the longitudinal section between 140°W and 10°W.
just to compare the long and short dry seasons (not to define
them). These precipitation products are: precipitation from
ERA-Interim reanalysis; the Global precipitation Climatol- 2.2 Domain for water vapor tracking
ogy Project (GPCP) version 2.3, with monthly precipitation
during the period 1979-present at a 2.5° × 2.5° horizon- To estimate the atmospheric moisture transport over north-
tal grid (Adler et al. 2003); the Climate Prediction Center ern South America and the Caribbean, we use the “Dynamic
(CPC) Merged Analysis of Precipitation (CMAP) dataset Recycling Model (DRM)”. In its original version, the DRM
with monthly precipitation during the period 1979-present is a model for estimating precipitation recycling (Dominguez
and a 2.5°-horizontal grid (Xie and Arkin 1997); and the et  al. 2006). The DRM is an analytical model formally
Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Informa- derived from the equation of mass conservation. The model
tion using Artificial Neural Networks (PERSIANN) dataset, is formulated under a Lagrangian framework in which the
which provides daily rainfall estimates at a spatial resolution storage variable is not negligible, allowing the analysis on a
of 0.25° in the latitude band 60°S–60°N from 1983 to the wide range of time scales (daily time scale included) of recy-
near-present (Ashouri et al. 2015). cled moisture, its temporal and spatial variations, its main
In addition, as a qualitative index for vegetation cover contributors, and its propagation toward different regions.
in the Amazon, we use the Leaf Area Index (LAI) data- The DRM is derived from the vertical integrated water vapor
set produced by the Centre National de Recherches balance equation (see e.g. Burde and Zangvil 2001):
Météorologiques (CNRM), as part of the eartH2Observe 𝜕(W) 𝜕(WU) 𝜕(WV)
Project, which provides monthly LAI measurements avail- + + = E − P, (2)
𝜕t 𝜕x 𝜕y
able during the period 1979–2012 at a 1.0° × 1.0° horizontal
grid (Schellekens et al. 2015). with:
We compute SST anomalies over the tropical north po
Atlantic (TNA) as the domain average in the region

W= q̄ ,
60°–30°W, 5°N–25°N, using the monthly dataset provided g
by ERA Interim reanalysis (Dee et al. 2011) for the period 0

1980–2010 and a spatial resolution of 0.75°.

po po

W∫ ∫
1 dp dp
2.1 Hadley and Walker cells U= qu + q� u� ,
g g
0 0
The regional Hadley Cell is evaluated using the meridional
mass streamfunction (Ψ) calculated from the irrotational (or po po

∫ ∫
divergent) component of the meridional flow, as proposed by 1 dp dp
V= qv + q� v� ,
Zhang and Wang (2013). The computation involves the irro- W g g
0 0
tational components of the zonal mean meridional wind [ vIR ]
over the South American sector (70°W–50°W, 15°S–10°N). Where u, v and w are zonal, meridional and vertical wind
Here, Ψ is defined as the vertically integrated northward components, respectively, E is evaporation, P is precipita-
mass flux at latitude φ from pressure level p to the top of the tion, W is precipitable water, and q is specific humidity. U
atmosphere. Thus, and V are effective zonal and meridional wind components.

