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Table 1a. Characterization of different vegetables
1. Tomato green, generally more or less hairy, the five- they are usually red,
much branched, strongly odorous, petaled flowers are scarlet, or yellow,
spreading 60–180 pinnately compound, yellow, 2 cm (0.8 though green and
cm (24–72 inches) and up to 45 cm (18 inch) across, pendant, purple varieties do
and somewhat inches) long. and clustered exist, and they vary in
trailing when shape from almost
fruiting, but a few spherical to oval and
forms are compact elongate to pear-
and upright shaped
2. Eggplant features an erect the leaves are large, The pendant The fruit is a large
bushy stem that is ovate, and slightly violet flowers are egg-shaped berry with
sometimes armed lobed. characteristically a glossy surface that
with spines. solitary and varies in colour from
approximately 5 cm dark purple to red,
(2 inches) across. pink, yellowish, or
white and is
sometimes striped; the
colour and shape of
the white variety is
the source of the
common name.
3. Chili/Bell become woody as imple, alternately aired or fruit is a berry. Pepper
pepper the growing arranged leaves with solitary flowers are fruits come in a
season progresses smooth margins. typically small with variety of shapes and
five white petals sizes, ranging from
the small and nearly
4. Pechay or Pak- erect, biennial herb, has many soft, thin, Inflorescence is a seeds are 1 mm in
choi light green, broad to raceme with pale diameter and are
oblong ovate leaves. yellow flowers reddish to blackish
brown in color.
5. Mustard Leaves are pale green the blooms have an Seeds are reddish
with hairs on the first intense yellow brown to dark brown
leaves and leaf margins colour. in colour and are
2mm or less in
diameter. They have
spherical or oval
6. Lettuce domesticated varieties harvested prior to yellow flower heads can
come in a wide range of flowering, as the produce achene fruits have taproots or
colours, from shades of “bolting” of the with feathery pappus fibrous root
green to deep red and flower stalk elongates structures for wind systems
purple; variegated head lettuce, reduces dispersal.
varieties have also been the size of the leaves,
developed. and imparts a bitter
7. Cabbage much expanded to a have flowers little or not
bulbous structure succulent leaves that modified
are free of hairs and
covered with a waxy
coating, which often
gives the leaf surface a
gray-green or blue-
green colour; loose or
open foliage and leaves
folded into compact
heads—large terminal
8. Okra leaves are heart-shaped are yellow with a fruit, or pod, hairy at
and three- to five-lobed crimson centre the base
9. Onion concentric leaf bases of has one or more The bulbs vary in Most
the developing plant leafless flower stalks size, shape, colour, commercially
swell to form the that reach a height of and pungency, though cultivated onions
underground edible 75–180 cm (2.5–6 warmer climates are grown from
bulb feet), terminating in a generally produce the plant’s small
spherical cluster of onions with a milder, black seeds
small greenish white sweeter flavour than
flowers do other climates.
10. Garlic plants grow about the the spherical flower bulb is covered with
60 cm (2 feet) tall long leaves typically cluster is initially membranous skin and
arise from a short hard enclosed in a pair of encloses up to 20
stem above the bulb or papery tapered bracts; edible bulblets called
emerge from a softer the bracts split open cloves.
pseudostem made up of when the green-white
overlapping leaf or
sheaths. pinkish flowers bloom
11. Leek compressed stem or long linear leaves; the If left unharvested, cylindrical bulb eek stalks are
stem plate thick leaf bases overlap second-season leeks widely used in
and are arranged produce a large umbel European soups
concentrically in a with many flowers; and stews,
nearly cylindrical bulb. the seeds are small, especially as a
black, irregular, and complement
angular. to potatoes, and
can be cooked
whole as a
12. Singkamas/Yam Viny stem the compoundleaves are The flowers are blue produce legume fruits, grown for its
bean deep green and feature or white though they are edible tubers.
three leaflets. usually removed to The plant’s
promote tuber growth irregularly
globular brown-
skinned tubers
are white-
fleshed, crisp,
and juicy.
13. Winged vine with climbing The shape of its leaves The large flower is a The pods are usually
bean/Sigarilyas stems and leaves; ranges from ovate to pale blue. rectangular, but
The stem, most deltoid sometimes appear flat.
commonly, is green, Pods may be coloured
but sometimes cream, green, pink, or
boasts purple. purple. Pods may be
smooth are appear
smooth or rough,
depending on
the genotype
14. Pole sitao/Bush Th stems are The leaves are trifoliate flower colors are he pods may be erect, It is an important
sitao straight, smooth or and are usually green in white, dirty white, crescent-shaped or crop among
slightly hairy and color. pink, pale blue or slightly curved. home gardeners
sometimes tinged purple. Flowers open
with purple. in e morning and
close in mid-day and
after blooming they
wilt and collapse.
