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Centerview Christian Academy, Inc.

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Student Handbook

Where great minds GROW

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not
depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6 B13 L2 Maligaya Park Subd., Camarin, Caloocan City, Metro Manila
Table of Contents
Dear Parents,

Thank you for choosing Centerview Christian Academy, Inc. for the care and
education of your child. We view our role as a joint undertaking between home
and school and consider it an honor that you have entrusted your child to us. We • Philosophy and Core Values………………………………………..………………………….….… 2-3
encourage you to be actively involved in your child’s education this year and in
the years to come.
• Mission, Vision………………………………………………………………………….………………..………. 3
This handbook outlines our policies and procedures. However, like any
handbook, it is unable to cover all of the questions that may arise from time to • Philosophy of Teaching and Learning…………………………………….…………………….… 4
time. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.
• Educational Goals…………………………………………………………….………………………………… 4
Thank you again for choosing Centerview Christian Academy, Inc.
• Evaluations, Discipline Policy………………………………………………….…………………………5

In Christ’s Service, • Admissions

‣ Non-discriminatory Policy…………………………………………………………………………………..6

Mrs. Jamila Robles-Caba ‣ Enrollment Procedure…………………………………………………………………………………….6-7

School Directress ‣ Re-enrollment………………………………………………………………………………………………………..7

‣ Withdrawal, Financial Information, Health Requirements…………….……………8

*The stub below is to be returned your child’s teacher:
‣ Illness……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9
‣ Health Examinations……………………………………………………………………………………….…10
NAME OF STUDENT: ______________________________
• General Information
[ ] I have taken the time to read this manual.
‣ Chapel, Dress Code…………………………………………………………………………………………….11
[ ] I have understood all the rules and regulations stated in this
manual and will therefore comply to all its conditions.

PARENT/ GUARDIAN Signature over printed name
Philosophy Emergency Drills

Centerview Christian Academy, Inc. was established to provide a The school participates in the following school-wide emergency drills:
quality Christ-centered early education program, under girded fire, flood, and earthquake. These drills prepare children for what to
by a vital faith in God and in the Bible as the revelation from do in case of a true emergency.
God. The Bible is the source that provides the foundation for
Emergency Information
the interpretation of curriculum taught and any school activity.
As the center of the curriculum, it is further revealed that God Parents must provide Emergency Contact Information. It is the
is the center of all truth, knowledge, and wisdom. The desire is parents’ responsibility to update emergency information (home or work
to please Him in all things. phone numbers, new address, email address, etc.). It is crucial that
this information remain current so that we are able to contact you in
The Biblical mandate for educating children is given to parents, and
the event of an emergency.
that the school fully supports the home in teaching children to love
God and to give Him pre- eminence in their lives and to give Him the Food
best they have to offer in any endeavor. The Centerview Christian
Academy, Inc. views itself as being in partnership with the home, and Students should come to school with a packed healthy lunch/snack.
therefore, a responsive listener to it. We encourage you NOT to allow your child to bring any candies or
sweets, and any soft drinks, iced teas or of any sort, and chips to
Furthermore, it is the purpose of the school to provide a safe, school as these may have chemical ingredients that may cause your
nurturing environment that is conducive to ministering to the total child’s brain cells to absorb slower and may also cause hyper reactions
child by learning about God, His Word, and His plan for each life. to your child’s body.
Centerview Christian Academy, Inc. is a vital component in the
development of each child and is a support system to the home and Parental Involvement
Parents are encouraged to be active participants in their child’s
education. Parents are encouraged to attend holiday parties and other
special activities. During class hours, parents and guardians are not
Core Values allowed inside the classrooms. This is to avoid any distractions to the
child which could be caused by the presence of a familiar figure.
The following core value is the basis of our programming. To Waiting areas shall be provided for the parents/guardians in the lobby
accomplish the mission and vision of Centerview Christian area.
Academy, Inc., the following is important to us:
1. Each staff member is daily seeking God’s wisdom through Bible Physical (Health) Examinations:
study and prayer, involved in a weekly Bible Fellowship, and
regularly attends an evangelical church each week. In the event of absence due to illness, the child must have on file an
original written health examination. The certificate shall attest that
2. Children and families are accepted and loved unconditionally. the child has undergone any known medical treatment and that the
3. Classrooms are welcoming, inviting, and set up to stimulate child is eligible to attend class. The certificate is valid for two (2)
exploration and discovery. days from the date the physical was performed.

