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(1) abduction (1) Abdullah Abdullah (2) abhkazia (1) Abkhazia (9) Able
Danger (2) ABN Amro (1) abortion (9) abraham lincoln (5) Abu Dhabi (9)
Abu Ghraib (34) Abu Laith al-Libi (2) Abu Zubaydah (4) abx (1) ACLU
(32) ACORN (1) acoustic weapons (1) act of war (1) ACTA (2) activist
(3) activists (7) ad hominem (2) ADA (6) Adam Gadahn (3) adam kokesh
(2) Adam Pearlman (4) ADD (3) adenovirus (2) ADEX List (1) ADHD (4)
adjuvant (23) ADL (4) admiral dennis C. Blair (1) Adnan El Shukrijumah
(1) ADS (4) AFA (1) afghan casualties (7) afghan deaths (3) afghan
election (2) afghan forces (1) afghan pipeline (1) afghan village (1)
Afghanistan (270) afghanistan deaths (14) AFL-CIO (1) afpak (1) Africa
(23) African Union (5) africom (1) agenda 21 (1) agriculture (15) AGW
(11) ahmad chalabi (2) Ahmadinejad (152) Ahmed Chalabi (1) Ahmed Hassan
(1) Ahmed Wali Karzai (1) AI (1) AIA (2) aids (21) AIG (11) aimee allen
(1) AIPAC (21) Air Force (51) air force one (1) airbus (1) Airforce
(1) Airport Security (59) airstrike (15) airstrikes (190) Al Amin Khalifa
Fhimah (1) al franken (1) Al Gore (118) al sharpton (1) Al-Arabiya (1)
al-Mahdi Army (1) al-qaeda (170) al-qaeda tape (1) Al-Qaeda Tapes (16)
al-zarkawi (1) Al-Zawahiri (2) Alabama (6) alan colmes (2) Alan
Dershowitz (2) alan grayson (3) Alan Greenspan (60) alan keyes (1)
alarmism (2) alarmist (2) alaska (13) albany (4) Albert Howard (2)
Alberto Gonzales (21) ALCA (2) Alex Jones (125) Ali Babacan (1) Alistair
Darling (1) Allawi (1) allianz (1) alqaeda (36) alqaeda doctored tapes
(3) alqaeda hoax (2) alternative media (2) althusian catasrophe (1)
aluminum (8) Alvaro Uribe (1) alzheimers (3) amalgam (1) amazon (2)
American Airlines (4) american gold eagle (1) american institute of
architects (1) american union (3) americorps (5) Amero (30) ammo (1)
ammo dump (1) ammo sales (1) ammonia shot (1) amnesty (42) Amnesty Bill
(8) amtrak (4) Amy Goodman (2) anarchists (13) anarchy (6) anderson
cooper (5) Andrew Meyer (2) andrew Napolitano (4) angela merkel (11)
Animal Abuse (9) animal cruelty (13) Ann Coulter (4) Antarctic (11)
antarctica (3) anthrax (23) anthrax vaccine (9) anti gun (48)
anti-abortion (3) anti-freeze (2) anti-human (4) anti-olympics (1)
anti-terror database (2) Anti-War (59) Antonin Scalia (3) AOL (8) apache
(1) APEC (5) apple (4) apple moth (1) APS (1) Arab Jabour (2) arafat
(1) Arctic (22) Argentina (8) ari flescher (1) Arizona (26) arkansas
(2) arlen specter (3) Armed Robots (1) armenia (2) arms sales (3) arms
smuggling (1) army (123) Arnold Schwarzenegger (13) arsenic (3)
arthritis (7) artificial intelligence (3) artificial scarcity (1)
ashkenazi (4) asia (12) asian union (2) Asian-Pacific Union (2) Asif Ali
Zardari (1) aspartame (4) aspergers (3) assassinations (1) Assault
Weapons Ban (1) Assembly Bill 962 (1) assisted suicide (1) astrazeneca
(1) AT&T (11) ATF (4) Athar Abbas (1) atlanta (2) atlantic (5) Atomic
Veterans (2) attenuated vaccine (21) attenuated vaccines (2) attenuated
virus (20) Atzlan (7) audit the fed (12) augmented earth (1) Auschwitz
(1) austan goolsbee (3) austin goolsbee (1) Australia (68) austria (2)
autism (39) auto bailout (9) auto industry (1) auto insurance (1)
autoimmune disease (29) automakers (1) avian flu (4) avian flu shot (13)
Avocare (1) AWG (1) axis of evil (4) Ayad Allawi (1) Ayatollah Khomeini

(2) Ayman al Zawahiri (2) Ayman al-Zawahri (1) Azerbaijan (2) B-17 (1)
B-52 (5) baby tax (2) bacterial warfare (1) Baghdad (34) Bahrain (2)
bailout (59) bailouts (8) bali (2) bali bombing (1) balkanization (4)
Baluchistan (3) ban (3) ban ki-moon (8) bank bailout (16) Bank of
America (17) Bank of England (18) bank of the world (2) bankruptcy (10)
banksters (2) Barack Obama (415) barbara boxer (5) Barksdale (4) Barney
Frank (6) barry goldwater (3) barry jennings (4) barry seal (1) BATF
(4) BATFE (2) baucus bill (2) baxter (10) bayer (3) BBC (25) BBC
foreknowledge (9) Bear Stearns (12) bear sterns (10) behaviourism (4)
beijing (30) belarus (2) belgium (7) ben bernanke (2) Ben Nelson (1)
Ben Santer (2) ben stein (1) Benazir Bhutto (21) benjamin franklin (3)
benjamin netanyahu (4) Berlusconi (1) bernanke (101) Bernard Von Nothaus
(4) bertrand russell (2) bev harris (7) biden (10) big bankers (7) Big
Banks (141) Big Brother (336) big government (4) big oil (1) big pharma
(130) bilderberg (62) Bill Clinton (79) bill gates (7) Bill Kristol (17)
Bill Maher (13) bill moyers (2) bill o'reilly (2) bill of rights (42)
bin laden (89) bin laden dead (1) Bin Laden Tapes (21) Bin Laden Trades
(5) Binyamin Netanyahu (2) Bio Weapons (122) bio weapons drills (5)
biochemical attack (1) biochemical warfare (5) biochemicals (35) biofuels
(8) Biological Attack (27) biological attack military (2) biological
attacks (1) biological warfare (100) biometrics (90) biosolids (1) bird
flu (26) Bird Flu Drill (7) birth control (3) BIS (4) bisphenol A (1)
Black Bloc (15) Black Box Voting (6) black friday (1) black helicopters
(2) black monday (4) black operations (3) black site (2) black tuesday
(2) Black-Ops (9) blackmail (1) blackops (18) Blackwater (29) blair (2)
blizzard (1) blockade (11) Bloggers (26) bloomberg (7) blowback (2) bob
barr (6) bob chapman (1) bob rubin (2) Bob Zoellick (1) bobby kennedy
(2) BOE (5) Boeing (4) Bohemian Grove (12) Bolivia (4) bonds (4) bone
cancer (2) book burning (12) booster shot (2) Border Patrol (17) border
security (1) Borse Dubai (2) bosnia (4) boston (11) Boston Tea Party
(2) bottled water (5) bovine growth hormone (1) boy scouts (5) Boystown
(2) BP (7) BPA (1) brad sherman (4) brady bill (3) brain damage (13)
brain manipulation (15) brainwashing (62) brazil (15) breast cancer (1)
breathalyzer (2) brent scowcroft (3) Brian Kilmeade (6) Brian Schweitzer
(2) Brian Sterner (2) bribery (3) BRIC (3) Britain (361) Britian (9)
british columbia (3) british commonwealth (1) british troops (3)
Brownshirt (13) brownshirts (5) Bruce Hoffman (2) brussels (11) Bryan
Whitman (3) bulgaria (2) bulldozers (4) bullhorning (2) bullion coins
(1) bunker buster bombs (2) bunker busters (2) Burma (3)
Burson-Marsteller (2) bush (18) bush = obama (16) bush doctrine (1) bush
senior (7) Bush Sr. (26) bush stimulus (1) bush surge (2) Bushehr (5)
butch & hoppy (2) Buzzy Krongard (2) buzzy kronguard (1) C-Span (30) c02
(3) CAFTA (4) California (122) call options (1) Camera Ban (16) cameras
(2) campaign contribution (2) campaign for liberty (17) campaign fraud
(1) Canada (158) canadacom (4) canadian dollar (16) canadian economy (4)
canamex (2) cancer (52) cap-and-tax (1) cap-and-trade (44) capitalism
(3) capitol hill (1) car bomb (5) car bombing (1) car industry (1) car
tax (5) car transponder (3) carbon credit (17) carbon credit system (32)

carbon credits (24) carbon dioxide (138) carbon ration (14) carbon
rationing (15) carbon regulation (5) Carbon Tax (104) cargill (1) Carl
Cameron (2) carl levin (1) carlyle group (8) Carroll Quigley (7) cash
for clunkers (2) cashless society (12) Caspian Sea (2) catastrophic event
(75) CBC (2) CBO (3) CBP (2) CBS (12) CCTV (22) CDC (42) ceasefire
(7) celebrity manipulation (4) celente (2) cell phone (10) cell phone
dangers (6) cell phones (5) cell tower (3) censorchip (2) Censorship
(109) cental bank (1) Centcom (8) central america (2) Central Asia (2)
central bank (129) central bankers (1) Central Banks (24) centralization
(3) cervical cancer (2) CFL (4) CFR (70) CFS (1) CH4 (1) chantilly (1)
charles de menezes (2) Charles Gibson (3) Charles Goyette (2) Charles
Krauthammer (1) Charles Prince (2) charles schumer (2) charlie black (2)
charlie rangel (1) charlie sheen (6) Charlotte Iserbyt (2) chase (1)
chavez (1) Chechnya (3) Checkpoints (32) chemical spraying (4) Chemical
Warfare (17) chemtrails (13) cheney (2) chertoff (2) chevron (3)
Chicago (21) Child Abuse (205) child care (7) child prostitution (1)
child safety (1) child sex slavery (12) child tax (3) child torture (1)
childhood vaccination (1) childhood vaccines (2) Chile (7) China (207)
chinese military (2) chld abuse (1) chris dodd (6) Chris Matthews (11)
chris peden (2) Chris Wallace (3) christian (7) christiane amanpour (1)
christopher dodd (2) Christopher Monckton (3) christy todd whitman (6)
Chrysler (3) chuck baldwin (3) Chuck Hagel (3) chuck norris (1) Chuck
Schumer (2) CIA (228) CIA leak (2) CIA< ISI (1) CIFTA (3) Cindy McCain
(8) Cindy Sheehan (8) Cintra (7) citibank (3) citigroup (27) citizenâ s
arrest (5) civil disobedience (13) civil liberties (134) civil rights
(136) civil war (8) civilian casualties (12) civilian expenditionary
workforce (2) Clean Air Act (1) climate bailout (1) climate bill (5)
climate bubble (2) climate change (79) climate change skeptics (1)
climate Consensus (2) climate cult (5) climate emails (1) climate gate
(2) climate hypocrisy (2) climate science (33) climate tax (7)
climategate (51) climategate investigation (2) climategate whistleblower
(1) climatetology (1) climatology (3) clinton (1) cloud seeding (3) Club
of Rome (1) CNBC (26) CNN (91) cnn debate (9) co-intel pro (10) Co2
(148) coal (3) coast guard (6) cocaine (18) cocaine trafficking (4) code
pink (8) codepink (6) Codex Alimentarius (1) cointelpro (2) Col. Bob
Pappas (1) Colbert Report (5) Cold War (26) Colin Powell (21) colombia
(14) Colonialism (29) colonization (1) colorado (31) columbia (4) Combat
Outpost Shocker (3) comcast (4) comex (5) commodities (1) common
currency (12) Communism (158) Concentration Camp (37) Concentration Camps
(5) concoleezza rice (2) conditioing (1) Conditioning (104) Condoleezza
Rice (56) condolezza rice (2) conflict of interest (1) confrontation (1)

