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Math 227 – Elementary Statistics, Fall 2017

Section 27370, MW 7:00-9:05 pm, Room Math 1413

Professor: Naomi Fried-Kokason
Course Website:
Course ID: fried-kokason11384

Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:40-7:00 pm & 9:05-9:15 pm

in Math 1413

Textbook (Optional): Elementary Statistics, California Edition by Mario F. Triola,

Pearson Publishing. This textbook must be enhanced with the access code to

Course Requirements:
 e-book/Access Code Information (Recommended)
If you decide to only purchase the MyStatLab, MSL, access code without the
textbook it will cost you around $97.00 online. When you register onto MSL
you will have access to the online version of the textbook. If you prefer an e-
book instead of a traditional textbook then this option is best for you. Your
MSL account is valid for one full year. So if you decide to drop the class, retake
it the following semester so that you can continue using your MSL account and
not have to purchase another access code.
Before opening your MSL access kit, or purchasing it on line, make sure that
this course is the right course for you. Once the MyStatLab Student Access Kit
is opened to where the access code is revealed, it is nonrefundable. You can
request a temporary access code for the first 14 days of your class. If you do
not pay for full access before your 14 days temporary access ends, you will
lose access to my on-line course.
Used Text:
If you choose to purchase a used Text rather than a new one or the e-book
version you will not have access to the online martials.

 TI-83 or TI-84 Graphing Calculator (Required)

The TI-84 calculator is required for this course. The TI-83 or TI-83 plus may
also be used as the operate using the same instructions as the TI-84 (with a
few exceptions). You will learn how to use this calculator by using the tutorials
within MSL and by some activities we will do during class. If you purchase
another type of calculator, something other than the TI-83, TI-83 plus or TI-84,
you will not get instructor help with its operation. (Nspires are OK) I highly
recommend that you do not go lower than a TI-84. We will be doing many TI-
84 Activities in class (I DO NOT RECOMMEND 83)
Course Description: Math 227 discusses averages, variability, graphical techniques,
probability, hypothesis testing, sampling, estimation, correlation, prediction, and
linear regression. The emphasis of Math 227 is on the collection and analysis of data
and how inferences about a population are made from a sample.
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Record data in histograms and stem-and-leaf graphs
2. Recognize and explain variability and various measures of central
tendency for data
3. Graph bivariate data in scatterplots
4. Identify and interpret correlation
5. Identify and interpret the fit of least-squares for bivariate data
6. Calculate basic probabilities including conditional probabilities
7. Employ theory and simulations to construct probability
8. Interpret and explain sampling, normal, and Student-t
9. State and apply the Central Limit theorem
10. Calculate and interpret large-and small-sample-size confidence
11. Employ hypothesis tests, defending his/her choice of alternative
12. Formulate conclusions from hypothesis tests
13. Explain Type-I and Type-II errors in hypothesis testing
14. Use and explain significance levels and P-values in hypothesis
15. Employ two independent samples or paired data to formulate
16. Formulate and debate theses about various topics, such as the
significance of Type I and Type II errors in particular situations
17. Use technology (graphing calculators or computers) appropriately
to analyze data and to appraise statistical theorems.

My teaching philosophy focuses on meeting the needs of students during my courses

by providing a stimulating environment, building self-esteem, open communication,
and practicing a blend of independent and cooperative learning styles. The important
goals for the students in my courses should be to gain a fundamental understanding
of the concepts behind the material, and to know how and when these concepts may
be applied, both within mathematics and beyond it. In helping the students to achieve
these goals, I employ a variety of techniques to accommodate the different
backgrounds, learning styles, academic and career goals of the students in my
courses, and also to make the course as enjoyable as possible, even for students who
are usually averse to mathematics.
Methods of Presentation:
Every class meeting, the questions form homework assignments will be answered,
new material will be presented in a lecture format or in a cooperative learning format.
At the end of lecture, classwork/group work assignments will be given.

