Project On Amul

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Summer Internship is an opportunity for an MBA student to expose himself

towards the practical facet, environment & cultural organizational dynamics of an
organizational. It is a medium through which we get a chance to implement
practically, the theoretical input gained in classroom.

It requires a lot of guidance & cooperation of people we are working with for the
successful completion of the project .For that purpose I would like to express my
profound gratitude to my project guide Mr. B.R Mukharjee (Marketing Head) &
Mr. Manoj Kumar without whose able guidance it was impossible to finish this
project on time.

Last but not the least it was the blessing of my elders & support of my friends,
which kept me motivated through, out the project.


Shravan Kumar Pandey


My research was on flavor milk. my work was to find out brand

awareness,market share and how AMUL should be promote the product. Really I
am very thankful to Mr. Manoj Kumar who guides us very well. I learnt so many
thinks to him. He is very cooperative and nice person. I did our project through
Questionnaire which is attached
with the project report. We took few parameters to do project they are

 Awareness
 Availability
 Price
 Promotion strategy
 Competitor and their strategy
 Finding out new market or consumer base for product
About Organization

Formally known as GCMMF, AMUL means “priceless” in Sanskrit. The brand

name “AMUL” from the Sanskrit “Amoolya,” was suggested by a quality control
expert in Anand. Amul products have been in use in millions of homes since
1946. Amul butter, Amul milk powder, Amul ghee, Amul spray, Amul cheese,
Amul chocolates, Amul Shrikhand, Amul ice cream, Nutramul, Amul milk, Amul
FLV and Amulya have made Amul a leading food brand in India. Today Amul is a
symbol of many things… of high quality products sold at reasonable prices… of
the genesis of a vast cooperative network… of the triumph of indigenous
technology… of the marketing savvy of a farmer’s organization… and of a proven
model for dairy development.
50 years after it was first launched, Amul sales figures have jumped from
1000 tons a year in 1966 to over 25000 tons a year in 1997 and sales figure of
rupees 11140 millions in 1994-95 to rupees 23365 millions in 2001-02. No other
brand comes even close to it. It was all because a thumb sized girl climbed on to
the hoardings and put a spell on the masses.

For thirty odd years the Utterly Butterly girl has managed to keep her fan
following intact. So mush so that the ads are now ready to enter the Guinness
Book of World Records for being the longest running campaign ever. The
ultimate compliment to the butter came when a British company launches butter
and called it Utterly Butterly, few years back.

50 years after it was first launched, Amul sales figures have jumped from 1000
tons a year in 1966 to over 25000 tons a year in 1997. No other brand came
even close to it. All because thumb sized girl climbed on the hoardings and put a
spell on the masses.


Amul (Anand Milk Union Limited), formed in 1946, is a dairy cooperative

movement in India. It is a brand name managed by an apex cooperative
organisation, Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF),
which today is jointly owned by some 2.6 million milk producers in Gujarat,

AMUL is based in Anand town of Gujarat and has been a sterling example of a
co-operative organization's success in the long term. It is one of the best
examples of co-operative achievement in the developing world. "Anyone who has
seen ... the dairy cooperatives in the state of Gujarat, especially the highly
successful one known as AMUL, will naturally wonder what combination of
influences and incentives is needed to multiply such a model a thousand times
over in developing regions everywhere."[2] The Amul Pattern has established
itself as a uniquely appropriate model for rural development. Amul has spurred
the White Revolution of India, which has made India the largest producer of milk
and milk products in the world. It is also the world's biggest vegetarian cheese
brand [3].

Amul is the largest food brand in India and world's Largest Pouched Milk Brand
with an annual turnover of US $1050 million (2006-07) [4]. Currently Amul has 2.6
million producer members with milk collection average of 10.16 million litres per
day. Besides India, Amul has entered overseas markets such as Mauritius, UAE,
USA, Bangladesh, Australia, China, Singapore, Hong Kong and a few South
African countries. Its bid to enter Japanese market in 1994 had not succeeded,
but now it has fresh plans of flooding the Japanese markets [5]. Other potential
markets being considered include Sri Lanka.

It all began in 1966 when Sylvester daCunha, then the managing director of the
advertising agency, ASP, clinched the account for Amul butter. The butter, which
had been launched in 1945, had a staid, boring image, primarily because the
earlier advertising agency which was in charge of the account preferred to stick
to routine, corporate ads.