congo (1) Congress (256) Connecticut (11) consolidation (6) constitution

(3) contacting (1) contamination (1) Continuity of Government (31)
contracting (3) contractors (2) Control Grid (157) Controlled Demolition
(72) cop15 (6) copenhagen (46) copenhagen agreement (1) copenhagen summit
(2) Copenhagen treaty (44) copper (3) copyright (8) corpoatism (8)
corporation (6) corporations (35) corporatism (38) corporatists (3)
corpotrations (1) Corrections Officers (2) corruption (64) coruption (1)
Costa Rica (3) countrywide (2) Coup (290) Coverup (9) CPAC (3) CPS
(11) crack (4) craig murray (1) credit card (11) credit cards (5) credit
collapse (2) Credit Crisis (329) Credit Suisse (4) crime rate (1)
croatia (1) CRU (31) crude (1) CS Gas (4) Cuba (11) cult (13) cultism
(2) curfew (4) Cynthia McKinney (6) Czech Republic (14) D8 (2) Daily
Show (8) Dalai Lama (6) Damon Vickers (1) dan rather (2) Dana Perino
(9) dangerous drugs (1) dangerous flu vaccines (2) dangerous vaccinations

(9) dangerous vaccine (1) dangerous vaccines (2) daniel ellsberg (3)
Daniel Estulin (4) daniel pipes (3) daniel sunjata (2) Danny Riley (3)
Darpa (25) Darrell Issa (1) darwin (9) darwinist (1) darwinists (7)
data mining (9) Dave Obey (1) David Blumenthal (2) David Davis (2) david
de rothschild (1) David Frum (2) David Headley (1) david horowitz (2)
david icke (3) david letterman (2) david miller (3) David Petraeus (35)
David Ray Griffin (2) David Rockefeller (39) david walker (3) DEA (6)
deadly doctors (1) deadly vaccinations (42) deadly vaccine (4) deadly
vaccines (65) deadly virus (1) dean (2) death camps (4) death of u.s.
economy (1) death panels (3) death penalty (1) death squads (4) death
threat (5) death toll (2) deaths (1) Deborah Jeane Palfrey (3) DEBT
(356) debt clock (2) decentralization (1) deception (42) declaration of
independence (1) deed per lease (1) Defazio (6) Defense Authorization Act
(5) defense department (22) defenselink (1) deficit (8) deficit spending
(1) defict (1) deflation (37) deformation (1) Deirdre imus (1) Delaware
(1) delores alfond (1) democracy (1) democrat caucus (1) democrat debate
(2) democrat primaries (1) democrat primary (1) democratic debate (14)
democratic primaries (4) demonstration (12) denmark (6) Dennis Gartman
(1) dennis hof (1) Dennis Kucinich (36) dentist (2) Denver (26) denver
colorado (3) department of agriculture (2) Department of Defense (30)
department of education (4) department of energy (4) department of energym

(1) department of interior (1) Department of justice (21) Depleated

Uranium (15) depopulation (26) depression (2) deregulation (2)
Derivatives (2) Des Moines (3) desalination (3) despotism (10)
destabilization (6) destabilize (3) destablization (2) destroying
documents (2) Detainee (48) Detainees (26) detention (7) Detention Camps
(2) Deutsche Bank (4) devaluation (9) DHHS (2) DHS (153) diabetes (1)
Diana (2) diane feinstein (3) Diane Francis (2) Dianne Feinstein (5)
dick armey (2) Dick Cheney (159) dick cheney saving and loan (1) dick
cheny (1) Dick Durbin (4) dick morris (2) Dictator (2) Dictatorship
(560) Diebold (22) digg (3) digital angel (3) diplomacy (5) disabled
(16) Disinformation (18) disney (6) Dissent (190) district of columbia
(2) Dmitri Medvedev (7) Dmitry Medvedev (20) DMV (11) DNA (1) DNA
Database (29) DNC (23) DNI (3) DoA (2) doctors (11) DoD (69) DoE (4)
DOJ (28) Dollar (174) dollar bubble (2) dollar collapse (38) dollar dump
(17) dollar peg (4) domeestic terrorism (4) domestic terror (68)
domestic terrorism (61) Dominique Strauss-Kahn (1) donald rumfeld (1)
Donald Rumsfeld (35) donna o'connor (1) door to door (3) double agent
(8) Dow (48) dow jones (3) dr. David Blumenthal (2) Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel
(6) Dr. Mehmet Oz (1) Dr. Nancy Snyderman (3) dr. oz (1) dr. Phil Jones
(10) Dr. Roby Mitchell (1) dr. viera scheibner (2) Draft (24) Dream Act
(3) drinking water (15) Drivers License (24) drone (4) drones (1) Drudge
(2) drug companies (3) drug czar (1) drug imports (1) drug smuggling
(21) drug trafficking (19) dubai (4) ductatorship (1) duke of edenburgh
(1) Duke of Edinburgh (2) Duncan Hunter (2) Dupont (2) Dyncorp (7)
dystonia (3) e-zpass (1) E. Howard Hunt (3) earl blumenauer (1) earmarks
(2) earth (1) earth science (1) earth summit (1) earthquake machine (2)
east africa (1) EAU (7) ebay (1) ebola (2) ECB (27) Echelon (14)
ecnomic collapse (2) eco nazi (19) eco tax (1) eco-nazis (14) Economic
Collapse (380) economic crisis (1) economic depression (407) economic
sanctions (1) economic world order (3) econommic collapse (1) Economy
(482) economy collapse (2) ecoscience (5) Ecuador (3) ed and elaine (12)
ed begley (1) ed begley jr. (1) Ed Brown (19) ed brown gassed (1) ed
koch (1) ed rendell (1) education (35) education system (26) Edward
Bernays (1) Edward Mandell House (1) edward shorter (1) EFF (7) EFPs
(5) egypt (15) Ehud Barak (12) ehud olbmert (1) ehud olmert (14) EIA
(1) eisenhower (1) Eisuke Sakakibara (1) El Salvador (4) El-Baradei (1)
elbaradei (4) elderly (6) election (3) election fraud (51) election
fundraising (1) electrical engineer (1) electricity (2) electron fraud
(1) elf (2) elf wave (2) Eliot Spitzer (3) elizabeth cheney (1) ELN (1)
emancipation (1) emergency declaration (1) eminent domain (3) emory
university (1) EMP (1) EMP bombs (1) Empire (464) empire dictatorship
(1) end of america (2) end the fed (12) endgame (11) endless war (2)
endocarditis (1) enemies list (2) enemy combatant (27) enemy combatants
(4) energy (66) Energy Audit (2) energy tax (14) engineered crisis (2)
engineered euphoria (1) engineered plague (1) engineered recession (16)
england (6) enrivonmental taxation (1) enron (4) environmental disaster
(1) environmental hazards (1) environmental health study (1) environmental
tax (1) environmental taxation (82) environmentalism (1) environmentalist
(19) environmentalists (19) envorinmentalist (1) EPA (38) Ephraim Sneh
(1) equity market (2) eric holder (6) eric schmidt (3) erik prince (2)
ethanol (8) ethiopia (5) ethnic cleansing (11) EU (3) eugenicist (18)
eugenicists (2) Eugenics (267) Eugenics Society (2) Euro (96) Europe
(322) european central bank (24) European Parliament (1) european union
(335) euros (2) eurozone (2) euthanasia (10) evo morales (2) evolution
(2) excise tax (5) executive agreement (1) Executive Branch (2) Executive
Order (19) exile (1) Extraordinary Rendition (57) exxon (3) exxon mobil
(10) Ezekiel Emanuel (7) f-16 (3) FAA (4) Fabian Society (1) facebook
(4) facial recognition (3) facism (11) fake alqaeda (30) fake laws (2)
fake news (8) fake terror threat (6) fake terrorists (3) fallen soldiers
(15) false (3) False Flag (445) false information (25) false scarcity
(2) famine (11) fannie mae (29) FARC (4) farmers (1) Fascism (412)
fascsim (2) fasicsm (1) fasle flag (2) fat ban (3) FBI (141) FCC (17)
fda (38) FDIC (23) FDNY (3) FDR (3) fealgood foundation (5) fear
mongering (2) fearmingering (1) fearmongering (22) FEC (10) federal
crime (99) federal crimes (64) Federal Reserve (277) fees (1) Felipe
Calderon (32) FEMA (31) FEMA buses (1) fema camp (6) Fema Camps (18)
feminization (2) Fergus Cullen (5) fiat (1) fiat currency (9)
fibromyalgia (7) Fidel Castro (2) file sharing (2) final solution (3)
finance committee (1) financial interest (1) financial market (1) fines
(16) fingerprints (6) finland (3) firearms (4) firefighter (2)
firefighters (5) first responders (31) FISA (22) fixed poll (2) flag
(3) flight 11 (1) flight 655 (2) flight 77 (1) Flight 93 (5) flip flip
(2) flip flop (12) flip flopping (11) florida (62) florida debate (2)
florida primary (6) florida straw poll (2) flu mist (2) flu pandemic (2)
flu shot (34) flu shot injury (2) flu shot sickness (2) flu vaccine (42)
flumist (1) fluoride (14) fluorosis (4) fluvirin (1) FOi (1) FOIA (30)
food ban (3) food crisis (24) food inflation (1) food market (24) food
poisoning (1) food prices (59) food safety (9) food shortage (15) food
tax (2) foot and mouth (2) forced abortion (3) forced abortions (2)
forced deportation (1) forced detention (4) forced health care (5) forced
health insurance (6) forced labor (2) forced labour (1) forced
prostitution (1) forced quarantine (4) forced vaccination (2) forced
vaccinations (44) forclosure (4) Ford motors (2) foreclosure (23)
foreclosures (7) foreign aid (10) foreign banks (2) foreign buyout (2)
foreign investors (4) foreign policy (1) foreign troops (2) forex (2)
formaldehyde (16) Fort Detrick (12) fort hood (1) Founding Fathers (30)
FOX (4) Fox News (184) Fox News Debate (22) France (44) Frank Luntz (3)
franklin coverup (5) Fred Thompson (27) freddie mac (28) free market (8)
free press (31) free speech (147) free speech zone (6) freeway blogging
(2) fresh kills landfill (2) friendly fire (4) fruedian catastrophe (1)
Ft. Detrick (3) FTAA (6) FTSE (3) future weapons (1) g20 (34) G7 (9)
g8 (9) Gadhafi (3) gag order (4) galton (3) gangsters (6) GAO (12)
garbage police (7) gardasil (8) gary hart (2) gas prices (132) gas tax
(10) gasoline (1) GATT (1) gavi vaccine (2) gavin newsom (2) gay rights
(1) gaza (15) GCHQ (2) GDP (8) GE (5) geithner (3) gender bender (3)
general motors (12) genetic engineering (5) genetically engineered (4)
genetically engineered food (2) genetically modified (20) genetics (1)
Geneva Convention (31) Genocide (248) Geoff Morrell (2) George Bush
(751) george bush israel (1) george bush sr. (1) george carlin (3) george

