ACT1 Burnik

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T his explains my life.

My name is James Stanly So, 17 years of age came

from Monreal, Masbate, lived in Rosmont Heights Subdivision in albay.
I was born on November 21, 2001. My mother’s name is Marife S.
Miras and my father’s name is Dante P. Miras. I’m grade 12 student of Daraga
National High School. My dream is to become a successful engineer someday,
to help my family and give to them what they deserve. I love to play basketball
and armis, when I was in elementary year I represent my school and compete in provincial meet and
palarong bicol in arnis. My hobbies are to play guitar and sometimes playing online games. My life is not
complete without family and friends. My family played a big role in my life especially my parents they
teach me to be good to others, always show them respect and do not underestimate people.

can say that I am a responsible and a hard working student. Moreover, being a sociable person, I
have many friends since I like to communicate with people and get to know new interesting
individuals. I enjoy my time at school, it is really nice to study, the students are very friendly and
ready to help. I like to receive and deal with challenging task. I am a very enthusiastic student and I think
this is a strong point of mine. I am a kind, responsible person and I do what I am supposed to do. As
now, I am a student in school, therefore I do my homework every single day and study for what I have
learned at home. I also pay attention in class most of the time as well. Besides of that, I organize my
work as well. At home, I am a big brother to my younger sister so I will be a role model for them and I
respect my parents a lot, help them to do house works, such as doing laundries and washing dishes. I
clean my room once a week because I know that is my responsibility as being an older brother. I also
help out my friend and classmates when they need help. I give out advices and suggestions to them
when they need support and help as well.

esides of being a responsible person, I am also a person who is a sympathetic. I have been
sympathetic person when I was young. For example, When I walk on the street and saw some
handicapped people or vagrants, I would help them by giving money or whatever things that I
can do for them. I feel sympathetic to many people in the world and therefore I do something
to help them have a better living. Even though I am a sympathetic person, however, I am a self-centered
person as well. Sometimes I don’t care what they think of me and I used to be myself alone from
everything, I feel free when no one bothering me because I can think deeply and sometimes I ask myself
what is my goal in life? And I always think about my future, what will happen to me and think about the
solution on my problem. I believe that is better to suffer now than enjoy later because for me it is all
worth it at the end.

et’s talk about my goal and dreams in life. My goal in life is to finish my studies and be an
architect or engineer someday to help my family and I want to travel the world discovering
something new and enjoying my life because life is too short do whatever you can now don’t
ever hesitate you most go on, don’t give and always put god at the centered of your life.

Prepared by: Subject Teacher:

James Stanly So Mr. Conway O. Retuerma

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