Hard Rubber Friction Coeffs

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Applied Ergonomics 30 (1999) 235—245

Factors affecting minimum push and pull forces of manual carts

Khaled W. Al-Eisawi *, Carter J. Kerk, Jerome J. Congleton, Alfred A. Amendola,
Omer C. Jenkins, Will Gaines
SABRE Technology Solutions, 1 East Kirkwood Blvd. MD 7385, Southlake, TX 76092, USA
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Industrial Engineering Program, Rapid City, SD 57701-3995, USA
Safety Engineering Program, Department of Nuclear Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-3133, USA
Department of Statistics, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-3143, USA
Scott & White, Department of Occupational Medicine, 1600 University Drive East, College Station, TX 77840, USA
Received 18 February 1997; accepted 2 March 1998


The minimum forces needed to manually push or pull a 4-wheel cart of differing weights with similar wheel sizes from a stationary
state were measured on four floor materials under different conditions of wheel width, diameter, and orientation. Cart load was
increased from 0 to 181.4 kg in increments of 36.3 kg. The floor materials were smooth concrete, tile, asphalt, and industrial carpet.
Two wheel widths were tested: 25 and 38 mm. Wheel diameters were 51, 102, and 153 mm. Wheel orientation was tested at four levels:
F0R0 (all four wheels aligned in the forward direction), F0R90 (the two front wheels, the wheels furthest from the cart handle, aligned
in the forward direction and the two rear wheels, the wheels closest to the cart handle, aligned at 90° to the forward direction), F90R0
(the two front wheels aligned at 90° to the forward direction and the two rear wheels aligned in the forward direction), and F90R90 (all
four wheels aligned at 90° to the forward direction). Wheel width did not have a significant effect on the minimum push/pull forces.
The minimum push/pull forces were linearly proportional to cart weight, and inversely proportional to wheel diameter. The
coefficients of rolling friction were estimated as 2.2, 2.4, 3.3, and 4.5 mm for hard rubber wheels rolling on smooth concrete, tile,
asphalt, and industrial carpet floors, respectively. The effect of wheel orientation was not consistent over the tested conditions, but, in
general, the smallest minimum push/pull forces were measured with all four wheels aligned in the forward direction, whereas the
largest minimum push/pull forces were measured when all four wheels were aligned at 90° to the forward direction. There was no
significant difference between the push and pull forces when all four wheels were aligned in the forward direction.  1999 Elsevier
Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Push and pull forces; Carts; Rolling friction

1. Introduction a cart, one should select a wheel diameter that will keep
the hand forces exerted in pushing or pulling the fully
Most of the ergonomics studies that have been per- loaded cart below safe limits. This is not an easy task
formed on pushing and pulling, including the psycho- because the hand forces required to push or pull a cart
physical guidelines developed by Snook and Ciriello depend on many factors such as wheel diameter, wheel
(1991) for the design of manual material handling tasks, orientation, floor material, and wheel material. This
report results in terms of hand force exertions. When study attempted to facilitate the determination of hand
designing a cart pushing or pulling task, a job designer forces from factors that are easier to measure including
must determine the maximum weight with which to load cart weight, wheel diameter, floor material, and wheel
the cart so that the hand forces needed to push or pull the orientation.
cart do not exceed safe limits. In designing or selecting The resistance between rolling wheels and the floor
surface is termed ‘rolling friction’. Its laws are not yet
definitely established. A widely acceptable relationship is
that if ¼ is the total weight, r the wheel radius, and o
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 001 817 264 3590; fax: 001 817 264 3802. the coefficient of rolling friction, then F is equal to the