h. w. bush (9) George H.W. Bush (1) george hunt (1) George LeMieux (1)
george soros (21) George Stephanopoulos (5) George Tenent (2) George
Tenet (4) george w. bush (9) george washington (1) georgia (76) georgia
guidestones (4) gerald celente (5) Geraldo Rivera (7) Germany (64)
Geroge Bush (3) gestapo (14) gibbs (1) Gilani (1) girl scouts (1) GISS
(1) gitmo (8) giuliani (7) GKSS (1) GlaxoSmithKline (12) glenn beck
(39) Glenn Ivey (2) global bankers (10) global central bank (11) global
climate treaty (7) global cooling (27) global currency (26) global
economy (202) global education (4) global elite (214) global fascism (1)
global government (191) global market (2) global oligarchs (11) global
oligarchy (1) global police force (22) global poverty tax (4) global
takeover (1) global tax (88) global terrorism (3) global treasury (10)
global treaty (20) global union (1) global war on terror (2) Global
Warming (192) global warming bill (4) global warming co2 (1) global
warming deception (2) global warming hoax (65) global warming skeptics
(22) global warming tax (1) global warming treaty (7) Globalism (283)
globalism NWO (1) globalist (10) globalist elite (9) globalists (28)
globlal warming (1) glomerulonephritis (1) glycoprotein (1) GM (23) GM
bailout (1) GM corn (1) gm crops (8) gm food (15) GM foods (2) GMAC
(2) GMO (2) GMOs (2) GOA (2) Goebbels (3) Goering (3) gold (149) gold
bubble (2) gold confiscation (1) gold shortage (13) gold standard (9)
gold standard currency (2) Goldman Sachs (47) google (26) google
censorship (1) google earth (3) GOP (155) gorbachev (2) gordon brown
(48) gore (4) gore deception (2) gore vidal (1) gori (1) gound zero (1)
government (2) government agent (1) government assassination (2)
government assassinations (1) government bureaucracy (2) government
bureaucrat (57) government bureaucrats (3) government committee (1)
government control (78) government crimes (1) government genocide. child
murder (1) government health care (7) government murder (1) government
option (2) government propaganda (3) government regulation (53)
government regulations (16) government takeover (34) government terrorism
(2) GP120 (1) gps (19) GQ (1) Great Depression (375) great lakes (1)
greece (9) green revolution (1) green back (2) green nazi (2) green
nazis (11) green tax (1) green zone (2) Greenback (405) greenhouse gas
(1) greenland (8) greenpeace (10) greenwashing (1) Greg Abbott (2) Greta
van Susteren (2) Ground Zero (52) GSK (7) Guantanamo (87) guantanamo bay
(2) guatemala (4) guerilla war (1) guerilla warfare (1) Guilian-Barre
Syndrome (7) Guillain-Barré syndrome (26) Gulag (5) gulags (2) gulf
(26) Gulf of Tonkin (21) gulf war (4) gulf war syndome (7) Gulf War
Syndrome (26) gun ammo (2) gun confiscation (6) Gun Control (60) gun
control treaty (3) gun free zones (2) Gun Laws (1) Gun Owners (5) gun
rights (1) H. Con. Res 362 (4) H. J. Res. 53 (1) h.con.res.362 (14)
H.Con.Res.385 (1) h.r. 1207 (1) H.R. 1302 (1) h.r. 2159 (3) H.R. 2454
(1) h.r. 3200 (3) h.r. 3311 (1) H.R. 3835 (1) h.r. 390 (1) H.R. 3962
(8) H.R. 645 (7) h.r. 962 (1) h1n1 (80) h1n1 clinic (59) h1n1 drive thru
(2) h1n1 flu (3) h1n1 flumist (3) h1n1 influenza (3) h1n1 miscarriage
(1) h1n1 symptoms (3) h1n1 vaccination (1) h1n1 vaccine (73) h1n1 virus
(3) h5n1 (38) HAARP (3) Habeas Corpus (54) hacked emails (8) hackers
(18) Hadley CRU (20) haiti (3) halliburton (15) hamas (16) Hamid Karzaiâ
(16) handcount (2) handgun ban (3) handguns (3) handicapped (2) Hani
Hanjour (2) hano (2) hans blix (2) Hardball (12) Harry Reid (23) hate
crimes (2) Hate Crimes Bill (5) hate speech (2) Hawaii (12) hCG (2)
health and environment (234) health care (65) Health Care Bill (2) health
care companies (6) health care insurance (7) health care mandate (6)
health care providers (6) health care rationing (3) health care reform
(47) health care workers (5) health choices commissioner (2) health
insurance companies (2) health insurance mandate (6) Healthcare (57)
healthcare rationing (27) heart attack gun (1) heckled (17) heckler (2)
hedge fund (1) Hegelian Dialectic (47) Henry Kissinger (33) henry paulson
(46) Henry Van der Eb (1) Henry Waxman (4) hepatitis B vaccine (7) Herb
Kohl (1) herbs (1) Herman Van Rompuy (3) heroin (10) Hezbollah (12)
HFCs (1) HHS (11) hide the decline (1) High Frequency Trading (2)
hillary (1) Hillary Campaign Felony (4) Hillary Clinton (165) History
Channel (8) Hitler (88) hitler youth (5) hiv (7) Hoax (108) hollerith
(2) hollywood (2) Holocaust (37) Homegrown Terrorism (7) Homeland
Security (200) homeland security buses (1) homeless (1) homeowners (5)
homeschooling (1) homosexual (3) homosexual prostitution (9) Honduras
(7) hong kong (7) Hosni Mubarak (3) hospital care (8) hospitals (7)
House (146) house of representatives (2) house senate (6) House
Subcommittee (4) housing bubble (1) housing market (150) howard dean (3)
howard stern (5) HPV (15) HPV Vaccine (13) hr 1207 (6) hr 1388 (1) HR
1585 (1) HR 1955 (11) HR 1966 (1) hr 2159 (3) HR 2454 (5) HR 2977 (1)
HR 3200 (7) HR 3311 (1) HR 3688 (1) HR 3962 (1) HR 4130 (1) HR 45 (1)
HR 4986 (1) hr 5122 (3) HR 5405 (1) hr 6 (1) HR 6166 (6) HR 6304 (1)
hr1207 (1) hr1955 (1) huam experiments (1) HUD (3) Hugo Chavez (22)
human ecperiments (1) Human Experiments (87) human rights (125) human
rights watch (1) human trafficking (1) humiliation (5) humor (10)
hungary (2) Hurricane Dean (2) huxley (7) hydrofluorocarbons (1) hype
(12) hyperinflation (154) hypocrisy (8) hysteria (2) i-35 (6) i-69 (16)
IAEA (23) Ian Kelly (1) IBM (4) ICE (4) ice age (13) icecaps (9)
iceland (1) idaho (5) IDF (2) idol worship (1) IEA (3) IED (3) IEDS
(4) igor panarin (1) Illegal Immigration (76) illegal search (2) illinois
(3) Illuminati (9) imf (75) IMF bonds (13) Immigration (81) imminent
domain (4) immune system (57) immunity (3) immunization (8) Impeach
(57) imperialism (2) impirialism (10) Income Tax (58) income taxes (2)
inconvenient truth (2) indentured servant (2) India (32) Indiana (6)
Indianapolis (4) indoctrination (17) indonesia (5) indymac (8)
infanticide (17) infertility (10) Inflation (425) influenza (94)
influenza pandemic (3) influenza vaccine (29) informant (3) informant
program (2) infragard (3) infrastructure (7) infratrans (1) inhofe (4)
innoculation (93) INS (1) insect robots (1) inside job (141) insurance
bailout (3) insurance companies (7) insurance reform (1) intel cenyer
(2) IntelCenter (12) interest rate cut (33) interest rate cuts (93)
interest rates (2) International Banker (1) International Bankers (24)
International Banks (4) international criminal court treaty (1)
international police force (3) international treaty (18) internationalism
(12) internationalist (77) internationalists (70) internet (42) Internet
2 (28) internet 3 (1) internet allowance (1) internet ban (1) internet
blackout (23) internet censorship (6) Internet Filtering (18) internet
fines (1) internet manipulation (4) internet of things (4) internet
police (38) internet regulation (2) internet regulations (3) internet
security alliance (1) internet tax (5) Internet Tax Freedom Act (1)
internment camps (1) interpol (4) interrogation (11) interrogations (1)
intimidation (20) intimidation tactics (8) investigation (2) involuntary
abortion (4) involuntary birth control (4) involuntary detention (2)
involuntary isolation (3) involuntary quarantine (11) involuntary
transport (1) involuntary vaccination (4) involuntary vaccinations (1)
IOC (2) ionosphere (2) IOT (4) Iowa (38) iowa caucus (15) iowa debate
(1) iowa primaries (1) Iowa Straw Poll (6) IP (6) ipcc (32) Iran (345)
iran airstrike (1) Iran Contra (4) iran nuclear facilities (3) iran
nuclear proliferation (2) iran opec (1) iran tehran (1) Iran war
resolution (18) Iraq (552) iraq afghanistan (1) iraq casualties (2) iraq
colony (1) iraq death count (2) iraq deaths (54) iraq surge (1) iraq war
(6) iraq war resolution (1) iraq war veterans (2) iraqi deaths (9) iraqi
security forces (1) iraqistan (1) Iraqnam (17) iraw deaths (1) ireland
(13) IRGC (1) iris scan (1) iron fist (1) iron oxide (3) iron spheres
(2) IRS (37) ISI (25) islam (1) Islamabad (5) islamic community (1)
islamic terror network (1) ISP (9) ISPs (3) Israel (174) israel soldiers
(1) israeli jets (1) israeli mercenaries (1) israeli settlers (1)
israeli soldiers (5) israeli troops (3) israrel (1) ITAA (1) italy (13)
itnernationalist (1) IUCN (1) Ivar Glaever (1) IVAW (10) jack abramoff
(7) Jack Bauer (1) jack blood (2) Jack Cafferty (7) jack murtha (1) jack
ruby (1) jack straw (1) Jacques Chirac (1) Jacqui Smith (1) Jags (1)
jail (1) james hoffa (1) james inhofe (4) james johnson (2) james L.
jones (1) James Meigs (1) james moran (1) james risen (2) james
sensenbrenner (1) james steinberg (1) james watson (1) James Woolsey (5)
Jamie Kirchick (1) Jamie Leigh Jones (1) Jamie Rubin (2) Jane Harman (3)
Jane Standley (1) Janet Napolitano (3) janet reno (1) Japan (49) jason
bermas (1) jay leno (2) jay rockefeller (4) jay-z (1) JBS (1) JCS (7)
JCT (1) jeb bush (5) jeff gannon (5) Jeff King (1) jeff rense (3)
jefferson county (1) jeffrey toobin (2) jekyll island (1) Jenna Bush (2)
jenny mccarthy (3) jerome corsi (2) jersey girls (1) jerusalem (6) Jesse
Benton (1) jesse ventura (13) jesuits (1) jewish (2) jewish task force
(1) jews (9) JFK (11) jihadist (10) Jim Brossert (1) jim carrey (2) Jim
Corr (1) Jim Cramer (5) jim gilmore (1) jim johnson (1) jim kramer (1)
Jim Mitchell (1) jim rickards (1) jim rogers (15) Jim Thomas (1) jim
tucker (8) Jim Webb (3) jimmie vaughan (1) jimmy carter (9) Joan
Lubchenco (1) Joaquin Almunia (1) job market (26) job outsourcing (2)
jock tax (1) Joe Battenfeld (1) joe biden (16) Joe Lieberman (19) joe
moshe (1) joe rogan (1) Joe Scarborough (16) joe stiglitz (1) John
Abizaid (2) john ashcroft (8) John Atchison (1) john birch society (2)
John Boehner (1) John Bolton (21) john carlo (1) john coleman (1) John
Conyers (9) John Cornyn (2) john d. rockefeller (4) John Deady (1) john
decamp (4) John Dingell (1) John Edwards (27) john f. kennedy (2) john
farmer (1) John Gibson (1) john hagee (3) John Heaney (1) john holdren
(7) John Howard (1) John Kerry (17) john larson (1) john mayer (1) John
McCain (187) john mcclellan (1) john murtha (2) John Negroponte (3) john
P. holdren (3) john paulson (1) John Peters (1) john robert (1) john
roberts (3) John Silvestro (2) john stossel (1) John Tierney (1) John
Trevena (1) john warner (3) john warner defense authorization act (2)
john warner defense authorization act of 2007 (2) john yarmuth (1) john
yoo (10) johnny gosch (2) Jon Kyl (1) jon stewart (12) jonathan schanzer
(1) jor biden (1) joran (1) Jordan (5) jorge cabrera (1) Jose Antonio
de Sucre (1) Jose Barroso (1) Jose Compean (1) Jose Manuel Barrosoqueen
beatrix (1) Jose Medellin (1) Jose Padilla (2) jose torres (1) Joseph
Biden (5) joseph kohen (1) joseph lieberman (1) joseph moshe (2) Joseph
Stiglitz (6) joseph wilson (1) Joshua Muravchik (1) journalism (3)
journalists (8) JP Morgan (20) JPMorgan (7) JSOC (1) Juan Hernandez (1)
Juan Williams (1) Judge Andrew Napolitano (1) Judge Napolitano (3)
judiciary committee (5) judiciary subcommittee (1) Judith Nathan (2)
Jundollah (3) Jundullah (10) jupiter (2) justice system (1) kabul (9)
kaiser wilhelm institute (1) kaj larsen (1) kandahar (3) kangaroo court
(1) kansas (9) Kansas City Smart Port (2) Karl Rove (32) karzai (5)
Kathleen Sebelius (9) katrina (17) KBR (10) KBR detention center (2)
keating 5 (2) Keith Olbermann (35) Kennedy health care bill (8) kent
snyder (2) kentucky (8) kenya (3) kettling (2) Kevin Brady (1) kevin
mcpadden (3) kevin rudd (8) kevin ryan (3) Kevin Trenberth (1) Khalid
Sheik Mohammed (5) khalid sheikh mohammed (6) kidnapped (2) kidnapping
(12) Kim Jong-il (2) king of england (1) kissenger (1) knife ban (2)
knock and talk (22) kofi annan (2) korea (3) Korey Rowe (1) kosovo (12)
KSM (6) Kurdish (22) kuwait (15) Kyl-Lieberman amendment (8) kyoto (4)
kyoto protocol (5) LA (10) La Raza (10) LAIV (2) landmine (1) landmine
treaty (1) LAPD (4) Larry Craig (6) larry johnson (1) Larry King (13)
Larry Kudlow (2) larry silverstein (16) larry summers (1) las vegas (7)
latin america (7) Laura Bush (2) Law of the Sea Treaty (6) lawsuit (2)
LBJ (3) league of nations (2) leaked emails (1) Lebanon (17) lee
hamilton (3) Lee Myung-bak (1) left right paradigm (203) legal tender
(1) Lehman Brothers (16) Leola McConnell (3) leukaemia (1) LHS (4)
liberty dollar (8) Libya (10) Lieberman (16) lightbulb ban (2) lindsay
williams (2) lindsey graham (10) Lindsey Williams (7) liquidation (50)
liquidity (5) liquidity rebates (2) Lisa Jackson (2) lisbon treaty (11)
litter police (7) litter wardens (6) live cancer virus (9) live flu
vaccine (1) live flu virus (1) live virus (22) live virus vaccine (22)
Lloyd Blankfein (1) lobbyist (6) lobbyists (20) lockerbie (2) Lockheed
Martin (5) logan act (5) london (78) lone gunman (2) lone nut (9)
loonie (9) Loose Change (15) Lord Christopher Monckton (4) Lord Monckton
(6) Lord Peter Inge (1) Los Angeles (6) Los Zeta (1) los zetas (2) lou
dobbs (35) louise slaughter (1) Louisiana (7) louisiana caucus (3)
louisiana primary (4) LRAD (13) Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez (1) Luke
Rudkowski (11) lupus (6) Lynne Cheney (2) Mad Cow (11) Mad Money (6)
made in china (2) Madeleine Albright (4) madeline albright (2) madoff
(2) madrid (2) mafia (8) magna carta (4) Mahmoud Karzai (1) main street
(22) Maine (8) maine caucus (2) Mainstream Media (21) Malcolm Turnbull
(1) male escort (2) Maliki (13) malthusian (23) malthusian catasrophe
(2) malthusian catastrohe (1) malthusian catastrophe (42) man made disease
(43) man made diseases (40) man made global warming (31) mandatory
detention (11) mandatory health care (11) mandatory health insurance (11)
mandatory home license (1) mandatory inspection (2) mandatory inspections
(2) mandatory microchipping (2) mandatory microchips (2) mandatory
military service (2) mandatory national service (2) mandatory quarantine
(26) mandatory service (3) mandatory servitude (2) mandatory tax (1)
mandatory vaccination (7) mandatory vaccinations (68) mandatory vaccine
(1) mandatory volunteerism (5) manhattan project (3) manipulated economy
(13) manipulated market (3) manipulated oil prices (2) manipulated prices
(9) manipulation (58) manipultation (1) manitoba (2) manmade global
warming (2) manuel zelaya (2) mao (14) marc faber (5) Margaret Thatcher

