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Biologic Interfaces in Esthetic te ot

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Dentistry. Part II: The Peri-implant/

Restorative Interface*
**Arndt Happe, Dr med dent, DDS
Private practice, Münster, Germany
Research Fellow, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery,
University of Cologne

**Gerd Körner, Dr med dent

Private dental practice, Bielefeld, Germany
Educational Board Member, Dresden International University (DIU)

* This article is Part II of a two-part review on biological interfaces in esthetic dentistry that took
place at the European Association of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED) Active Members Meeting in October
2010 in Tremezzo, Italy. Please see Part I (Eur J Esthet Dent 2011;6:206–224) for discussion of the
perio/restorative interface.

** Both authors contributed equally to this article.

Correspondence to: Arndt Happe

Schützenstr. 2; D-48143 Münster, Germany

tel: 0251 45057; fax: 0251 40271; e-mail:

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makes it sensitive to mechanical tover-

Prologue fo r
loading and bacterial contamination,
By Joerg Rudolf Strub giving rise to many problems such as
micromovements, loosening of abut-
Many factors have been proposed to ment screws, and microbial colonization,
interact with the peri-implant tissue, which result in peri-implant inflammation
thus influencing long-term stability and and marginal bone resorption. Many de-
esthetic outcome such as quality of peri- signs of implant abutments, including
implant tissue, implant abutment inter- interface, have been introduced in an
face (microgap), material and design attempt to overcome these problems.
of implant abutment, and surgical and One design concept is “platform switch-
prosthetic procedures. Other factors ing” which refers to the use of a small
are: presence of attached gingiva, type diameter abutment on a larger diameter
of provisional restorations, and oral hy- implant collar. Other implant abutment
giene procedures. designs include scalloped implants and
The design of the implant–abutment gingivally converging implants. Stud-
interface is important because it is one ies show many controversies concern-
of the primary determinants of prosthet- ing the effectiveness of these designs
ic stability. The nature of this interface on preserving peri-implant tissues, and

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recommendations for use must be based that even with immediate implant
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on clinical evidence that new designs ment, the process of bone resorption
are effective in accomplishing what is was not avoided.
claimed. Assessment of the quality of the peri-
Because of its well-documented bio- implant tissue is important for implant-
compatibility and mechanical proper- supported restorations. Tissue scal-
ties, implant abutments are mainly be- lop, defined as the distance between
ing fabricated out of commercially pure the mid-facial and interproximal facial
titanium. Nevertheless, the risk of metal height, has been categorized as either
components being visible, especially flat or scalloped. Tissue biotype, which
through thin peri-implant tissues, remain is defined as the thickness of the soft tis-
a risk. Today, aluminium oxide and zir- sue in the buccolingual dimension, has
conium oxide are being used to fabri- been classified as being either thick or
cate esthetic implant-supported restora- thin. It has been reported that implant
tions. Here, it is noteworthy to mention sites with a normal or pronounced tis-
that mucosa thickness is a crucial factor sue scallop and a thin biotype are more
in terms of discoloration, as it has been prone to recession.
suggested that with a mucosa thickness
of 3 mm, no change in color can be dis-
tinguished with any type of material. Introduction
Another factor that may affect the os-
seous and soft tissue stability is the sur- The peri-implant restorative interface
gical procedure. The original protocol is a highly relevant subject for scientific
for implant placement is the 2-stage pro- research, as it may be the key to longev-
cedure, in which the implant is placed in ity of implant restorations and sustain-
the first surgery, then after a healing pe- ability of implant esthetics.
riod between 2 and 4 months, a second Different factors have been identified
surgery is required to uncover the im- and reported to interact with the peri-im-
plant body and connect the abutment. plant tissues, respectively influence the
This 2-stage technique was improved vertical localization of the crestal bone
upon with a 1-stage procedure, which and the dimension and localization of
has the advantage of requiring only one the peri-implant soft tissues. These are
surgery. Implant surgeries can also be the individual morphotype,1 the peri-
classified according to the time of im- implant tissue quality,2 the restorative
plant placement into “immediate,” “late,” environment,3 and the property of the
or “delayed.” Several studies have been abutment,4 including nature of the abut-
carried out in order to investigate wheth- ment connection.5
er the time of implant placement may af- Quality of the peri-implant soft tissue
fect the peri-implant tissues. Immediate seems to influence the implant success
implant placement has been suggested in the long run, especially when implant
to be a possible solution for maintenance esthetics are concerned. All two-piece
of soft and hard tissue architecture. In implant systems share the problem of
contrast, a number of studies showed leakage and contaminations of peri-

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Fig 1-1a and 1-1b Although these implants survived many years and are still in function, these patients
do not consider these results successful and asked for a retreatment.

implant tissues. There is no evidence that Essay 1: Quality of peri-

individual abutments made of gold alloy
implant tissues, long-term
bear a risk for crestal bone loss and soft
tissue recession. Ceramic abutment ma-
stability and longevity.
terials are superior to metal abutments in Is there a correlation?
terms of esthetics, and CAD/CAM tech-
nology has a great potential for individ- Soft tissue interface
ual full ceramic abutment design for the To be functionally useful, oral implants
esthetic zone. The clinical performance have to pierce the gingiva or oral mu-
of zirconium dioxide as an abutment ma- cosa and enter the oral cavity, thus es-
terial is comparable to the gold standard tablishing a transmucosal connection
titanium and even better in terms of biol- between the external environment and
ogy and tissue integration, but surface the inner parts of the body.
properties such as surface roughness In order to avoid bacterial penetration
have to be taken into account. Platform- that could jeopardize either initial heal-
switching shows encouraging results, ing or long-term success of implants, the
but is a multi-factorial phenomenon with formation of an early and long-standing
some still unexplained mechanisms. effective barrier is a critical part of tissue
The intention of this article is to give integration and has to lead to an effec-
a survey of the current findings in relat- tive interface between living tissues and
ed literature addressing these factors. a foreign body. Besides osseointegra-
Moreover, the clinical interpretation of tion, this soft tissue integration is a key
these findings as it affects the clinical factor for implant success.6
protocols – especially in the esthetic The soft tissue interface has been his-
zone – will be discussed. tologically assessed in animals and has a

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Fig 1-2 Lip line exposing papillae. Fig 1-3 Failing tooth 11 due to root fracture.

Fig 1-4 Post-extraction soft tissue management Fig 1-5 Uneventful healing after 6 weeks. The
with free gingival graft. Buccal lamella not present. A contour of the ridge was preserved and provides a
xenograft serves as a temporary filler in the socket. natural soft tissue envelope for bone augmentation.