J. Agudelo et al.

Dominguez et al. (2006) found that, using the well-mixed this study, finding reasonable agreement between the DRM
atmosphere assumption, the fraction of moisture collected and the Quasi-Isentropic Back Trajectory (QIBT) model
by an air column along its trajectory (given by the effective (Dirmeyer et al. 2009).
wind (U,V)) between times 0 and τ is given by In this study, we use the DRM for tracking atmospheric
moisture in the domain and between the regions shown in
⎡ 𝜏
⎤ Fig. 1. This domain includes Central America and a fraction
⎢ ∫ W(𝜒, 𝜉, 𝜏) ⎥
E(𝜒, 𝜉, 𝜏) � ⎥
R(𝜒, 𝜉, 𝜏) = 1 − exp⎢− 𝜕𝜏 . of North and South America. The continental regions are
⎣ 0 ⎦ subdivided into 13 subregions while the adjacent oceans are
subdivided into 8 subregions. The regions over South Amer-
This expression is a nonlinear function of the trajectory. ica are defined to partially represent major river basins, fol-
Martinez and Dominguez (2014) found an analytical decom- lowing Martinez and Dominguez (2014). The Amazon basin
position that allows to distinguish the contributions from has been sub-divided into two regions: northern Amazon
different parts of the trajectory. This information can be used (NAMZ) and southern Amazon (SAMZ). This separation is
to estimate not only water vapor/precipitation recycling (i.e. necessary as the hydroclimatology of both regions presents
the contribution of a region to its own moisture) but also the important differences (Marengo 2010; Arias et al. 2011),
contributions from different regions to a given target region. which combined with the atmospheric circulation, pro-
Since the DRM is a 2D model, its approach has been duces important differences in the transport of atmospheric
debated because vertical wind shear can induce patterns of moisture from both regions to other areas (Martinez and
moisture transport that are not quantified in the vertically Dominguez 2014). Central America and Mexico have been
integrated water flux (Goessling and Reick 2013; Van der defined as one region (CAM) and separated from the north-
Ent et al. 2013). However, the DRM can still provide valu- ern continental region in the U.S., which in turn is divided
able information when used in conjunction with more tra- into SWUS and SEUS. For the present analysis, the exact
ditional methods, including detailed analyses of the wind definitions of CAM, SWUS, and SEUS are not expected
patterns, both horizontally and vertically. This has been the to affect results as the focus is in the transport between the
approach in previous studies using the DRM, like Martinez Amazon basin and northern South America. The Gulf of
and Dominguez (2014), Arias et al. (2015b) and Pathak et al. Mexico (GOM) and the Caribbean (CABN) are defined to
(2017). Moreover, Hoyos et al. (2017) compare the DRM approximate their geographical standard definition. Finally,
to other water accounting models for the same region of the rest of the oceans within the domain have been defined
according to latitudinal bands centered on northern South

Fig. 1  Domain of interest to estimate atmospheric moisture transport Central America, GOM Gulf of Mexico, CABN Caribbean Sea, ORIC
using the DRM. The domain is subdivided into 21 subregions: NOSA Orinoco Region, GUYN Guyanas, PECH Peru–Chile, NAMZ North-
Northern South America domain, NPAC Northern Pacific, TNP Trop- ern Amazon, SAMZ Southern Amazon, TOCA Tocantins river, NORD
ical North Pacific, TSP Tropical South Pacific, NATL North Atlan- Brazil’s Northeast, LPRB La Plata River Basin, AFRC Africa, SEUS
tic, TNA Tropical North Atlantic, TSA Tropical South Atlantic, CAM South Eastern United States, SWUS South Western United States

Influence of longer dry seasons in the Southern Amazon on patterns of water vapor transport over…

America. The contributions of farther regions to northern rate is greater (lower) than the climatological annual mean
South America is left for future studies. rain rate during 6 out of 8 subsequent pentads. This criterion
We use the latest version of the DRM as presented by has been widely applied in previous studies regarding mon-
Martinez and Dominguez (2014). ERA-Interim daily fields soonal systems (Kousky 1988; Marengo et al. 2001; Li and
are used as input for the DRM, including evaporation (E), Fu 2004; Liebmann et al. 2007; Arias et al. 2012, 2015a; Fu
precipitable water (W) and the two components of the verti- et al. 2013). To obtain wet season onset/retreat, we consider
cally integrated moisture flux (Qx and Qy). The DRM fields the CDC-SA24 daily precipitation data for the region located
U and V are obtained as U = Qx/W and V = Qy/W. Precipi- between 50°W–70°W and 15°S-5°S, corresponding to the
tation from ERA-Interim is not used in the DRM calcula- southern Amazon.
tions as our focus is the transport of water vapor in terms of Finally, each year within the period of study is clas-
precipitable water, which is a variable more constrained by sified into one out-of-three categories, corresponding
observations (Dee et al. 2011). to years with a dry season: (1) longer than 75% of one
standard deviation (0.75σ) above the climatological
2.3 Southern Amazon dry season length length (LDS), (2) shorter than 0.75σ below the climato-
logical length (SDS), and (3) within a range between the
As pointed out in the Introduction, previous studies have climatological length minus/plus 0.75σ (normal dry sea-
identified a recent lengthening of the dry season in the sons) (Fig. 2). Table 1 shows the years of LDS and SDS
southern Amazon forest during the past few decades (Fu obtained with this methodology. Notice that the longest
et al. 2013; Debortoli et al. 2015). This paper is focused dry seasons (LDS) are more frequent since the 90 s, while
on analyzing the effects of such lengthening on the atmos- the shortest dry seasons (SDS) are more frequent dur-
pheric moisture transport over northern South America and ing the 80  s. The latter is in agreement with previous
the Caribbean by comparing moisture transport processes studies that identify a trend toward longer dry seasons
between the years with the longest and the shortest dry sea-
sons in the southern Amazon occurred between 1980 and
2010. Table 1  Years with the longest LDS SDS
(LDS) and the shortest (SDS)
The dry season length is computed for each year as the dry seasons in the southern 1992 1984
difference between the date corresponding to the wet season Amazon during the period
1994 1985
onset and the date corresponding to the wet season retreat 1980–2010 using a 0.75σ
threshold 1997a 1986
in the southern Amazon, expressed in pentads (i.e., 5-days
2001 1989
average; see e.g., Fu et  al. 2013). Following Li and Fu
2004 1991
(2004), the wet season onset/retreat dates are obtained con-
2005 2002a
sidering both an objectively-defined rain rate threshold and
2008 2006a
the persistence in time. Thus, the wet season onset (retreat)
date is defined as the pentad before which the rain rate is
less (more) than the climatological annual mean rain rate a
 El Niño years
during 6 out of 8 preceding pentads and after which the rain b
 La Niña years

