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This article contains of several useful examples by different topic that can be
added to IELTS writing task 2
The Worlwatch Institute (WWI, 2006) reports that, in 2005, world population increased by 74 million
people to a total of 6.5 billion, global car production (excluding heavy-duty vehicles) reached
a total of 64.1 million, and oil use grew 1.3% to 83.3 million barrels (or 13.2 million cubic
meters) per day

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD, 2004) expects that the
number of light-duty vehicles on the roads will steadily increase from 2004-level of 750
million to 1 billion around 2020 and up to 2 billion around 2050

Expanding motorization means greater energy use, increasing air pollution and growing CO 2
emission, wider-spread environmental noise, and expanding road infrastructure

The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP, 2002) and the European Environment Agency
(EEA, 2003) report that, concentration of carbon dioxide, the main global warming gas in
Earth’s atmosphere, post largest two-year increase ever recorded

The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP, 2002) reports that, rising international demand
for Brazilian beef is encouraging high rates of Amazon deforestation

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD, 2015) predicts that, world
energy demand will grow 54 percent by 2025, with oil use rising from 81 million to 121 million
barrels a day

According to NASA's Climate Experiment (2018), the earth's average surface temperature has
risen about 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit (0.9 degrees Celsius) since the late 19th century, a
change driven largely by increased carbon dioxide and other human-made emissions into
the atmosphere

With the start of industry in the 1700's, humans began emitting more fossil fuels from coal, oil,
and gas to run our cars, trucks, and factories. By driving a “smarter” car, you will not only
save on gas, but help prevent global warming

Global warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to greenhouse gases
that collect in the atmosphere like a thickening blanket, trapping the sun's heat and causing
the planet to warm up

According to the U.S. Global Change Research Program, the temperature in the U.S. has
increased by 2 degrees in the last 50 years and precipitation has increased by 5%

Since 1870, global sea levels have risen by about 8 inches

Over six billion people live on planet Earth. As the population grows, we are taking more and more
land to live and using more of the world’s natural resources. Many human activities also
produce pollution, which is damaging the Earth’s environment.

One of our main challenges is to find the right balance between using and conserving Earth’s
natural resources. The human species dominates Earth in a way that no species has done
before. Our demands for fuel, water, land, and food are beginning to place a strain on the
planet’s limited resources.
According to the data released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), The number of
homicides - including murder and manslaughter - rose from 649 to 739, an increase of 14%,
in the 12 months to the end of September 2018. It is the the highest total for such crimes
since 2007. Robbery went up by 17%, as did recorded sexual offences. Overall crimes
recorded by police went up by 7% with a total of 5,723,182 offences recorded.
The Worldwatch Institute (WWI, 2005) expects that, if global temperature rises 2-6 degrees as now
predicted, 18-35 percent of the world’s species could be gone by 2050
The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP, 2002) expects that,the world will soon become
predominantly urban, with 60 percent of people living in cities by 2030

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