Fig 1-6 Flap reflection reveals the three-dimen- Fig 1-7 A titanium foil protects particulated au-
sional ridge defect after removing the filler. togenous bone grafts.

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Fig 1-8 Four months after augmentation the bony Fig 1-9 ... and allows for restoratively driven im-
ridge is reconstructed… plant installation with sufficient buccal bone plate.

Fig 1-10 Minimally invasive second stage sur- Fig 1-11 Final all-ceramic restoration shortly after
gery and placement of a healing abutment. finalization with a surplus of soft tissue (dental tech-
nician: Andreas Nolte, Münster, Germany).

Fig 1-12 Smile of the patient after treatment. Fig 1-13 Smile of the patient 1 year after restor-

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dimension of 3 to 4 mm in the apico-coro- tween the barrier epithelium and
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nal direction called “biological width.” marginal bone, has been found to be
The interface consists of two zones, one poor in cells and in vascular structures
of epithelium, which covers about 2 mm but rich in collagen fibers. These fibers
of the surface, while the rest is covered run more or less parallel to the surface
with connective tissue adhesion.7–9 of the implant. Apart from the orienta-
tion of the fibers, the major difference
Junctional epithelium between the connective tissue around
teeth and around artificial abutments is
At early phases of the healing process, related to their connection to the natu-
the quality and stability of the fibrin clot ral or artificial root surface. In natural
adhesion to the surface of the transmu- teeth, the dento-gingival collagen fibers
cosal components most probably plays firmly insert into the cementum and the
a role in the formation and positioning of bone, and are oriented perpendicular
the junctional epithelium.10 The fibrin clot or oblique to the tooth surface, serving
forms rapidly after implant/abutment in- as a barrier to epithelial migration and
stallation and the epithelium found at the invasion.15
border of the incision proliferates over In contrast, implants lack cementum.
this bridge towards the surface. Once The orientation of the supracrestal soft
it reaches the surface, it moves in the tissue compartment is parallel with the
coronal-apical direction and the former implant surface and does not insert in
oral epithelium is transformed, due to the implant surface.7 Therefore the con-
several influences, into a junctional epi- nective tissue adhesion at implants has
thelium about 2 mm long.11 The attach- a poor mechanical resistance compared
ment of the junctional epithelium can be to that of natural teeth.16 This lack of me-
formed after 2 to 3 days of healing via chanical resistance can potentially en-
the formation of hemidesmosomes and danger the prognosis of oral implants.
a basal lamina.12 The role of the underlin- Tearing at the connective tissue/implant
ing connective tissue in preventing epi- interface could occur due to lack of soft
thelium down-growth has been clearly tissue stability, which could induce the
demonstrated in animal models.13 apical migration of the junctional epithe-
lium, accompanied by gingival reces-
Connective tissue sion or pocket formation and by bone

attachment resorption.6

In the early healing of the connective Peri-implant tissue stability

tissue wound, the formation and adhe-
sion of the fibrin to the implant or abut- Peri-implant tissues are constantly chal-
ment surface clot leads to connective lenged by various hazards. Bacterial
tissue cells on the implant’s surface, plaque formation,17 loading,18 and pros-
transforming the clot into granulation thetic manipulation19 are factors that
tissue.14 After tissue maturation, the can have an adverse effect on implant
connective tissue portion, located be- success.

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occurred within the first 6 monthst e

Research in the 1980s has shown that after
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bone loss of up to 1.5 mm after the first prosthesis placement, and mandibular
year and 0.2 mm in subsequent years lingual sites showed the greatest ten-
with mucosal recession are inevitable in dency toward recession. A recession
implant restorative treatment with joint over 1 mm was recorded in 38% of im-
implant designs.20 plants placed in keratinized tissue, ver-
Apse et al looked at peri-implant tis- sus 57% in non-keratinized.23
sues over a 4- to 9-year period. The Chung et al did research on this issue
study examined plaque, keratinized mu- and conducted a longitudinal clinical
cosa, gingival indices, probing depth, study involving 339 implants in a follow-
and the height of the abutment above up of 8 years. Implants where the zone
the peri-implant mucosa. The authors of fixed or keratinized mucosa was ab-
reported a decrease in probing depth, sent or very small, displayed statistically
from 4.27 mm in the first year to 2.51 mm significantly higher plaque accumula-
in the ninth year. Abutment height above tion and signs of inflammation and the
the peri-implant mucosa increased over mean bone loss per year was higher in
the 9-year period, indicating approxi- these compromised sites.24
mately 1.75 mm of tissue shrinkage over Another longitudinal survey with 218
9 years.21 These results are similar to patients and a follow up of 9 to 14 years
those reported previously by Adell et al showed a correlation between the ab-
(1.7 mm).22 sence of fixed keratinized mucosa
and peri-implant mucositis (defined as
Influence of presence bleeding on probing, combined with

of keratinized mucosa probing depth of more than 4 mm) that

was significant.25
As the mechanical stability of peri-
implant soft tissue is increased in Esthetic region
keratinized mucosa, this should have a
positive influence on the sealing of the All these studies involve measure-
peri-implant interface, and thus play a ments of soft tissue levels at the time of
role in maintenance of dental implants. prosthesis placement. Recession after
In a prospective study, Bengazi et placement of suprastructures may be a
al evaluated peri-implant tissues lon- problem in the esthetic region and lead
gitudinally for a 2-year period follow- to an esthetic compromise.
ing prosthesis placement. They meas- Tarnow and co-workers published a
ured plaque, mucositis, probing depth, longitudinal study, which measured the
bleeding upon probing, marginal soft soft tissue around implants following
tissue level, width of masticatory muco- second-stage surgery, to determine if a
sa, and marginal soft tissue mobility in predictable pattern of soft tissue chang-
163 implants in 41 patients. Though they es could be identified. This study evalu-
did not publish an overall mean value ated 63 implants in 11 patients. Base-
for the recession, it appeared to be ap- line measurements were recorded at
proximately 0.5 mm. All of the recession stage 2 surgery in 2-stage implant sys-