Fig. 2  Length of the dry season

in the southern Amazon during
the period 1980–2010 obtained
from CDC-SA24 data. Years
are classified into LDS and SDS
using a 0.75σ threshold

J. Agudelo et al.

in the southern Amazon during the past two decades (Fu 3 Results
et al. 2013; Debortoli et al. 2015). We also considered a
criterion of 1σ to define LDS and SDS years, which cor- 3.1 Water vapor contributions toward northern
responds to a more standard threshold. Results are similar South America during LDS and SDS
to those obtained with 0.75σ, thus the analyses shown
here consider the 0.75σ threshold in order to have a larger In order to identify the regions with the largest contributions
sample of LDS and SDS events. In addition, we have indi- of atmospheric moisture to northern South America and the
cated the corresponding phase of the El Niño-Southern Caribbean during LDS and SDS events, we composite the
Oscillation (ENSO) for each of the years in Table 1, using precipitable water transported from each source depicted in
the Oceanic El Niño Index (ONI). Note that only a small Fig. 1 to northwestern South America (NOSA), the Orinoco
fraction of the years in Table 1 has been classified as El basin (ORIC), and the northern Amazon (NAMZ) domains,
Niño or La Niña. This suggests that ENSO is not having during LDS and SDS years (Table 1). Precipitable water
a dominant role on the occurrence of long or short dry contributions are calculated with the DRM. Figure 3 shows
seasons. We discuss this issue in Sect. 4. the climatological annual cycle of precipitable water trans-
ported to the continental regions in northern South Amer-
ica (NOSA, ORIC, NAMZ) from the sources located in the
Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and

Fig. 3  Climatological annual cycle of precipitable water transported to NOSA, ORIC, and NAMZ from a TNA and TSA, b NATL and CABN, c
TNP and TSP, d ORIC and NAMZ, and e NOSA and GUYN sources. Values are in mm

Influence of longer dry seasons in the Southern Amazon on patterns of water vapor transport over…

Fig. 4  LDS–SDS differences of precipitable water transported to NOSA, ORIC, and NAMZ from a TNA and TSA, b NATL and CABN, c TNP and TSP, d ORIC and NAMZ, and e NOSA and
GUYN sources. Values are in mm

