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This chapter discusses certain points: classroom action research design, subject of

the research, data, data collection technique, data analysis, research procedures,

material and teacher’s training procedure, and indicator of the reseach.

3.1 Classroom Action Research Design

Classroom Action Research (CAR) is form of qualitative research. In the

qualitative research, a researcher tries to see the subject research holistically. A

researcher does not only see the subject research from certain aspects, but also all

phenomena from the subject laboured to be united and connected to become one

portrait as a whole from accurate subject (Setiyadi, 2006:220).

This (CAR) was implemented to find whether there is improvement on students’

reading comprehension achievement using make a match technique.

In this case, the writer acted as the teacher by implementing make a match

technique based on the teacher’s problem in teaching reading comprehension and

how the teacher solved the problem by herself. She discussed the way to apply

this technique to other English teacher as observer or collaborator. The writer

asked her to observe all the learning process during the implementation of make a

match learning technique, that was the strength and the weakness when this

technique was implemented, and learning result that is reading comprehension

test. And this process was done in two cycles. When the writer has been

convinced that the students’ reading comprehension is good, she stopped this


3.2 Subject of the Research

This research was conducted at the VIII3 grade students of SMP Negeri 3

Pringsewu. There were seven classes consisting class VIII.1 until VIII.7. And the

subject of this research was the VIII3 grade students. The writer took the class

VIII3, because there was different ability in English. It was done after discussing

with the other English teacher.

3.3 Data

In this research the data was taken from the score of the observation of students’

reading comprehension activities, questionnaire list of the implementation

technique and reading test question.

3.4 Data Collection Technique

The writer used three kinds of instrument in collecting the data. They were

reading text question test in order to measure the students’ reading comprehension

achievement, the questionnaire list in order to get the feedback and investigated

the problem faced by the students during the implementation of make a match

technique , and observation sheet of the students’ reading comprehension

activities in order to observe all the activities of the students during the make a

match technique implemented.

3.4.1 Reading Question Test

In order to get the data about the students’ reading comprehension achievement in

groups or individually, the teacher used the test in multiple choice form. The

question test consisted of 10 items. And the teacher assessed the students test

result on five aspects of reading comprehension. They were mind idea, specific

information, references, inferences and vocabulary. And there were 2 items of

question each aspect.

3.4.2 Questionnaire list

The writer gave the questionnaire list in order to get the feedback and investigated

the problem faced by the students during the implementation of make a match

technique, whether the technique made the students easier to comprehend the

reading text and active in learning or not. The contents of the questionnaire were

about the students’ learning problems and opinions of the implementation learning

reading comprehension through make a match technique.

3.4.3 Observation

The learning process drawing conclusion that happened during the

implementation of make a match technique was observed by the observer. The

observer was a senior teacher of SMPN 3 Pringsewu. She has been an English

teacher since 2006. Observation sheet of the students activities were used by the

writer. In case , how the make a match technique implemented in reading

comprehension learning process.

3.5 Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process to organize the data in order to get patterns or forms

of regularity in a research (Setiyadi, 2006:255).

a. Evaluating Students’ Reading Comprehension


In measuring the students’ reading comprehension achievement, the writer used

the table of specification of reading comprehension. A table of spesification was

an instrument that helped the test constructor to show the validity of the test. The

test has content validity because it covers the five aspects of reading

comprehension. It is presented as follows:

Table 3.1 Specification of Reading Comprehension

Aspect Items Percentages

Identifying main idea 2 20%

Identifying specific information 2 20%
Determining references 2 20%
Making inference 2 20%
Understanding difficult vocabulary 2 20%
Total 10 100%

b. Analyzing the Data

In this step the writer interpreted the written form of data and tried to find the

problems during learning process using Make a Match technique.

1. Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement

In analyzing the students’ reading comprehension achievement gained from the

result of the reading comprehension test by implementation make a match

technique (see appendix 3).

The assessment of the students in reading comprehension is formulated below:

Student’s score
Student Value = x 100

Maksimum score

A student can be said complete if she/he got score 76 or higher in answering the

reading text.

In order to know the classical completeness of the students can be formulated as


P= X 100%

P = Percentage of completeness

n = Number of complete students

N = Number of students in the class

A class can be said complete if 75 % of the students got score 76 or higher

(Sudjana, 2001: 129).

2. Students’ Perception of the Implementation Technique

In analyzing students’ perception of the implementation make a match technique

whether the technique made the students easier to comprehend the reading text or

not, the writer used the questionnaire list ( see appendix 4). The content of the

questionnaire list was about the students’ problem and opinion about the

technique. The questionnaire was done after the teacher implemented the make a

match technique. The result of the students’ perception is formulated as follow:

P= X 100%

P = Percentage of implementation technique

F = Number of students has good perception


N = Number of students in the class

The implementation of make a match learning technique can be said good when

there are 75% students feel that the technique makes the students easier to

comprehend the reading text (Sudjana, 2001:129).

3. Students’ Reading Comprehension Activities

In analyzing students’ reading comprehension activities the writer counted the

sum of the scores for all activities that the students did in pre-activity, while

activity, and post activity of teaching learning process (see appendix 5 and 6). It is

similar to analyze the result classical completeness of the student, to analyze the

students’ activity in reading comprehension learning process, the score percentage

is gained from the result of observation that can be formulated as follow:

P= X 100%

P = Score percentage of students’ activities

n = Number of active students

N = Number of students in the class

The students’ activities in reading comprehension learning process can be

categorized good when there are 75% or more of the students are actively

involved in teaching learning process. The writer set it since according to

Arikunto (1993:210), if more then 75% of students were actively involved in

teaching and learning activities, it can be categorized as good level.