(1) marijuana (2) marine (38) Marines (7) mario borghezio (1) Marion
Cotillard (2) Mark Backlund (1) mark brzezinski (1) mark cubin (1) mark
dice (6) Mark Foley (3) Mark Klein (1) mark koernke (2) mark patterson
(1) mark ruffalo (1) Mark Steyn (1) Mark Warner (1) mark weitzman (2)
market manipulation (16) Marlene Cruz (1) mars (7) marsha blackburn (1)
marshal law (1) martgage companies (1) Martial Law (141) Martin Feldstein
(1) Martin Lee Anderson (1) martin luther king (3) martin sheen (2)
Marty Ryan (1) marvel comics (1) marxism (8) maryland (13) Masaaki
Shirakawa (1) mason (1) masons (1) mass graves (4) mass quarantines (2)
Massachusetts (10) Matan Vilnai (2) Matt Taibbi (1) Matthew Rothschild
(2) Maurice Hilleman (1) maurice strong (5) max baucus (7) Max Cleland
(2) Max Keiser (1) McAleer (1) mccain (2) mccarthy (1) McCarthy Bill
(1) McChrystal (8) MCI (2) mclaughlin group (1) measles (2) MEBO (1)
Mecca (3) Mecha (1) meddling (1) Media (274) media bailout (1) media
bias (12) media blackout (40) media censorship (17) media deception (7)
Media Fear (53) media fears (6) media iraq (1) Media Manipulation (25)
mediaopoly (16) medicaid (39) medical care (47) medical experiment (1)
medical Experiments (85) medical industial complex (1) medical industrail
complex (1) medical industrial complex (169) medical marijuana (1)
medicare (38) medicare cuts (4) medicare insurance (2) medicial
industrial complex (1) medimmune (1) mediterranean (1) mediterranean
union (1) MEDUSA (1) medvedec (1) Medvedev (24) meet the press (5) Meg
Whitman (1) mehdi army (1) meir dagan (1) MEK (10) Mel Watt (1)
melamine (3) Mellon Intrest (1) Mena (3) Meningitis (1) mental disorder
(1) mental health screening (11) mental illness (1) mentally disabled (5)
menthanphetamines (1) meo (1) MEP (1) mercenaries (4) mercenary (2)
mercenarys (1) merck (16) mercs (6) Mercury (56) mercury eugenics (1)
merill lynch (1) merkel (3) Merrill Lynch (25) Mervyn King (1) metal
spheres (2) methamphetamines (1) methane (1) methanphetamines (10)
mexican army (2) mexican flag (3) mexican truckers (1) Mexican Trucks
(13) mexicans (1) Mexico (102) mf59 (19) Mi5 (8) Mi6 (15) miac (1)
MIAC report (5) Miami (6) miami-dade (1) Micah Brose (1) Michael
Bloomberg (17) Michael Burgess (1) michael chertoff (46) Michael Hampton
(1) michael hayden (9) Michael Mack (1) Michael Mann (16) Michael Medved
(1) Michael Moore (8) michael Moseley (3) Michael Mukasey (4) michael
mullen (6) michael reagan (3) michael savage (2) Michael Scheuer (2)
Michael Smerconish (1) Michael Vickers (1) michagin (1) michelle bachmann
(1) michelle malkin (4) Michelle Obama (8) michican (1) michigan (19)
michigan primaries (1) michigan primary (1) micro expression (1)
microchip (24) microchip implant (1) microchipped population (2)
microchips (12) microscopic spheres (2) Microsoft (10) microwave (2)
middile defense (1) middle class (63) middle east (48) miilitary (1)
mika brzezinski (1) Mike Baker (1) Mike Chitwood (1) mike enzi (1) Mike
Gravel (9) Mike Huckabee (34) Mike Jones (1) mike malloy (1) Mike Malone
(1) Mike McConnell (2) Mike Mullen (9) mike rivero (1) mikhail gorbachev
(7) Mikhail Saakashvili (2) Mikheil Saakashvili (27) mikheli saakashvili
(1) Milbank Memorial Fund (1) milirary (1) militarization (19)
militarized police (12) Military (490) military base (28) military bases

