Fire in Laundry Room

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Coral Patula

Fire in Tumble dryer

The Incident
The Chief Engineer was alerted to a burning smell in the laundry room. When he, together with a crew
member, checked the laundry room, they found flames inside the Tumble Dryer. After raising alarm,
the fire was extinguished using a CO2 fire extinguisher.

The Consequence
The Tumble dryer is badly damaged; no fur-
ther damage occurred.

The Possible consequence

The fire could have spread in the laundry
room and in the worst case outside the laun-
dry room.

The Lessons Learned

We see a number of Near Misses reported of
Tumble Dryer Filters not being cleaned and/or
putting dirty rags etc. in the Tumble Dryer. This
time it led to a fire. It seems that telling people
over and over again that they should clean the
filter and empty pockets before putting clothes
in the machine has not prevented an incident
such as this from happening.
The tumble dryer was in good condition prior the inci-
A fire detection system is installed in the laundry room
(this is not installed on every vessel). Damaged tumble dryer to be replaced.
Laundry room mechanical ventilation leads to air flow in
the room which can fan the flames.

Clogged filter of the tumble dryer and

Instructions are posted in the laundry room for safe use a rag / glove as the source of the fire.
of the tumble dryer. (Neither should be in the Dryer)

Everybody was well aware on how to use the tumble Failing organisation. The organisation
dryer in a safe manner. has not been succesfull in preventing
this well known hazard from turning
into an incident.

Not applicable.

The fire was extinghuised. The area

Several near misses have been reported on clogged was ventilated and a fire watch
filters of tumble dryer, however always without installed untill everything had cooled
causing a fire. down.

 Appoint a single person

washthe workwear.
 Limit the use of the tumble
dryer at night time.
 Install a smoke / fire detector
in laundry room (if not
already there).
 Keep doors of laundry rooms

What actions will you take on board to prevent an accident like this from
happening on our vessel?

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