In India, food was something one couldn't afford to fool around with. It had been
taken too seriously, for too long. Sylvester daCunha decided it was time for a
change of image.

The year Sylvester daCunha took over the account, the country saw the birth of a
campaign whose charm has endured fickle public opinion, gimmickry and all

The Amul girl who lends herself so completely to Amul butter, created as a rival
to the Polson butter girl. This one was sexy, village belle, clothed in a tantalising
choli all but covering her upper regions. "Eustace Fernandez (the art director)
and I decided that we needed a girl who would worm her way into a housewife's
heart. And who better than a .For 30 odd years the Utterly Butterly girl has
managed to keep her fan following intact. So much so that the ads are now ready
to enter the Guinness Book of World Records for being the longest running
campaign ever. The ultimate compliment to the butter came when a British
company launched a butter and called it Utterly Butterly, last year.

For the first one year the ads made statements of some kind or the other but they
had not yet acquired the topical tone. In 1967, Sylvester decided that giving the
ads a solid concept would give them extra mileage, more dum, so to say. It was a
decision that would stand the daCunhas in good stead in the years to come.

In 1969, when the city first saw the beginning of the Hare Rama Hare Krishna
movement, Sylvester daCunha, Mohammad Khan and Usha Bandarkar, then the
creative team working on the Amul account came up with a clincher -- 'Hurry
Amul, Hurry Hurry'. Bombay reacted to the ad with a fervour that was almost as
devout as the Iskon fever.

That was the first of the many topical ads that were in the offing. From then on
Amul began playing the role of a social observer. Over the years the campaign
acquired that all important Amul touch.

India looked forward to Amul's evocative humour. If the Naxalite movement was
the happening thing in Calcutta, Amul would be up there on the hoardings
saying, "Bread without Amul Butter, cholbe na cholbe na (won't do, won't do). If
there was an Indian Airlines strike Amul would be there again saying, Indian
Airlines Won't Fly Without Amul.
From the Sixties to the Nineties, the Amul ads have come a long way. While
most people agree that the Amul ads were at their peak in the Eighties they still
maintain that the Amul ads continue to tease a laughter out of them.

Where does Amul's magic actually lie? Many believe that the charm lies in the
catchy lines. That we laugh because the humour is what anybody would enjoy.
They don't pander to your nationality or certain sentiments. It is pure and simple,
everyday fun.


GCMMF is India's largest food products marketing organisation. It is a state level

apex body of milk cooperatives in Gujarat, which aims to provide remunerative
returns to the farmers and also serve the interest of consumers by providing
quality products, which are good value for money. GCMMF markets and
manages the Amul brand. From mid-1990's Amul has entered areas not related
directly to its core business. Its entry into ice cream was regarded as successful
due to the large market share it was able to capture within a short period of time -
primarily due to the price differential and the brand name. It also entered the
Pizza business, where the base and the recipes were made available to
restaurant owners who could price it as low as 30 rupees per pizza when the
other players were charging upwards of 100 rupees.

In September 2007, Amul emerged as the leading Asian brand according to a

survey by Synovate to find out Asia's top 1000 Brands.

Amul has recently entered into direct retailing through "Amul Utterly Delicious"
parlours created in major cities Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Baroda, Delhi, Mumbai,
Hyderabad and Surat. Amul has plans to create a large chain of such outlets to
be managed by franchisees throughout the country. We have created Amul
Parlours at some prominent locations in the country, which are run by the
company or its wholesale dealers:

The advent of modern format retailing has led to a sea change in purchasing
behaviour of consumers. While large retail chains do provide some convenience
to consumers, historically they have rarely had any beneficial impact on farmers
who supply agricultural produce to them. Across the world, it is observed that the
farmer’s share in the consumer’s rupee, keeps on declining due to the rising
bargaining power of supermarket chains. This phenomenon will definitely take
place in India, as well, within the next few years. To counter this, we have
decided to set up our own Amul Preferred Outlets (APOs), all across the country.

GCMMF ventured into organised retailing in 2002 with a view of getting closer to
the consumer and provide her the complete brand experience. We have made
our presence felt by creating several strategically located parlours, in a short
period of time. The entire expansion drive is based on the franchisee route
adopted by GCMMF, which means an employment opportunity for thousands of
enterprising Indians. The Retailing operations would not only help farmers and
small time entrepreneurs to counter the onslaught of Modern Format stores but
would also help consumers to relish complete Amul brand experience.
Visit of African Youth Group

A forty member study tour of the African Youth Group as a part of the outreach
programme of the Indo-Africa Forum Summit visited Anand on Saturday, March
29, 2008. The group comprised persons from diverse background and
professions with wide ranging interests. They spent the entire day visiting Amul
Dairy and Museum, IRMA, Vidya Dairy, GCMMF and a Village Dairy Co-
operative Society.