0003-6870/99/$ — see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 0 3 - 6 8 7 0 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 0 1 9 - 2
236 K.W. Al-Eisawi et al. / Applied Ergonomics 30 (1999) 235—245

resistance applied at the circumference of the wheel and is When a cart is pushed or pulled from a stationary
given by position, the applied force must overcome the rolling
friction at the wheels and the friction at the wheel bear-
¼ ings. Wheel bearings are typically well lubricated and
F"o (1)
r provide very little resistance to rolling as compared to
the friction between the wheels and the floor. This study
To keep the wheel rolling in uniform motion without focused on rolling friction between the wheels and the
slipping, an external force equal to F must be applied. floor and investigated the relationship between rolling
Notice that o has units of length while the coefficient of friction, cart weight, and wheel diameter for different
static friction and the coefficient of sliding friction are floor materials.
dimensionless quantities. o/r is called the coefficient of
resistance to rolling (Kragesky et al, 1982). The deriva-
tion of the above relationship can be found in Shames 2. Objectives
(1966). It is important to note that the above relationship
has been derived analytically and not empirically, which This study was divided into four experiments to ad-
means that it is theoretically justified. dress the following questions:
Kragelsky et al. (1982) provided a summary of the 1. Does wheel width have an effect on the minimum
earlier research on rolling friction. Rolling friction is initial cart pull forces? The relationship described in
typically much smaller than sliding or static friction. This Eq. (1) does not include wheel width, which implies
is why vehicles have wheels instead of runners, and ball that wheel width should not have an effect on the
bearings are used in some machines instead of sleeve- minimum force required to move a cart.
bearings. Reimann (1971) reported that rolling friction is 2. What is the effect of floor material? Floor material
almost unaffected by the presence of lubricants and ex- affects the coefficient of rolling friction, which is the
plained rolling friction as the result of the inability of an constant of proportionality o in Eq. (1). According to
elastically deformed body to retain its original shape White (1969), harder surfaces are expected to yield
immediately on release of the stress. The harder the lower cart push/pull forces. The coefficients of rolling
rolling wheel or ball, and the harder the surface over friction were determined for a number of floor surfaces
which it rolls, the less the force of rolling friction (White, and one wheel material.
1969). 3. What are the effects of wheel diameter, wheel orienta-
Very little information is available about the values of tion and their interaction? Eq. (1) has been derived for
o for different materials. For wood on wood, the coeffic- the case where the force applied at the circumference
ient of rolling friction is 0.152 mm while the coefficient of of the wheels acts in the same direction in which the
static friction is 0.25—0.5 (Oberg et al, 1987). The coeffic- wheel rolls. Therefore, it is expected that the relation-
ient of rolling friction may be assumed to be 0.051 mm ship in Equation 1 will hold when all four wheels are
for iron on iron, 0.216 mm for iron on granite, 0.381 mm aligned in the forward direction (F0R0). It is expected
for iron on asphalt, and 0.559 mm for iron on wood that when one or more of the wheels is not oriented in
(Oberg et al, 1987). Marks and Baumeister (1978) in- the forward direction, higher forces are required to
cluded a table for the coefficients of rolling friction for move the cart forward.
steel and pneumatic tires on different surfaces. Car- 4. Is there a difference between cart push and cart pull
michael (1950) provided a small table of the coefficient of forces for different wheel orientations? The basic laws
rolling friction for different materials, mainly wood and of statics necessitate that cart push and pull forces are
steel. the same when all wheels are oriented in the forward
Eq. (1) describes the force needed to keep a wheel direction. What remains unknown is how the relation-
rolling without slipping and not the initial force required ship between cart push and pull forces changes for
to start a wheel rolling. One would hypothesize that the other wheel orientations.
initial force has to be higher than the force needed to
maintain uniform rolling. What is not known is whether
the initial force has the same kind of relationship with 3. Methods
total weight and wheel radius as the force needed to
sustain rolling. If that is the case, the only difference A Wagner push—pull force gauge (Model FDL 100)
would be that the coefficient of rolling friction (o) would with a maximum reading of 100 lb and an accuracy of
be higher for the initial force than that for the sustaining $0.3% of full scale was used to measure the minimum
force. Since ergonomists focus on the causes of higher cart push/pull forces required to initiate the movement of
stresses, this study investigated only the initial force and a cart under the different conditions. The cart started
its relationship to total weight and wheel radius under from a stationary position for each measurement. The
different conditions. experimenter attached the force gauge to the cart at
K.W. Al-Eisawi et al. / Applied Ergonomics 30 (1999) 235—245 237