J. Agudelo et al.

northern South America. Figure 4 shows the differences of own domain. Specifically, recycled precipitable water and
these contributions between LDS and SDS years. Arias et al. precipitation in these regions exceed in magnitude the cor-
(2015b) present a more detailed analysis of the climatologi- responding contributions from all other terrestrial (Fig. 3e)
cal contributions from these regions for a shorter period and and most oceanic regions (except those from the Tropical
with no emphasis on the differences between LDS and SDS Atlantic) (Fig. 3a–c). This local recycling does not vary sub-
events, which is a new contribution from this paper. stantially during LDS years, since reductions are only about
Figure 3a shows that one of the most important sources 0.5–1 mm respect to climatological values of 5–10 mm.
of atmospheric moisture toward northern South America is By contrast, although local precipitation recycling plays an
the northern tropical Atlantic Ocean region (TNA), exhibit- important role in northwestern South America (i.e., north-
ing the largest contributions to NOSA, ORIC, and NAMZ western Colombia and northern Venezuela—NOSA), advec-
throughout the year, especially during December to Febru- tion from other continental sources like the Orinoco basin
ary (DJF) and March to May (MAM) seasons. There are also and the northern Amazon during austral winter (JJA), as
important contributions from the tropical region of the South well as from oceanic sources like the TNA during MAM,
Atlantic Ocean (TSA) toward the northern Amazon region exhibits the largest magnitudes (Fig. 3e). These contribu-
(NAMZ), mainly during austral winter (June to August— tions occur for both LDS and SDS events, with small depar-
JJA). These contributions occur during both LDS and SDS tures from climatological values (Fig. 4e).
years, but the differences between both types of dry seasons In summary, the largest contributions of precipitable
are not statistically significant (differences are between − 1 water vapor over NOSA come from the Tropical North
and 1 mm in comparison to climatological contributions of Atlantic as well as the Orinoco and northern Amazon basins.
10–15 mm to NOSA and 10–20 mm to ORIC and NAMZ) The largest differences between LDS and SDS events in
(Fig. 4a). these contributions are observed during SON and DJF.
Figure 3b shows that atmospheric moisture contributions
from NATL and CABN are lower than those from the TNA 3.2 Effects on regional atmospheric moisture
and TSA sources. The largest contributions from CABN and transport
NATL are to northwestern South America (NOSA) during
DJF, mainly during LDS events, when water vapor transport To identify the spatial distribution of atmospheric moisture
increases about 50–70% respect to climatological contribu- content in northern South America and the Caribbean during
tions (increases of 1–1.5 mm in comparison to climatologi- LDS and SDS events in the southern Amazon, we estimate
cal contributions about 2 mm) (Fig. 4b). The contribution total precipitable water contributions from continental-only,
from the Caribbean to the rest of South America is substan- oceanic-only, and all sources (continental + oceanic) pre-
tially smaller. sented in Fig. 1. We make composites of LDS and SDS years
Regarding the Pacific Ocean sources, Fig. 3c shows that in the period 1980–2010, estimating the difference between
the tropical North Pacific Ocean (TNP) is the region with both cases (LDS-SDS). Thus, positive (negative) differences
largest contributions to northern South America compared indicate enhanced (reduced) moisture transport to each grid
to the tropical south Pacific (TSP). LDS events are associ- cell from the corresponding source (i.e. continental, oceanic,
ated with larger moisture contributions from TNP to NOSA all sources) during LDS events.
(increases about 1–2.5 mm in comparison to climatological Figure 5 shows the difference in contributions between
contributions of 0.5–2 mm) while the occurrence of these LDS and SDS composites during the dry-to-wet transition
events reduces moisture transport to ORIC and NAMZ season in the southern Amazon (SON). Results indicate
regions (Fig. 4c). These changes appear to be important, that during the occurrence of LDS years, significant reduc-
especially during the transition from dry to wet conditions tions of atmospheric moisture occur especially over the
in the southern Amazon, observed during September to south and southeastern Amazon during the first 2 months of
November (SON) season (Fig. 4c). Results regarding the the transition period (Fig. 5a). For example, Fig. 5a shows
north Pacific (NPAC) region are not shown since there are that the combined contribution from the sources in Fig. 1
not significant contributions from this region to the three to the precipitable water over the southeastern Amazon
sink regions considered (NOSA, ORIC, and NAMZ) dur- basin during September is nearly 4 mm less during LDS
ing most of the year, except during January, when values of than during SDS events. These reductions are associated
0.0144 and 0.0138 mm of precipitable water are observed with reductions in water vapor transport from continental
during LDS for ORIC and NAMZ regions, respectively. sources (Fig. 5b), especially from less precipitation recy-
Finally, Fig. 4d highlights the dominant role of recycled cled in the southern Amazon (SAMZ), rather than from
precipitation for the Orinoco basin (ORIC) and northern oceanic moisture (Fig. 5c). This is more clearly observed
Amazonia (NAMZ), since a substantial fraction of the in Fig. 6a, which shows a reduction in the recycled precipi-
atmospheric moisture over these regions comes from their table water in the southern Amazon of nearly 8.5% during