After the visit, they said that they very much liked the concept of Cooperative
Movement as a whole and were taking this rich experience to their country. They
were also impressed with the way it has empowered the people and would try
and replicate it in their country.

This programme has helped in deepening the ties between India and Africa.
The modern face of Amul

The nineties brought in some winds of change. Liberalization of the countries

economy was being talked about. In the Beverage business the scene had
changed from one of shortages of self sufficiency. While everything seemed to
be going well, there was a growing realization of the need to manage effectively
the ever expanding Beverage business in tune with changing times. Would the
dairy managers be able to handle the business through the existing systems and
processes? Two factors needed attention (1) How to cater to ever changing
aspirations of the customers and, (2) How to improve the quality of products and
services that GCMMF offered. The organization had to brace them to effect the
change fast and with as little pain as possible. Information technology had to be
incorporated in our systems and the organizations made learning organization
through perpetual training and retraining.
In 1994, to facilitate the above information GCMMF decided to
introduce the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM) with its twin pillars of
customers focus and continuous improvement. This package entailed employee
involvement, waste reduction, problem solving techniques and improvement of
the processes, together with continuous training. Shri B.M. Vyas who had then
Ntaken over as the managing director of GCMMF took up this gamble and
decided to lead the organization from the front. He was ably assisted by Shri
James Joseph (now in U.S.). Six years down the line and organization has been

An Overview

Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) is India's largest food

products marketing organization. It is a state level apex body of milk cooperatives
in Gujarat which aims to provide remunerative returns to the farmers and also
serve the interest of consumers by providing quality products which are good
value for money.
Members: 13 district cooperative milk producers'

No. of Members:Producer Members: 2.60 million

No. of Village Societies: 12,792

Total Milk handling capacity: 10.16 million litres per day

Milk collection (Total - 2006-07): 2.38 billion litres

Milk collection (Daily Average 2006- 6.51 million litres


Milk Drying Capacity: 594 metric Tons per day

Cattlefeed manufacturing Capacity: 2640 Mts per day

Sales Turn Over

Sales Turnover Rs (million) US $ (in million)

1994-95 11140 355

1995-96 13790 400

1996-97 15540 450

1997-98 18840 455

1998-99 22192 493

1999-00 22185 493

2000-01 22588 500

2001-02 23365 500

2002-03 27457 575

2003-04 28941 616

2004-05 29225 672

2005-06 37736 850

2006-07 42778 1050

Graphical presentation of Sales turns over

20000 S e rie s 2
15000 S e rie s 1
19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
9 4 -9 5 -9 6 -9 7 - 9 8 -9 9 - 0 0 -0 1 -0 2 - 0 3 -0 4 -0 5 -0 6 -
95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
Amul Means

AMUL means "priceless" in Sanskrit. The brand name "Amul," from the Sanskrit
"Amoolya," was suggested by a quality control expert in Anand. Variants, all
meaning "priceless", are found in several Indian languages. Amul productshave
been in use in millions of homes since 1946. Amul Butter, Amul Milk Powder,
Amul Ghee, Amulspray, AmulCheese, Amul Chocolates, Amul Shrikhand, Amul
Ice cream, Nutramul, Amul Milk and Amulya have made Amul anilleading food
brand in India. (Turnover: Rs. 42.78 billion in 2006-07). Today Amul is a symbol
of many things. Of high-quality products sold at reasonable prices. Of the
genesis of a vast co-operative network. Of the triumph of indigenoustechnology.
Of the marketing savvy of a farmers' organisation. And of a proven model for
dairy development.

Amul Mission

We at GCMMF endeavor to satisfy the taste and nutritional requirements of the

customers of the world, through excellence in marketing by our committed team.
Through cooperative networking, we are committed to offering quality
products that provide best value for money.
Amul and Its Special Achievements

Amul - Asia's largest Dairy Co-operative was created way back in 1946 to make
the milk producer self-reliant and conduct milk business with pride. Amul has
always been the trend setter in bringing and adapting the most modern
technology to the door steps of rural farmers.