Fig. 1. Illustration of the cart used in this study.

a point midway along its width and pushed or pulled it, designer would most likely select for the type of cart used
increasing the force slowly and steadily without jerking in this experiment.
until the cart moved. The force gauge was perpendicular The two types of wheels were made of hard rubber and
to the cart handle. For measuring pull forces, the force had a diameter of 102 mm. The experiment was per-
gauge contacted the cart at the end of a fork-type hook formed on smooth concrete and industrial carpet floors.
attachment. For measuring push forces, the attachment Cart load was increased from 0 to 181.4 kg in in-
was cylindrical with a diameter of 5 mm. The dial on the crements of 36.3 kg. All four wheels were maintained in
force gauge recorded the force and stored it after the the forward direction (F0R0) throughout this part of the
release of the force. The force gauge was reset before the experiment. All the measured forces were pull forces.
next measurement. Each measurement was repeated six
times, each trial being at a different random location. The 3.2. Effect of floor material
floor was level and of consistent quality.
The cart was a 4-wheel Rubbermaid plastic utility cart. Minimum cart pull forces were measured using the
Its external dimensions were: 610 mm wide, 1020 mm 102 mm diameter hard rubber wheels on smooth con-
long, and 820 mm high. The cart is illustrated in Fig. 1. crete, tile, asphalt, and industrial carpet. These are sur-
The cart weighed 15.3 kg without the wheels. It had faces commonly seen in different industries. The asphalt
a handle along its width. Cinder blocks were used to load floor was free of cracks, bumps, or gravel. The carpet
the cart. Each block weighed 9.1 kg. The cinder blocks floor was made of carpet tiles (heuga Flor S, 55% nylon,
were distributed evenly with respect to the center of the 27.5% animal hair, and 17.5% rayon). The latter type of
cart. floor is common in large, open floor areas in ‘electronic’
and modular design offices. All floors were level and of
3.1. Effect of wheel width consistent quality. The orientation of the wheels was
maintained in the forward direction. Cart load was
Two types of wheels were tested: 25 mm wide, and changed in increments of 36.3 kg from 0 to 217.7 kg. Only
38 mm wide. This was the widest range of wheel widths pull forces were measured.
available for the same wheel material, wheel diameter,
type of bearing, and load capacity. In other words, wheels 3.3. Effect of wheel diameter and wheel orientation
are not available in all materials, diameters, bearings, and
widths. This is not a surprise because smaller diameter In this part of the experiment, four factors and all of
wheels with relatively small widths and soft materials are their combinations were tested. The factors were: wheel
designed for light duty while the larger diameter, larger diameter, wheel orientation, floor surface, and cart load.
width, and harder material wheels are designed for heavy Three wheel diameters were tested: 51, 102, and 152 mm.
duty. Obviously, the cost also increases as one starts All wheels had the same width, 25 mm, were made
considering the heavier duty wheels. Therefore, of the same material (hard rubber), and had the same
a 25—38 mm wheel width range was the range that a cart type of bearing. Only pull forces were measured. Wheel
238 K.W. Al-Eisawi et al. / Applied Ergonomics 30 (1999) 235—245