Influence of longer dry seasons in the Southern Amazon on patterns of water vapor transport over…

Fig. 5  Differences between LDS and SDS years for DRM precipita- tors indicate the Vertically Integrated Moisture Flux (VIMF) differ-
ble water [mm] (shaded) transported from a all, b continental-only ences (kg/ms) using ERA-Interim (vectors). Only significant differ-
and c oceanic-only water vapor sources presented in Fig.  1, during ences according to a bootstrap test are shown
the dry-to-wet transition period in the southern Amazon (SON). Vec-

Fig. 6  a Annual cycle of climatological total precipitable water ences (in mm/month) between LDS and SDS years (LDS-SDS) dur-
(black line; right axis), and atmospheric moisture recycling in the ing the transition period from dry to wet conditions in the southern
southern Amazon (SAMZ) during LDS (blue line; left axis) and SDS Amazon (SON), according to ERA-Interim reanalysis data
(red line; left axis) years. Values are in mm. b Evaporation differ-

LDS, compared to SDS, during October. A smaller reduc- cycle for total precipitable water is unimodal: recycling is
tion is also observed during September. Note that the annual larger during the onset (September–October) and demise
cycle of recycled precipitable water is bimodal, while the (March–April) of the peak of the rainy season. This suggests

J. Agudelo et al.

that the occurrence of LDS events in the southern Amazon is Yin et al. 2014; Arias et al. 2015a). The other products are
associated with important reductions of atmospheric mois- used here just for general comparison (i.e. no validation is
ture originated from the southern Amazon (SAMZ) (i.e., intended, which would be beyond the scope of the present
reduced recycling), especially during the first 2 months of study). Despite their different origin and potential biases,
the dry-to-wet transition season. Thus, a strong reduction all datasets show a decrease in precipitation during LDS
of precipitation recycling to the south of the Amazon is the events over parts of the Amazon (particularly the south-
process that contributes the most to the reductions of atmos- east) and an increase in precipitation over northern South
pheric moisture content observed in this region during the America and the Caribbean. The general agreement in these
LDS events (Fig. 5a). Furthermore, ET is reduced over the features among data sets suggests that there is actually a
southern Amazon (according to ERA-Interim) during LDS robust pattern in the change between LDS and SDS events.
years (Fig. 6b), in agreement with the reduced precipitation Moreover, the reductions of atmospheric moisture over the
recycling suggested by the DRM. Amazon observed in Fig. 7 resembles the changes of pre-
Another important feature in Fig. 5 is the increase of cipitation reported by Arias et al. (2015a) when consider-
atmospheric moisture over northern South America and the ing long transition seasons from the NAMS to the SAMS,
Caribbean Sea observed during LDS events (Fig. 5a). Such which correspond to the transition season from dry to wet
an increase is related to enhanced contributions of atmos- conditions in the southern Amazon (SON). Note that Fig. 5b
pheric moisture coming from the oceanic regions (Fig. 5c) suggests that there is a decrease in the atmospheric mois-
rather than from continental sources (Fig. 5b). ture over South America originated as evaporation from land
In order to see the differences in regional precipitation sources (including the Amazon) during long dry seasons.
between LDS and SDS events, we show the corresponding Figure 5c suggests nearly the opposite regarding the evapo-
difference maps for four products of precipitation (Fig. 7). ration from oceanic sources. In addition, Fig. 6 shows a sub-
As stated before, the CDC-SA24 dataset is used to define the stantial decrease in evaporation from the southern Amazon
dry season length, following previous studies (Fu et al. 2013; basin, and Fig. 7 shows an increase in precipitation over

Fig. 7  Precipitation differences between LDS and SDS years (LDS-SDS) during the transition period from dry to wet conditions in the southern
Amazon (SON) for a ERA-Interim, b CMAP, c GPCP, and d PERSIANN datasets. Data in mm/day

