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Activity part #3

Find the appropriated terms for each sentence :

Freed: Hi Paul how are you.

Freed: Right, you want to see a movie in the cinema?
Freed: Do you want to see The lord of the rings tomorrow?
Freed: oh yes is a very good idea is the best movie of the world
Freed: I think that we can watch it at 3pm.
Freed: Well, we could watch it at 2pm
Freed: Ok, see you tomorrow
Paul: 7…

A. Im very find, what do you want.
B. Oh yes, I want, what movie do you want to see?
C. No, that is very boring, we could see the avengers, is very exiting.
D. At which hour can we watch it?
E. No, I cant at that hour.
F. Yes is better than 3pm.
G. Bye, see you.


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