orientation was tested at four levels: F0R0 (all four Table 1

wheels aligned in the forward direction), F0R90 (the two Least squares regression lines attributes for wheel width data
front wheels, the wheels furthest from the cart handle,
R Slope 95% confidence
aligned in the forward direction and the two rear wheels, interval on slope
the wheels closest to the cart handle, aligned at 90° to the
forward direction), F90R0 (the two front wheels aligned 1 wide, concrete 0.975 0.0419 0.0407—0.0430
at 90° to the forward direction and the two rear wheels 1.5 wide, concrete 0.981 0.0429 0.0420—0.0439
aligned in the forward direction), and F90R90 (all four 1 wide, carpet 0.977 0.0894 0.0874—0.0915
1.5 wide, carpet 0.992 0.0894 0.0880—0.0908
wheels aligned at 90° to the forward direction). All
swiveling wheels had an offset swivel base. When aligned
at 90° to the forward direction, the swiveling wheels faced
the same direction. Measurements were taken on both weight of the empty cart, the cinder blocks, and the
smooth concrete and carpet floors. Cart load was varied wheels. The graph shows that there was no significant
from 0 to 181.4 kg in increments of 36.3 kg. effect of wheel width on the minimum cart pull forces on
either floor. It is obvious that all four curves exhibit
3.4. Comparison of minimum push and pull forces a strong linear trend. Table 1 summarizes the R values,
slopes, and 95% confidence intervals on the slopes of the
In this part of the experiment, both the minimum push least squares regression lines fit to the data sets in Fig. 2.
and pull forces required to initiate cart movement of the The analysis was done on the individual observations. All
cart were tested. The cart was equipped with 102 mm regression lines were forced to pass through the origin
diameter hard rubber wheels. Three wheel orientations since a y-intercept other than zero would mean that it
were tested: F0R0, F90R0, and F0R90. Testing was con- takes a force equal to the y-intercept value to move a cart
ducted on a carpet floor. of zero weight. This does not make sense from a physical
point of view. Conceptually, zero force is required to
move an object of zero weight.
4. Results Analysis of covariance to compare the two wheel
widths at the different loads was conducted on the min-
4.1. Effect of wheel width imum pull forces on concrete and on carpet separately,
with cart weight as the covariate. Table 2 summarizes the
Fig. 2 illustrates the results of this part of the study. p-values of wheel width, cart weight, and their interac-
Each point on the graph represents the average of six tions. Although the effect on pull forces of wheel width on
data points. Cart weight is the total weight including the concrete was statistically significant (p"0.0083), it was

Fig. 2. Effect of wheel width on minimum cart pull forces.

K.W. Al-Eisawi et al. / Applied Ergonomics 30 (1999) 235—245 239

Table 2 Table 3
p-values from ANCOVA to compare wheel widths Least-squares regression lines attributes for the different floor materials

Concrete Carpet R Slope 95% confidence

interval on slope
Wheel width (¼) 0.0083 0.2367
Cart weight (¸) 0.0001 0.0001 Concrete 0.975 0.0434 0.0422—0.0446
¼;¸ 0.8867 0.5400 Tile 0.990 0.0465 0.0458—0.0473
Asphalt 0.956 0.0642 0.0618—0.0666
Carpet 0.977 0.0894 0.0874—0.0915

obvious from the graph in Fig. 2 that it had no practical

significant effect on the minimum cart pull forces. In fact, Table 4
the 95% confidence interval on the difference between Estimated coefficients of rolling friction for the different floor materials
the means of the minimum pull forces for both wheel (mm)
widths was (0.07—0.42 kg). Floor Coefficient 95% confidence Comparison with
of rolling interval on concrete
friction (mm) coefficient of
4.2. Effect of floor material rolling
friction (mm)
Fig. 3 shows the means and the standard deviations of Concrete 2.205 2.144—2.266 —
the minimum cart pull forces for the four surfaces tested Tile 2.362 2.327—2.403 7% higher
in this experiment: concrete, tile, asphalt, and carpet. Asphalt 3.261 3.139—3.383 48% higher
Least-squares regression lines were fitted to the data of Carpet 4.541 4.440—4.648 106% higher
each floor surface. The lines were forced to pass through
the origin. Table 3 provides the R values, slopes, and
confidence intervals for these slopes. Multiplying these 4.3. Effect of wheel diameter and wheel orientation
slopes by the radius of the wheels (51 mm) gave estimates
of the coefficients of rolling friction for hard rubber Figs. 4 and 5 show that increasing wheel diameter
wheels on the different floor materials. This information caused the minimum cart pull forces to decrease on both
is presented in Table 4, which also shows how the differ- the concrete and carpet floors when all four wheels were
ent floor materials compared to concrete. aligned in the forward direction (F0R0). Fig. 6 is a plot of

