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Reported Speech
Tense Direct Speech Indirect Speech
1 Present Simple I play soccer He said that He played soccer
2 Future I will play soccer She said that she would play soccer
3 Simple Past I played soccer She said that she had played soccer
4 Present I am playing soccer She said that she was playing soccer
5 Past Continuos I was playing soccer He said that He had been playing
6 Modal Can I can play soccer She said that she could play soccer

#1 Write a sentence taken into account the tenses above (Direct Speech)
#1 Run
#5 Kiss
#3 Miss
#4 Fix
#2 Drink
#6 Eat
#3 learn
#5 Make
#1 Swim
#4 Do
#2 Have
#6 Sing

 Am: Yo estoy  Could: Podria

 Can: Poder  Had been: Haber estado (Habia estado)
 Was: Estar en pasado (Estaba)  Had: Haber en pasado ( Habia)
Reported Speech
Write the following sentences using reported speech using she and He
1. I want to go home right now ( )

2. I watched a movie at home ( )

3. I am living in the USA ( )

4. I am working in Walmart ( )

5. I bought a new house ( )

6. I will rent a boat ( )

7. I was doing my homework ( )

8. I will watch a movie ( )

9. I can speak English and French ( )

10. I am preparing a cake ( )

11. I made a cake ( )

12. I am watching a movie ( )

13. I was playing call of duty with my brother ( )

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