15. Cowpea prostrate (trailing), The trifoliolate leaves Flowers are borne in Two or three pods per
or climbing. develop alternately. multiple racemes on 8 peduncle are common
Leaves are smooth, dull to 20 in. flower stalks and often four or
to shiny, and rarely (peduncles) that arise more pods are carried
pubescent. from the leaf axil on a single peduncle.
The presence of these
long peduncles is a
distinguishing feature
of cowpea and this
characteristic also
facilitates harvest.
16. Squash viny Squash leaves tend to lowers are large, produce a
be very large and trumpet-shaped, great diversity of fruit
exhibit three to five yellow to orange in forms, from flattened,
lobes, while their stems color and have through oblong, to
have spines or prickles, separate males and elongate and crooked
females fruits, coloured from
giving them a thorny white through cream
look. to yellow, green, and
17. Ampalaya a herbaceous It has lobed leaves with It has small, yellow Fruits contain
climbing an- nual 1-7 cm long peti- oles flowers, about 3 cm in numerous flat, oval-
with ridged stems diameter shaped, fibrous,
that can reach up to brown
5 m long
18. Upo coarse vine are rounded, 10 to 40 Flowers, white, large, Fruit is green, mottled
reaching a length of centimeters wide, softly solitary, and with gray or white,
several meters. hairy on both sides, 5- monoecious or usually club-shaped
angled or lobed. dioecious
19. Patola coarse, annual, Leaves are subrounded- female flowers are Fruit is oblong-
herbaceous vine ovate, 10 to 20 pedicelled, occurring oblanceolate, 20 to 25
centimeters long, singly in the axils of centimeters long,
shallowly five-lobed, the leaves. Male about 5 centimeters in
and heart-shaped at the flowers are yellow, 2 diameter, green, and
base centimeters long, characterized by 10
borne in axillary prominent,
racemes. longitudinal sharp
20. Watermelon trailing, hairy stems long leaves have deep Greenish yellow, weigh 21 to 28
that can spread 15 lobes trumpet-shaped male pounds and have an
feet or more and female flowers oblong shape with red
flesh and light green
rinds with dark green
21. Cucumber with a rough, hairy leaves have three five-petaled yellow produce a type of
succulent, trailing to five pointed lobes flowers are unisexual berry known as a
stem. pepo.
22. Carrot tuberous plant erect rosette of tiny white or small segmented orange, but
doubly compound, pinkish flowers are fruits called sometimes red,
finely divided leaves borne on large schizocarps white or even
compound clusters purple,
the carrot is a
long, tapered
23. Radish annual, erect, Leaves are without Flowers are bisexual, Brassicaceae fruit is a grown for their
herbaceous stipules fragrant, lilac to white peculiar kind of swollen tap roots
capsule named siliqua which can be
tapering, or
24. Malunggay fast-growing, leaves build up a flowers are fragrant fruit is a hanging,
deciduous tree feathery foliage and hermaphroditic, three-sided brown
of tripinnate leaves. surrounded by five capsule of 20–45 cm
unequal, thinly size which holds dark
veined, yellowish- brown, globular seeds
white petals
25. Katuray The bark of this The ovate leaves are The inflorescence is The fruits look like
species is light gray, alternate, evenly short and the flowers flat, long and thin
corky and deeply pinnate are purple, cream or green beans.
furrowed and the white.
trunk is soft and
Table 1a.1 Characterization of different vegetables


1. Rosel woody- deeply three- to five- white to pale yellow capsulated fruits
based subshrub lobed, long with a dark red spot
at the base of each
petal, fleshy and
bright red
2. Sugod-sugod dioecious vines green male and female are round or oblong;
flowers are on upon ripening, gấc
separate plants gradually changes
colors, from green
to yellow, orange
and finally red when
it can be harvested
3. Kapas-kapas woody vine with Leaves are thin, ovate Flowers are Fruit is lanceolate,
slender, smooth or to oblong- numerous, greenish- about 15 centimeters
slightly hairy ovate, pointed at the tip yellow, odorless, long.
branchlets. and slightly heart- hairy at the throat.
shaped at the base.
4. Lagikway Branches with Leaves to 15 x 12 cm, petals white, Capsule 5-6 x 2 cm,
simple prickly or 3-5 lobed, lobes acute, changing to pink oblong, acute,
stellate hairs crenate-serrate; densely yellow
5. Papait green and not woody narrow, whorled leaves, flowers are usually fruit that is egg
3-8 at each node. in clusters; white or shaped
greenish white
6. Samsamping pubescent stems are leaves are pinnate the color of its fruits are 5–7 cm
sub-erect and woody flowers, a vivid deep (2.0–2.8 in) long,
at the base blue; solitary, with flat pods with six to
light yellow marking ten seeds in each
7. Balbosa erect or spreadingly leaves are simple and flowers are white fruits are pale
branched hairy yellow
8. Himbabao Bark is smooth. Leaves are alternate flowers are very gray, puckered and
with a pointed apex and small, borne on wrinkled fruit.
rounded base. Lower long, slender, spike-
leaf surface is hairy. like flowering
Inflorescences are
pistillate and
staminate borne on
separate plants.