Fig. 3. Effect of floor material on minimum cart pull forces.

240 K.W. Al-Eisawi et al. / Applied Ergonomics 30 (1999) 235—245

Fig. 4. Effect of wheel diameter on minimum cart pull forces on concrete floor with all wheels in forward direction.

Fig. 5. Effect of wheel diameter on minimum cart pull forces on carpet floor with all wheels in forward direction.

the minimum cart pull forces against the ratio of cart Least-squares regression lines were fitted to the min-
weight to wheel diameter for the concrete and carpet imum cart pull forces as a function of cart weight for each
floors with the wheels at the F0R0 orientation. The graph of the wheel diameters, wheel orientations, and floor
also shows the least-squares regression lines fitted to the combinations. The lines were forced through the origin.
concrete and carpet data. The least-squares regression All lines showed strong linear trends (R'0.95). Estim-
lines were forced through the origin. Table 5 summarizes ates of the slopes are presented in Table 6. Table 7 shows
the attributes of the regression lines. how the different wheel orientations compare to the
K.W. Al-Eisawi et al. / Applied Ergonomics 30 (1999) 235—245 241

Fig. 6. Minimum cart pull force versus ratio of cart weight to wheel diameter.

Table 5 Table 7
Attributes of least-squares regression lines describing the minimum cart Comparison of slopes for F90R0, F0R90, and F90R90 wheel orienta-
pull forces as a function of the ratio of cart weight to wheel diameter tions to slopes for F0R0 wheel orientation (within same wheel diameter)

Floor R Slope 95% confidence Concrete Carpet

(mm) interval on slope
Orientation 51 mm 102 mm 153 mm 51 mm 102 mm 153 mm
Concrete 0.953 3.73 3.64—3.82
Carpet 0.957 7.98 7.82—8.13 F0R0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
F90R0 0.84 1.18 1.10 0.82 1.24 1.32
F0R90 0.77 1.35 0.90 0.92 1.53 1.44
F90R90 0.91 1.81 1.22 1.01 1.53 1.90
Table 6
Estimated slopes of least-squares regression lines modeling minimum
cart pull forces as a function of cart weight Table 8
Comparison of slopes for 102 mm and 153 mm wheel diameters with
Concrete Carpet
slopes for 51 mm wheel diameter (within same wheel orientation)
Orientation 51 mm 102 mm 153 mm 51 mm 102 mm 153 mm Concrete Carpet
F0R0 0.0685 0.0434 0.0237 0.145 0.0894 0.0584 Orientation 51 mm 102 mm 153 mm 51 mm 102 mm 153 mm
F90R0 0.0578 0.0514 0.0261 0.119 0.110 0.0772
F0R90 0.0530 0.0586 0.0214 0.133 0.136 0.0843
F0R0 1.00 0.63 0.35 1.00 0.62 0.40
F90R90 0.0624 0.0787 0.0290 0.147 0.136 0.110 F90R0 1.00 0.90 0.45 1.00 0.92 0.65
F0R90 1.00 1.11 0.40 1.00 1.02 0.63
F90R90 1.00 1.26 0.46 1.00 0.93 0.75

F0R0 wheel orientation for each wheel diameter on the

two floor surfaces. For example, on the concrete floor,
the minimum pull forces with the wheels at the F90R0 As the effect of wheel orientation seems to be inconsist-
were 1.18 times the minimum pull forces under F0R0 ent between the different wheel diameters, the minimum
wheel orientation and with all the other conditions being cart pull forces for all conditions within each of the wheel
the same. Table 8 shows how the wheel diameters com- orientations tested were averaged and compared to the
pare to the 51 mm diameter for each wheel orientation. average force for the F0R0 wheel orientation. For
242 K.W. Al-Eisawi et al. / Applied Ergonomics 30 (1999) 235—245

Fig. 7. Minimum cart pull and push forces for the F0R0 wheel orientation.