Amul created history in following areas:

a) First self motivated and autonomous farmers' organization comprising of more

than 500,000 marginal milk producers of Kaira District.

b) Created dairy co-operatives at village level functioning with milk collection

centres owned by them.

c) Provided state-of-art milk fat measuring system.

d) Computerized milk collection system with electronic scale and computerized

accounting system.

e) Artificial insemination facility right at farmers door step through frozen semen
in stored liquid nitrogen.

f) Veterinary services through mobile van equipped with dedicated Radio

frequency wireless telephone system.

g) The first and only organization in world to get ISO 9000 standard for its farmer

h) First to produce milk powder from surplus milk.

i) First to produce cheese from buffalo milk.

j) First to formulate infant milk food in the country with indigenous technology.

k) First farmer owned and managed Dairy Co-operative integrating milk

production, processing and marketing under one roof.

l) Leading fully automated dairy plant.

m) First to set up 600 MT Cattle Feed Plant for providing balanced (formulated)
Cattle Feed Plant.
Gujarat is floating on rich natural gas and oil reserves. The natural resources
could not be put to full use 20 years ago by the ONGC and therefore were
offered to Amul. Amul as ever, took the initiative and was the first and the only
organization to lay a 52 KM long own gas transportation pipeline and set up a
Co-generation Plant to produce power using gas and generate steam, deploying
waste heat of the flue-gases. The turbine is in use since 1983. The gas turbine is
a combined cycle co-generation system providing reliable and quality power,
making farmers of Kaira self-reliant in milk business.
Optimum utilization of natural resources has been deployed at Cattle Feed Plant,
Kanjari by installation of 54000 LPD Solar Water Heater System which was alter
extended to its Chilling Centres.
Amul is a live example of how co-operation amongst the poor marginal farmers
can provide means for the socio-economic development of the under-privileged
marginal farmers.

Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award - 1999

After creating ripples in te market whether it be with a Rs. 20/- Pizza or with a
"real" Ice Cream, Amul has done it again. But this time, it is not only for new
product launches or giving a tough fight to best of the food companies in
extremely competitive segments, it has now topped as the winner of the "Best of
All" Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award for the year, 1999.

Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality Award-2003

The Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. has emerged as the top
scorer in the service category of the prestigious IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National
Quality Award - 2003. The Certificate of Merit was presented at a glittering
ceremony held at Mumbai on March 11 by the Governor of the Reserve Bank of
India, Dr. Y. V. Reddy.




GCMMF is a winner of the prestigious international CIO 100 award from IDG's CIO
Magazine, USA. The 2003 CIO 100 award recognizes the

organisations around the world that excel in positive business performance through
resourceful IT management and best practices.

This CIO International IT excellence Award has recognised the Cooperative Movement
& its Leadership under the "Amul" brand, initiated by Dr. V Kurien, Milkman of India,
whose main Motto is to build Indian Society economically & literally strong through
innovative cooperative resourceful network, so as to provide quality service & products
to the end consumers and good returns to the farmer members.

This award has also given direction that IT need to be encouraged & adopted more &
more at grass root level and bridge the digital divide through proper training, re-training
so as to bring radical change & benefit to the Indian society.

It has also recognised the Managing Director, Mr. B M Vyas, who has taken IT initiative
by setting the direction "GCMMF as IT Company in Food business". It has also
inspired all the employees of GCMMF Enterprise to sustain the challenges as a "Change
Agent" by excelling their IT skills in order to transform the people around them towards
IT Integration (e-Vision) on both the ends of supply chain (Village level Farmer to end
consumer). This award also motivated the each & every member dairy, Amul's wholesale
distributors, retailers, transporters and suppliers who have supported whole-heartedly the
IT initiatives of GCMMF.

The Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) has been

honoured at the CIO 100 Symposium & Award Ceremony on August 19, 2003, at
the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. Shri Subbarao Hegde,
Head of IT had been to USA and received the said Award on behalf of GCMMF.


GCMMF will be an outstanding marketing organization, with specialization in

marketing of food and dairy products, both fresh and long life, with customer
focus and information technology integration.
The network would consist of more than 100offices, 7500 (4000 urban, 3500
rural) stockiest covering at least every taluka headquarter town, serving nearly 10
lakh outlets with a turnover of Rs. 42778 Million, and serving several
GCMMF shall also create a market for its products in neighboring countries.


