(Mom) AMI

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Name of Association : AMI (Asosiasi Mainan Indonesia) / Indonesia Toy Association

Date : Tuesday - 8th January 2019
Attendees Present : Mrs. Meiling Chang (Owner of PT. Jaya Makmur Importir & AMI Treasurer)
Location : PT. Jaya Makmur Importir Offices

Meeting Objective
Asosiasi Mainan Indonesia [AMI] / Indonesian Toys Association

✓ How is the procedure to be sponsorship partner with the Association?

The company have to send an Introduction Letter to Association and Company Profile. The
Association will record it, then The Association will call for offering to us. The company have to
contact with Public Relationship staff on Asosiasi Mainan Indonesia [AMI]. The Association
approximately held two events once a year. Type of AMI event is Members Gathering and
Socialize Event regarding TOY regulation from government. Their main sponsor are Badan
Standarisasi Nasional (Government) & OCBC NISP.

✓ How many members AMI have?

The number of AMI member is 100 members. There scope are not big as ASPADIN. Most of their
members are not do manufacture industry, but Trading Company, Export/Import Company and
Distribution Company.

✓ Can we work together and collaboration with AMI to held Harness Seminar? Can we invite
the AMI members to join our seminar?
Mrs. Meiling Chang can not make sure regarding invite the AMI members to the seminars, base
on their experiences, the members never came. She has already broadcast our company profile
in their AMI WhatsApp group.
The meeting Summary, Mrs. Meiling Chang has a good manner and very warm with Harness Digitech.
She Gives a good story telling to us regarding their experience on held an event. Mrs. Meiling Chang
Explain the company type and the company condition on AMI. Based on their experience, She gives a
notice that most of the members never come for any event/seminars that was held by AMI Partners.
Mrs. Meiling Chang asking about what kind of benefit that can we contributes to the association but
that question still not answered by Gibran or Safira.

New Additional Information :

1. New Contact Number
Name : Mr. Dede
Phone Number : 081 – 1184 – 762
Position : Public Relationship
2. Validation data
• Procedure on AMI
• Number of AMI members

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