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tems, and at stage 1 surgery in 1-stage terns and tissue dimensions determined
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systems. Subsequent measurements by the biotype.
were recorded at 1 week, 1 month, 3 A problem that is commonly seen is
months, 6 months, 9 months and 1 year a missing papilla between adjacent im-
after baseline measurements. From 1 plants, especially when it comes to bone
week to 1 year, the total mean reces- augmentation prior to implant place-
sion on the midfacial (midbuccal) was ment. Tymstra et al28 published data from
greater than 1 mm (1.05 mm). Most of 10 patients with two adjacent implants
the recession occurred during the first 3 that needed a separate augmentation
months following abutment connection prior to implantation. They assessed the
surgery. For this reason, clinical proto- outcome radiographically and clinically.
cols should take into account at least They also recorded the esthetic result
1 mm of total recession. Therefore, in an with the Implant Crown Aesthetic Index
esthetically demanding area, abutment and documented the patients’ satisfac-
selection and final impressions should tion (scoring from 0–10). Although many
be performed after at least 3 months of patients were satisfied, it was difficult to
healing.26 establish an acceptable esthetic result
Grunder published 1-year results of 10 with two adjacent implant-supported
patients that had received implant borne restorations with patients who needed a
single-tooth restorations. His surgical separate augmentation procedure.
protocol employed guided bone regen- The group headed by Tarnow29 pub-
eration and soft tissue grafts. Measure- lished data of a multicenter study with 33
ments were taken at the day of crown patients that received adjacent implants.
placement, and once again 1 year later. Under local anesthesia, a sounding with
After 1 year, 7 of the 10 implants showed a standardized probe was performed in
a recession of 0.5 mm on the buccal order to measure the inter-implant pap-
side. The mean overall recession of the illary height. Mean height was 3.4 mm
10 implants amounted to 0.6 mm. At the with a range from 1 to 7 mm. The most
same time the papilla height increased frequently occurring results they found
by 0.375 mm on average. None of the 20 were 2 mm (16.9%), 3 mm (35.3%), and
papillae lost volume. The distance be- 4 mm (37.5%).
tween the contact points of the crowns A recent critical review of the litera-
and the bone level on the tooth side was ture addressed the question of whether
in all cases 5 mm or less after 1 year.27 there is evidence that the presence of
Kan and Kois stated that the peri-im- masticatory mucosa plays an important
plant soft tissue dimensions are also re- role in the longevity of implants.2 A to-
lated to the present biotype of tissue. In tal of 29 articles could be identified; in-
a study with 45 patients and 45 implants cluding animal studies, and prospective
in the anterior maxilla, they performed and retrospective clinical trials. The sur-
measurements and proved this hypoth- vival rates ranged from 90.1%–95.4%
esis.1 The outcome and stability of the after 5 years, to 82.1%–92.8% after 10
peri-implant soft tissue situation seem to years. The authors pointed out clearly
be related to the individual healing pat- that there was a significant difference

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between implant survival and implant leading role in the maintenance of dental
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success. Implant success is very much implants. The described properties are
connected to biological, functional, and imperative to yield long-term stability of
esthetic criteria, which may be individu- the soft tissue and also sustainability of
ally defined by patient and clinician de- the esthetic outcome.
mands. They concluded that the pres- Establishing a papilla between two
ence or absence of masticatory mucosa adjacent implants, especially when
seems not to have a major influence on ridge defects have to be regenerated,
the statistical survival rate of implants, is a procedure of limited predictability.
but the influence on the success rate is As the peri-implant interface always
discussed controversially in the litera- undergoes changes after abutment
ture. They stated that the presence of connection, clinical protocols – espe-
a fixed keratinized (hence masticatory) cially in the esthetic zone – should take
mucosa is a key factor for the sustain- into account at least 1 mm of midfacial
ability of an esthetic appearance and recession, but also an increase in pa-
peri-implant soft tissue stability in the pillae volume in single-tooth implant
esthetic zone. restorations. As the changes seem to
be related to the biotype of the patient,
Clinical interpretation they are not predictable. Therefore, in
an esthetically demanding area, abut-
Taking all the information of the present ment selection and final impressions
literature into account, it may be conclud- should be performed after at least 3
ed that effort has to be taken to provide months or more of healing. The use of
fixed and keratinized peri-implant soft interim restorations is recommended in
tissue, respectively the masticatory mu- the esthetic zone of thin biotypes and
cosa around dental implants. A stabile – in questionable situations to allow the
immobile – soft tissue situation seems to changes to occur, before a stabile peri-
have a positive influence on the sealing implant interface is established and the
of the peri-implant interface, playing a final restoration can be placed.

eine kritische Literaturüber- on stability of peri-implant

References sicht. Implantologie tissues: a systematic
2008;16:155–169. review. Int J Oral Maxillofac
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sions of peri-implant muco- interproximal height of bone: S, Bössmann K, Kern M.
sa: an evaluation of maxil- a guidepost to predictable In vitro evaluation of bac-
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in humans. J Periodontol tissue contours in anterior implant-abutment interface
2003;74:557–562. tooth replacement. Pract of different implant systems.
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Essay 2: Properties of the animal studies address the influence
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trans-mucosal abutment of abutment material and peri-implant
tissues.3,4 Titanium served as the gold
restorative material for the
standard most of the time, but as indi-
ideal peri-implant soft cations for implants were not anymore
tissue biologic response limited to edentulous patients and su-
and esthetic outcome prastructures became more and more
demanding, gold and ceramic abut-
The abutment represents the transmu- ments started playing a leading role and
cosal connection between the implant have now been available for many years.
and the suprastructure. It serves as the Zirconium dioxide is the latest material to
three-dimensional transition from the complete the choice of abutments and
geometric implant diameter to the ana- shows significantly less accumulation of
tomical emergence profile of the crown. bacteria in the oral cavity.5
As the diameter of the implant most of
the time is smaller than the emergence Animal studies
of the restoration, the abutment must be
progressively flared to achieve proper Abrahamson et al6 compared the reac-
morphology. Industrial components of- tion of peri-implant tissues on titanium,
ten fail in establishing an anatomical gold alloy, and aluminium oxide abut-
emergence profile. Early efforts in cre- ments and abutments individualized
ating anatomical abutments from the with dental porcelain. Thirty 2-piece
University of California employed a re- titanium implants were placed in five
fractory gold alloy base that allowed for dogs. Abutments of different materials
the manufacture of an individual abut- were placed. Histometric observations
ment made of gold.1 Current concepts showed that bone loss was 0.78 mm
involve CAD/CAM-derived zirconium around titanium abutments (control),
abutments. Computer designed and 0.80 mm around aluminum oxide abut-
generated implant abutments funda- ments, 1.80 mm around gold alloy abut-
mentally changed the earlier restorative ments, and 1.26 mm around dental por-
protocols for implant dentistry. Individual celain abutments. Clinical assessment
abutments can be ground very precise- showed marked soft tissue recession
ly2 and zirconium proved its clinical reli- around gold alloy abutments.
ability in several in vitro experiments and The same group published data in
clinical studies. 2008 of another animal study7 with six
Labrador dogs, where four Astra Tech
Peri-implant soft tissue biologic implants were connected to two titan-

response ium (Ti) abutments, plus one zirconium

(ZrO2) abutment and one abutment
Titanium, gold alloys, and zirconium or made of a gold-platinum-alloy (AuPt-
aluminium oxide ceramics are avail- alloy), 1 month after implant placement.
able for prosthetic implant abutment Three months after the first side implant
fabrication. A number of clinical and placement and subsequent abutment