Fig. 8. Minimum cart pull and push forces for the F90R0 and F0R90 wheel orientations.

F90R0, the average force was 2.7% higher than that for 4.4. Comparison of minimum push and pull forces
F0R0. For F0R90, the average force was 13.1% higher;
and for F90R90, the average force was 30.7% higher than Figs. 7 and 8 show the minimum cart pull and push
that for F0R0. forces for the three wheel orientations: F0R0, F90R0, and
K.W. Al-Eisawi et al. / Applied Ergonomics 30 (1999) 235—245 243

Table 9 the large R values (higher than 0.95) for all regression
Slopes of least-squares regression lines for push and pull data lines described in the previous section. This strong linear
relationship existed for all floor surfaces, wheel dia-
F0R0 F90R0 F0R90
meters, and wheel orientations. Therefore, a linear rela-
Pull 0.0894 0.110 0.136 tionship exists between cart weight and the force to
Push 0.100 0.153 0.114 initiate cart movement, similar to the linear relationship
between cart weight and the force to sustain wheel roll-
ing, as described by Eq. (1). A similar linear relationship
F0R90. The slopes of the least-squares regression lines between load weight and force was found by Strindberg
fitted to each data set are shown in Table 9. The least- and Petersson [9].
squares regression lines were forced through the origin.
Analysis of variance was conducted on the minimum 5.1. Effect of wheel width
force to test for the significance of Task (pull versus push),
Load, and their interaction for the F0R0 wheel orienta- It was expected that a 50% increase in wheel width
tion. The p-values were 0.0003, 0.0001, and 0.0655 for would not have a significant effect on the force needed to
Task, Cart Load, and Task;Cart Load, respectively. initiate cart movement. The tables and graphs in the
Since a statistically significant difference existed between previous section confirmed this hypothesis. Since wheel
push and pull forces, a 95% confidence interval was width does not appear in Eq. (1), it is known that it does
constructed on the difference between the average push not affect the force needed to sustain cart movement.
force and the average pull force for the F0R0 wheel Therefore, whether it is the force to initiate or sustain
orientation to test the practicality of the statistical signi- cart movement, wheel width does not have a signifi-
ficance. The confidence interval was (0.44!1.41 kg), the cant effect. In fact, a result other than that would be
average push force being higher than the average pull hard to explain physically. An analogy can be made
force. Thus, the maximum difference between push and here with the well-known fact that area of contact
pull forces could be as high as 1.4 kg, which attests that it between two objects does not affect translational friction
is not a practically significant difference for ergonomics between them. It is surprising that Eastman Kodak
design and evaluation purposes. (1986) stated that a wider tread increases the wheel’s
Analysis of variance was also conducted to compare rolling resistance.
the pull forces with the F90R0 wheel orientation to the It is worth noting that since the 38 mm wide wheel was,
push forces with the F0R90 wheel orientation. The p- as expected, heavier than the 25 mm wide wheel, total
values were 0.0659, 0.0001, and 0.0092 for Task, Cart cart weight at each cart load was not the same for the two
Load, and Task;Cart Load, respectively, with Task types of wheels. This is why analysis of covariance and
being pull with F90R0 versus push with F0R90 wheel not an analysis of variance had to be conducted with
orientation. total cart weight as the covariate so as to filter out
Similarly, analysis of variance was conducted to com- differences in cart pull forces that were merely due to cart
pare the pull forces with the F0R90 wheel orientation to weight difference for the two wheel types.
the push forces with the F90R0 wheel orientation. The
p-values were 0.0260, 0.0001, and 0.0041 for Task, Cart 5.2. Effect of floor material
Load, and Task;Cart Load, respectively. Since Task
was statistically significant, a 95% confidence interval Cart pull forces were the lowest for concrete, then
was constructed for the difference between the average increased for tile, asphalt, and carpet surfaces. Drury et
pull force with F0R90 and average push force with al. (1969) found a similar relationship between the forces
F90R0 to investigate practical significance. The confid- to push vehicles on hospital carpeted and hard floors.
ence interval was (0.10—1.22 kg) with the average push White (1969) stated that the harder the wheels and the
force being higher. Again, the confidence interval was not harder the floor material, the less the force needed to
wide enough to conclude that the push-F90R0 and pull- sustain rolling. Among the tested floor surfaces, concrete
F0R90 forces were significantly different for ergonomics is the hardest and carpet is the softest. Although asphalt
design and evaluation purposes. might be generally harder than tile, the rougher surface of
asphalt may be the cause for the higher forces measured
on asphalt as compared to tile.
5. Discussion Also, this experiment produced estimates of the coeffi-
cients of rolling friction for initiating movement of hard
A significant finding of all four experiments, as evident rubber wheels on the four floor surfaces. Other wheel
in the graphs presented in the previous section, is the materials will certainly have different values for the coef-
strong linear relationship between the minimum cart ficients of rolling friction. The reason the coefficients of
push/pull forces and cart weight. This was evidenced in rolling friction reported in this study differ significantly
244 K.W. Al-Eisawi et al. / Applied Ergonomics 30 (1999) 235—245

