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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to

A. Define important concepts and ideas in writing and presenting a position paper
B. Identify situations in which a position paper may be used in our present society
C. Use these concepts, ideas, and significant issues in crafting a draft of a position paper
D. Present a convincing position paper based on properly cited factual evidence


A. Topic- Writing and Presenting Position Paper CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-II-d1

B. Skill- Writing and Speaking
C. Reference- English for Academic and Professional Purposes-EAPP p.65-70
D. Materials- Chalk board, Manila Paper, Paper Folder, Speaker, Microphone
E. Value Focus- Cooperation


1. Activity

a. Motivation- Game
The teacher divides the class into four group. The teacher explains the mechanics of the game.
The teacher shows a flash card of which the students stay freeze when the teacher says POSITION as they
portrait a scene shown in the flash card. No winner shall be announce as this is not a competition.

2. Analysis

a. The teacher presents concepts and ideas about a concept paper.

b. The teacher identifies significant issues in the school and society that can be seen today.
c. The teacher explains the difference between TOPICS and ISSUES.
d. The teacher explains the CLAIMS and EVIDENCE
e. The teacher asks what other issues can be seen in the school and society that affect people.
f. The teacher asks why these issues need to be identified.
g. The teacher also asks if identifying these issues is enough.

3. Abstraction

a. The teacher instructs to go to the same groups during the game. The teacher gives out piece
of Manila paper and let the students write topics and issues. Then, the students post their work on the
board. The teacher lets the students presents their stand and explain its importance.

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