(9) military casualties (2) military checkpoints (1) military commissions

act (6) military commissions act of 2006 (3) military contractors (1)
military coup (1) military deaths (2) military donations (1) military
drill (7) military exercise (6) military experiments (4) military
families (1) military industrial comples (1) Military Industrial Complex
(187) military insdustrial complex (2) military insustrial complex (2)
Military Officers (1) military police (1) military posse comitatus (1)
military preemptive strike (1) military resistance (1) military spending
(1) military strike (288) military strike ww4 (1) military strikes (5)
military strikw (1) military suicide (1) military training (1) military
troops (2) military vaccines (1) military water (1) military weapons (8)
militia (6) Milosevic (2) mind control (1) Mine Ban Treaty (1) mineta
(2) Mineta Testemony (9) ministry of justice (1) minneapolice (1)
Minneapolis (16) minnesota (17) minnetosa (1) Minority Report (5)
miscarriage (2) misprison of treason (1) missile defense (11) missile
shield (1) mississippi (9) missouri (13) MIT (2) Mitch McConnell (2)
Mitt Romney (56) mitt tomney (1) Mizel Museum (1) MJTF (1) MK ultra (2)
MKO (8) MKultra (7) mlitary (6) mlitary industrial complex (1) MLK (1)
MMEA (1) MMR (1) mmr vaccine (1) Moammar Gadhafi (3) mock terror
exercise (1) mock up vaccine (3) mofaz (2) mogan stanley (1) Mohamed
ElBaradei (2) Mohammad Khazaee (1) mohammed atta (6) Mohammed Hosseini
(1) Mohammed Mossadeq (2) Mohammed Reza Pahlavi (2) mohammed siddique khan
(1) molten metal (2) molten steel (2) MON810 (1) monarchy (2) monckton
(3) Monetary Integration (1) monetary union (2) monetization (2) money
bomb (4) money fraud (2) money laundering (11) moneybomb (24) moneybombs
(4) mongolia (2) Mongolia and Afghanistan. (2) monopoly (3) Monosodium
Glutamate (1) Monsanto (12) montana (5) montel williams (1) Moqtada Al
Sadr (1) morales (2) morgage (1) Morgan (1) morgan spurlock (1) morgan
stanley (19) morgans (1) morgues (1) morning joe (10) mortgage (24)
mortgage companies (31) mortgage lenders (29) mortgage lending (1) moscow
(71) Mossad (30) Mottaki (5) mrap (1) MS (4) MSG (1) MSNBC (66) mtv
(7) mud pie (1) mugabe (4) muir russell (1) Mujahadeen (4) mujahedin
(2) Mujahedin Khalq Organization (2) mujahideen (22) mukasey (8) Mullah
Omar (1) mullahs (4) multiple sclerosis (6) mumbai (1) mumbai bombing
(1) Muqtada al-Sadr (2) Murdoch (10) Musharraf (27) muslim (5) muslims
(10) mutated virus (2) myspace (3) Mystery Plane (3) N2o (1) naacp (2)
NAFTA (46) NAFTA Superhighway (51) nancy grace (2) Nancy Pelosi (58)
Nancy Snyderman (3) nanny state (171) nano thermite (4) nanotech (3)
nanotechnology (6) NAO (3) Naomi Wolf (3) NASA (19) NASCO (6) Nasdaq
(7) nashua (2) Natanz (2) natioal service (2) nation building (405)
national civilian security force (2) national debt (11) national guard
(36) national id (17) national service (2) national socialism (10)
national socialist (5) nationalization (29) NATO (77) NAU (7) navy (48)
navy seals (4) Nazi (308) nazi germany (39) nazi youth (4) nazis (1)
NBC (5) NCDC (1) NCL (1) nebraska (3) neil cavuto (10) Neocon (2)
neocons (516) Neolibs (360) nerve agents (2) nerve gas (7) net
neutrality (5) Netanyahu IAEA (2) netherlands (3) nevada (13) nevada
caucus (3) nevada primary (2) New Hampshire (65) new hampshire debate
(9) new hampshire district (3) new hampshire primaries (32) new jersey
(11) new mexico (3) new orleans (12) New World Order (330) New York
(161) new zealand (8) newsweek (3) Newt Gingrich (9) ngo (6) NGOs (3)
NHS (3) Nicaragua (7) nicolas sarkozy (3) Nidal Malik Hasan (1) NIE
(17) Nigeria (13) NIH (3) NIST (16) nitrous oxide (1) NIWA (1) nixon
(7) no-fly list (4) noaa (6) nobel peace prize (2) non hodgkin lymphoma
(2) NORAD (11) norman mineta (1) Norman Podhoretz (12) North American
Union (188) North Carolina (5) north dakota (2) north korea (15) north
pole (4) NORTHCOM (25) Northern Rock (21) Northrop-Grumman (2) norway
(4) Novartis (10) NPT (9) NRA (9) NSA (67) NSSM (2) nuclear facilities
(2) nuclear war (2) Nuke (220) nuke drill (3) nuremburg (5) NWO (143)
NYC CAN (3) NYCCAN (2) nymex (8) NYPD (30) NYSE (6) o'reilly (1)
oaklahoma (2) oakland (4) OAS (2) oath keepers (1) obama (332) obama =
bush (15) obama bailout (3) obama care (59) obama cult (2) obama czar
(2) obama deadline (1) obama deception (120) obama fines (11) obama
spending (1) obama stimulus (15) obama surge (27) obama tax (12) obama
youth (3) obama youth corps (4) obamacare (67) obamacare fines (6)
obamas surge (3) obamas war (26) obesity (1) obsity (1) obstruction of
justice (2) occoupation (1) occpation (2) occupation (406) occuptation
(3) ocean (19) Official 9/11 Story (10) Official 9/11 Theory (27)
official story (2) offshoring (2) ohio (33) ohio primaries (2) Oil
(233) oil companies (4) oil dumping (1) OKC (4) OKC bombing (3) Oklahoma
(5) oligarchy (35) Olmert (8) olympics (35) Oman (2) one child policy
(16) one world currency (3) One World Government (50) OPEC (36) operation

ajax (10) Operation CHAOS (2) operation endgame (2) Operation Gladio (3)
operation northwoods (1) Operation Steel Kickoff (3) Operation TIPS (2)
Opium (14) Oppenheimer (2) Oppression (456) Ordo Ab Chao (18) Oregon
(9) organ donation (3) organ harvesting (4) organic (2) organized crime
(1) orwell (122) osama (3) osama bin laden (5) osama dead (1) osborn
(2) oslo (1) Oswald (3) osychological warfare (1) pahlavi (2) pain
compliance (9) Pakistan (124) pakistan casualties (4) palestine (30)
palladium (4) panama (4) Pancake Theory (4) Pandemic (4) pandemic
influenxa (1) Pandemic Influenza (74) pandemic vaccine (6) pandemic virus
(63) paraguay (3) Paralysis (4) paramedics (2) parental rights (31)
paris (14) parkinsons (3) Pat Buchanan (8) Pat Robertson (2) patients
(26) Patrick Leahy (8) Patriot Act (48) patriot movement (25) paul
bonacci (4) paul bremer (2) paul broun (5) paul clement (2) Paul Craig
Roberts (3) Paul Ehrlich (1) paul faber (1) paul krugman (1) paul martin
(5) Paul Nuttall (1) paul vlocker (1) Paul Volcker (2) paul warburg (1)
paul wolfowitz (10) Paulson (48) paypal (2) PBS (5) pd51 (2) peace
prize (3) peaceful protesters (2) peacekeepers (1) peak gold (3) peak
oil (8) pearl harbor (3) pedophilia (6) peer reviewed (17) pelosi (5)
penn & teller (2) Pennsylvania (20) Pentagon (170) pepper spray (13)
pepperspray (16) perfluorocarbons (1) permanent military bases (2) Peru
(6) peter jennings (2) Peter Pace (3) peter paul (3) peter schiff (13)
petition (2) petro (2) petrodollar (3) petroeuro (4) Petrol (145) PFCs
(1) Phelim McAleer (2) pheumonic plague (1) phil gramm (3) Phil Jones
(18) philadelphia (2) Philip Zelikow (3) philippines (5) phillip morris
(2) photoshop (2) photosynthesis (3) phthalates (2) Pittsburgh (14)
Pittsburgh g20 summit (13) pittsburgh police department (9) Pittsburgh
summit (13) Pittsburgh summit 2009 (13) PJAK (3) PKK (2) PKK Terrorists
(5) plague (2) planned parenthood (5) planted audience (6) planted
questions (4) plastic (3) platinum (11) PNAC (29) poland (16) polar
bears (1) polar icecaps (7) police abuse (5) police beutality (2) police
brutality (192) police crimes (11) Police State (565) police state
surveillance (2) polio (11) polio vaccine (11) political dissent (3)
political prisoner (3) political prisoners (5) political terrorism (3)
politicians (1) poll (86) polysorbate 80 (7) polysortbate 80 (2) poor
(1) pope (6) Popular Mechanics (7) Population Control (195) pork barrel
(1) Pork Barrel Spending (2) portland (2) PositiveID (1) Posse Comitatus
(64) pot (2) pound (10) poverty (1) POW (4) PR (14) PR campaign (5)
pre-crime (1) pre-emptive strike (2) pre-emptive war (2) pre-knowledge
(5) precrime (7) Preemptive Strike (149) preemptive strikes (4)
preemptive war (147) pregnancy health (2) premier (2) prescott bush (3)
presidential directive (9) preventative detention (3) price fixing (9)
Prince Charles (6) Prince Phillip (4) princeton (2) prison camp (5)
prison industrial complex (20) prison population (2) privacy rights (17)
private bank (24) private banks (12) private contractors (3) private
insurance (2) privatization (5) Problem Reaction Solution (48) project
for the new american century (2) Propaganda (362) propaganda campaign (3)
property rights (5) prostate cancer (2) protection money (2) Protest
(253) protests (4) provocateur (4) Provocateurs (21) proxy war (17)
prozac (2) psychological operations (15) psychological warfare (17)
psychopaths (1) Psychotronic weapons (5) psyop (1) Psyops (195) PTSD
(20) public education (2) public manipulation (1) public option (19)
public relations (8) public school (8) public schools (9) puerto rico
(3) Pullout (35) pundit (1) puppet government (1) put options (10) putin
(46) PVC (2) qatar (6) quagmire (3) quantanamo (2) quarantine (2)
queen beatrix (4) queen elizabeth (5) queen of england (2) qui bono (16)
Race specific bio weapons (5) race specific bioweapon (6) race specific
bioweapons (4) Rachel Maddow (2) racial profiling (8) Racism (13)
radiation (15) radium (1) radon (1) Rahm Emanuel (12) Raid (20)
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(1) raw milk (1) Rawalpindi (10) Ray McGovern (4) Raytheon (6) rbi (1)
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camps (1) real estate (56) Real ID (54) recession (1) recount (3)
Recruiting (3) red cross (7) reichstag (6) religion (11) rendition (37)
Reno (4) republic (3) republican caucus (22) Republican Debate (62)
republican forum (2) republican primaries (56) republican primary (2)
republican straw poll (25) resource war (1) revolution (4) Revolutionary
Guard (3) Revolutionary Guards (40) revolutionary war (1) Rex 84 (4) Rex
Tillerson (1) Reza Pahlavi (2) RFID (38) RFID bracelet (2) rhetoric (2)
rhode island (4) RIAA (7) Richard Armitage (2) Richard Belzer (1)
Richard Clarke (2) richard gage (4) Richard Holbrooke (3) richard lugar
(3) richard nixon (4) Richard Perle (4) Rick Perry (7) right to privacy
(4) Rima Laibow (1) riot (24) riot squads (10) riots (10) RNC (26) road
tax (4) Robert Baer (6) Robert Byrd (3) Robert Dziekanski (5) robert
fisk (1) Robert Gates (46) robert gibbs (5) robert kennedy (2) Robert
Novak (4) Robert Pastor (7) robert reich (3) Robert Rubin (1) Robert
Wexler (5) Robert Zoellick (6) robobugs (1) robot (10) robotics (4)
rockefeller (25) rockefeller foundation (4) rockefellers (1) Roe v. Wade
(2) roger ailes (3) roman empire (2) romania (2) Romans 13 (2) rome (8)