 Build capability of marketing fresh products

 Expand marketing of existing products

 Identify and market new products

 Rationalizing taxes

 Integration through IT

 Attract and retain quality manpower

 Integration of cooperatives with common branding



 Amul is the oldest Milk Marketing Federation in India.

 It has a large network of villages from where it collects milk.
 Amul is a reputed and well known company in India, its products are easily
recognized by the customers.
 Amul has evolved from a single product company to Multi-product
 Its products range is spread over a wide spectrum, from milk and curd to ice
cream and chocolate and health drinks.
 Customers will at least think of using the product once and check its quality,
as it is the product of Amul.
 Amul has the oldest ad campaign in the country.

 Amul is following the old traditions.

 Advertisement is not enough.
 Price is competitive as compared to other brands in the market, but margin to
the distributor is less than that of other brands.
 Amul Beverages and health drinks has been launched quite late in Delhi as
compared to the copetitors, so awareness among the people is less about the
Amuls products.
 It lacks in aggressive marketing approach, which is helping competitors.
 Replacement of old product is not allowed
 Less scheme exit.
 Lack of new technology in research and development.


 There is a huge opportunity in Beverages market.

 Mother Dairy is available since Same years in the market, and it has
dominated this industry, so people need change.
 If Amul provide a better taste and quality then it can swap most of the
customers of Mother Dairy with least effort.
 Customers always believe that there is a chance of improvement.
 Beverages are basic necessity for daily use; everyone needs it daily for one
or other reason.
 Average consumption of milk is 1 liter in each house.
 People Left the tradition drinks (soda) and Like the Beverages Milk.

 There is a very tough competition with other brands.

 Better image of competitor in particular segment.
 Competitors are dominating Beverage in the market, quality wise and price
 Market is price sensitive.

 People are using Mother Dairy and other brands since so many years, so

it is difficult for them to suddenly change the brand and taste that has already
been developed. So it is really difficult to convince them.

Distribution Channel



Retailers Wholesalers

Bread Spreads
Amul Butter Amul Lite
Utterly Butterly Low fat, low
Delicious Cholesterol Bread
Delicious Table
The Delicious way
to eat healthy

Milk Drinks
Amul Kool Amul Kool Cafe

Kool Koko Nutramul Energy

A delight to Chocolate Drink
Lovers. Delicious A drink for Kids -
Chocolate taste provides energy to
suit the needs of
growing Kids

Amul Kool Amul Kool

Chocolate Milk Flavoured Bottled

Amul Kool Amul Masti Spiced

Flavoured Tetra Buttermilk
Pack Amul introduces the
Best Thirst Quenching
Amul Kool Thandai

Powder Milk
Amul Spray Infant Amul Instant
Milk Food Full Cream Milk
Still, Mother's Milk is Powder
Best for your baby A dairy in your

Sagar Skimmed Sagar Tea

Milk Powder Coffee
Which is especially Whitener
useful for diet
preparations or for
use by people on
low calorie and high
protein diet.

Amulya Dairy
The Richest, Purest
Dairy Whitener
Fresh Milk
Amul Fresh Milk Amul Gold Milk
This is the most
hygienic milk
available in the
market. Pasteurised
in state-of-the-art
processing plants and
pouch-packed for

Amul Taaza Double Amul Lite Slim and

Toned Milk Trim Milk

Amul Fresh Cream Amul Shakti Toned


Amul Calci+
Amul Pasteurised Amul Cheese
Processed Cheese Spreads
100% Vegetarian Tasty Cheese Spreads
Cheese made from in 3 great flavours..
microbial rennet

Amul Emmental Amul Pizza

Cheese Mozzarella Cheese
The Great Swiss Pizza cheese...makes
Cheese from Amul, great tasting pizzas!
has a sweet-dry
flavour and hazelnut

Gouda Cheese
For Cooking
Amul / Sagar Pure Cooking Butter
Made from fresh
cream. Has typical
rich aroma and
granular texture. An
ethnic product made
by dairies with
decades of

Amul Malai Paneer Utterly Delicious

Ready to cook paneer Pizza
to make your
favourite recipes!

Mithai Mate Masti Dahi

Condensed Milk - Free
flowing and smooth
texture. White to
creamy color with a
pleasant taste.

Amul Ice Creams Amul Shrikhand
Premium Ice Cream A delicious treat,
made in various anytime.
varieties and flavours
with dry fruits and

Amul Mithaee Amul Chocolates

Gulab Jamuns The perfect gift for
Pure Khoya Gulab someone you love. served
piping hot.