4. The curriculum is creative and innovative to stimulate children’s

spiritual development; physical development; social and emotional
development; language, communication and emergent literacy General Information
development; cognitive development and general knowledge.
5. Provide support for families. 

Students must attend chapel each Thursday. Chapel hours are lead in
prayer, praise and worship songs and a lesson from God’s Word.
Dress Code
The Centerview Christian Academy, Inc., is an institution that exists
to develop sensible, articulate, and motivated learners, who in the Official Centerview Christian Academy, Inc. approved uniforms are
future would thrive to excel in all manners of life; to become required for the students.
contributors towards progression for our country and to exhibit a
visible and remarkable love for the Almighty God and for our The approved designed uniforms must be purchased from the business
countrymen. office. Black shoes, white socks and a clean haircut for boys are
included in the daily uniform requirement. While black shoes, knee-
Vision length, white socks and properly dressed hair for girls are also
included in the daily uniform requirement. Sneakers/ rubber shoes
The Centerview Christian Academy, Inc. provides learners with a are the preference for PE time. No wearing of funky haircolor and
secure and trustworthy environment that shall engage to set learners hairstyles, sandos, extremely short or rugged shorts is allowed within
in the mastery of academic and technical skills, with a dauntless the school premises from all people within the school premises.
portrayal of sincere loyalty to the Lord Jesus Christ and for the

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Philosophy of Teaching and Learning Illness:

At Centerview Christian Academy, Inc., we believe that children learn In case of illness, you will be notified and are to pick up your child
best by being engaged in the learning process through developmentally within an hour of when you were first notified. If you are called to
appropriate practices. This is accomplished by providing children with pick up, your child will not be admitted to school the next day and
inviting, stimulating classrooms and a comprehensive curriculum that must be out until all symptoms subside. Please understand that this is
addresses the spiritual, cognitive, physical, social and emotional needs for the health of the children. No child will be admitted to school
and development of each child. Each age group has its own skill set for under the following conditions:
four-nine year old children and above.
‣ A child with a fever of 37.8 degrees or above. He/she must be without a
The teaching staff views their relationship with the children to be one fever for 24 hours (without a fever reducer) before returning to school.
of facilitator and teacher. As facilitator, by observing children as they Please do not administer a fever reducer before dropping your child off.
explore and discover, providing assistance as needed. As teacher, by When the medication wears off, your child’s fever will spike again and we
will have to call you to pick up. Also, the other children and teachers will
directly teaching curriculum components at a pace that is appropriate
have been exposed to whatever your child has.
for each age group. It is imperative that teachers model Christ-like
attitudes and actions. As a faith based institution, operated upon the ‣ A child with diarrhea or vomiting may not come to school.
guidance and counsel of the Open Door Baptist Church, the child’s
spiritual development is a very integral component of our program. ‣ A child will not be allowed in class with a runny nose. If the runny nose is
due to allergies, we must have a doctor’s note before the child will be
Educational Goals allowed to return to class.

At Centerview Christian Academy, Inc., our goal is to create a Christ- ‣ A child with excessive coughing.
centered atmosphere of love, respect, trust and safety where children
‣ A child with any infectious disease will not be allowed in school.
will strive to achieve their maximum potential under God. We endeavor
(Conjunctivitis, measles, chicken pox, etc.).
to minister to the total child. This instruction encompasses the
spiritual, mental, intellectual, physical, social, and emotional areas of ‣ A child with a sore throat needs to be seen by the doctor to rule out strep
child development. These areas are inseparable; therefore, the truth throat or any other contagious disease.
of God’s word will be incorporated throughout the entire curriculum.
‣ A child with an unexplained skin rash. We reserve the right to ask for a
doctor’s note before accepting a child back to class.