from those reported by previous researchers such as forward direction because it was derived for the case
Oberg et al. (1987) is that the wheel and surface materials when the direction of the applied force is the same as that
used in this study were different from those used in in which the wheel rolls. When the wheels are not aligned
previous studies. This attests to the significant impact of in the forward direction and the cart is pulled straight,
wheel and surface materials on the coefficient of rolling factors other than the simple rolling friction come into
friction. Future research should establish a database of play. Ideally, the wheels might be expected to align them-
the coefficients of rolling friction for various wheel mater- selves first in the forward direction and then start to roll.
ials, tires, and floor surfaces that exist in industry. In However, this did not occur consistently. What happened
order to build this database, it would be imperative to was that the cart started to turn with the wheels aligning
devise a standard protocol for measuring the minimum themselves as the cart turned. This might have con-
force required to initiate wheel rolling. It is recommended taminated the measurement since the cart was always
that the force exertion by the human experimenter be pulled straight backwards with the force gauge and when
replaced by a more automated technique to improve the cart turned the exerted force was no longer parallel to
cross-study comparisons. the direction of the cart. The somewhat inconsistent
effect of wheel orientation warrants more research to
5.3. Effect of wheel diameter and wheel orientation develop theories about what happens when the wheels
are not all aligned in the forward direction and to test
Figs. 4 and 5 and Tables 6 and 8 show that there was them in the lab.
a consistent drop in the minimum pull forces for the It is worth noting that when all four wheels were
F0R0 wheel orientation as wheel diameter increased. aligned at 90° to the forward direction (F90R90) the pull
Eq. (1) states that the force to sustain rolling is inversely forces were consistently higher than when only two
related to wheel radius. In order to test whether the same wheels were aligned at 90° to the forward direction
relationship applies to the forces to initiate cart move- (F0R90 and F90R0).
ment, the minimum cart pull forces measured in this
experiment were regressed on the ratio of cart weight to 5.4. Comparison of minimum push and pull forces
wheel diameter as illustrated in Fig. 6. The strong linear
relationship, evidenced by the high R values as shown It was expected that the minimum push and pull forces
in Table 5, suggest that the force needed to initiate would be the same for the F0R0 wheel orientation since
cart movement is inversely proportional to wheel the ultimate direction of the applied force was the same
diameter, or, in other words, directly proportional whether it was a push or pull force. Although the results
to the ratio of cart weight to wheel diameter. Therefore, tended to agree with the expectations, the small
the relationship of cart weight and wheel diameter to the differences detected might be attributed to the difficulty
force needed to sustain movement is the same as that experienced in applying pure push and pull forces.
between those factors and the force needed to initiate cart Applying a pure force that does not create a turning
movement. couple necessitates applying a force strictly perpendicu-
Drury et al. (1975) measured speed and pulse rate for lar to the width of the cart at a point midway across the
pushing hospital vehicles of different wheel sizes. Pushing cart width. Applying a force that does not conform to
speed was higher and pulse rate was lower for the larger these rules will cause a force higher than the correct
wheel size. This result is congruent with the relationship one to be measured and may cause the cart to turn.
between wheel diameter and force that our study demon- Applying pure push forces was slightly more difficult
strated. than applying pure pull forces because in the case of push
It was expected that when the wheels are oriented forces, the force gauge contacted the cart at the end of
away from the forward direction, higher forces would be a small attachment that was 5 mm in diameter. In the
required to move the cart. The results of this experiment, case of pull forces, the attachment was a fork-type hook.
as shown in Tables 6 and 7, suggest that this hypothesis The minimum pull forces at the F90R0 wheel orienta-
was not supported consistently. The only cases that fol- tion were, on average, 28% less than the minimum push
lowed the expected trend were with the 102 mm diameter forces. On the other hand, the minimum pull forces at
wheels, and the 153 mm diameter wheels on carpet. The the F0R90 wheel orientation were, on average, 19%
51 mm diameter wheels showed obvious contradiction to higher than minimum push forces. This suggests that
the expectations. This suggests a strong interaction be- swiveling wheels are recommended in the front if the
tween wheel orientation and wheel diameter and between cart is primarily pulled, while the swiveling wheels are
wheel orientation and floor surface. When such interac- recommended in the rear if the cart is primarily pushed.
tions exist, precise conclusions are typically difficult to This recommendation is based entirely on the minim-
make. um forces required to push or pull the cart forward and
It was known from the beginning that Eq. (1) does not does not take into account the forces required to turn
apply except for the case when the wheels are all in the the cart or maneuver it.
K.W. Al-Eisawi et al. / Applied Ergonomics 30 (1999) 235—245 245