Influence of longer dry seasons in the Southern Amazon on patterns of water vapor transport over…

the equatorial Americas and the Caribbean during long dry (Fig. 8c), indicating a pattern of surface moisture conver-
seasons compared to short dry seasons. These elements sug- gence, especially over the tropical north Atlantic Ocean
gest that the lengthening of the dry season over the southern (TNA). This pattern of enhanced moisture in the TNA
Amazon could have an influence at the regional scale. migrates southeasterly throughout the southern Amazon wet
An important feature found on the VIMF anomalies is season, increasing moisture transport toward the Caribbean
that during the occurrence of LDS years in the southern and northern South America during January and February,
Amazon, the trade winds magnitude decreases through- respectively. On the other hand, water vapor contributions
out the transition period from dry to wet conditions (e.g. originating from the continental landmass (Fig. 8c) do not
Fig. 5). Also, notice the significant enhancement of the west- exhibit significant differences over northern South America
erly water vapor transport over the eastern tropical Pacific and the Caribbean, although small reductions are observed
Ocean toward western Colombia, observed during LDS over Colombia and the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean in the
events, mainly in October and November. This westerly flux late wet season. When considering the atmospheric mois-
is mainly associated with the Choco low-level jet (Poveda ture originated from all the sources included in the domain
and Mesa 2000; Poveda et al. 2014), an important climate (Fig. 8a), a remarkable difference on the spatial distribution
feature over the region which exhibits its largest intensi- of moisture is observed, being strongly influenced by oce-
ties during October–November and is partially related to anic contributions.
the inter-hemispheric SST gradient in the eastern Pacific
(Poveda and Mesa 2000; Sierra et al. 2017). 3.3 Connections between Amazon LDS
Figure 8 shows changes of atmospheric moisture contri- and the regional atmospheric circulation
butions from continental, oceanic, and all sources between
LDS and SDS events during the southern Amazon wet Arias et  al. (2015a) suggest that longer transition peri-
season (DJF). The largest differences are observed for ods between NAMS and SAMS, partially associated with
the atmospheric moisture contributions from the oceans longer dry seasons in the southern Amazon, appear to relate

Fig. 8  Same as Fig. 5 but for DJF

J. Agudelo et al.

to the enhancement of regional Walker and Hadley cells in motion is located at 5°S during the dry-to-wet transition sea-
South America. The composite analysis proposed by Arias son in the southern Amazon (SON) whereas this ascending
et al. (2015a) is based on the length of the transition sea- branch migrates southward up to 10°S in austral summer
son between both monsoons rather than on the length of the (DJF), a feature dominated by the seasonal migration of the
southern Amazon dry season. Here, we analyze the regional Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). This is observed
Walker and Hadley cells during LDS and SDS events, in during both LDS and SDS years; however, LDS events are
order to identify if a lengthening of the southern Amazon characterized by anomalous ascending motion over the equa-
dry season could be linked to significant changes in these torial region during both seasons. Furthermore, subtropi-
circulations in South America. cal South America shows an increase of downward motion
Figure 9 shows the mean vertical cross-sections of the during LDS years, especially in austral summer (Fig. 9b).
regional meridional divergent circulation and mass stream- Regional meridional divergent circulation is consistent with
function over South America during LDS and SDS events, the atmospheric moisture content patterns shown in Figs. 5
and their difference, for both SON and DJF seasons. Upward and 8, where stronger surface divergence (convergence)

Fig. 9  Vertical cross-sections for regional meridional mass stream- component and the vertical velocity zonally averaged over the longi-
function (shades) and meridional divergent circulation (vectors) over tudes 70°W–50°W. The vector scale shown in the bottom right corner
South America during LDS and SDS years, and their difference, for a of each panel is multiplied by ­10− 4 hPa s− 1
SON and b DJF. Vectors are plotted as the divergent meridional wind

Influence of longer dry seasons in the Southern Amazon on patterns of water vapor transport over…

is observed over the Amazon (equatorial Americas), with oceans, at longitudes between 140°W–80°W (Pacific Ocean)
anomalous subsidence (ascending motion) over the region and 40°W–20°W (Atlantic Ocean). As expected, ascending
during LDS events in the southern Amazon. The latter is motion in South America is stronger during austral summer
consistent with a stronger regional Hadley cell in association (DJF; Fig. 10b) due to the southward migration of the ITCZ,
with a longer dry season in the southern Amazon. favoring surface convergence and strengthened ascending
Figure 10a, b show the regional Walker circulation for motion over this region. LDS years exhibit stronger upward
the Pacific-South America-Atlantic sector over the south- motion over the Andes and western Amazon (80°W–60°W),
ern hemisphere (140°W–10°W, 15°S–5°S) during LDS and and intensified subsidence over the eastern Amazonia
SDS years, and their difference, for SON and DJF, respec- (45°W–40°W). Similarly, when comparing LDS and SDS
tively. Ascending motion is located between the longitudes patterns during DJF, LDS years show a strengthening of
80°W–40°W, which corresponds to South American land- the ascending motion over the western Amazon while the
mass. On the other hand, descending motion occurs over the ascending motion weakens to the east of the Amazon basin.

