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Defining the state

The term state refers to the political structure of an organized community that lives under a
government. The state is related to but is not synonymous to government and country, which refer to
elements that compose the state. The state is often combined with the concept of the nation, which
gives rise to the concept of the nation state.

The state is considered the highest form of human association, and it is the product of mans basic desire
for survival and the attainment of wants and needs. The state is considered by enlightenment
philosopers such as Thomas Hobbes, john Locke, and jean Jacques rousseau as a product of an
established order brought about by human cooperation and agreement. The state is primarily an
organization with a legal purpose which is to impose law and order to insure the welfare of all the
people. It is this nature of the state that imbues it with the power to enact and enforce laws.

The state is considered a product of the interaction of its various elements, and cannot be reduced to a
single institution such as government.

The state is also embodied by a symbols such as flag, the national anthem, monuments, and other
symbols use by the government

The Elements of the State

The elements that compose the state are population, territory, government, and sovereignty.
Population refers to the people that compose the state. Territory refers to the place where the people
that compose the state are located and includes the land, natural resources and air space located within
it. Government is the institution empowered by the people to control and administer the state.
Sovereignty is the ability of the state to conduct its affairs and enact its authority without interference
from outside forces

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