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shift were repeated in the contralateral ium and zirconium healing abutments in
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side. Two months later the dogs were five patients. After a healing period of 6
sacrificed and histologically assessed. months, a histologic analysis of speci-
The histological results showed an api- mens revealed that inflammatory infil-
cal shift of the barrier epithelium and the trate was more pronounced and there
marginal bone between the second and was a higher expression of a vascular
fifth month of healing. Soft tissue dimen- endothelial growth factor (VEGF) around
sions at Ti and ZrO2 abutments remained the titanium abutments compared to zir-
stable between 2 and 5 months of heal- conium.
ing. The 80 μm-wide connective tissue
zone lateral of the gold alloy abutment Clinical studies
contained lower amounts of collagen
and fibroblasts and larger fractions of Vigolo et al11 performed a prospective
leukocytes than the corresponding zone controlled randomized 4-year study with
at Ti and ZrO2 abutments. a split-mouth design. Twenty patients
The study group headed by Strub received two implants and subsequent-
compared zirconium oxide and titanium ly two abutments, one gold alloy and
abutments: Kohal et al published a study one titanium abutment each. Following
with 12 implants made of zirconium and up after 4 years, peri-implant tissues
titanium, which were placed in six mon- showed no difference in response to the
keys. Later zirconium and titanium abut- different materials.
ments were cemented on the implants. In a clinical randomized control-
Histologic assessment found effective led multi-center study, aluminum oxide
formation of a mucosal attachment at abutments were compared to titanium
both implant materials. The results did not abutments.12 A first group of 60 patients
reveal any statistically significant differ- received 34 test aluminum oxide abut-
ences between the materials. The mean ments and 35 control titanium abutments.
height of soft peri-implant tissues was This group was observed for 1 year. Re-
5 mm around the titanium implants and sults after 1 year showed no bone loss
4.5 mm around the zirconium implants.8 around the ceramic abutments.
In 2007, Abrahamson and Cardaropoli9 The second group of patients con-
tested 1-piece implants made of gold sisted of 15 individuals who received
alloy or titanium, and their ability to de- 10 test and 10 control abutments with
velop stable peri-implant tissues. Thirty- a follow-up period of 3 years. Results
two implants were placed in four dogs. in this group showed 0.3 mm loss after
Histologic findings showed similar re- 1 year and 0.1 mm gain of bone after
sults for the vertical dimensions of the 3 years of follow-up. Regarding soft tis-
soft tissues. sue reactions, no significant differences
were found in the first and second group.
Human histological studies The same author published results
of an ongoing prospective 2-year multi-
A histological study by Degidi et al10 center study.13 Thirty-two patients re-
compared soft tissue responses to titan- ceived a total of 103 implants for the

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support of 36 partial dentures. Fifty-three the adjacent soft tissues: the “Implant
ss e n c e
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aluminum oxide ceramic and 50 titanium Crown Aesthetic Index.”18
abutments were connected. The peri-im- The restorative materials have an in-
plant soft tissue level was relatively sta- fluence on the esthetic appearance of
ble. No differences were recorded be- implant-borne restorations and differ-
tween ceramic and titanium abutments ences appear to be most striking near
regarding bleeding of the peri-implant the peri-implant soft tissue margin.19
mucosa. Marginal bone loss after 1 year Jung et al20 performed research on the
was a little higher at titanium (0.4 mm) in vitro color changes of soft tissues
than at ceramic (0.2 mm) abutments. caused by restorative materials in pig
The 5-year results of the same clinical jaws. Titanium, and zirconium with and
study were published in 2003.14 Results without dental porcelain were tested
from 30 patients and 29 fixed partial den- beneath tissues of different thickness.
tures at that time revealed the average The color changes of the tissue were
marginal bone loss around ceramic abut- analyzed with a spectrophotometer. The
ments after 1, 3, and 5 years as 0.3 mm results showed that titanium causes sig-
(0.4 mm around titanium abutments). nificant color changes, even at a tissue
There were no significant differences dimension of 3 mm, whereas zirconium
between test and control abutments re- does not affect the tissue color any more
garding bleeding on probing and plaque beyond a thickness of 2 mm. It may be
accumulation. However, the ceramic concluded that full ceramic restorations
abutments showed more frequent soft allow better esthetic results, especially
tissue recessions. in patients with thin facial soft tissues.
A study group from the Harvard Den-
Peri-implant soft tissue esthetic tal School in Boston21 evaluated differ-

outcome ent colors in order to mask the restora-

tive materials. Stripes of different colors
In the maxillary anterior area, the esthet- (white, light pink, pink, light orange, or-
ic outcome is a critical determinant in ange, violet, gold) were placed into the
the overall success of implant therapy peri-implant sulcus of 15 implant single
and yet remains a challenge. Though crowns and spectrophotometric assess-
the esthetic outcome is of major concern ment was performed. The findings in-
for patients,15 in scientific research the dicate that light pink and light orange
esthetic result is usually poorly docu- show the least color changes, hence the
mented and not included in the success best results in terms of esthetics.
criteria.16 That is the reason why indices
for the documentation of the so-called Form and design properties
white and red esthetic have been pro- of the ideal trans-mucosal
posed. Fürhauser et al recommend the
“pink esthetic score” to evaluate the soft
tissue outcome around single-tooth im- A review of 29 clinical and 22 labora-
plant crowns.17 Meijer et al developed tory studies with a mean follow-up of at
an index to judge both the crown and least 3 years assessing the perform-