9. Wansoy Stems are succulent, Leaves are pinnately Flowers are small (6 Fruits borne on semi-aquatic,
hollow, and divided mm, diameter) and spreading pedicels perennial herb that
branched, rooting at white, in terminal and slightly curved appears floating or
nodes clusters. upward. prostrate in mud.
10. Kawat green and shrubby ovate to heart-shaped have petals greenish The berry is mostly
to whitish, recurved 6 to 8 mm (0.24 to
when aged and 0.31 in) in diam.,
surround prominent dull black or purple-
bright yellow black.
Table 1b. Classification of the vegetables
Tomato Kamatis Solanum lycopersicum Solanaceae Solanaceous Subtropical Fruits
Eggplant Talong Solanum melongena Solanaceae Solanaceous Tropical Fruits
Chili/Bell pepper Sili Capsicum araran Solanaceae Solanaceous Subtropical Fruits
Pak-choi Petsay Brassica napus var. Brassicaceae Leafy vegetables Semitemperate Leaves
Mustard Mustasa Brassica junceae Brassicaceae Leafy vegetables Semitemperate Leaves
Lettuce Letsugas Lactuca sativa Asteraceae Leafy vegetables Semitemperate Leaves
Cabbage Repolyo Brassica oleraceae var. Brassicaceae Leafy vegetables Temperate Leaves
Okra Ladyfingers Abelmoschus esculentus Malvaceae Independent Tropical Fruits
Onion Sibuyas Allium cepa Liliaceae Bulb Temperate Bulb
Garlic Bawang Allium sativum Liliaceae Bulb Temperate Bulb
Leek Kutsai Allium porrum Liliaceae Bulb Temperate Bulb
Yam bean Singkamas Pachyrrhizus erosus Leguminaceae Tuberous root Tropical Tubers
Sigarilyas Sigarilyas Tetragonolobus Leguminaceae Tuberous root Tropical Pods
Pole sitao Sitao Vigna unguiculata subsp. Leguminaceae Vegetable Tropical Pods
sesquipedalis legumes
Cowpea Paayap Vigna unguiculata subs. Leguminaceae Vegetable Tropical Pods
unguiculate legumes
Squash Kalabasa, Cucurbita moschata Cucurbitaceae Cucurbitaceous Tropical Fruits
Pumpkin vegetables
Ampalaya Bittergourd Momordica charantia Cucurbitaceae Cucurbitaceous Tropical Leaves,
vegetables Fruits
Upo Bottlegourd Lagenaria siceraria Cucurbitaceae Cucurbitaceous Tropical Fruits
Patola Spongegourd Luffa cylindrica Cucurbitaceae Cucurbitaceous Tropical Fruits
Watermelon Watermelon Citrullus lanatus Cucurbitaceae Cucurbitaceous Tropical Fruits
Cucumber Pipino Cucurmis sativus Cucurbitaceae Cucurbitaceous Tropical Fruits
Carrot Carrot Daucus carota Aplaceae Tuberous root Semitemperate Tubers
Radish Labanos Raphanus sativus Brassicaceae Leafy vegetables Temperate Tubers
Malunggay Moringa Moringa oleifera Moringaceae Leafy vegetables Tropical Leaves
Katuray Sesbania, Sesbania grandiflora Leguminaceae Indigenous Tropical Flowers
Katuray vegetables
Table 1b.1 Classification of the Vegetables
Rosel Roselle Hibiscus Malvaceae Indigenous Tropical Leaves, flowers
sabdariffa vegetable
Sugod-sugod Gac Momordica Cucurbitaceae Indigenous Tropical Fruits
cochinchinensis vegetable
Kapas-kapas Latok Telosma Apocynaceae Indigenous Tropical Flowers,
procumbens vegetable immature fruits
Lagikway Saluyot Abelmoschus Malvaceae Indigenous Tropical Leaves
manihot vegetable
Papait Green Mollugo Molluginaceae Indigenous Tropical Whole plant
carpetweed verticillata vegetable
Samsamping Asian Clitoria ternatea Fabaceae Indigenous Tropical Fruits, Pods
pigeonwings L. vegetable
Balbosa Indian Solanum Solanaceae Indigenous Tropical Fruits
nightshade lasiocarpum vegetable
Himbabao Birch flower Broussonetia Indigenous Tropical Inflorescence
luzonica Moraceae vegetable
Wansoy Watercress Nartutium Brassicaceae. Indigenous Tropical Whole plant
officinale W. T. vegetable
Kawat Black Solanum nigrum Solanaceae Indigenous Tropical Leaves, shoots,
nightshade L. vegetable fruits

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