romney cheating (2) Rompuy (2) Ron Paul (311) ron paul 2012 (2) Ron Paul
Banned (40) ron paul blimp (9) ron paul delegates (7) ron paul excluded
(4) Ron Paul Exclusions (38) ron paul march (3) Ron Paul Media Blackout
(2) ron paul meetups (3) Ronald Reagan (8) ropaganda (1) Rosie (2) rosie
oâ donnell (5) rothschild (7) rothschilds (6) roving wiretaps (4) royal
bloodlines (1) rubber bullets (6) ruble (2) Ruby Ridge (6) ruchard haas
(1) Rudy Giuliani (104) rumsfeld (2) rupert murdoch (6) rush limbaugh
(10) Russ Feingold (5) Russia (204) russia today (4) russian mafia (2)
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(2) sam donaldson (1) san diego (2) san francisco (4) san fransisco (14)
Sanctions (47) Sanofi-Aventis (1) Sarah Lai Stirland (1) sarah palin (8)
Sarkozy (40) SARS (6) SAS (3) saudi (2) Saudi Arabia (71) scam (9)
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ritter (6) scottland (1) SDR (16) SDRs (16) sea level (2) sea levels
(1) seal level (1) Sean Hannity (19) search warrant (3) Seattle (4) SEC
(8) secession (1) secondary transmission (3) secret camps (2) secret
meetings (16) Secret Police (12) secret prisons (3) secret service (21)
Secret Societies (18) secret war (2) secret wars (1) securecorps (2)
seizures (7) selective service (2) self defense (1) Senate (209) senate
congress (2) senior citizens (9) serbia (4) serfs (1) Sergei Lavrov (2)
Sergey Lavrov (5) serial killers (1) sex education (1) Sex Scandal (26)
sexual abuse (7) sexual selection (3) Seymour Hersh (23) SF6 (1) shah
dictatorship (2) shah of iran (2) Shaniya Davis (1) shanty town (1)
shaoul mofaz (2) shaul mofaz (4) shell (7) shepard smith (2) shia (1)
Shiite (33) shiites (2) Shock and Awe (219) shoot to kill (4) short
selling (2) sibel edmonds (6) siberia (2) sierra club (1) SIGA (1) siga
technologies (1) silver (41) silver shortage (9) Silvio Berlusconi (3)
Simon Bolivar (2) single currency (31) single payer (10) skull & bones
(6) skull and bones (5) sky news (2) slave labour (2) slavery (25)
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(3) solar science (10) soldier suicides (1) soldiers (27) Somalia (7)
soros (1) south africa (8) South America (8) South American Union (2)
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(10) south korea (17) South Ossetia (55) southern california (3)
sovereignty (35) Soviet Union (52) soy (2) space militarization (2)
Space Weapons (5) spain (12) special forces (17) special interest (3)
special needs (4) special needs children (4) speeding ticket (2) spending
bill (2) Spitzer (2) SPP (47) SPP Summit (41) Sprint (5) Spy (40) spy
force (2) spy satellite (14) squalene (26) squaline (24) sri lanka (1)
st. louis (3) staged coup (2) staged provocation (62) staged riots (11)
stagflation (2) stalin (18) stanford (1) Stanley McChrystal (10) Star
Wars Program (5) starvation (2) stasi (64) stasi tactics (62) state of
the union (4) state sponsored terror (2) State Sponsored Terrorism (204)
status quo (1) staying the course (1) Steel Vault (1) Stefan Rahmstorf
(1) steny hoyer (5) Stephanopoulos (1) stephen hadley (4) Stephen Harper
(34) Stephen Schneider (1) sterilization (22) sterling (6) Steve Monier
(6) steven colbert (2) steven e. jones (3) steven jones (7) stimulus
(15) stimulus bill (3) Stimulus Package (4) stock exchange (2) Stock
Market (360) stock options (1) stolen election (2) Strait of Hormuz (14)
strange news (8) street action (7) stu bykofsky (2) stun guns (2)
subliminal (9) subliminal messages (11) subprime (95) subprime lending
(92) subprime mortgage bubble (1) subprime mortgages (1) sudan (8)
suicide (1) suicide bomber (2) suicide bombing (8) suicided (3) sulfur
hexafluoride (1) sun (10) sunni (29) sunspots (10) super currency (13)
super tuesday (8) super weapons (71) super-weapons-grade anthrax (2)
Supremacy Clause (1) supreme court (33) surge (31) Surveillance (260)
surveillance cameras (2) sutton (3) SV40 (5) swat (26) sweden (2) swine
flu (90) swine flu hoax (1) swine flu pandemic (44) swine flu vaccine
(65) swine flu vaccine injury (3) swiss franc (2) switzerland (4)
syngenta (2) Syria (57) Taiwan (4) Taliban (88) tamiflu (5) tamiflu
side effects (1) tap water (9) tarp (7) taser (15) taser death (3)
Taser Guns (104) taser international (4) tasers (1) tax (91) tax rebates
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Ted Haggard (2) Ted Kennedy (9) ted turner (5) Tehran (187) tel aviv
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terror drill (11) terror watch list (3) terrorism hoax (3) terrorist
attack (1) terrorist funding (13) terrorist hoax (4) terrorist recruiting
(2) terrorist training (4) tetanus shot (7) texaco (1) Texas (61) texas
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thought crimes (3) thought criminal (18) thumb print (1) TIA (2) tibet
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treaty (3) Trent Lott (3) trilateral commission (22) troop surge (2)
Troops (443) Truth Action (31) truth movement (78) truTV (5) TSA (24)
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(1) tween 80 (7) twin towers (13) TxU (1) u.s air base (2) u.s.
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(8) UCLA (1) UEA (1) ukraine (16) UN (248) Uncategorized (107) UNCTAD
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(1) viper teams (1) viral shedding (13) Virgil Goode (2) virgin (3)
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pandemic (68) virus shedding (19) visa (1) vitamin supplements (1)
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The Scientific Manipulation of Our Reality
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The Scientific Manipulation of Our Reality