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ance of abutments made of zirconium Surface roughness ss e n c e
fo r
dioxide ceramics, reported that results
were as good as those of the former Verran and Boyd (2001) have proposed
gold standard, the titanium abut- three categories of surface roughness,
ment.22 Abutments made of alumina termed as macro- (Ra ~ 10 μm), micro-
oxide however show significantly less (Ra ~ 1 μm) and nano-roughness (Ra ~
resistance towards mechanical load- 0.2 μm).25 Micro-roughness has been
ing23 and have been replaced by the suggested to be appropriate for the
zirconium abutment. intrabony/endosseous part of dental im-
Based on the scientific data regarding plants.26 In contrast, commercially avail-
biology and optical properties, Happe able Brånemark standard abutments
and Nolte proposed an individual full (Nobelpharma) have a nano-roughness
ceramic abutment design, based on a of approximately Ra = 0.2 μm .
custom-made zirconium abutment with It is generally believed that rough-
an individualized margin made of high ened surfaces influence microbial
fluorescent light orange dental porce- colonization by enhancing microbial re-
lain.24 This hybrid design provides zir- tention within surface irregularities. The
conia in the depths under the soft tissue initial adhesion of bacteria preferably
surface where good biocompatibility is starts at locations where they are shel-
needed, and the fluorescent porcelain tered against shear forces so that they
in the sulcus where the tissue is thin and find the time to change from reversible to
good optical properties are of concern. irreversible attachment. Roughening of
Besides these advantages, the dental the surface increases the area available
porcelain, in contrast to the zirconia, al- for adhesion by a factor of 2 to 3, and in
lows etching and adhesive luting of full addition rough surfaces are difficult to
ceramic restorations. clean, resulting in a rapid re-growth of
As tissue retractions amounting to the biofilm by multiplication of remaining
around 1 mm in the first year have to species, rather than by recolonization.27
been taken into account, the crown mar- The influence of the surface rough-
gin in the esthetic zone has to be placed ness has been studied with titanium
at least 1 mm subgingival. For cemented abutments in a clinical evaluation per-
restorations this may bear the risk of dif- formed by Quirynen.28 Results indicated
ficult access for the removal of cement. that a roughening of the surface (Ra =
Dental materials placed in the oral 0.8 μm) resulted in a dramatic increase
cavity usually are polished to provide a in the subgingival plaque amount of
smooth surface that is easy to clean and about 25 times more, as well as in its
hampers plaque formation. But does pathogenicity.
an ultra-polished surface contribute to Amoroso29 reported on the adherence
good soft tissue integration and what is of Porphyromonas gingivalis to titanium
known about the surface properties of surfaces of different roughness in vitro.
abutment materials? Four different roughness samples were
produced employing different protocols
like sand blasting or polishing. They were

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categorized as being “very smooth” supragingivally or subgingivally. These
ss e n c e
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(hand polished for a mirror finishing observations indicate the existence of
process: Ra = 0.035 μm), “smooth” (ma- a threshold roughness, below which no
chined polish: Ra = 0.15 μm), “rough” further impact on the bacterial adhesion
(sandblasted with glass beads: Ra = and colonization should be expected.
0.22 μm), and “very rough” (sandblasted However, clinical evaluation seems to in-
with aluminum oxide beads: 0.45 μm). dicate that a certain surface roughness
The adhesion for Porphyromonas gingi- is necessary for increased resistance to
valis was measured in vitro. The results attachment loss in that particular period.
indicated a highly significant difference The same study group31 examined
between the very smooth and other sam- the long-term effects of two different
ple groups. There were no differences abutment designs placed in six pa-
in bacterial adherence evident between tients. Each patient received a stand-
these other groups. ard machined titanium abutment (Ra
In order to examine the effect of surface = 0.21 μm, control) and a zirconium
polishing on supragingival and subgin- abutment with an ultra-polished smooth
gival bacterial colonization, Quirynen30 surface (Ra = 0.06 μm, test). After 3
conducted a clinical study with six eden- months, spirochetes and motile micro-
tulous patients who received at least four organisms were only detected subgin-
implants. Four abutments with different givally around the titanium abutments.
surface roughness, ranging from Ra = After 12 months, however, both abut-
0.05 μm (highly polished) to Ra = 0.2 μm ment types harbored equal proportions
(standard) were placed for 3 months in of spirochetes and motile microorgan-
the oral cavity and compared with each isms, both supra- and subgingivally. Mi-
other in the same subject, based on crobial culturing after 12 months failed
quantitative and qualitative microbio- to detect large inter-abutment differenc-
logic and clinical examinations. Subgin- es. Clinically, the smoothest abutments
givally, only the two roughest abutments showed a slightly higher increase in
harbored spirochetes after 1 month. probing depth between months 3 and
After 3 months, the subgingival compo- 12, and more bleeding on probing. The
sition of the flora showed little variation results confirm the findings of the pre-
on the different abutments, although viously mentioned short-term study,
spirochetes were only noticed around indicating that a further reduction of
the roughest abutment. Clinically, small surface roughness, below a “threshold
differences in probing depth were ob- Ra = 0.2 μm” has no major impact on
served. The roughest abutment showed the supra- and subgingival microbial
some attachment gain (0.2 mm) during composition. Ultra-polished abutments
3 months, whereas all other abutments made of zirconium tend to show higher
had an attachment loss ranking from 0.8 probing depths.
to greater than 1 mm. The results indi-
cate that a reduction in surface rough-
ness less than 0.2 μm had no major ef-
fect on the microbiological composition

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Fig 2-1 Mid-facial soft tissue recession and shine Fig 2-2 Free subepithelial connective soft tissue
through of the restorative materials at implant 11 graft of appropriate size harvested from the palatal.
(color difference to contralateral ΔE = 9.27 [1 mm
apical from margin]).

Fig 2-3 The graft was inserted into a pouch buc- Fig 2-4 Three months after the intervention the
cally of the implant via a small vertical access inci- increased soft tissue thickness reduces the shine
sion in order to increase the soft tissue thickness. through effect (color difference to contralateral ΔE
= 3.92 [1 mm apical from margin]).

Surface free energy The effect of substratum SFE on

supra- and subgingival plaque matura-
tion around implants was investigated
The surface free energy (SFE) of mater- by comparing 3-month-old plaque from
ials, also called wettability, is another abutments with either a high (titanium)
factor that may affect plaque formation or a low (Teflon coating) SFE.28 Low-SFE
in the oral cavity. Glantz was the first who substrata harbored a significantly less
described this phenomenon in vivo. He mature plaque supra- as well as subgin-
detected a “positive” correlation be- givally, characterized by a higher pro-
tween substratum SFE and the weight portion of cocci and a lower proportion of
of accumulated plaque after 1, 3, and 7 motile organisms and spirochetes. The
days.32 influence on plaque formation remains

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Figs 2-5 and 2-6 Two zirconia abutments in the same patient under the influence of ultraviolet light with
a wavelength of 300-400nm. Left: conventional zirconia showing no fluorescent properties. Right: dyed
zirconia with fluorescent properties.

titanium zirconia dyed e.max/mo fluores.

zirconia zirc.

