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Assuming Myanmar would accept, THBT the Rohingya should adopt the majority culture and

religion in exchange for citizenship

The conflict between Myanmar and Rohingya ethnic have been raised for long time ago and still
can’t be solve by the government and become local problem with regional consequences.
Rohingyas are minority muslim groups in Buddhist-majority Myanmar (from 51 million
population, only about 1.2 million are Rohingyas). They got many violence and not officially
considered as citizens. Reuters reported Myanmar set plan to give citizenship and giving the
choise to adopt the majority culture and region. The minister of foreign affairs ( Wunna Maung
Lwin) said the government has work hard to creat peace, stability, harmony for people in
Rakhine Province and the government always make public policy for Rohingya ethnic, after they
got their citizenship the government promise to bulid infrastructure like house for refugees,
improve the health services and education and get their right of being citizenship like getting
birth certificate. This not lead them to change their religion but adopt the cuture and religion this
sense mean that they should adaptation with the culture and religion in Myanmar, so this not to
push them to change but implemented it in their life.

Why this justify for the government to set this regulation for Rohingya’s people:

1. Local solutions : stop the state-sponsores violence must be end

2. Emerging radicalization

We are going with the first argument, firstly why Rohingya should adopthe majority, we see
stabilize the condition between government and society. Even the government already work hard
to giving the beast way for solve this region conflict, the understanding between rohingya people
should take part. Because why? Relationship between government and citizen really sacred with
all the violent and make the country always in damage situation this need a strong regulation that
implemented and focus not just only the government side but also giving the Rohingya chance to
adaptation with the government regulation have been settle . this not heading them to change
their nature cultural but adopt it to make stabilize between that, this issue not blew uo and has
been controversial if two side not contribut easily.
OO side

We totally disagree with Myanmar’s government regulation plan to give them a way to accept
with people in Myanmar, with adopt the majority culture and religion, because this “ disturb their
nature cultural and freedom of their belief” this one one discrimination, in other way the
government claim that’s way they achieve of their right for citizenship and decrease the violence
that have been happen for long time, does it contradictive, while you have good life and principle
in your own country and now all the beliefs and culture that not sinkron with the country like we
have to “ make one way and make it same” is that discriminate ? . example in Indonesia there’s a
lot of cultures, ethnics, or religio, but they still life in harmony, peace and HOLD with the
government it self, so they protect with special regulation because they have own culture and
don’t want to take a part in common society. We believe that’s plan really not work for them and
there’s a better way to negotiation, because the stabilize of the country comes when there a
balance and equal effect and feedback for each sides.

THBT the conflicts in middle east should only be solved by Arab league

The Arab League is a voluntarily formed regional organization of 22 Arab countries including
Palestine which it considers an independent state. The idea of the League was encouraged by the
British in early 1940s with the prime purpose of rallying the Arab nations against the Axis . The
League also aims to strengthen ties among member states, coordinate their policies and direct
them towards common good. It renounces violence for conflict settlement among members and
empowers the League to peacefully mediate such conflicts among members as well as those
involving non-members. With this mission, arab league will take a part of nay conflict where
happen in middle east because they would like to integrate their mission and of couse to make
peace in middle east

Most of these conflicts have now acquired international focus by transcending the borders of the
Arab region. As a result many actors both regional and international are attempting to mediate
like Palestine and Iraq , if not solve the frustrating conflicts of the Arab world. So far or during
the past few decades to be precise the Arab World has witnessed several battles, most notably,
two wars against Iraq, civil war in Somalia (1991), two wars against Gaza (2008, 2012), two
wars against Lebanon (1982, 2006), political turmoil in Yemen, military coup in Mauritania
(2008) and civil war and the secessionist movement in Sudan (2011). The ongoing Israel-
Palestine conflict, the Arab Spring and the most recent ISIS movement only adds to the list

Challenging the Arab League to fulfill its original goals formulated over 60 years ago—“to
become a nucleus for a genuine Arab unity”•—King Abdullah promised that if the Arab
League’s credibility is restored, “the winds of hope will blow.”