3.6 Research Procedures

This action research was done in two cycles. But before the writer described the

procedures of this research, it is better for us to know the definition of the

Classroom Action Research (CAR). According to John Elliot (1982) defines that

Action Research is study about social situation with a view to improve the action

quality in it. All the process are analyzing, diagnosing, planing, acting/executing,

monitoring, and the influence of relation creating that is needed between self

evaluation from professional growth. As Kemmis and Taggart (1988) say that

Action research is a form of self inquiry reflection that is done by the teacher in a

certain social situation with a purpose to develop rationality and justice in

powering work quality in colaboration.

This research refered to Kemmis and Taggart opinion, that action research

included plan, act, observe, and reflect. The writer conducted the first cycle

based on the problem faced by the students in reading comprehension in class.

Next, the teacher taught reading comprehension using make a match learning

technique based on the lesson plan. The writer gave the complete reading text, a

set of cutting card questions, and a set of couples answer. After the students

finished answering the question by matching with the couple of answer, then the

writer collected their answer, and then checked it together whether their answer

have been right or not in class. She also asked the other English teacher to observe

the activities of students during applying this learning technique. Then the result

analyzed and discussed with the other English teacher as observer. Next, she

conducted the next cycle based on the weaknesses happening in the previous

cycle. And she stopped in the second cycle. Each cycle of classroom action

research consisted of: 1. Planning, 2. Acting, 3. Observing 4. Reflecting.

The Cycle of Classroom Action Research (Kemmis and Taggart:1988)

Cycle 1
Observation Reflection


Cycle 2 Plan
Observation Reflection


CAR (Classroom Action Research) cycles are classified as the followings:

1. Plan

After decided the problems, she choosed appropriate technique to overcome the

problems. In this phase, the writer also planned the type of test and teaching

material while preparing teaching aids and lesson plan, observation sheet of

students’ activities.

2. Action

The writer asked the other English teacher to observe the writer and the students’

activities while the writer/teacher applied make a match technique by using

observation sheet of students’ activities.


3. Observation

Observation in the class was done while the writer/teacher applied the make a

match technique by the observer (the other English teacher).

4. Reflection

In this phase, the writer analyzed and reflected her teaching that was the

weaknesses and the strenghts of her technique based on the result of observation

sheet and the test in the class.

3.7 Material and Teacher’s Training Procedure

The teacher’s training procedure consisted of three stages, they are:

1. Preparation

In this stage the teacher/writer prepared lesson plan, teaching materials, they were

a sheet of complete reading text, a set of cutting cards of questions, a set of cutting

cards of answers. Before the writer conducted this research, she tried to

demonstrate how to teach reading comprehension using make a match technique

to the other English teacher as the observer. And also she prepared observation

sheet of students’ activities, reading text test question and questionnaire list.

2. Implementation

In case, the writer would like to tell the procedures of her teaching reading

comprehension using make a match technique.


a. The teacher /the writer opened the class and greeted the students and then she

motivated them and stimulated the students’background knowledge with some


questions. (Have you ever read the tale? What titles of the tale did you read?,

who are the character in the story?)

b. The teacher informed the material which is going to be learned and introduced

make a match learning

c. The teacher/the writer explained about the objectives of her teaching about the


While activity

a. The teacher broke the class up into group of three students. And then the

teacher distributed a set of complete reading text paper, a set of cutting cards of

questions, and a set of cutting cards of answer couples to every group.

b. After all groups got the reading text, a set of questions and a set of answers,

then the teacher asked them to answer all questions given by matching with the

answer given in group discussion, after that they wrote their result in their

paper individually, but in case the teacher asked the students to read the

complete reading, before they match it. And the teacher gave 60 minutes for

every group to do this activity.

c. After the students finished answering all their questions, the teacher asked them

to collect their answer. And then the teacher distributed the paper to different

student to check together whether their answer have been right or false. In case

the teacher asked one of the students to read it.

d. The teacher asked the students to collect their paper again and made the

conclussion of the answer of reading text question with the students together.

e. The teacher gave the individual reading test to the students in order to know

their ability in reading comprehension mastery and questionnaire to the


students about the implementation technique that they have done to give the

feedback of the teaching learning process.


a. The teacher gave instruction to the students to make a short paragraph about the

summary of the text that they have studied.

b. The teacher closed the class.

3.8 Indicator of the Research

In order to see whether teaching reading comprehension using make a match

technique improved students’ reading comprehension achievement or not, the

teacher/writer determined the indicator of the research, they are:

a. Learning Process

For the learning process, observation was done to the teacher by the observer

during the teaching learning process by observing the whole of the students’

reading comprehension activities in the class and the result of answering the

questionnaire list.

1. Students’ reading Comprehension Activities

Learning process using make a match technique, the data of the students’ reading

comprehension activities are taken from the observation sheet. When there were

75% or more students involved actively in learning process, it meant that the

learning process is good.


2. The Result of Questionnaire List

The result of the questionnaire list would give feedback of the learning process

implementation using Make a Match technique. When there were 75% students

feel that the technique made the students easier to comprehend the reading text, it

meant that the technique is good.

b. Learning Product

In order to get the learning product, the writer used one instrument that was

reading question text test. The indicator of learning product was if 75% of the

students who gott score at least 76 (seventy six) or higher in answering of reading


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