This experiment showed also that the pull-F90R0 for- swiveling rear wheels is generally harder. Therefore, we
ces were not significantly different from the push-F0R90 would generally recommend having the wheels closer to
forces. Similarly, the pull-F0R90 forces were not signifi- the cart handles swivel if the cart will have to go around
cantly different from the push-F90R0. This results sug- corners more often than be pushed or pulled straight.
gests that pulling a cart with swiveling front wheels Based on this limited study, having all four wheels swivel
would be the same as pushing a cart with swiveling rear is generally discouraged unless the cart is intended for use
wheels. Similarly, pulling a cart with swiveling rear in very tight spaces and is not pushed or pulled for long
wheels would be the same as pushing a cart with swivel- distances.
ing front wheels.
In more than one case, it appeared that the measured
force values and the graphs suggested no practical signifi- References
cant difference, while statistical analysis produced a sig-
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wheels should swivel, this study did not provide a definite 6th edn. McGraw-Hill, New York.
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generally easier to turn a cart when the wheels closer to Hall, Englewood Cliffs.
the handles of the cart (rear wheels) are swiveling as Snook, S. H., Ciriello, V. M., 1991. The design of manual handling tasks:
opposed to when the front wheels swivel. In fact, turning revised tables of maximum acceptable weights and forces.
a cart with swiveling front wheels requires the applica- Ergonomics 34, 1197—1213.
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