How to do WELL in this class: This course will cover a great deal of material at a rapid
pace, but you can do well if you honestly make effort to do so. You have to take this
class seriously and study in a serious fashion. The expectation is that students spend 3
hours outside of class studying for each unit in order to keep up with and get the most
out of the course. That means you will probably need to spend about 12 hours per
week outside of class, so you should plan accordingly. Read the appropriate sections
after each class carefully and then do all the homework assignments before next class.
This is an important step to successfully learn the material. Actively participate in class
by asking questions when you need more explanation, provide answers to questions
asked during class. Always remain clam, and keep a positive mental attitude toward the

Whether you decide to purchase the textbook enhanced with access code to MyStatLab,
or only purchase MyStatLab access code online at Course Website:
You would need to use the Access Code and Course ID: fried-kokason11384 to register
yourself for this online portion of the class.
Before you begin, you must use the MyStatLab Installation Wizard to install the plug-ins
and players you need to view and interact with the multimedia content in your course. I
highly recommend that you watch videos explaining how to do problems, see example
problems worked out through computer animations, read the textbook online with
direct links to practice problems, get connected with tutors over the phone and much,
much more. Purchase

Attendance and class participation:

Attending class is a large factor in your ability to do well in this class. Attendance will be
taken at the beginning of class and is 15% of your grade. If you arrive late, please make
sure I mark you present. Upon your 3rd absence you will be dropped from the course.

Homework: (subject to change as course progresses)

Success in any math class is dependent upon completing and understanding all
assignments. Students should work enough each week to meet weekly progress goals.
The goals become very difficult to meet if you fall behind, so you must budget enough
time to complete weekly expectations. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the
assignment during an absence. You are expected to complete each assignment by the
next class meeting so that you are ready to ask questions in class. The class schedule
shows the recommended pace for completing the homework assignments. I will not
collect homework, as this is your way of preparing for the class. If you do not do practice
problems outside of class, you will not be prepared for the assessments. However, on
occasion I may collect a homework assignment and count it as extra credit on an

End of Chapter quizzes in the text: (subject to change as course progresses)

At the end of each chapter is a quick quiz in the text. Since the answers are also in the
textbook, you will be required to show all work and/or explanations as to how you
reached your answers. The due dates are in the class calendar. No late work accepted.
Chapter Quizzes are 10% of your grade, I will drop the lowest one at the end of the

There will be 4 in-class exams, and a comprehensive final exam. All exams are closed
book and notes; however you can use your calculator. No phone-calculators will be
allowed. Exams are 50% of your final grade. Final Exam (comprehensive) is worth
25% of your final grade and it is on December 11 from 7:30-9:30pm. No Make-Up

NOTE: Any cell phone (or smart watch) visible during an exam will result in an
immediate zero on the exam and the filing of a cheating report. Basically, just having a
cell phone out is considered cheating!

Grade Components:
Base on the percentage of your total score, a letter grade will be assigned using the
following scale: 90-100% A; 80-89% B; 70-79 C; 60-69 D and below 60% will receive F.

Classroom Etiquette and Participation:

 Cell phones, pagers and music players must be turned off during class at all
times. Phones cannot be used during class (even as a calculator to check your
answer). The questions should be addressed to me not to your classmates while
lecture is in progress. There is a zero tolerance policy for disrespectful or
disruptive behavior.
 Neither food nor drink is allowed in the classroom with the exception of bottled
 Any instance of cheating will be dealt with in accordance with Pierce College
policies. You are expected to adhere to the Regulations and Policies listed in the
Pierce College Catalog.
 No guests are allowed in class.
 In case of an emergency make sure to contact me as soon as possible.
 I expect you to be on time to class, and to not leave early.
 If asked to change your seat, you are expected to do so without disruption
Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty:
The faculty and administration of Pierce College are committed to the belief
that honesty and integrity are integral components of the academic
process. The College expects students to be honest and ethical at all times
in their pursuit of academic goals. Students who violate the code of
academic conduct by which the College maintains its academic integrity will
be dealt with in a manner reflecting the seriousness of these violations.