Fig. 10  Vertical cross-sections for regional zonal divergent circula- the latitudes 15°S–5°S. The vector scale shown in the bottom right
tion over South America during LDS and SDS years, and their differ- corner of each panel is multiplied by ­10− 4 hPa s− 1. Red arrows show
ence, for a SON, b DJF. Vectors are plotted as the divergent meridi- the regions with ascending motion
onal wind component and the vertical velocity zonally averaged over

J. Agudelo et al.

Figure 11a, b show the regional Walker circulation for Thus, changes in both regional Hadley and Walker cells
the Pacific-South America-Atlantic sector over the northern during LDS events are consistent with enhanced moisture
hemisphere (140°W–10°W, 0°–10°N) during LDS and SDS transport and precipitation toward northern South America
years, and their difference, for SON and DJF, respectively. during SON and DEF, as depicted by Figs. 5, 7, and 8.
Ascending motion is located near the 80°W longitude, which
corresponds to the region between western Colombia and
eastern Tropical North Pacific (TNP). Ascending motion 4 Discussion and conclusions
in northern South America (0°–10°N) is stronger during
the dry-to-wet southern Amazon transition season (SON; Previous studies have found a more frequent occurrence
Fig. 11a), since the ITCZ is located over this region during of longer dry seasons in the southern Amazon during the
these months. LDS years exhibit stronger upward motion last few decades (Fu et al. 2013; Debortoli et al. 2015) that
near 80°W. Similarly, when comparing LDS and SDS pat- could be expected under a future warmer climate (Boisier
terns during DJF, LDS years show a strengthening of the et al. 2015). Recent studies suggest that such a lengthen-
ascending motion over western northern South America. ing could be related with regional changes in atmospheric

Fig. 11  Same as Fig. 10 but for vertical velocity zonally averaged over latitudes between equator and 10°N

Influence of longer dry seasons in the Southern Amazon on patterns of water vapor transport over…

circulation that induce stronger surface convergence over et al. 2015a). At this point, it is important to highlight that
northern South America and the Caribbean, and anomalous the analysis shown by Arias et al. (2015a) focus on the tran-
subsidence over the southern Amazon (Arias et al. 2015a). sition season between NAMS and SAMS, whereas this paper
To further explore if a lengthening of the southern Amazon is focused on the dry season over the southern Amazon,
dry season could be related to changes in atmospheric mois- providing a dynamical picture during long dry season events
ture transport towards northern South America and the Car- over this region.
ibbean, this paper estimates water vapor transport changes Another important contribution from our study is that
in this region during the occurrence of long and short dry the increase of atmospheric moisture over northern South
seasons in the southern Amazon, using a semi-Lagrangian America and the Caribbean observed during anomalous long
model for atmospheric moisture tracking (DRM). dry seasons in the southern Amazon is related to enhanced
Our results suggest that longer dry seasons in the south- water vapor transport from oceanic sources, mainly from
ern Amazon are associated with: (i) enhanced water vapor the tropical north Atlantic (TNA). By contrast, reductions
transport toward northern South America and the Carib- of atmospheric moisture over the southern Amazon during
bean, and (ii) reduced total and recycled atmospheric mois- these anomalous dry seasons are related to inhibited mois-
ture in the southern Amazon. Furthermore, our analysis of ture recycling in the region, particularly during the transi-
the regional circulation related to the Hadley and Walker tion period from dry to wet conditions (SON). Figure 12
cells indicates that the ascending branches of both cells are shows a schematic of the main changes occurred in water
enhanced over northern South America while subsidence vapor transport and recycling during LDS events respect
is strengthened over the southern Amazon basin during its to climatological conditions. These findings highlight the
longer dry seasons. At this point, it is important to highlight importance of considering the role of large/regional-scale
that the Hadley and Walker cells are not the only mecha- circulation as well as local-scale processes on atmospheric
nisms involved in water vapor transport toward the Amazon. moisture transport over northern South America and the
In fact, the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) has an Amazon basin.
important role on the hydroclimate of the region (e.g. Lent- Our study suggests that the occurrence of longer dry sea-
ers and Cook 1997; Badger and Dirmeyer 2016). However, sons in the southern Amazon is related to stronger regional
since our study focuses on the role of the length of the south- Walker and Hadley cells, strengthening surface moisture
ern Amazon dry season on atmospheric moisture transport convergence over the equatorial region, inducing an incre-
toward northern South America, we do not explore possible ment of atmospheric moisture transport toward northern
variations of the SACZ during the occurrence of longer dry South America and the Caribbean (Fig. 12). In addition,
seasons in this forest. The circulation patterns reported in during LDS years, there is an increase in precipitation over
our study are in agreement with previous findings (Arias northern South America (Fig. 7) and a reduction in the