Example like one of comflict : Saudis and others who care deeply about peace in the region had
high expectations. After all, Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz had just used razzle-
dazzle diplomacy in Mecca the previous month to help the rival Palestinian groups Fatah and
Hamas forge a unity government. Now there was no longer an excuse for the U.S. and EU to
continue economic sanctions that have caused a humanitarian crisis in the occupied Palestinian

Why this justify and this good way to give “ gold hand” for the arab league to help solve the
middle east problem

1. Mission of the arab league because the conflict happen in the area that the arab league
2. Conflict need thirt party to give solution and decrease any war will be raise or blow in the

With this motion and background of the Arab League mission and the conflict barely happen in
the middle east, make strongly position of Arab league to take a part to solve this problem,
because the problem we see, really serious issue and damage the any conflict country. This will
give change for the conflict countries and profit for arab league and the conflict country

OO side

We don’t agree with this motion, currently we know the arab league is organization of renounces
violence for conflict settlement and mediation conflict contries. But conflict not all can be solve
by the 3rd party and they can manipulate because the arab league just need of profit that impact
for 22 countries and their competence to solve problem should be survey, the validity of their
mission to solve it must be evaluate and survey because it can damge and giving fire for the
problem that happen in countries.

As ASEAN, THR Singapore’s policy on Trans-Boundary Haze Pollution Act

The ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution is a legally binding environmental

agreement signed in 2002 by the member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to
reduce haze pollution in Southeast Asia. The agreement is a reaction to an environmental crisis
that hit Southeast Asia in the late 1990s. The crisis was mainly caused by land clearing for
agricultural uses via open burning on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Satellite images
confirmed the presence of hot spots throughout Kalimantan/Borneo, Sumatra, the Malay
Peninsula and several other places, with an estimated 45,000 square kilometres of forest and land
burnt.[3] Malaysia, Singapore and to a certain extent, Thailand and Brunei were particularly
badly affected.

Recently Indonesia has been placed as the world’s third largest greenhouse gas emitter with 75%
of its emissions stemming from deforestation and that’s why Indonesia one of county to pay the

a Transboundary Haze Pollution Bill that imposes financial penalties on entities contributing to
the haze. Using a multi-disciplinary approach, we analyze the pollution issue and the associated
legislation using the paradigms of tools, values, politics, science, and capacity. We find that the
legislation has sufficient political and scientific traction to be effective despite significant
conflict of values. While Singapore has no experience implementing extraterritorial legislation,
their track record of good governance inspires confidence. However, the Bill is still an unilateral
solution to a transboundary problem and will need to be augmented by eventual multilateral
cooperation. Hence, we recommend that Singapore continue pursuing multilateral avenues

The Bill seeks to impose penalties of up to USD 1.6 million on entities responsible for causing
haze pollution in Singapore. The entities may be liable to a fine of up to USD 80,000 for each
day of haze.

We going to delivery our argument, first thing that why the Singapore doing this policy because
they have feel their effect of the haze it self but we want to give some example, like the center of
earthquake happen in Indonesia and the wave reach until Singapore and many infrastructure
broken, so does it mean we have to pay the punishment because of that’s happen in Indonesia?.
So the regulation of Trans-Boundary Haze Pollution not implemented with the nature situation of
natural disasters and all the forest fire happen in indonesia not actoring by human but the
condition in forest because of the season too.

OO side :

The function of ASEAN is to prove the peace and stability by respecting justice and to solve
problem that relate with the member needed, the problem of this cases not implemented in who
creat the haze but how to uphold the regulation of punishment for something that impact with the
whole country and this be the warning for the country to pay attention about their county
situation ( focus on the pollution of forest fire). With this waring they will try to fixing it.

THBT the western countries should seek to support the ArakanRohingnya

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