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Apprentice’s name: ____________________________________________

1. Think: "What jobs can you get as an Accounting and Finance Technologist?" Brainstorm

with your classmates.

2. Read the following text about two Accounting and Finance graduates from SENA. Look at

the phrases in bold. What do those phrases talk about?

These are Luis and Silvia, they both graduated as Accounting and Finance technologists from SENA

CASA in Piedecuesta in 2012. Currently, Luis is an Accounting and Finance intern at a company and

Silvia is a bookkeeper and has her own company. Luis works downtown Bucaramanga but lives in

Floridablanca and Silvia works from home in Piedecuesta. Luis takes longer than Silvia to get to his

job because of all the traffic jams, Silvia just stays at home. However, Silvia’s job is more stressful

than Luis’ because she has to take care of everything and has more responsibilities, she doesn’t

have assistants.

Both Luis and Silvia have to wake up early but Luis has to wake up earlier than Silvia because he

has to be at work by 7 am. Luis’ workplace is bigger than Silvia’s, so Luis is more active than her, he

moves around a lot. Luis is one of the best workers in the company, that’s why he has bigger

challenges than his coworkers. Silvia’s company is one of the best bookkeeping companies in

Piedecuesta but it is the cheapest. They’re both really good at what they do.

3. Comparatives and Superlatives: Work on the following exercises to check grammar


4. Take two of the jobs you mentioned in the first exercise and compare them. Which one is
harder? Which one pays the most?

JOB 1: Accounting Assistant JOB 2: Administrative Assistant

The accounting assistant is the one Administrative assistants are

who reviews the financial records and responsible for maintaining order in the
calculates salaries, this job is more office and their work is less difficult
stressful than the administrative since they only perform general
assistant because you have to take activities such as archive, answering
care of everything and have more phone calls and visits.

5. we have the ability to work in different areas of a company than other technological titles

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