Informatics Scenario 1 Jequnnia Mitchell Baker College: Running Head: Scenario One 1

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Running head: SCENARIO ONE 1

Informatics Scenario 1
JeQunnia Mitchell
Baker College

Scenario 1
Points: 35

Students will complete a Scenario response. Required elements for the Scenario will align to the
Enabling Objectives (EOs) for the Seminar along with reflection upon the Big Ideas (BIs) and
Essential Questions (EQs) for the course. Students should also include any personal reflections
regarding what they are reading and its relationship to the Scenario.

The Scenario assignment does not have a word count or page requirement.

Scenario: 500 nursing staff need to be trained on a new patient documentation system which
includes the use of computers on carts, barcode scanners, and hand-held devices.

Required Elements for writing are as follows: Discuss some of the training challenges with
getting all staff trained while maintaining 24-7 operations.
(EO – 1b & d)

Please submit to the assignment link in a WORD document, there is no word limit, but your
response must be clearly understood for full points. Don't forget APA when appropriate.

Being able to train 500 nursing staff entails the true challenge, figuring out how to

properly execute a plan that gets all 500 trained within a short time period causes the biggest

obstacle. Even if each and every staff member are able to be trained the questions that would

arise would be were they trained properly, did they receive enough hands on experience to

understand the equipment and could they utilize the technology on their own with no error

occurring. I believe some type of strategy would have to be implemented in order for the facility

to maintain their 24-7 operations as well a training the nursing staff. Perhaps dividing the staff

into groups in which they are trained separately on the computers on carts, barcode scanners, and

hand-held devices. Also doing a quick synthesis test at the end of training to see if certain staff

members need more training over a specific topic and to verify that training was effective.

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