Manila Bulletin, Oct. 23, 2019, Stirring Win For Nurses Nations Teachers Next PDF

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ETIII Editorial , october 23, 2019

Stirring win for nu-rses; e*S^q,b


ocToBER 23,2019

nation's teachers next

lFlFl he country's nurses in government hos- a Congress ioint resolution and a presidential ex-
I I lpitats won a stirring iictory when the ecutive order cannot overturn a law.
I Supreme Court ruled last October 8 that In the wake of the court decision, A.nak Ka-
& they are entitled to a minimum monthly lusugan partylist Rep. Michael Defensor called
salary of P3o,ooo under Republic Act 9123, the on Congres to now pass a joint resolution putting
Philippine NursingAct signed by President cloria into effect the increased nurses' pay. He pointed
M. Arroyo in 2oo2. But Congress willhive to enact out that this was how the nation's soldiers and
the funds needed to implement the law. policemen were able to have their salaries doubled
Government nurses are among the many gov- in 2oU by Congress prodded by the newly elected
ernment workers who have long been asking for President Duterte.
salary adjustments. The national orgahization of In response to claims thatthe government has
nurses, the Filipino Nurses United (FNU), said not been able raise governmgnt salaries for lack
they are among the most overworked government of funds, FNU President Eleador Velasco said that
workers, each nurse attending to 4,o patients in what the government lacks is not funding but
. some hospitals, when the ideal ratio is 1:12, The political will. When the President wanted money
current take-home pay of government nurses is for police salaries, there were funds for'it, she
Pl8,ooo to P21,ooo a month. It is even lower in pointed out. "They have the money if they want
private hospitals - P8,ooo to P12,ooo. to, but they have a thousand reasons if they don't
This is one reason so many Filipino nurses seek .
want to. "
employment abroad. In comparison, the average Now that the Supreme Court has ruled on gov-
monthly salary of a nurse in the United States is ernment nurses' salaries, it would not look good if
equivalent to P2oo,ooo. President Duterte, who went all-out for military
All these yearS; nurses have not been given the and police pay increases, would continue to leave
pay provided by RA 9U3 because congress in 2oo9 the prbblem to Congiess. He would open himsetf to
approved Joint Resolution"No. 4 authorizing the. claims that he lacks political will for nurses after
president to modify the compensation and position what he did for the uniformed services.
classification system of government employees. Then there is the problem ofteachers - a much
President Arroyo then issued Executive Order 811 bigger problem because they are many more than
" setting salary grades for all government workers policemen or nurses. The teachers may not have a
and that for government nurses was set at Grade Supreme Court decisioh behind them but, perhaps
tt-P2o,75tr, a month. more than any other group in the government
Last week, the Supreme Court, acting on a service, they deserve much better pay than they
petition filed by the Ang Nars partylist, ruled that are recelvlns now.

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