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Teaching is, Purpose of teaching..

researcher experience

2013 is… new curriculum….difficult,,, sustainability,,

Appropriate basic and core 2013



The curriculum implementation is the realization process of the curriculum design that interpreted in some aspects of
equipping documents, books, training, associating, and monitoring to achieve the smooth learning implementation,
(Permendikbud No. 159, 2014).



The 2013 curriculum represents several kinds of learning models to support the scientific approach such as inquiry
learning, discovery learning, project based learning, and problem based learning, (Permendikbud No. 103, 2014). In
order to make a learning process to be more enjoyable, teacher needs to support the learning model by some method
such as group discussion and games.

Wamendik (2014) stated that one of the characteristics of 2013 curriculum is used scientific approach. Scientific
approach is one of approach that is expected to grow students’ learning motivation.

Skill in scientific approach is acquired through activities involving observation, questioning, trying, reasoning, and
presenting, or creating, (Permendikbud No. 65, 2013).

Picture-LCD, make dialogue (group), present

Besides, based on the data findings, the students are demanded to be active in learning process.


To the assessment aspect (affective, cognitive, psychomotor),,, Firstly, the affective aspect could be assessed by
observation, peer assessment, self-assessment. Secondly, the cognitive aspect could be assessed by written test, oral
test, and assignment. Thirdly, the psychomotor aspect could be assessed by project and performance, (Permendikbud
No. 104, 2014).


time allocation aspect that arranged in lesson plan… The time allocation determined appropriated as the need for the
basic competence achievement and learning load considering with the amount of learning hours that available in
syllabus and basic competence that have to be achieved, (Permendikbud No. 65, 2013)

According to Nunan (1989, p. 79) states that role refers to the part that learners and teachers are expected to play in
carrying out learning tasks as well as the social and interpersonal relationships between the participants. Richards et
al (1986, p. 23) states some role of teacher that are the teacher as a source of knowledge and direction, consultant,
guide, catalyst, and a model of learning.
According to Richards (1986, p. 23), the students contribution in learning process considerably influenced by how
learners are regarded.


This research is used as a review of the curriculum implementation with the teacher ability in the planning until

The teacher can minimized the factors that slow down the teaching and learning

A group of english teacher can be useful to discuss the problem/factor faced in their class

English teacher can do some effort based on the factor that influenced learning process


Evaluate policy of the curriculum related the effectiveness, time allocation, material, and learning model

The teacher can reflect he result of the result

For school, able to get positive point from the research result. The result can be used as the reference to monitor the
English teaching the 2013 curriculum

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