December 14, 2009, 4:35 pm
Filed under: Britain, Co2, Conditioning, Copenhagen treaty, Dictatorship,
Empire, Eugenics, Genocide, Hoax, Holocaust, NWO, Nazi, New World Order, One
World Government, Oppression, Population Control, Propaganda, Psyops, bertrand
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darwinists, depopulation, education, education system, forced abortions, global
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internationalists, involuntary abortion, involuntary birth control, malthusian,
malthusian catastrophe, manipulation, mao, one child policy, religion, serfs,
slavery, status quo, sterilization | Tags: behaviourism
The Scientific Manipulation of Our Reality
December 7, 2009
Bertrand Russell
The following quotes are from a book titled The Scientific Outlook by author
Bertrand Arthur-William Russell, a renowned British philosopher, a supporter of
eugenics and World Government. Heâ s had a huge influence in the scientific
dictatorship that we all live in today. The following quotes will describe how
governments use propaganda in public schools, TV and movies to shape public
opinions and beliefs to manage large populations for the benefit of the elite.
The Scientific Manipulation of Public Thinking
â Science has given us, in succession, power over inanimate nature, power over
plants and animals, and finally power over human beings.â â It is the
manipulative type of idealists who will create the scientific society. Of such
men, in our own day, Lenin is the archetype.â and Mao Zendong. â All real power
will come to be concentrated in the hands of those who understand the art of
scientific manipulation.â â Science will be diligently studied, it will be
rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to
know how its convictions were generatedâ in other-words the public will not be
allowed to know how itâ s beliefs and opinions were scientifically manipulated by
the government to think a certain way. â Ordinary men and women will be expected
to be docile, industrious, punctual, thoughtless, and contented. Of these
qualities probably contentment will be considered the most important. In order
to produce it, all the researches of psycho-analysis, behaviourism, and
biochemistry will be brought into play.â
Shaping the Perfect Slave to be Content With Their Slavery
Children â will spend much time in the open air, and will be given no more
book-learning than is absolutely necessary. Upon the temperament so formed,
docility will be imposed by the methods of the drill-sergeant, or perhaps by the
softer methods employed upon Boy Scouts. All the boys and girls will learn from
an early age to be what is called â co-operative,â i.e., to do exactly what
everybody is doing. Initiative will be discouraged in these children, and
insubordination, without being punished, will be scientifically trained out of
them. Their education thought will be in great part manual, and when their
school years come to an end they will be taught a trade. In deciding what trade
they are to adopt, experts will appraise their aptitudes. Formal lessons, in so
far as they exist, will be conducted by means of the cinema or the radio, so
that one teacher can give simultaneous lessons in all the classes throughout a
whole country. The giving of these lessons will, of course, be recognized as a
highly skilled undertaking, reserved for the members of the governing class.â
â It is to be expected that advances in physiology and psychology will give
governments much more control over individual mentality than they now have even
in totalitarian countries. Fichte laid it down that education should aim at
destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be
incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise
than as their schoolmasters would have wished. But in his day this was an
unattainable ideal: what he regarded as the best system in existence produced
Karl Marx. In future such failures are not likely to occur where there is
dictatorship. Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early
age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the
authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be
will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will
believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are
â As for the manual workers, they will be discouraged from serious thought: they
will be made as comfortable as possible, and their hours of work will be much
shorter than they are at present; they will have no fear of destitution or of
misfortune to their children. As soon as working hours are over, amusements will
be provided, or a sort calculated to cause wholesome mirth, and to prevent any
thoughts of discontent which otherwise might cloud their happiness.â
Propaganda: From the Class Room to Hollywood
â From the technique of advertising it seems to follow that in the great majority
of mankind any proposition will win acceptance if it is reiterated in such a way
as to remain in the memory. Most of the things that we believe we believe
because we have heard them affirmed; we do not remember where or why they were
affirmed, and we are therefore unable to be critical even when the affirmation
was made by a man whose income would be increased by its acceptance and was not
backed by any evidence whatsoever.â (ex: how Al Gore is profiting off the lie
that CO2 controls the temperature of the earth.) â Advertisements tend,
therefore, as the technique becomes perfected, to be less and less
argumentative, and more and more merely striking. So long as an impression is
made, the desired result is achieved.â
â This consideration brings us naturally to the subject of education, which is
the second great method of public propaganda. Education has two very different
purposes; on the one hand it aims at developing the individual and giving him
knowledge which will be useful to him; on the other hand it aims at producing
citizens who will be convenient for the State or the Church which is educating
them. Up to a point these two purposes coincide in practice: it is convenient to
the State that citizens should be able to read, and that they should possess
some technical skill in virtue of which they are able to do productive work; it
is convenient that they should possess sufficient moral character to abstain
from unsuccessful crime, and sufficient intelligence to be able to direct their
own lives. But when we pass beyond these elementary requirements, the interests
of the individual may often conflict with those of the State or the Church. This
is especially the case in regard to credulity. To those who control publicity,
credulity is an advantage, while to the individual a power of critical judgment
is likely to be beneficial; consequently the State does not aim at producing a
scientific habit of mind, except in a small minority of experts, who are well
paid, and therefore, as a rule, supporters of the status quo. Among those who
are not well paid credulity is more advantageous to the State; consequently
children in school are taught what they are told and are punished if they
express disbelief. In this way a conditioned reflex is established, leading to a

belief in anything said authoritatively by elderly persons of importance.â â On

the whole, at present in education, the form of loyalty to the State which is
most emphasized is hostility to its enemies.â (ex: hating Muslims that
supposedly did 9/11.)
Teaching Uniformity Through Hollywood and Television
â Modern inventions and modern technique have had a powerful influence in
promoting uniformity of opinion and making men less individual than they used to
be. [...] But in the modern world there are three great sources of uniformity in
addition to education: these are the Press, the cinema, and the radio.â (ex: the
media props up the candidates in elections telling us to vote for either
candidate McCain or Obama and no one else, voting for anyone else would be a
â wasted voteâ .)
â Perhaps the most important of all the modern agents of propaganda is the
cinema. Where the cinema is concerned, the technical reasons for large-scale
organizations leading to almost world-wide uniformity are over-whelming. The
costs of a good production are colossal, but are no less if it is exhibited
seldom than if it is exhibited often and everywhere.â â The great majority of
young people in almost all civilized countries derive their ideas of love, of
honour, of the way to make money, and of the importance of good clothes, from
the evenings spent in seeing what Hollywood thinks good for them. I doubt
whether all the schools and churches combined have as much influence as the
cinema upon the opinions of the young in regard to such intimate matters as love
and marriage and money-making. The producers of Hollywood are the high-priests
of a new religion.â
De-population Key to World Government
â There are three ways of securing a society as regards population. The first is
that of birth control, the second that of infanticide or really destructive
wars, and the third that a scientific world society cannot be stable unless
there is a World Government. . .Unless. . . one power or group of powers emerges
victorious and proceeds to establish a single government of the world with a
monopoly of armed force, it is clear that the level of civilization must
continually decline. . .â
In conclusion, one of the greatest examples of the scientific manipulation of
our society is the discussion of Global Warming; The elite has flooded their
media outlets with propaganda that will make them rich and implant in the human
psyche that humans are bad for the environment.
They have propagated the claim that CO2 â the essential element of lifeâ is a
toxic gas that should be regulated by a World Government. The global elite have
been trying to get everyone to accept the proposition that humans are bad and
that all human activity must be regulated for the sake of the planet. This is
just one of the many examples of the scientific manipulators shaping the
publicâ s opinions and beliefs. Kids have been hit hard with propaganda not only
on TV and movies but in the class rooms, as Bertrand put it the public schools
are a laboratory for shaping the perfect slave, they are converting young minds
to accept the New World Order religion that is all about the regulation and the
destruction of human life on earth.
Doomsday Climate Cultists Attempt to Convert Kids

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Hacktivism: Offensive Computing and the Rise of the Political Hacker
2012â ¦A Scientific Reality Check
Scientific Myths and Realities
36 Comments so far
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Who is going to get a picture of thee earth, other than them?
Lion Spear
Comment by Ld Elon December 14, 2009 @ 7:13 pm
Is It not the same with the heavens?
Comment by Ld Elon December 14, 2009 @ 7:16 pm
Once you are in total control:
â Apocalypseâ is a Greek word meaning â the lifting of the veil between you and
God,â (Reality).
The Internet is the vehicle through which the Apocalypse is now leaking
knowledge, and the leaks are out of control
By Tom Dennen, author of â Grand Theft, Planet or Heidiâ s Free Bar & Grill)
Itâ s becoming clear how the â matrixâ â the system â works, and how the Internet
is the leaky bucket out of which the truth is spraying.
Since the early goldsmiths discovered fractional lending and made money out of
thin air, they have been thrown out of every courntry they set up in, after
which those countries returned to resource-based economies and went through
several decades of economic recovery.
Until the sixteenth century, in Holland.
Then and there, when the goldsmiths were discovered, the already wealthy
government and merchant classes joined them in their usurious detours, the first
full â collusion among corporatocracy, authoritarian government, and controlled
media and education.â
Add bankers to that list and you have the recipe for the last three hundred
years of fascist fiscal theft through market manipulation.
Holland was the site of the first experiment in money market manipulation, today
called â Tulip Maniaâ , also a generic phrase given to an â out-of-controlâ Bull
â Tulip Maniaâ is however, just the opposite â itâ s a controlled boom situation;
controlled by those who run the Great Wealth Shift every generation, starting
with the South Sea Bubble crash in 1720.
Every fifty years or so since then, the markets have peaked â and exactly nine
years later, crashed â followed by a depression during which vast amounts of
properties were foreclosed and the â mastersâ transfered huge amounts of the
wealth accumulated by the working class â all wealth is created by work â who
were left to starve.
Just like today.
(The American Colonies, with their debt- and interest-free sovereign currency
called Colonial Scrip were doing very prosperously in the 1700â s until the
British Banking Act of 1775 forbade its use. Two years later the colonies were
in a depression and declared independence from Great Britainâ s financial
The most significant leak in Ellen Brownâ s â Web of Debtâ is coming from the
Global Warming lies now out in the open.
The Bilderbergs / governments / banks / merchants / landowners / fake scientists
/ Big Pharma and the rest are now too big to fail at keeping their secrets.
Solution? This will set us free.
Return to resource-based economies. Do not borrow unless itâ s from a state bank
that does not charge interest. Gather together and itemize all the resources of
your community and barter.
Keep your wealth to yourselves.
Above all, donâ t listen to snake oil salesment like Obama and Al Bore who are
just stealing while callously killing your children for money.
(Required reading:,
Tacitus, â The Annals of Romeâ , Book Six).
Comment by Tom Dennen December 15, 2009 @ 9:01 am

Great link @ lexrex. Thanks

Comment by Barry December 17, 2009 @ 12:40 pm
Except that the money troubles werent invented by the fractional reserve
goldsmiths. The system began in ancient Babylonia and was fully taken up,
adapted and embellished via the â jewsâ in their plagiarized Talmud.
Comment by Anonymous December 15, 2009 @ 3:37 pm
Manipulation of the mind is an extreme form of violence against the person.
Well, at least Kurt Gödel punched a hole in Russell and Whiteheadâ s Principia
Mathematica, a presumably invulnerable piece of logic.
Kurt Gödel, youâ re the man!
Comment by Jimmt December 17, 2009 @ 5:57 am

The discoverery of cuneform writing, were they not found on hundreds of clay
tablets which were â contractsâ written in ancient mesapotania. Today you cant do
any kind of business unless you sign a contract. I always thought we are living
in a modern Babylon
Comment by Steve December 24, 2009 @ 12:26 pm
Russel is one of the most evil men to have ever walked this planet. He is
responsible for lies that have brought about the death of millions of innocent
His materia matmatica is as dry as the Sahara; how many scientists are wasting
away their careers and advancements in knowledge trying to fit linear
mathematical explanations into a non-linear world?
Thanks to Berti we get the clowns in climate gate and Fat Al Gore and if it
succeeds will bring about genocide.
Comment by stephen December 17, 2009 @ 6:06 am
Right on about Russell and todayâ s crystallization of his ideas. Frightening.
However, I do want to set straight the record on global warming. IT exists ! I
have studied the topic in depth. Even skeptical scientists like MITâ s Richard
Lindzen admits that there is manmade warming just that he thinks it is not that
It is not a conspiracy, though elitist among the scientists and politicians have
given the science a bad name.
I had worked for an atmospheric lab for many years and know the research and
peer review process. Lots of egos but no conspiracy.
Comment by Stan December 17, 2009 @ 7:19 am