Amul Lassee Amul Basundi

Health Drink
Nutramul Amul Shakti
Malted Milk Food Health Food
made from malt Drink
extract has the Available in Kesar-
highest protein Almond and
content among all Chocolate
the brown flavours.
beverage powders
sold in India.

Amul Kool Flavor Milk

Amul Flavoured Milk captures all the goodness of Amul milk and fresh milk
combined with the magic of special flavors. Made from Double Toned Milk,
and available in Kesar Elaichi, Rose, Coffey, Mango, and Strauberry
flavours - these drinks are light and refreshing and capture the great taste
of these unique flavors without being heavy or too filling. These tasty
drinks, available in125 ml tetra 200 ml bottle and 200 ml tetra pack, are
perfect for any occasion - either to savour when you are alone, or to enjoy
with family and friends.

Composition :

Total fat 3.1 g

Saturated fat 1.9g
Cholesterol .0083g
Sodium 50mg
Carbohydrate 12g
Protein 3.2g
Calcium 120mg
Vitamin A 37.5mcg



Mother Dairy – Delhi was set up in 1974 under the Operation Flood
Programme. It is now a wholly owned company of the National Dairy
Development Board (NDDB).

Mother Dairy markets & sells dairy products under the Mother Dairy brand (like
Liquid Milk, Dahi, Ice creams, Cheese and Butter), Dhara range of edible oils and
the Safal range of fresh fruits & vegetables, frozen vegetables and fruit juices at
a national level through its sales and distribution networks for marketing food

Mother Dairy sources significant part of its requirement of liquid milk from dairy
cooperatives. Similarly, Mother Dairy sources fruits and vegetables from
farmers / growers associations. Mother Dairy also contributes to the cause of
oilseeds grower cooperatives that

smanufacture/ pack the Dhara range of edible oils by undertaking to

nationally market all Dhara products. It is Mother Dairy’s constant endeavor to

(a) Ensure that milk producers and farmers regularly and continually receive
market prices by offering quality milk, milk products and other food products to
consumers at competitive prices and;

(b) Uphold institutional structures that empower milk producers and farmers
through processes that are equitable.

At Mother Dairy, processing of milk is controlled by process automation whereby

state-of-the-art microprocessor technology is adopted to integrate and completely
automate all functions of the milk processing areas to ensure high product
quality/ reliability and safety. Mother Dairy is an IS/ ISO-9002, IS-15000 HACCP
and IS-14001 EMS certified organization. Moreover, its Quality Assurance
Laboratory is certified by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration
Laboratory (NABL)-Department of Science and Technology, Government of

Mother Dairy markets approximately 2.8 million liters of milk daily in the
markets of Delhi, Mumbai, Saurashtra and Hyderabad. Mother Dairy Milk has a
market share of 66% in the branded sector in Delhi where it sells 2.3 million liters
of milk daily and undertakes its marketing operations through around 14,000
retail outlets and 845 exclusive outlets of Mother Dairy.

The company’s derives significant competitive advantage from its unique

distribution network of bulk vending booths, retail outlets and mobile units.
Mother Dairy ice creams launched in the year 1995 have shown continuous
growth over the years and today boasts of approximately 62% market share in
Delhi and NCR. Mother Dairy also manufactures and markets a wide range of
dairy products that

include Butter, Dahi, Ghee, Cheese, UHT Milk, Lassi & Flavored Milk and
most of these products are available across the country.

The company markets an array of fresh and frozen fruit and vegetable products
under the brand name SAFAL through a chain of 400+ own Fruit and Vegetable
shops and more than 20,000 retail outlets in various parts of the country. Fresh
produce from the producers is handled at the Company’s modern distribution
facility in Delhi with an annual capacity of 200,000 MT. An IQF facility with
capacity of around 75 MT per day is also operational in Delhi. A state-of-the-art
fruit processing plant of fruit handling capacity of 120 MT per day, a 100 percent
EOU, setup in 1996 at Mumbai supplies quality products in the international
market. With increasing demand another state-of-the-art fruit processing plant
has been set up at Bangalore with fruit handling capacity of around 250 MT per

Mother Dairy has also been marketing the Dhara range of edible oils for the last
few years. Today it is a leading brand of edible oils and is available across the
country in over 2,00,000 outlets. The brand is currently available in the following
variants: Refined Vegetable Oil, Refined Soybean Oil, Refined Sunflower Oil,
Refined Rice Bran Oil, Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil and Filtered Groundnut Oil.
Mother Dairy has also launched extra virgin Olive Oil under the Daroliva brand.