I. Violations of academic honesty and integrity occur when a student participates in any
act in which he/she uses deception or fraud while performing an academic activity.
Violations include, but are not limited to, the
following: Using study aids such as calculators, tape recorders or notes, when not
authorized by the instructor. Cheating on examinations, assignments or experiments
(allowing another student to copy one’s answers or copying the answers of other
students; exchanging information by any means, including verbal exchanges, sign
language, hand signals, secret codes, passed notes, creation of a distraction for the
purpose of cheating; changing answers on a previously scored test, assignment or
experiment; inventing information and/or data.) Allowing another student to assume
one’s identity in order to fulfill an assignment or take a test. Submitting for a grade the
words, ideas, and/or written work (including laboratory notes and drawings) of another
person without giving due credit to that person. This includes purchased papers or
papers written by other students, falsifying or attempting to falsify attendance records
and/or grade rosters, and conspiring with other students to commit any of the above

II. Consequences for any offense against academic honesty and integrity may include:
An “F” or a “0” on the examination or assignment. Suspension from the class and other
sanctions and/or penalties authorized by the Board of Trustees for violations of the
District Code of Conduct. A record of the student’s violation placed in the student’s
disciplinary file. Students are required to be honest and complete their own work at all
times (homework, class work, quizzes, tests, etc.). Additional information about
plagiarism can be found at or through various websites on the

NOTE: Any cell phone (or smart watch) visible during an exam will result in an
immediate zero on the exam and the filing of a cheating report. Basically, just having a
cell phone out is considered cheating!
Important Date:
First Day of the class: August 28th.
Last Day of Instruction Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Final Examinations Monday, December 11 7:30 to 9:30 pm

Deadlines - last day to:

Last day to add classes online for fall 2017: Sunday, august 27th . Last day to add classes
online with a permission number Sunday, September 10th .
Last day to submit audit cards to admissions and records Friday, September 8th
Last day to drop or change classes online without incurring fees Sunday, September 10th
Last day to claim a refund of enrollment fees Sunday, September 10th .
Last day to drop classes online without a grade of “w” Sunday, September 10th .
Last day to drop classes online with a grade of “w” Sunday, November 19th . (students
dropping classes online from September 11th to November 19th will have a “w” recorded
on their permanent record).

The No Penalty Drop Date is now the day before census (end of 2nd week for full-term
classes). You must drop by that date or you will be assigned a ‘W’ for the class. W’s
count against your total attempts District wide! You can only attempt a class 3 times.
That includes withdrawals, incompletes and substandard grades.

Holidays/non instructional day/college closed

Labor Day, Monday, September 4th
Veteran’s Day, Friday, November 10th
Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 23th through Sunday, November 26th

Academic Assistance:
If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you
are encouraged to contact both your instructor and the office of special services in the
student services building. Their number is (818) 436-0467 or visit the website

Here are some ideas that I have found help students do better in this class.
You may seek assistance in learning mathematics in the Center for Academic Success,
building 5130, lower level of the Library/Learning Crossroad Building. There are free
math tutors available at this center. Please visit for more information.

Special Services:
Students who have a classifiable physical or learning disability should be registered with
the Special Services office so that appropriate adjustments can be made in the
classroom and for test. If you have not already done so, please contact ACCESS at
(818) 719-6430 for coordination of disability verification and accommodation assistance.
Their office is just to the right of the Campus Center.
Essential Resources:
Academic Counseling Services – 818 719 6440 Student Services Bldg, 1st floor.
Academic counselors are available to assist you with many of your educational needs
such as help in clarifying your values and goals; develop a student education plan (SEP);
interpret articulation agreements with other colleges and universities, and much more.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to perform a real-world task
requiring Statistics that demonstrates meaningful application of essential knowledge and
skills. Examples of essential knowledge and skills at the Statistics level may include but are not limited
to: a) Interpreting graphical displays and numerical summaries of data, b) Identifying common sources
of (statistical) bias in surveys and experiments, c) Distinguishing among measures of central tendency
(mean, median, mode) as well as their appropriate applications - in particular, how they can be
misused, d) Constructing a correct inference via a confidence interval or a hypothesis test and
interpreting the results as well as the interconnection between the two inferences, e) Using a graphing
calculator or statistical software for calculations needed for statistical analysis.

Good Luck and have a fruitful semester!

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