Figs 2-7 and 2-8 Different samples of restorative materials. On the right side an extracted anterior tooth.
The picture below shows the optical appearance under the influence of ultraviolet light with a wavelength
between 300–400 nm.

after early plaque formation and influ- cant inter-substrata differences were ob-
enced the composition of the biofilm.27 served on the smooth regions, while the
The “relative” importance of both par- rough regions of the strips were nearly
ameters (SFE and roughness) on supra- all completely covered with plaque. Sur-
gingival plaque formation has been ex- face roughening resulted in a four-fold
amined in vivo by Quirynen et al. They increase in plaque formation for both
studied undisturbed plaque formation polymers. Surface roughness seems to
on polymer strips with low and medium predominate over SFE where bacterial
SFE, glued to a tooth surface. Each adhesion is concerned.27 Therefore sur-
strip had a smooth (Ra = 0.1 μm) and face free energy clinically plays a minor
a rough part (Ra > 2 μm). After 3 days role in abutment design.
of undisturbed plaque formation, signifi-

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Clinical interpretation could be the fact that there is less
ss e n c e
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mulation of bacteria on zirconium than
The contradictory results regarding titan- on titanium. Thus, this results in a lower
ium versus gold abutments still leave it inflammation rate of the tissue.
unclear whether titanium is biologically For implant borne restorations in the
superior to gold as an abutment material. esthetic zone the use of full ceramic com-
As the evidence from clinical trials show ponents is crucial, especially in thin bio-
no difference between the two materials types. Full ceramic components made
in terms of peri-implant bone stability, it of zirconia are mechanically superior to
can be concluded that abutments made abutments made of alumina. Regarding
of gold should not be considered as a the surface design of abutment parts
risk for crestal bone loss and soft tissue that are in touch with peri-implant tis-
recession. sues, the literature reports that a further
If titanium and ceramic abutments reduction of surface roughness, below a
are compared, the data from animal “threshold Ra = 0.2 μm” (machined pol-
studies, human histologic material, and ished) has no major impact on the supra-
clinical trials indicate similar reactions and subgingival microbial composition.
between the two materials regarding Thus an ultra-smooth (hand-polished,
peri-implant soft tissue and crestal bone mirror-finish) surface may lead to reces-
stability. However human histologic ma- sion and ultra-polished abutments made
terial shows an even better reaction of of zirconium tend to show higher prob-
human mucosa to zirconium as com- ing depths. Surface free energy clinical-
pared to titanium. The reason for this ly plays a minor role in abutment design.

References 5. Rimondini L, Cerroni L, Car- similar osseointegration: an

rassi A, Torricelli P. Bacter- animal experiment. J Peri-
1. Lewis S, Beumer J, Homburg ial colonization of zirconia odontol 2004;75:1262–1268.
W, Moy P. The “UCLA” abut- ceramic surfaces: an in 9. Abrahamson I, Cardaropoli
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Implants 1988;3:183–189. J Oral Maxillofac Implants soft tissue integration to
2. Priest G. Virtual-designed 2002;17:793–798. dental implants made of
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abutments. J Oral Maxillofac T, Glantz PO, Lindhe J. The Implants Res 2007:169–174.
Surg 2005;63:22–32. mucosal attachment at dif- 10. Degidi M, Artese L, Scar-
3. Myshin HL, Wiens JP. Fac- ferent abutments. An experi- ano A, Perrotti V, Gehrke
tors affecting soft tissue mental study in dogs. J Clin P, Piattelli A. Inflamma-
around dental implants: a Periodontol 1998;25:721–727. tory infiltrate, microvessel
review of the literature. J 7. Welander M, Abrahamson density, nitric oxide syn-
Prosthet Dent 2005;94:440– I, Berglundh T. The mucosal thase expression, vascular
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4. Linkevicius T, Apse P. Influ- of different materials. Clin Oral expression, and prolifera-
ence of abutment material Impl Res 2008;19:635–41. tive activity in peri-implant
on stability of peri-implant 8. Kohal RJ, Weng D, Bächle soft tissues around titanium
tissues: a systematic review. M, Strub JR. Loaded and zirconium oxide heal-
Int J Maxillofac Implants custom-made zirconia and ing caps. J Periodontol
2008;23:449–456. titanium implants show 2006:73–80.

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11. Vigolo P, Givani A, Majzoub Crown Aesthetic Index. 26. Bollen CML, Lamprecht
Quirynen M. Comparisonsofse nc e
Z, Cordiolo G. A 4-year
fo r
Clin Oral Implants Res
prospective study to assess 2004;16:645–649. surface roughness of oral
peri-implant hard and soft 19. Park SE, Da Silva JD, hard materials of the thresh-
tissues adjacent to titanium Weber HP, Ishikawa-Nagai old surface roughness for
versus gold-alloy abutments S. Optical phenomenon of bacterial plaque retention: a
in cemented single implants peri-implant soft tissue. Part review of the literature. Dent
crowns. J Prosthodont I. Clin Oral Implants Res Mater 1997;13:258–269.
2006;15: 250–256. 2007;18:569–574. 27. Teughels W, Van Assche N,
12. Andersson B, Taylor A, Lang 20. Jung R, Sailer I, Hämmerle Sliepen I, Quirynen M. Effect
BR et al. Alumina ceramic CF, Attin T, Schmidlin P. In of material characteristics
implant abutments used for vitro color changes of soft and/or surface topography
single-tooth replacement: tissues caused by restora- on biofilm development. Clin
a prospective 1- to 3-year tive materials. In J Peri- Oral Implants Res 2006;17
multicenter study. Int J Pros- odontics Restorative Dent (Suppl 2):68–81.
thodont 2001;14:432–438. 2007;27:251–257. 28. Quirynen M, van der Mei
13. Andersson B, Schärer P, 21. Ishikawa-Nagai S, Da Silva HC, Bollen CM et al. An in
Simion M, Bergström C. JD, Weber HP, Park SE. vivo study of the influence
Ceramic Implant abutments Optical phenomenon of of surface roughness of
used for short-span fixed peri-implant soft tissue. Part implants on the microbiol-
partial dentures: a pro- II. Preferred implant neck ogy of supra- and subgin-
spective 2-year multicenter color to improve soft tissue gival plaque. J Dent Res
study. Int J Prosthodont esthetics. Clin Oral Implants 1993;72:1304–1309.
1999;12:318–324. Res 2007;18:575–580. 29. Amoroso PF, Adams RJ,
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R, Maglione M, Taylor A. Pjetursson BW, Hämmerle Titanium surface modifica-
Ceramic implant abutments CH, Zwahlen M. A system- tion and its effect on the
for short-span FPDs: A pro- atic review of the perform- adherence of Porphyrom-
spective 5-year multi-center ance of ceramic and metal onas gingivalis: an in vitro
study. Int J Prosthodont implant abutments support- study. Clin Oral Implants
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H. Patient satisfaction and 23. Butz F, Heydecke G, Okutan J, van Steenberghe D. The
quality of single-tooth restora- M, Strub JR. Survival rate, influence of titanium abut-
tions. Clin Oral Implants Res fracture strength and failure ment surface roughness on
2003;14:119–124. mode of ceramic implant plaque accumulation and
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ginbottom F, Buser D. simulation. J Oral Rehabil vations. Int J Oral Maxillofac
Outcome analysis of implant 2005;32:838–843. Implants 1996;11:169–178.
restorations located in the 24. Happe A, Nolte A. Manage- 31. Bollen CM, Papaioanno W,
anterior maxilla: a review ment des periimplantär- Van Eldere J, Schepers E,
of the recent literature. Int restaurativen Interfaces Quirynen M, van Steen-
J Oral Maxillofac Implants durch ein biologisches und berghe D. The influence of
2004;19:30–42. biomeimetisches indi- abutment surface roughness
17. Fürhauser R, Floresu D, viduelles vollkeramisches on plaque accumulation
Benesh T, Haas R, Mailath Abutment. Poster presenta- and peri-implant mucosi-
G, Watzek G. Evalua- tion. 22. DGI-Jahrestagung, tis. Clin Oral Implants Res
tion of soft tissue around Frankfurt. 27–29 Nov 2008. 1996;7:201–211.
single-tooth implant crowns: 25. Verran J, Boyd RD. The rela- 32. Glantz PO. On wettability
the pink esthetic score. tionship between substra- and adhesiveness. Odontol
Clin Oral Implants Res tum surface roughness and Revy 1969;20:1–132.
2005;16:639–644. microbiological and organic
18. Meijer H, Stellingsma K, soiling: a review. Biofouling
Meijndert L, Raghoebar GM. 2001;17:59–71.
A new index for rating aes-
thetics of implant-supported
single crowns and adjacent
soft tissues – the Implant