Mother Dairy has over the last 3 decades, harnessed the power of farmer
cooperatives to deliver a range of delicious products and bring a smile on your
face. In times to come, Mother Dairy shall strive to remain one of India’s finest
food companies.

Mother Dairy’s turnover has been growing at the rate of 20% (CAGR) over the
last 3 years and is expected to exceed Rs. 2700 crores by

send ’07-’08. Mother Dairy plans to achieve a turnover of $1 billion USD byend of
Mother Dairy is a unique set up which has the best of both the worlds. Like any
other private sector entity, it enjoys the freedom to appoint the requisite
professional talent in key positions and to take decisions with the flexibility and
speed that is required in an increasingly competitive market. It also gives
employees the satisfaction that their work touches the lives of millions of farmers
and aims to enhance the economic status of our rural population.

Mother Dairy has a diverse and welcoming workplace where in values of trust,
transparency, unquestionable commitment to quality, single-minded focus on
excellence and respect for the individual are simply a way of life. We are forging
ahead in the market to tap the limitless potential that lies there. To achieve our
vision, we are always looking out for dynamic talented professional’s who have:

• The ability to take initiatives and drive things

• Are ambitious and self starters
• Love challenges and have a passion to excel
• The capability to initiate, lead and manage change in a highly diverse and
challenging environment

If you feel that this opportunity excites you and you want to be a part of the team
leading this revolution, then please send us your details in the Application Form.
The requirements keep changing as we forge ahead, so do keep yourself posted
on the new developments at Mother Dairy.

The American marketing association defines marketing research as

“Marketing Research is the functional links to the customers,

consumers & public to marketing through information. Information
used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems;
generate, define and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing
performance and improve understanding of marketing process.”

Marketing Research specifies the information requires

addressing these issues, designing the method for collecting
information, managing and implementing the data collecting
process, analyzing the result and communicating the findings
and their implementations.


“To find out the consumer buying pattern of Amul kool with respect to
flovor milk , so as to make strategy for the future sales and promotion
of flavor milk in this competitive market”.


Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the

research problem. It may be understood as a science of studies how
research is done scientifically. Research methodology has many

The purpose of methodology is to describe the process involved

in the research work. This includes the overall research design, the
data collection process, the sampling process, the field survey, and
analysis procedure.


Research Design consists of three parts:

1. Exploratory Research
2. Descriptive Research
3. Causal Research
An exploratory research focuses on the discovery of idea and is
generally based on secondary data. It is preliminary investigation that
does not have a rigid design. This is because a researcher engaged in
an exploratory study that may have to change his focus as a result of
new ideas and relationship among the variables.

A descriptive study is undertaken when the researcher wants to

know the characteristics of certain group such as age, sex, educational
level, income, and occupation etc.

A casual research is undertaken when the researcher is

interested in knowing the cause and effect relationship between two or
more variables. Such studies are based on reasoning along well-tested

Data is generally of two types:

1. Primary data
2. Secondary data
Primary Data are those data specially collected for problem in
hand. In this study data were collected from primary sources in
personal interview of retailers and interaction with consumers by
survey method.

These methods of data collection are quite popular. These are

the major methods of data collection in the research study.

Secondary Data are those data, which are collected for some
purpose other than helping and solving the problem in hand.
Sources of secondary data are:
 Old reports
 Company records
 Magazines

 Company web site (

Sample Procedure:

How should the respondents be chosen? To get the most feasible

and accurate result, simple random probability sampling method was
adopted for direct interview of retailers and cluster sampling was used
to communicate the consumers from different apartments of different
Market for the survey.
In simple random probability sampling, probability of being
chosen as a sample unit for each unit in the population is equal. Each
sample unit from the population is chosen randomly. Probability of
being chosen as a sample unit depends upon the population size and
no. of sample units to be chosen.
While in cluster (area) sampling the population is divided into
mutually exclusive groups (such as city blocks, sectors etc.), and the
researcher draws a sample of the groups using random sampling.
Sometimes researcher again draws sample units of respondents from
the selected groups, it is known as two step area sampling.

