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R 19 Oct-25 Oct 2019 Comment 14 WEEKENDE
R 19 Oct-25 Oct 2019 Comment 19

Traditions of merit
Brigadier S Shujah H Khurazmi (Retd)
students belonging to the new generation are
assesses the inherent decency of
not serious about their studies and lack disci-
Pakistani youth
pline. They were reported to be loitering on

the roads and were reported to be engaged in
n Pakistan the general trend is to cas- uncalled activities. Of course one feels sorry
tigate the younger generation and to about the decay in standards whether moral,
portray it as alien to the lofty traditions social or academic and it displeases the older
followed by earlier generations. It is not generation to no end.
out of ordinary for the senior generation to Amidst the depressing reports of student
underrate their following generation but any behaviour emerged a report of gutting of a
assessment must be based on reality and in commercial centre in the city with its fire
its true perspective. Just following the laid raging far and wide. It was then reported that
down trend is certainly a travesty of justice when students of Zamindar College got to
and fairplay. know of the mishap they rushed towards the
My alma mater Zamindar College in Gujrat scene of occurrence and in the absence of civ-
carried an exemplary reputation amongst the ic firefighting services plunged headlong res-
places of learning in the country and deserv- cuing the victims. They were totally oblivious Current celebrations The Durrand Line
edly so as it produced outstanding citizens. of the perilous dangers of getting into the rag-
When I came back after completing my pro- ing fire, falling debris and billowing smoke. around 31,000 innocent souls. Not only in- Although both sides said they were in Is- This would include the US side releasing Anas entitled to verify.
fessional career I was informed that Zamindar When they were told to refrain from put- tra-Afghan settlement is outstanding but also lamabad for separate talks with Pakistani of- Haqqani, a high-ranking member of the Tali- It all deals with the American “nation-
College has lost its lustre and that most of its ting their lives into danger they replied that the Durand line – the straggling, perplexing, ficials, media reports claimed that Khalilzad ban-affiliated Haqqani network. In exchange, al interest”: bring Trump’s boys back home
outrageous border more than 1,400 miles in held separate talks with Mullah Baradar as the Taliban would give up two professors, an and cross our fingers that the good old let-
length which Sir Mortimer Durand drew in well and their senior aides also participated American and an Australian, who were kid- bygones-be-bygones Taliban will crush
1893 between British India now Pakistan in this meeting. The discontinuation of talk napped on their way home from teaching at the thousands of Isis fighters prowling the
and Afghanistan. sThe line, like all colonial drew criticism and Rick Olson, a former US the American University of Afghanistan in deserts and mountains of Afghanistan and
frontiers, bisected people, tribes, families. Special Representative for Afghanistan and 2016. thus prevent them striking at mainland US
Zamindar College Gujrat
It divided the home of the Pashtun people – Pakistan, who has disagreed with US Presi- Yet another suggestion, being discussed in a second version of 9/11. The problem is
death is a reality that cannot be avoided and of my alma mater are certainly much more Pashtunistan – and today’s Taliban are Pash- dent Donald Trump’s claim last month that in US-Taliban meetings, is to revive a deal what was discussed in Doha is wrapped in
that they want to die for a cause. The valour prominent than the rather mundane one tuns. Now that’s something to reflect upon. If talks with the Taliban were dead. He rated that both said were ready for signing before suspense and Pakistan would want to know
and sacrifice hidden in the spirit of these that should be ignored. Their goodness is far Pashtunistan ever exists as a state, it will take Trump’s declaration that the talks were dead President Trump cancelled the ceremony. what is contained in there. Even the Kabul
youngsters revived my spirit that had earlier weightier than anything other exhibited by part of Afghanistan and part of Pakistan to was rhetorical overkill and stated that the The proposed deal calls for the withdrawal of regime would want to know the details. Cur-
sagged when I was informed about their way- them at times. create it. structural conditions — a deteriorating stale- about 5,000 US troops within 135 days after rently there is nothing visible except the on-
ward behaviour. My faith in the purposeful- I can say with confidence now that the Under the pressure of the military estab- mate — have not changed, so both sides need it is signed. The remaining 10,000 US troops going violence. TW
ness of the younger generation revived man- new generation is blessed with the equal lishment US president Trump abandoned the to talk. would be pulled out within a year after the
ifold. Their excellent action made me to think measure of merit that it has inherited. It is ac- possible peace agreement between the US Laurel Miller, who was the acting special deal is signed. In return, the Taliban would re- Schehram Siddiqi is an industrialist based
that the present generation has been an im- tually the falsity of the yardstick to measure and Taliban but the first US-Taliban meeting representative for Afghanistan from 2013 to nounce all ties to Al Qaeda, a process the US is in Lahore
provement on us because we thought about the efficacy of their spirit that is primarily after the collapse of the peace talks was held 2017, believes that the United States needs to
the welfare of our country but they are willing the cause of wrong assessment. What is re- in Islamabad last week when both US and take the lead in resuming the peace process.
to practically do so. quired therefore is the review of the norms Taliban officials visited the Pakistani capital. He says that the US is going to have to find a
My faith was not only restored but rose of performance and behaviour that have also Diplomatic sources in Washington say that way to demonstrate, both to the parties in Af-
high because it dawned on me that human evolved with time and though may be unusual Pakistan is also playing a key role in these ghanistan but also to the important countries
being is a combination of low and high and for earlier generation but must be relevant to talks that aim to end the 18-year old Afghan in the region, that it is still serious about ne-
it is imperative to his positive aspects of his the current one. What is needed is change in war. Early this month, Pakistan hosted US gotiating and that it is not simply fickle.
character and performance. It is now my firm outlook and that would certainly repose more Special Envoy Zalmay Khalilzad and Taliban There is hardly any doubt though that
Rescue efforts belief that the loftier aspects of the students trust in the viability of the younger genera- leader Mullah Baradar. the peace in Afghanistan has remained elu- Subscribe & Support