You are flat out WRONG about your global warming comment. Global warming does
NOT exist. It isnâ t CO2 that causes warming but the sun and itâ s exposure to
cosmic rays. An increase in cosmic rays causes the sun to burn hotter, 200 years
later the earth and the planets heat up. This CO2 Global Warming crap is fraud,
evil, IGNORANCE, and a crime. These so-called scientists are guilty of fraud and
conspiracy and should be arrested.
Comment by Ken D. Webber December 17, 2009 @ 2:12 pm
Bring down the house of cards. It is easy. psionics.
Comment by dick December 17, 2009 @ 10:15 am
Today, like during ages, the primary goal of most governments is to maintain
peace. To reach it they follow Russellâ s « Even if all are miserable, all will
believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are
soâ , who almost quotes Emperor Jules Cesar requiring â bread and games for my
people to keep them happyâ , answering their day-to-day basic needs and keeping
them away from reasoning through multiple ways to play games or fictions or
dreaming to become equal to their idols (football player, singers, movie stars),
thus avoiding rebellion against the current society systems. Who can today
assess the reality of any event announced through Internet, radio or television,
even the smallest car-crash?
The one who will have the words and charisma to change in only 20% of the world
population the understanding of what is real today might not have the guts to
even foresee the consequences.
A couple of financially â miserablesâ like me would not change anything.
Therefore we are left to take benefit of any and all advantages the system
offers, sharpen our analysis and get proofs when available before considering
any word, thought or image as real, and watch every of our steps.
Comment by Oliver December 17, 2009 @ 10:15 am
[...] Source:
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17, 2009 @ 10:43 am
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December 17, 2009 @ 12:09 pm
Contentment in slavery is a good thing. But if the master is a liar, a thief,
and a murderer, the slaves are bound to be discontented.
Comment by Jeff December 17, 2009 @ 1:30 pm
Universal government is a good thing. But rulers with perception askew are out
of sync with their own well-being, let alone the subjects of their domain.
Comment by Jeff December 17, 2009 @ 2:13 pm
which means what exactly? Well, global warming is found and taught in the bible
as being the direct work of Almighty God, PERIOD! and boy O boy I think this
world is in for a serious wake up call shortly. And O where Russel is concerned
it comes as no surprise to me that crop circles are forming largely in that
island nation. Understand both {} are the
work of the Creator and given what was formed in an English field that is these
wordsâ ¦
â Beware the bearers of false gifts and broken promises,
Much pain but there is still time,
Beleive there is still good out there,
We oppose the decievers,
The conduit is closing.
and the masses need to start paying attention!!! I mean look anyone with a grade
level education of Christâ s teachings can see the biblical connotations of these
words direct from a conduit of heaven!!!!
Comment by Jerry December 17, 2009 @ 3:33 pm
According to a recent Daily Telegraph report [2], former Israeli Foreign
Minister, Tzipi Livni cancelled her forthcoming trip to London following the
advice of lawyers that a warrant for her arrest for war crimes against the
Rightful Owners of the Land of Palestine had been issued against her.
Livniâ s cowardly reluctance to step foot outside of an Antichrist â nationâ that
has â with the connivance of International Zionists and the International Jewish
(Ashkenazim) Banking Elite â who have thrown billions of ordinary, hard-working
ordinary and middle-class American and European people into poverty and
homelessness with their deliberately planned Credit Derivative scams of
financial deception, is not the first international Ashkenazi terrorist to run
scared of international law.
There is an innumerable list of Israeli military generals, â diplomatsâ and
politicians who have been issued with war crime subpoenas emanating from
independent courts in Belgium, France, Switzerland, Holland, Italy, Spain and
Britain. Weâ re not talking about alleged anti-Semitism (for no modern â Jewâ , an
Edomite or Ashkenazi, is a Semite), but about a breed of psychopaths who have
cynically connived at the slaughter of millions of innocent men, women and
children thanks to the astonishingly blind stupidity of
â Bless-the-Lord-and-Pass-the-Bowlâ gullible American citizens, most of whom have
been unwittingly fooled by their political masters and wicked, money-grubbing
Freemasonic, snake-like hypnotists such as John Hagee, themselves puppets on the
string of the all-powerful non-Semitic Ashkenazim Edomite Lobby.
Israel, despite its status as a pariah state amongst thousands of judicial
authorities in Europe and around the world, is still regarded as an â allyâ by
the traitors who govern the American people. Barack Obama, of whom I warned
shortly after his â popularâ election would represent the ultimate traitor of the
American people [3], has played his role to perfection: establishing, at first,
a sharp distinction between the approach of the Zionist Neocons who ran Bush
like a glove-doll with their hands delved so deep down inside of his anal
passage, they were even able to twang the few vocal chords over which The Great
Cretin had a modicum of intellectual control. Now Obama has been brought to
heel. Good boy. Israelâ s obedient House Nigger.
Livniâ s complicity, indeed direct involvement in the continuing, sheer, vicious
and unapologetic Holocaust of the people of Gaza and the West Bank, the True
People of The Land, which involves the deliberately targeted bombing of schools
and hospitals and the use of flesh-eating white-phosphorous, is nothing beyond
the extraordinarily evil and inherent mentality of an alien people, the
Ashkenazim, whose forefathers were never of Semitic descent, and who, by mere
virtue of their hatred for the creativity they possess not within themselves and
must steal (as Einstein stole the best ideas of uniquely ingenious German
physicists) from real human beings everything to justify their existence as
bandits and thieves, is typically indicative of sociopaths who vent their spleen
and anger against those they despise as real creators and genuinely hard-working
producers of wealth [4].
When we talk of Livni, Meier, Begin, Rabin, Netanyahu, Sharon (and treasonous
dual American-Israeli Fifth-Columnists such as Paul Wolfowitz, Raul Emmanuel,
Michael Chertoff and Ben Bernanke) and the founding mass murdering terrorist of
the Satanic state of Israel, the antichristic and European-hating Ben Gurion,
let us never forget that we are dealing with representatives of an illegal sect
of International Usurpers who have brought our entire world to the very brink of

not only financial bankruptcy, but right unto the Abyss of nuclear Armageddon.
Poor little nuclear-armed â Israelâ , which has even threatened to destroy the
entire world unless it gets its own petulant, screaming and kicking childish
little ways. Let us, as gullible Christians and westerners, who have been taught
to hate all Arabs (the true Semites and the real Children of Shem) release a
flood of tears so great for those much-abused hook-nosed destroyers of orange
groves and the builders of a hideous wall of evil between themselves and real,
suffering humanity, drown them all in a deluge of our overwhelming sympathy for
their sheer Christ-murdering cunning and arts of manipulation, blackmail and
Let us, as Christians and westerners, never forget their hatred towards us and
forgive them for their apparently harmless wisecracks; for surely, these lovable
Edomites and Turko-Mongols, who were never the Children of Israel, must be
joking when they say:
â We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at
targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are
targets of our air force.⠍ Israeli military tactician and professor Martin
Crevald [5].
Let us consider the ponderings of the Bolshevik Jewish racial supremacist,
Menachem Begin:
â Our race [speaking of the Ashkenazim false Jews and Edomites] is the Master
Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior
races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are
beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human
excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom
will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet
and serve us as our slaves.⠍ June 25, 1982, as quoted as an enhancement of
Rabbi Schneersonâ s racist claims in the â New Statesmanâ .
Yet Satanic asslickers, such as John Hagee, Barack Obama and the demonically
selfish and unscrupulous Hillary Clinton, will not hear one word against a
people who have always, and will continue, to despise hard-working Americans and
Europeans. Letâ s name just a small sample of the Jews who have hated and
despised America; who have betrayed, and whose ilk will always continue to
betray, America and the English people:
Comment by Mihail December 17, 2009 @ 3:34 pm

Excellent! Amen.
Comment by Al December 17, 2009 @ 11:34 pm
Comment by john norris December 17, 2009 @ 3:49 pm
In that last paragraph shouldnâ t the word â exceptâ be â acceptâ ?
Comment by Harv December 17, 2009 @ 4:01 pm
[...] here to read the rest of the article. var addthis_pub = ''; var
addthis_language = 'en';var [...]
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December 17, 2009 @ 4:07 pm
What is the source of each quote attributed to Bertrand Arthur-William Russell?
So they can be verified.
Comment by David December 17, 2009 @ 4:55 pm
I would like to share your Bertrand Russell quotes with others, but you provide
no references. Could/would you add to your blog where you obtained the Russell
Comment by Anonymous December 17, 2009 @ 5:27 pm
This has been happening for the last 2 decades in the British education system.
It produced unproductive criminals and idiots.
Comment by edballseyeballs December 17, 2009 @ 6:04 pm
[...] FULL STORY» [...]
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7:21 pm
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Weblog December 17, 2009 @ 7:34 pm
[...] [story] â From the technique of advertising it seems to follow that in the
great majority of mankind any proposition will win acceptance if it is
reiterated in such a way as to remain in the memory. Most of the things that we
believe we believe because we have heard them affirmed; we do not remember where
or why they were affirmed, and we are therefore unable to be critical even when
the affirmation was made by a man whose income would be increased by its
acceptance and was not backed by any evidence whatsoever.â [...]
Pingback by t minus zero » The Scientific Manipulation of Our Reality December
18, 2009 @ 2:15 am

Now that I like! Thank you. By the way hereâ s a song I think you might likeâ ¦
â Seven million years of progress handed down on silver wings
Of gossamer and protein still we havenâ t learned a thing
Are we caught up in our anger, locked up in our rage
In the opera of selection on this our earthly stage
And Charlieâ s laughing, laughing in his grave
Laughing at the prophecy the prophecy he gave
Can we spread our wings like angels, can we break out of the grind
Are we destined to be Darwinâ s children this time
The ribbons of our cigarettes vanish in the air
In the glow of our great teacher we sit and blankly stare
And the sky could open up and what would we have to say
Something cute about burning out, better than fading away
On the wings of invention now we hurtle towards our fate
As sure as the sunset burns
Collective resignation, evolutionary fate
When will we ever learn?â {Edwin McCain from the album Misguided Roses}
Comment by Jerry December 18, 2009 @ 4:42 am
Gosh, I kinda like that utopia. Amusements?
Haha! Sounds fun. And Iâ m already dumb, so what the hey. Trouble is, I have this
thing about the Constitution where it says I have a right to bear arms. OOPS! I
just love that Alamo story.
Comment by Franky December 18, 2009 @ 4:10 am
Observe the pancake theorey to explain the collapse of the World trade centre
towers. It does not obey the laws of physics, yet a country full of people seem
to have swallowed it- hook, line, sinker.
Comment by reality stinks December 18, 2009 @ 9:02 am
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