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Essay 3: Biologic and namic and static loading between
ss e n c e
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ment materials. In vitro chewing simula-
mechanical principals
tions indicate that zirconium abutments
of the implant-abutment
show similar performance to metal abut-
connection ments,6 but the use of abutments made
of alumina oxide resulted in significantly
What do we really know about the
more fractures.7
effect of platform switching?
Most dental implant systems consist of Abutment disconnection
two components: the implant itself and
the transmucosal abutment. The nature According to Hermann et al2 intention-
of this interface makes it sensitive to al or unintentional disconnection of the
mechanical overloading and bacterial abutment will lead to a disruption of the
contamination. Different clinical prob- soft tissue adhesion and to increased
lems may arise in this susceptible re- post-restorative bone remodeling. Abra-
gion, like micro-movements, loosening hamson et al8 showed in 1997 that the
of abutment screws, fractures, leakage repeated abutment disconnection and
with contamination of the peri-implant reconnection as performed during the
tissues with subsequent inflammation, restorative treatment induced an api-
and crestal bone loss. cal repositioning of the soft tissues and
marginal bone resorption. In contrast, a
Mechanical loading single shift of a healing abutment and re-
placement by a final abutment proved to
The implant-abutment connection of induce no marginal bone remodeling.9
different implant systems shows differ-
ent resistance to mechanical forces de- Bacterial contamination
pending on the nature of the design of
the connection. Interestingly enough the When the prosthetic abutment is placed
actual size of the microgap itself does on the subgingival implant, contact with
not influence the amount of peri-implant the peri-implant soft tissue and bacter-
bone resorption, as long as micro-move- ial dissemination into the implant body
ment does not become an additional is nearly unavoidable. The internal
factor.1,2 compartments of the implant and the
Internal connections, like a tube-in- suprastructure components are highly
tube or conical design, seem to be su- contaminated with microbes10,11 and
perior to external connection regarding penetration of oral microorganisms
resistance to mechanical loading.3,4 Be- through gaps between these compo-
sides the connection, the material of the nents may bear the risk of soft tissue
abutment itself and the abutment screw inflammation or be responsible for the
plays a major role in the stability of the failure of peri-implantitis treatment.12
restoration.5 Survival rates after chewing These effects may be promoted by
simulation in vitro indicate that there are micro-movements at the implant–abut-
significant differences in fatigue to dy- ment connection.

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In vitro experiments with different out, that platform switching has the
ss e n c e
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abutment connections showed bacter- mechanical advantage of shifting the
ial leakage under dynamic mechanical stress concentration area away from the
loading13 and attempts to seal the con- cervical bone-implant interface towards
nection failed in vitro.14 Conical connec- the center. Thus it also has the disad-
tions are known to be more leak-proof vantage of increasing stress in the abut-
to corpuscular bodies like bacteria, but ment or abutment screw. These findings
in vitro testing under dynamic loading compare with the results of a finite ele-
indicated that these connections are un- ment analysis Rodriguez-Ciurana et al20
able to prevent endotoxin leakage over published in 2009. Platform switching
time.15 An in vivo randomized trial on the resulted in a smoother and more uniform
effect of an internal decontamination of stress distribution over the implant sur-
dental implants showed that a 1% chlor- face.
hexidine gel seemed to be an effective
method to reduce bacterial coloniza- Animal studies
tion of the implant cavity over a 6-month
period.16 Becker et al21 studied the effects of plat-
form switching, employing an implant
Platform switching system with an internal connection in
animals. In nine Beagle dogs, second
In order to increase the distance be- premolars and molars were extracted
tween the microgap and the crestal bilaterally and replaced by implants
bone, some authors proposed to use with a diameter of 5 mm. Abutments
abutments of smaller diameter than the were randomly connected with 4 mm or
implant, yielding to position the implant- 5 mm healing abutments to employ ei-
abutment interface more inwardly and ther the platform-switching or non-plat-
to expose more implant surface to the form-switching approach. At 7, 14, and
integrating tissues,17 and thus prevent 28 days, measurements were made that
crestal bone resorption and enhance showed, after 28 days of healing test
anterior esthetics in cases of adjacent and control, histologic results in terms of
implants.18 This approach is called plat- the extension of the long junctional epi-
form-switching, platform-shifting, hori- thelium and the level of the bone crest.
zontal mismatch, or horizontal displace- Weng et al22 published a split-mouth
ment in the literature. Systems like Astra study with six mongrel dogs that re-
or Ankylos primarily had this feature be- ceived two types of implants. On one
cause of their conical connection. side a TiUnite Brånemark implant with
Besides the possible biological ef- an external hex were placed, while the
fect of displacing the gap away from other side received Ankylos implants
the bone, the use of a smaller diameter with a morse taper connection. In each
abutment seems to display a different group, one implant was placed equi-
pattern of stress distribution over the im- crestally and one implant subcrestally.
plant. In a 3D finite element study Maeda After 3 months of healing the animals
et al19 analyzed this pattern and found were sacrificed and histometrically as-