tion. sive despite several recent efforts to find a
It is probably the lack of appropriate re- negotiated settlement to this complex issue.
view of the difference of attitudes in succes- US officials told various media outlets that a
sive generations that gives rise to generation- reduction in violence could be modeled on
al discrepancies whereas in actual fact our the cease-fire that took place in June 2018,
youth is as worthy of our traditions as any to enable Afghans to celebrate Eidul Fitr. The
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new generation could be. I personally feel three-day cease-fire allowed Afghan rivals to
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satisfied that the Pakistani youth is traversing meet each other and rekindled their desire
the right course and will surely prove benefi- for peace. To re-create that atmosphere both
cial to his social milieu. I am also sure that the sides have also suggested a prisoner swap. 26 Weeks Rs. 5000/=
ISIS in Afghanistan
country will remain safe in the hands of the
new generation as it is equally cognisant of its 52 Weeks Rs.9500/=
responsibility and duty.
This is a very satisfying prospect that puts Name:
to rest all anxieties one can have about one’s
system and country. I can now vouch with a Postal Address:
tremendous pleasure of trust and equanimi-
ty that the Pakistani youth is second to none
and given a chance it has the uncanny ability
to work wonders. It is however our duty as Contact:
the older generation to keep on guiding our Email:
youngsters and give them everything that we
have inherited from our seniors. We should
inculcate in them the pride of the achieve- Bank Account No:2000585273 Samba Bank Clifton Branch
ments of our elders and should also keep Karachi
them abreast with what is expected of them. M. Raees +923452924162 Fahad Ali +923008282558
It is a good omen that we have a motivated
youth that fortunately constitutes a majority
of the population of Pakistan. TW

Brigadier S Shujah H Khurazmi (Retd) had facebookpage:TheWeekender

a distinguished career in law enforcement
and now is a social activist C-150, Block 2, Clifton, Karachi
Raging fire Doha talks

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