Please remember: An ill child must be out of school for at least 24 hours
and until all symptoms subside.

Evaluations Withdrawal

Withdrawals from this institution must be made in writing (signed by

Children are formally evaluated in December and March. You will
the parent/guardian) and submitted to the School Director. The
receive a notification when the evaluation is available for you to view.
written notice should include the date of and reason for withdrawal.
The evaluation is a tool we use to measure a child’s skills in the
Students attending any day of the month will owe the full month’s
following areas: personal, social, cognitive, and fine motor skills.
tuition. If a child will be absent for an extended period of time, the
Parents are encouraged to set up a conference with their child’s
School Director must be notified and the tuition bill must be kept
teacher to go over the evaluation. The conference may be conducted in
current. A student may be automatically withdrawn if their bill
person. Teachers are available for conferences from 1:00pm-2:00pm,
becomes 30 days past due.

Mondays through Fridays. Please call your child’s teacher to arrange a
NOTE: A P2,500.00 withdrawal fee will be applied to the account, regardless
of the reason for withdrawal. Until all fees be settled, the releasing of all the
child’s forms and/or documents shall be delayed.
Discipline Policy
Financial Information
Discipline is a vital component to the learning process of a child.
Gentle discipline is neither per-missive nor punitive, rather a means of Payments may be dropped off at the Registration/Business Office. Do
teaching, guiding, and training. When boundaries and expectations are not give tuition payments to teachers or send it in your child’s lunch
clearly defined, children feel secure. By setting rules and clearly box. School tuition is billed on a monthly basis and due by the first of
communicating expectations, misbehaviours can be avoided and each month. Parents with multiple children enrolled in the School will
children can develop self-discipline and self-control. At Centerview be eligible for a multiple child discount. Any questions regarding your
Christian Academy, Inc., children will receive gentle, loving, and account should be directed to the business office. All transactions
Biblically-modelled discipline. After clearly communicating should be only on a cash-basis procedure.
expectations, the following steps will be followed:

• To encourage good behavior, teachers provide praises as they catch

children making the right choice. Health Requirements

• If a child is aggressive toward another (pushing, hitting, biting or any of Centerview Christian Academy, Inc. requires to maintain on file the
the same violent actions), the aggressor will be immediately removed from original, up-to-date Health records, signed by a your family’s physician.
the group and placed in time out. When the child returns to the group, the
incident is over.

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• Should these efforts fail to produce the desired behavior in the child, 1. Complete the registration form and submit the application.
parents will be called to meet with the school Director and/or Guidance
Counsellor and the child’s teacher to develop a suitable strategy for 2. Submit the registration fee to the business/registration office.
correcting the child’s inappropriate behavior.
3. Physical and immunization records submitted to the registration
• If the above steps do not produce the desired behavior, the child will be office.
withdrawn from the school.
4. A copy of the child’s birth certificate and two (2) copies of a 2x2
• No spanking or any kind of corporal punishment is allowed. ID photo submitted to the registration office.

If you have any questions or concerns about any of the discipline 5. Approval by the School Director.
procedures, please contact _____________________________.

Re-enrollment takes place during the month of January each year and
Non-discriminatory Policy is a three step process.

Centerview Christian Academy, Inc. is committed to admitting and 1. Fill out the re-enrollment application from the registration office.
welcoming students of any color, national, and ethnic origin. No
2. Submit the registration fee to the business/registration office.
employee or student shall undertake, participate in or support any
action, verbal or otherwise, which is intended to harm, injure, harass 3. Submit the completed Financial Contract to the business office.
or insult any other student on the grounds of gender, color, national or
ethnic origin. If these steps are not completed, then your child is not re-enrolled. It
is imperative that these 3 steps are followed

Enrollment Procedure NOTE: In order to re-enroll, a student’s account must be current.

Each February enrollment begins for the following school year. The
following items are necessary for enrollment:

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