Fig. 12  Schematic of the main changes of atmospheric moisture northern South America and the Caribbean whereas continental con-
transport and recycling over northern South America and the Ama- tributions from northern South America toward Central America and
zon basin during LDS events in the southern Amazon. a Arrows indi- the eastern Pacific are reduced. In addition, moisture recycling in the
cate climatological water vapor transport paths from source to sink southern Amazon weakens during the LDS events of this forest. Dark
regions. Tree and recycling symbols indicate moisture recycling in grey lines represent the observed changes in the regional Hadley cir-
the southern Amazon. b Blue (red) shades indicate increases (reduc- culation during LDS events, characterized by anomalous subsidence
tions) of atmospheric moisture contributions from source to sink (upward motion) over the southern Amazon (northern South Amer-
regions, as indicated by the arrow. In general, LDS events exhibit ica and the Caribbean). Solid (dashed) lines represent the low-level
enhanced water vapor transport from the Atlantic Ocean toward (upper-level) branches of the Hadley cell

J. Agudelo et al.

Fig. 13  a Annual time series of LAI anomalies averaged over the are indicated by red (green) asterisks. Maps show total precipitable
southern Amazon (5–15°S 40–55°W) (bars) and TNA SST anomalies water during the years selected for b positive LAI anomalies, c nega-
(5–25°N 30–60°W) (solid line) during the transition period from dry tive LAI anomalies, d positive TNA SSTs anomalies, and e negative
to wet conditions in the southern Amazon (SON). LDS (SDS) years TNA SSTs anomalies. Values are in mm/day

transport of water vapor from northern South America to Amazon observed during such longer dry seasons (Fig. 12)
Central America (calculation not shown, but sketched in are not related to changes of contributions from oceanic
Fig. 12). This result is in agreement with the reduced trans- sources but to reductions of local moisture recycling. There-
port from the Magdalena and Orinoco basins to Panamá and fore, our results suggest that local surface processes in the
Costa Rica when there is an increase in precipitation over southern Amazon are important both for the local production
northern South America, as found in a previous study that of atmospheric moisture, and to determine moisture con-
uses the FLEXPART model (Durán-Quesada et al. 2017). vergence over northern South America and the Caribbean.
The reductions of atmospheric moisture over the southern In this sense, different authors point out the relevant role of

Influence of longer dry seasons in the Southern Amazon on patterns of water vapor transport over…

local processes in the Amazon, mainly related to vegetation in the Amazon and their influence on regional water vapor
cover, on regional climate in South America (e.g. Nobre transport are required.
et al. 1991; Zeng et al. 1996; Sampaio et al. 2007; Costa and
Pires 2010; Medvigy et al. 2011; Lejeune et al. 2015; Badger Acknowledgements  This work was supported by “Departamento
Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de Colombia”
and Dirmeyer 2016; Costa et al. 2016). (Colciencias) Grant no. 115-660-44588. We acknowledge Rong Fu
In this paper, we do not address the effects of deforesta- for her insightful comments and Nathalia Correa-Carmona for provid-
tion of the Amazon on regional atmospheric moisture trans- ing the data used in Fig. 2. We also thank the editor and two anony-
port, which is beyond our scope. However, we explore the mous reviewers for helping to substantially improve this manuscript.
We thank the ECMWF for providing the ERA-Interim data, as well as
relative role of vegetation cover (which is related to surface the Global Precipitation Climatology Project, the Climate Prediction
processes such as water and energy fluxes) and regional cir- Center, and the Center for Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing for
culation (represented by SSTs in the Atlantic) on the length providing the different precipitation datasets used in this study.
of the dry season in the southern Amazon. Figure 13a shows
the relationship between LAI anomalies averaged over the
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