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sessed. The results showed a narrow- In a second randomized-controlled
ss e n c e
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er funnel within the morse taper group 24
trial, Canullo et al evaluated the mar-
and bone-to-implant contact on the ginal bone level alterations at implants
crestal face of the shoulder only in the restored according to the platform-
subcrestal morse taper group. Unfor- switching concept. Eighty implants
tunately no restorations were placed, were divided according to the platform
so the results allow limited conclusions diameter in four groups: 3.8 mm (con-
for the clinical use of the assessed sys- trol), 4.3 mm (test group 1), 4.8 mm
tems where micro-movements play an (test group 2) and 5.5 mm (test group
important role.1 3), and randomly placed in the posterior
maxilla of 31 patients. After 3 months,
Clinical trials implants were connected to a 3.8 mm
diameter abutment and final restorations
Canullo et al23 conducted a randomized were performed. The radiographic bone
controlled double-blind clinical trial to height was assessed by two independ-
evaluate the soft tissue response to im- ent examiners. After 21 months a total
mediately placed implants using the of 69 implants were available for ana-
platform switching concept. In 22 pa- lysis. Radiographic evaluation showed
tients, 22 implants of 5.5 mm platform a mean bone loss of 0.99 mm for test
diameter were placed immediately group 1, 0.82 mm for test group 2, and
into fresh extraction sockets in maxil- 0.56 mm for test group 3. These values
lae without compromised bone tissue. were statistically and significantly lower
Eventual post-extraction bone defects compared with the control group, which
were filled using bovine bone matrix showed 1.49 mm mean bone loss. Thus
mixed with collagen. Immediately af- there was an inverse correlation between
ter insertion, implants were randomly the extent of horizontal mismatching and
divided: 11 implants were connected the amount of bone loss.
with a 3.8 mm diameter abutment (test The authors concluded that the study
group) and 11 with a 5.5 mm diameter suggests that marginal bone levels were
abutment (control group). A provisional better maintained at implants restored
crown was adapted and adjusted for according to the platform-switching
non-functional immediate positioning. concept. However the fact that implants
Two months later, definitive prosthetic of different diameter were compared, an
rehabilitation was performed. Periodon- intrapatient control was not present in
tal parameters like buccal peri-implant every patient, and a minimal distance
mucosal changes, and mesial and dis- between the implants of 2.5 mm was
tal papilla height were measured at the chosen have to be mentioned as limita-
time of implant placement, of definitive tions of the study.
prosthesis insertion and every 6 months Fickl et al conducted a clinical trial
thereafter. The mean follow-up was 25 with 36 patients that received 89 im-
months. No statistically significant differ- plants with an external hex, 75 implants
ence between the two groups in peri- were placed 1.5 mm subcrestally and re-
odontal parameters was found. stored according to a platform-switching

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concept, and 14 were placed equicre-
ss e n c e fo r
stally and restored in a non-switching
concept. Standardized radiographs
were taken at the time of restoration
(baseline) and 1 year later. The group
with the subcrestal placement showed
statistically significantly less bone loss
when compared to the non-switched
group. The author concluded that plat-
form-switching seems to limit post-re-
storative crestal bone remodeling. The
fact that intrapatient control was missing Figs 3-1 and 3-2 Conical connection with sys-
in most of the patients and two different tem immanent platform switching (picture courtesy
crestal positions of the implant shoulder of Dentsply Friadent). Perapical radiograph shows
favorable crestal bone situation 6 months after
were compared, need to be discussed
crown placement on a implant system with conical
as limitations of the study. connection with platform switching.
A randomized prospective multicenter
trial25 involved 60 partially edentulous
patients at 12 dental centers. The sub-
jects were randomly selected to receive
two different implant designs: either plat-
form-enlarged implants or control cylin- an effect on marginal bone level altera-
drical implants. A total of 360 implants tions. They compared the results of clini-
were placed. These two designs were cal studies for different implant systems,
tested with and without platform-switch- including conical connections with plat-
ing. Subcrestal placement was not eval- form switched and butt joint connec-
uated. The results indicated that cylin- tions, regarding the marginal bone level
drical implants experienced more bone and found no implant system to be su-
loss than implants with an enlarged plat- perior in marginal bone preservation.
form, even when platform-switched con- All of the clinical studies use two-
ical implants were compared with non- dimensional radiographs for examina-
platform-switched, platform-enlarged tion of the post-restorative remodeling.
implants. The authors concluded that The limitations of this method have to be
the use of implants with an enlarged discussed and taken into account when
platform can result in better preserva- drawing conclusions.
tion of crestal bone, as compared with
conventional cylindrical implants with a Clinical interpretation
diameter-reduced abutment.
This conclusion stands in contrast to The internal compartments of two-piece
the findings of a review conducted from implants are contaminated with microbes
Abrahamson and Berglundh in 2009.26 and toxins, which communicate with the
The authors addressed the question of peri-implant tissues through a microgap
whether different implant designs have between implant and abutment. The in-

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Fig 3-3 Different

radiographic findings
in radiographs re-
garding post restora-
tive bone remodeling.

tensity of this communication seems to mismatch, micro-movements, leakage

be related to the nature of the connec- and bacterial contamination, stress dis-
tion and the amount and frequency of tribution over the implant surface, and
mechanical loading. This may influence the design of the implant. Although
peri-implant bone and soft tissue. Plat- experimental studies have shown that
form switching yields to displace the conical connections and the platform-
microgap away from the bone in order to switching concept are beneficial, and
preserve peri-implant bone. This might studies in dogs have revealed positive
be a solution for the clinical problem of biological effects, it seems to be ques-
compromised papilla height at adjacent tionable that they really have a substan-
implants in the esthetic zone, due to an tial clinical benefit in the long run.
insufficient underlying crestal bone level.
Unfortunately this principal has not yet
been scientifically proven. Yet, the cur-
rent literature does not report a negative The author would like to thank the dental technicians
impact of this concept. Andreas Nolte and Dietmar Meyer (both Münster,
Germany) for their support and technical expertise.
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