Sample Size:
120 questionnaires
Field Work:

The field work for research and sales and promotion was conducted
during summer training nearly spread all over the Delhi
This exercise involved face to face interview with customers and
survey of the different outlets & retailers. Survey was based on
questionnaire and direct response of the customer and the retailer.

I have covered the following spots in Delhi for the survey.

 Big bazaar
 Sab ka bazaar
 Vishal mega mart
 Unifresh Retail

 Six ten

 more
Map of Delhi where we worked

Primary data can be collected in various ways: through observation,

focused group, surveys, behavioral data, and experiments. During this
research data have been collected using survey method. Survey
method is best suited for descriptive research. Companies undertake
surveys to learn about people’s knowledge, beliefs, preferences, and
satisfaction, and to measure these magnitudes in the general

Research Instrument:

Questionnaire is most common research instrument in collecting

primary data during marketing research. A questionnaire consists of a
set of questions presented to respondents. Because of its flexibility,
the questionnaire is by far the most common instrument used to
collect primary data.

Name – Ashish Kumar

Address – 179-b,Vasant Vihar ,New-Delhi.

Contact no – 09311458799

(1) Do you use any flavor drink milk?

(a) yes


(2) DO you aware about Amul flavor drink?

(a) yes


(3) which milk drink prefer most ?

(a) Amul


(c)Mother dairy


(4) why do you prefer amul flavor milk drink?


(b)Health cons.

(c)Natural drink

(5) which flavor do you prefer most?






(6)Do you prefer amul milk drink regularly?


(b) No

(7) which age group prefer amul flavor milk drinks?





(8)Which kind of Amul flavor milk drink pack you purchases?

(a) Bottle

(b) Tetra

(9) Do you fill the price of amul flavor milk drink is comparison
to other?

(a) High

(b) Same

(c) Low
(10) Are you satisfied with the taste of amul flavor milk drink
comparison to other ?

(a) yes

(c) No

(11) is amul flavor milk drink easily available at stores?

(a) yes


(12) what rank you give to amul flavor milk compare to other?

(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) 3

(13) Are you aware about advertisement of amul flavor milk


(a) Yes

(b) No

(14) Do you want to give any suggestion recommendation to

the company?

Just maintain the Quality of Products as it is now.


Now a days the customers are very sensitive about price & brand. It is very
difficult to sift them from one brand to other. It is a good product into the market.
It is good for health purpose. The customers & consumers are recognizing it but
its progress is very slow, the reason being the lack of awareness.
1 It having the brand image of Amul associated with it.
2 It is cheaper product but customers are not aware about the product.
3 It is not easily available everywhere
4 Promotional activities are not sufficient
5 It is not find in different flavor
6 Distribution network is not too good
7 Replacement facility is not good
8 Proper display were not found at many places.

 Distribution channel should be increased

 Replacement policy should be in the company

 Packaging should be good & heavy

 Proper visit should be into the market by the marketing people

 Customer satisfaction counter should be into the market time to time

 Promotional activity should be increased like POP (banners, good panting

posters, etc)

 Display freeze should be given on the retail outlets, it will be a big & good
product promotion
Many finding are graphically presented on consecutive pages

Graph 1 Awareness of flavor milk

Yes 65

No 35

Graph 2. Percentage of people using any flavor milk

Yes 60
No 40



yes No
Graph 3. Brand Preference of flavor milk.

Amul 58
Gagan 19
Paras 10
Mother dairy 9
Other 4






Amul Gagan Paras Mother Other
Graph 4. Age group consumer of flavor milk.

1-15 7

15-30 45

30-45 35

45-avove 13

15 13

10 7
0-15 15-30 30-45 45-avove

Conclusion is an important section, which has a pivotal role in any project without
which it is incomplete.
After a deep research I found - Indian customers or consumers are very sensitive
about the pricing factor & now a days they are very sensitive about brand too. It
is very difficult to shift them on one to another brand. Gone are the day’s
customers or consumers were dependent upon the manufacturers. Whatever
they were producing that used accepted by the customers or consumers but now
a days the customers or consumers & the manufacturers relations are vise versa.
Manufacturers produce the product as per demand of the customer or consumer,
according to the liking or disliking of the consumers.
I am observed many company in the market. It is a good customer & it can grow
very well. Few distributors are really doing well. Now a days customers or
consumers are going to be brand loyal & Amul is really a big brand into the
market & its product always goes to the market through a known source. That is
why it’s product easily acceptable into the market.

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