Final Ethical Empirical Paper Directions

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Final Ethical/Empirical Paper (75 points)

1. (a) Select one of the following: anxiety, panic, depression, substance/alcohol abuse
treatment, acute stress disorder, PTSD, eating disorders, schizophrenia, borderline
personality disorder, treating couples in couple therapy (CBCT - Cognitive Behavioral
Couples Therapy) or another disorder approved by your instructor.
(b) Locate at least 5 scholarly, credible sources from either peer reviewed academic
journals or peer reviewed books. One of these sources can be your textbook. Do not use
commercial or organizational websites for this assignment (.com, .edu, or .org).
(c) In your paper examine the empirical outcomes reported in the literature related to CBT
and its application to your chosen topic. Briefly describe the main points from your
research as it applies to the topic areas below. .
- Assess the efficacy of CBT as it applies to your chosen topic.
- Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of CBT treatment of your topic.
- Discuss ethical concerns related to using CBT as it applies to your chosen topic.
- Discuss individual and cultural characteristics of clients in your discussion of
ethical practice.

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